Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 09 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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v 0ICES INSIDE Godspeed, Roxy FEATURES MOTOCROSS Geboers wins U.S. 50llec M XGP at Glen Helen 6 MUSEUM The Motorcycle HeritageM useum opens in Ohio 1 8 DEPARTMENTS DIRT TRACK Parker winshis fifth IndyM ile EDITOR'SMEGAPHONE 1 0 ~ . .13 M cDowell masters 600cc National S1 15 20 35 CALENDAR 37 WANT ADS 14 LOCAL EVENTS WORKBENCH Carr takes H Mile al[ atSturgis .42 RESULTS 54 ON THE FRONT PAGE: Eric Geboers (3) leads th e way in the U.S. GP at Glen H elen in southe rn California. He's followed by Johnny O'Mara (69), Ri ck J ohnson (65) and Kees Van der Ven (8). P ho to by Ken Faugh t. America's weekly motorcycle newspaper Volume XXVII Michael Klin ge r. P ublis h er Carolin e Ge n dry, Ex ecu tive Secretary to th e Publish er Ed ito ria l Jack Mangus. A ssociate Publisher / Editor Kit Pa lmer, Associate Editor Paul Ca rr u thers. Ass oci ate Ed it or Nate Ra ub a , A ssociate Edi to r Brian Ca tterso n. A ssociat e Edi to r Ken Faught. Assistant Ed it or . Edwina Mangus, Calen da r Ed it or Graphics an d Production Ree Joh nson . Production Supervisor Mandy Lou, Production M anager Den nis Gr eene. Lab. Te ch. Stacey Guest. Grap hic Art ist Amy Harris. Grap hi c Artist Carolyn Bra n ham, Typesetter Advertising T err y Pratt. National A cco unt s Man ager Ma rk T home, W esteTTl Sa les Man ager Ro n Davidson. lVeslenl Sa les M nn nger T ho mas R. Go me r, IVestern Sa les Atanagf'r . Mark Mit chell. Eastern Accounts M anager Gr eg Mit ch ell. Eastern Sa les M ana ger C urt is Ca m p bell, Eastern Sales M anager J oan Russian. lVest f'rn Ad Coo rdinato r Carla Borden Allen. Eastern Ad Coo rdina tor Ci rcula tio n R heba Sm ith, M ana g

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