(Left) Motorcyclists flocked
to the museum opening;
many patiently waiting in
line for hours to view the
exhibits in the 7000-squarefoot facility in Westerville,
women have played as motorcyclis ts
sin ce th e turn of the cen tu ry, and
"American Motorcycli ng: Decades of
Development," wh ich presents examples of motorcycles typical of each
decade from 1900 th rough 1970. Plans
ca ll fo r ex hi bi ts to be re vised
peri odicall y.
The Motorcycle Heritage Museum,
whi ch is located at 33 Collegeview
Road in Westerville, is open to the
public free of charge from 9 a.m . to
5 p.m. weekda ys.
(Above ) Robert Forbes, son of the
late Malcolm Forbes and
president of Forbes FYI and vicepresident of Forbes, Inc., took
part in the opening ceremonies.
(Left) Bessie Stringfield
continued a 50-year span of
involvement in motorcycling at
the museum opening. She's
featured in the Women In
Motorcycling exhibit.
(Above) Willie G. Davidson
represented HarleyDavidson. (Right) AMHF
Chairman Dal Smilie
presented comedian Jay
Leno with a plaque
expressing the foundation's
appreciation of his
participation i.n the
museum opening.