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AMA 600(c N ational Championship D irtTrackSeries:Round 4 DIRTTRACK McDowell masters Sturgis Short Track ~ ~ By Dave Hoenig Photos by Flat T ra k Fotos STURGIS, SO AUG. 10 , he J ackpin e Gypsies held th e firs t o f two AMA 600cc Nation al Championship dirt trac k races du ring the 50th An nual Black Hills Rally. The Harley-Davidson/Miller Brewin g Company- spon sored races were run on the Pappy H oel Short Track, a course whi ch is normally diffi cult to pass o n, but tonight was nearly impossible. Bryan McDowell too k full advantage of that fact as he pushed h is R&R Racin g/Dave Bird/Bruce's Body Shop-spon sored Rotax to the front of the restarted main event and won his first-ever 600cc Nationa l. " I know I wasn ' t the fastest guy out there; all I kn ow is I won I" said an elated McDowell. " I've been off for two years, I can ' t believe it." McDow ell led a seven -rider freight tra in for 25 laps, pulling Rex Fisher and Ran dy Roo se a lo ng into th e winner's circle. T Time Trials Dan Ingram waved off his first attemp t, then bro ught out hi s ESP Racing Hon da and set a new hip record at 13.20 seconds. Chris Carr had been on top a t 13.28 with Kris Kiser and Rex Fisher right beh ind at 13.30. J eff Russell was fifth fastest at 13.31, but Ru ssell was on ly ente red in th e Junior Nati on al. Ro n Yam am oto ( 13.53 ), Steve Kasten (13.35), Royal Adderson (13.35), Mickey Fay (13.36) and Mike Patterson (13.4I ) rounded ou t th e top 10. Eigh ty-seven rid ers took a sho t a t makin g the 60-rider 600cc Nati on al field and/ or 24-rid er Junior National. Heats Brya n McDowell gave a preview of wha t was to take place later as he jumped in front of hea t o ne. Ingram ra n a close second wit h the top two advanci ng to the main. Dave H ebb held down th ird, and was headed to the semis . The second hea t fell to Hon da rid er Ra ndy Roose, w ho led def ending Champi on Carr all the way, leaving Carr with a row two sta rti ng positio n for the Na tional. New Expert Ia n Segedy was third. The th ird heat was the fastest of the n ight as Hawaii's Kris Kiser put h is H art Racin g Rotax on the po le for the Nat ion al. Junior rider J ai me Aguilar was a distant second over Marc Gifford. Rex Fisher 's Wood-Rotax topped heat four , as Ricky Henson passed Mike Patt erson for second. T im ' Mertens came from the sixth starting position to win heat five on hi s B-B T o ys-spon sored H arl eyDavidson. Mickey Fay worked hi s way by Speedy Kell and Ron Yam amoto for second. T he last h eat was a marathon , requiring five restarts ' and two alt er- · nates before a lap cou ld be run. Junior Steve Rasmussen led until th e last lap when Steve Kasten slid hi s Wood Rotax into first. Troy Norris also got by.. sending Rasmussen to the semi s. Semis Dave H ebb and Marc Gifford ba ttled over th e first semi, but Hebb kep t his Harl ey on th e groove' for th e win . -Mike Patterson led the second sem i over Steve Rasmussen. Mike H a le, Dal e J enn em an and Speed y Kell charged past Rasmussen , wh o would soo n drop out. Patterson kep t hi s Topeka H -D ou t fro nt wi th Hale and KeII run ning 2-3. Last Chance Q u a lifier Ma rc Gi ffo rd a nd Speed y Kell batt led o ver th e last spot in th e National , b u t Kell cou ld n ' t force Gifford into a mistake and Gifford narrowly too k the wi n. Mike Hale ran a distant thi rd over Craig Estelle and Aaron Hil l. 600cc National Rex Fishe r got the holeshot in the ma in even t with McDowell and Kiser in tow. On lap two Gi fford, Norris a nd Pa tterson fell in tum three, brin ging o ut the red flag. Ever yon e made th e rest a rt , bu t attention was directed to Chris Carr, where- work was feverish ly underway on th e rear of his Harley. "Someone hi t me fro m beh in d and brok e the brake arm pi vot . The brak e was eit her o n or off; mos t of the time it would n't work a t all," Carr said. On the second sta rt, McDowell dove into turn one in front wit h Fisher, Roose, Kiser, Carr, Merten s, In gram, Fay, Aguilar , H en son, Norris , Patt er.son and G ifford in forma tion. Kasten fell on th e front strai gh t when someo ne clipped his rear wheel. Kasten was off the track q uickl y and reentered th e race severa l lap s down . The on ly cha nges in the uppe r half of the field came when Carr slid wide in turn three, turning over fifth and sixth to Mertens an d Ingram . The race was tight wit h everyone loo k in g fo r tha t o n e m ista ke. "Whoever was there. I could hear th em bea ting on my door all the way. I just kept going, goi ng and goi ng. I got tired and kep t telli ng mysel f: ' I gotta go . I can 't slow down , I goua push.' T urn three was so ro ugh , it was wearing my butt out. All I co uld do was hold a constant li ne," said a wornout, bu t happy McDowell. " It tired me ou t a little to run his pace - more than it would have to run mi ne. If he would have mad e on e mistake, I migh t have been able to pull away. It's just not a passing track tonigh t. I ra n it u p on the o utside of him, trying to make him run in a litt le harder so I cou ld go underneath , but he never did," exp lai ned Fish er. Roo se's story was more or less th e same: " I just tried to keep my pace a nd hope one of the guy s up front wou ld mak e a m istak e. Twenty-five laps is a long ways. I was hoping one would slip off the groove, but the y never did." J u nio r National J eff Ru ssell and Mike Patterson won the two Junior heats. Rus sell rocketed Bryan McDowell held off the best in the nation to claim his first-ever 600cc National Championship dirt tra ck win at Sturgis, South Dakota's Pappy Hoel Short Track. off th e line on his Out Fron t Racing/ AI R u ssell Sport Ce nter /W estern Power Sports/Mo tion Pro / Sh oei/ SuperTrapp Honda. R ussell easily held on over Steve Rasmussen , Patterson , Ra n d y Bereman and J a im e Agui lar. "I 'rn kinda bummed out. We came ou t her e low on funds and I couldn' t ente r the 600cc Na tional. I tim ed fifth quickest. I' m sure I could have made it (in the Natio na l), T his (the Junior win) is reall y good, thou gh ," reasoned Ru ssell. Rasmussen 's second coup led with Brian T illson 's ninth locked th em in a tie for the lead in the Jun ior title chase with 75 po in ts. Pro-Am Twenty-four Pro-Am riders were on hand, and they were di vided into four h eats wi th wi n s goi ng to J .P. Simo nsen , Mike Dill on , Mike H oh and J oe Pineda. Mike Dill on j umped in front of the mai n on h is Argy le Welding &Medica l · Supply/The Sign Shop pe/ Mom & Dad Racing/ Marc Gifford Racing/ Ron Wood-sponso red Wood-Rota x, Pineda held down a sol id second. Hoh , Jeff Eklund, Sim onsen a nd J oe Rull i battled over third with Hoh coming o ut on top . ~ Results 600 TIME TRIA LS: I. Dan In gra m (13.20); 2. Ch ris Ca rr ( 13.28); 3. Kris Kiser (13.30); 4. Rex Fisher (13.30); 5. j ef! RUSM:n (13.3 1); 6. Ro n Yamamo to (13.33); 7. Steve Kasten (13.35 ); 8. Rop l Adderson (13.35); 9. Mickey Fay (13.36); 10. Patt erson ( 13.4 1); II. J am es Han (13.42); 12. Ian Segedy ( 13.42); 13. Bryan McDowell ( 13.42); 14. Dave Hebb (13.43); 15. Dan McDow ell ( 13.44); 16. Rick Hoc king (13.44): 17. Ricky Henson (13.44): 18. Ma rk Lar ive (13.45): 19. Steve Ra sm ussen (13.46); 20. Larry Pegra m (13.46 ). PRO- AM HEAT I: I. J.P. Si mo nsen (Han); 2. Bryon Lo we (Ho n); 3. David Bachm eier (H· D): 4. Mike Ca mero n (Hon) ; 5. Steve Bland (Hon ); 6. Lon n ie Pauley (Hon ). P RO-AM HEAT 2: I. Mike Dill on (W· R); 2. Je ff Ekl u nd (W-R): 3. Verdeen La ng land (W-R); 4. Cha ries Lo nema n (Hon); 5. John J ay McCl ellan d (H on ): 6. Bruce Sco u (H -D). P RO-AM HEAT 3: I. Mi ke Hoh (H · D); 2. Dan Argano (R LX); 3. Ton y Ru lli (H -D); 4. Tony Burnell (R tx): 5. J ohn Myers (Yam ); 6. Joe Juen ema nn (H on) . PRO-AM HEAT 4; I. J oe Pineda (H- D); 2. Tony McCa nhy (Han ); 3. Troy Keithl ey (Hon ); 4. Pau l L av o ie (Ha n); 5. R a nd y N ig g (Ha n); 6. Bi11 Mo n tagu e (Ha n ). P RO-AM MAIN : I. Mike Dill on (W· R); 2. J oe Pineda (H · D); 3. Mike H oh (H- D); 4. J eff Eklund (W-R); 5. J. P. Simonsen (H on ); 6. Tony Ru lli (H · D); 7. Da vid Bachmeier (H -D); 8. Bryon Lo we (Han); 9. T roy k i.hley (H o n); 10. Verdee n La ng land (WR); I I. Tony McCan hy (Ho n); 12. Dan Argan o (RIX). JR HEAT I: I. J el[ Ru• ..,]1 (R lX); 2. Steve Rasmussen (H -D); S. Steve Beanie (H· D): 4. Dal e Je n ne ma n (H -D); 5. J eff An ne n (H -D); 6. Cory Perr eau lt (W-R); 7. G reg Sims (H- D); 8. Steve Manh (W-R); 9. Dan Stanley (Rtx) : 10. Kern Lo ngcor (WR); I I. AI Eadie (H- D); 12. Steve Hyson (H a n ). JR H EAT 2: I. Mike Patt erson (H -D); 2. J aim e Asuilar (H- D); 3. Randy Bereman (H- D); 4. Bria n Tillson (W- R); 5. Ja mes H a n ( R tx ); 6. C l int Vah shohz (W· R): 7. T on y Donahue (W· R); 8. J ason Fletcher (W-R); 9. Robert Bacosa (H -D); 10. Dean Fa ulkner (H -D); II. Mike Guinn (Hon); 12. Pa u l Pol hem us ( W- R) . JR N AT ' L: I. J eff R u sse ll (R lX); 2. Steve Rasmussen (H -D): 3. Mike Pa tterson (H · D); 4. Randy Berema n (H- D): 5. J aime Agu ilar (H -D); 6. Dale j en neman (H- D): 7. Clint Vahs holtz (W· R); 8. J ell Annen (H ·D) : 9. Bria n T ill son (W· R ); 10. J ames Har t (R tx); 1I. Steve Beat tie (H -D); 12. Co ry Perr eau lt (W· R ). 600 HEAT I: I. Brian McDowell (R rx): 2. Dan Ingra m (Han); 3. Dave H ebb (H· D); 4. Brian TiUso n (W-R ): 5. Aaron Hill (H · D); 6. T erry Poovey (H· D); 7. Don Wi lson (H ·D); 8. Mike McDo nnell (H 0 ); 9. Will ie McCoy (H- O); 10. Brian Anderson (R tx). 600 HEAT 2: I. Ran d y Roo se (H -D); 2. Chris Carr (H -D); 3. Ian Segedy \H- D); 4. Ra nd y Bereman (H D); 5. Dan McDonne I (H ·D ): 6. T om T roudt (WR ); 7. J ason Fle tch er (R IX); 8. Shaun Larki n (H D); 9. Steve Manh (W-R); 10. Dan Stan ley (Rtx). 600 HEAT 3: I. Kris Kiser (Rtx); 2. J a ime Agu ilar (H -D); 3. Mar c G if!ord (H ·D); 4. Kit Farley (W-R); 5. lames Har t (R .x); 6. T on y Donahue (W-R); 7. Jel Dietl (H ·D); 8. Ri ck Hockin g (R.x): 9. Larry O 'Con nor ; 10. Cory Brink (Rrx] . 600 HEAT 4: I. Rex Fisher (W-R); 2. Ricky Henson (Han ); 3. Mike Patterson (H· D); 4. Mike Ha le (WR); 5. Cory Perreaul t (W-R); 6. Steve H yson (Han); 7. Mik e Reid (Rtx): 8. Sco u Stump (H -D); 9. Pau l Pol hemus (W-R); 10. Rod Reyn olds (Han ). 600 HEAT 5: I. T im Mertens (H · D); 2. Mickey Fay (H- D); 3. Speedy Kell (H· D); 4. Ro n Yamamoto (Hon ); 5. Clint Vahsho hz (W· R ); 6. Jell An nen (H D); 7. Davey Durelle (W-R); 8. Mark Larive (H- D); 9. Dean Fa ul kner (H -D); 10. Mike Gu inn (Han). 600 HEAT 6: I. Steve Kasten (W-R): 2. T roy No rri s (W-R); 3. SIeve Ra smussen (H -D); 4. Dal e j enneman (H -D); 5. Cra ig Estelle (H -D ); 6. Mike Inderbitzirr (Han); 7. t.arry Pegram (W-R); 8. Steve Beat tie (H D); 9. Bob McDonnell (H· D); 10. Raben Barn sa (H D ). 600 SEMI): I. Dave Hebb (H· D); 2. Mar c G ilford (H -D); 3. Ian ~y (H -D); 4. Dan McDonnell (HD); 5. Aaron H ill (H · D); 6. J am es H art (Rtx ); 7. Kit Far ley (W-R); 8. Ra nd y Berema n (H -D); 9. T om Troudt (W-R): 10. T ony Donahue (W-R): I I. T erry Poo vey (H · D): 12. Brian T illson (W-R). 600 SEMI 2: I. Mi ke Patterson (H -D); 2. Mike Hale (W· R); 3. Speedy Kell (H -D); 4. Cra ig Estel le (HD): 5. Cli nt Vahsh o ltz (W-R); 6. Dal e j enn ema n (HD): 7. Jelf An nen (H· D); 8. Ron Yamamoto (Han ): 9. S teve H yson (Han); 10. Co ry Perreault (W- R); II. Mik e Inderbitzin (Ho n) ; 12. Sieve Rasmussen (H D ). 600 LCQ: I. Mar c Gi fford (H-D): 2. Speed y Kell (H -D); 3. Mike Hal e (W· R); 4. Cra ig Estel le (H- D); 5. Aaro n Hill (H -D): 6. Dan McDonnell (H· D); 7. J am es Hart (RlX): 8. Clint Vahs ho lll (W· R); 9. Ian Seged y (H· D): 10. Dale J enneman (H · D). 600 NAT'l.: I. Bryan McDowell (Rtx); 2. Rex Fisher (W-R); 3. Ran dy Roo se (H · D): 4. Kris Kiser (R IX); 5. T im Mertens (H -D); 6. Dan In gr am (Hon); 7. Ch ris Ca rr (H- D); 8. Mickey Fa y (H- D): 9. Troy Norri. (W· R ); 10. Mar c G illord (H -D); 11. Dave H ebb (H- D); 12. J aime Agu ilar (H -D); 13. Ricky Henson (H o n); 14. Mike Pa tterson (H· D): 15. Steve Kasten (W· R). 15