Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 09 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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gang busters and conti nued to stre tch his lead righ t to the end. Dietz a nd He nso n battled for several laps with H enson finall y getti ng the adva ntage. T he order remained the same , fig ht to the finis h where it read: Yama mo to, Henson. Dietz. Reynolds. Adderso n, Kop p and Li berty. In the 750cc class, Yamamoto also went wire-to -wire. bu t no t without spe nding half the race tryi ng to sha ke loo se Rick H ockin g aboard a Harley-Davidson . Hocking finall y dropped back wit h bike problems while b Yama moto went ou t to about an 80-yard lead. By the end of the race. Yamamoto was lap ping back markers. " , , } 50: I. Scooter V('m on (h j); 2. Kal i Ash (h j); .5.Jacob Cu rrey ~ Ya m ); 4. Kyle Ragsdale (Yam). H 60: I. Christian Verno n (Kaw ); 2. JoM1lL3 Curr ey (Ho n); 3. Ji.mmy Ragsda le (Kaw ). 80: 1. Christian Vernon (Kaw); 2. J a Curr~ (Hon). \ 250 AM: I. Mark Brancheau (Han); 2. Bill Sugden (Yam ); t ~. Bob Roth (Ho n): 4. T~VOl She rma n (Ha n). -b ' 30+; 1. Arn~ Wick (R lX); 2. Thomas upo (Vam ); .5 Alchie . -Tribe r (Ya m); 4. Darell Tribe r (Yam ). 40+: I. Ca ry Hire (II- D); 2. Archie Trlber (Yam); 3. Darrell Triber (Yam ): 4. Duan e Sandin (T n); 5. Dick Leroy (RlX). 500 DTX: I. Thomas Lepo (Ya m); 2. Darrell T rillo- (Ya m). ft)""SOO AM: 1. Gu y Morden (Rex): 2. Ja y O sborne (Yam ); ~. M Cooper ( Yam) . OPEN AMP: l. Ryan Anderson (H on); 2. Scott Mcpherson n~Hon); 3. Arch ie T ribn (Yam ); 4. Paul Lavoie (H on); 5. Jason l Ridlo n (Hon). 250 PR O: 1. Ryan Anderson (H e n) : 2. Kn'in w akef ield (Ho n); 3. Travis Babcock (H on). 500 PR O -AM: I. Tom Sherman (H on ); 2. Pat Munyon f (Hon ); 3. Bryon Low e (H on ); 4. WiI1y H al bert (H on). 1;.0 600 PR O: 1. Ron Yama moto (Roc); 2. Rick Henson' J r. 'l'1 (Hon); 3. J efr Dietz (Rtx); 4. Rod Reynol ds (H o n); 5. Royal , Adderso n (R IX) . t't :-:t750 PR O: l. Ron Yama moto (H- D): 2. Rick H ockin g (H D); 3. Mark G ibson (Tri); 4. Gary H ite (H -D); 5. Lawrence Welsh (T ri ). td Reed romps atOhio State Fair SX - By Susan Willian . COLUMBU S,OH. AUG. 3-4 The 2nd Annual Ohio State Fair Motocross Cham pionsh ip , pro mo ted by Ohio's District ':" II. was held on a Drew Wolfe·designed , supercr oss-style tra ck. a nd Fr ida y n ight' s raci ng saw a battle of the Pros as Suzu kibacked J eromy Buehl , David H and and Chuck Reed tangled. In th e 250cc A class, Reed was the early ,,, leader in moto one foll owed by Buehl and 1, Hand. However . Reed sta lled, puttin g Buehl ~in cha rge as Hand also go t by. Reed closed .. the ga p to Hand as a race developed for second. The pair got together. but fortunately neither I~ wen t down . Reed tried to pass on th e in side and was successful in hi s attempt. Meanwhile, . Buehl got into trouble in the whoop section . bu t held on to first. Buehl secured the win a llowed by Reed and H and. Reed again was the first rid er off th e gate in mota two with Buehl foll owing and Hand fifth. Buehl tried to get by Reed through the whoops. but Reed held the lead . The whi te flag saw Reed lose hi s lead to Buehl. Reed ·th en faltered again as Buehl was on the gas. Reed regrouped to pas s Buehl. Buehl attemp ted to catch Reed. but tim e ra n out as Reed claimed first and the overa ll win . Bue hl remai ned second for second overall whil e t Ha nd fin ished third in the mota for third overall. Scotty Wa tkin s was the early leader in the ~~ IfScc A class with Buehl in ~nd. Buehl took charge on lap one as Reed. 1Il the back of the pa ck. moved th rough the riders to clo se I n on Hand. who was holding on to third. Reed (W passed H and as they rode handlebar-tonl ha ndleba r in the air. Watkin s went do wn to ~w drop to fifth . Buehl had a comforta ble ride ~oJ the remainder of the mot a to earn first while Reed fin ished second and H and third. z '" The second mota saw Reed. Buehl a nd Mike .Blair down on the star t, givi ng Hand the ( . opport uni ty to tak e to the fro nt of the pack. Buehl needed a t least a second to take the overa ll win . Bueh l. back underway. cou ld only work h is way to third before the checkered flag as Hand chalked up the win and the overall and Buehl fin ished the night with ano the r second overall. Rain during Saturday eveni ng's program pos tpo ned the second set of motos so the overa ll finish was based on the first-moto --resu lts which earned Jam es Eickel a pair o£ overall win s in the 125 and 250cc A classes . Results .. . FRIDAY • . 250 A: I. O1uck Reo:! (Raw) ; 2. Jerom y Buehl (Suz); 3. David H a nd (Han); 4. Mi"'e Blair (KT M); 5. Ma rk Weaver " (SUI). • 125 A; I. David H and (Hon): 2. Jeromy Bu~hl (Suz); 3. Mark Weaver (Suz); 4. Jay Polin g (Hon); 5. Mike Blair (KTM ). 50+: 1. Krv in Oark (Kaw); 2. Ha yes Blan ("( (SUI); 3. J ohn Wink le (Suz); 4. Tnry Sheets (Yam) ; 5. J .T. F~arn (Hon). MINI SR: L Ray Deni g (Kaw); 2. Slew Cross (Sw); 3. Jason Siewart (Kaw); 4. Patrick McPherson (Ya m ); 5. BDd Rilchi~ (Suz). 25+: I. Ri chard Robinson (Hon); 2. Ken Fish er (Kaw); 3. 8 i11 Ri pper (Hon). 125 B: I. Otuck Dra ke (Kaw); 2. Darcy Walther (H on ); 3. Vinttnt Dd'dic~ (H on ); 4. JU' lin Phd ps (Suz); 5. Tim Baker (Hon). AUTO: 1. Scottie Ritchie (h j); 2. Shawn MiII~r (Yam); 3. Da vid Wh ilCrart (Yam ); 4. Mich ael Massey (Yam ); 5. Andy Willa rd (Yam). 60: l. Ch ris ~ (Kaw); 2. Josh ua Long (Kaw); 3. J~remy Brown (Kaw); 4. Sha un Kuch ler (Kaw); 5. Scott Kuchl er (Ka w ). 125 SCH BY: l. T omlllY~llier (Suz); 2. Mike Baker (Kaw); 3. Steve Cro.w; (Kaw); 4. Thad Man ki n (Ya m); 5. Jason Stewa rt (Kaw). MIN I JR: I. Chris Berry (Yam); 2. Scott Ruseell (Yam); 3. Wesley Boyd (Suz). 250 C: I. Km Thom as (Han); 2. Kevin Schn eide r (Hon); 3. Mati Robi nson (Hon ); 1. Trent Co ne (Hon): 5. Cra ig wiltiams (Kaw). 125 C: I. Kris Ross (Han); 2. Mall F etm an (SU1. ; 3. T had .a ) Mankin (Yam ); 1. Kevin Wad:ow rlh (Cag ); 5. Adam Jo .hmon o (H a n ). . SATURDAY SCH BY: I. T om m y Co llie r (SUL); 2. Len n y Sau er (H on); 3. Mike Baker (Raw); 1. Steve Cross (Su.d; 5. Matt Lim in g (Kaw). H /W A: 1. James Eickel (Ya m ); 2. David Hand (Hon j: 3. Mike Blai r (KT M); 4. Bryan Moose (Kaw); 5. Roy Randl ett (SUI ). VET 30+: l. Jnr Miller (AT K): 2. vincen t Lo yol a (Ho n); 3. Rodney Frecker (Hon); 4. Hayes Blaney (SUI). 125 B; I. Ch uck Dra ke' (Kaw); 2. J ustin Phelps (Suz); 3. Todd Zimmerman (Kaw); 4. Bill Burba (Ho n). LIW A: 1. James Eickel (Yam ); 2. David Hand (Ho n): 3. IRan Raker (Hon): 1. Ja y Polin g (Ho n): 5. Malk w eave r (SUI). 230 B: I. Cra ig' Bill ingsley (Suz); 2. Mikt' Ru~1I (SUl): 3. Don Lewis (Kaw); 1. Nick Troutman (H on); 5. Do ug Barker (SUl). MIN I SR: I. J 3l>On Stewart (Kaw); 2. Sieve Cro ss (Ka w ): 3. Ro bbie Sturgell (Kaw); 4. Patrick McPh erson (Ya m ); 5. Ray Oenig (Ka w ). 125 C: 1. Mik~ Huntley (Yam ); 2. Adam Johnson (Ha n); 3. Chris Baber (Hon ); 4. Joseph Lawson (H on); 5. Mike Foust (Ya m ). 65: 1. Otris 8t'rry (Kaw ); 2. Joshua Lo ng (Kaw ); 3. 8enjam en Grav es (Kaw); 4. Jerem y Brown (Raw); 5. Scott Kuchd r (Kaw). OPEN: I . Frank Bauer (Kaw); 2. Ken Fisher (Kaw); 3. Chris Phillips (H a n): 1. T im Kuchl er (H a n). MINI JR: 1. Jason Frecker (Ya m); 2. Chris Berry (Yam); 3. Wesley Boyd (Suz); 4. Sco tt Ru ssell (Ya m ). AUTO: 1. Scott Ritc hie (I tj); 2. Michael Massey (Yam ); 3. Ri chi e Rob in son (Yam) ; 4. Correy welsh (hi) ; 5. Phil1ip Becht el (Ya m). 250 C: l. Eric Klein (Kaw); 2. Mar k Booker (Ya m ); 3. Ken Thomas (Hon ); 4. Kevin Schneid er (Hon); 5. Kevin Wadsw orth (Cag ). Rasmussen sails atPerris Night MX By Tony Alessi PERRIS, CA, AUG. II Pro Design-backed $ ten Rasmu ssen rode a pair of smooth motos to come ou t on top of the l25cc Beginner class du ring the GFI Super Saturday Nigh t Motocross a t Perris Ra ceway. Since a heavy thunderstorm tha t bl ew 1Il and was go ne before the first race began. the goi ng was a bit muddy at the sta rt of the first l25cc Beginner mota. Ran cho Cycle rider J osh Ryen led the first lap bu t was surprised by Rasmussen on the second lap when he passed Ryen in the deep mud. Rasmussen led [or the next four laps before Ryen repa ssed for good. D.]. Radcliff stared near last and was glued to the back of Rasmussen in third a t the checkers. Ra smu ssen gra bbed the lead at the star t of the second mo ta and never looked back. Ryen go t stuc k in the ga te and sta rted a tremendou s charge from last all the way to the second spo t. Ryen took the advantage of near-pe rfect track conditions. utilizing the five or six different lines available on most of the track. but h is cha rge came to a screechi ng halt on the sixth lap after coming up sho rt on the sta rt li ne double jump. Radcliff fin ished second in front of J am ie Young and Paul Cla vin . Robert Li ttle scored four mota victories en ro ute to win s in the 250cc an d 25-29 Novice clas ses. Li ttle rod e smart and smooth . defeating a tough T on y Rodrigu ez in the 250cc divisio n and Je ff Young and Ben Barn hart in the 25-29 class. Results FIRST TIMERS: 1. Daniel Legg (Yam); 2. Ryan Picar d (Yam ); 3. O1rinopher Lightfoo t (SUl). SOSTK 0 ·1: L job nee Fau lk ner (Yam ); 2. EricWood(Yam ): 3. Oabriel Estrada: 1. Heather Mathews (Yam) ; 5. Derek Dow ney (Yam ). 50 STK 0- 2: l. Emitt Kling (h j); 2. Christopher Tocco (Ya m ): 3. Brand on Morgan (Yam); 4. John a then Sh imp (Yam ); 5. J~{(rey Smith (Yam) . 50 MO D: 1. Brandon Morgan (Ya m ); 2. Chris T occo (Yam ); 3. Eric Wood (Ya m ); 4. Jeffrey Smith (Ya m): 5. Ben Stuetke (h i) . 60: 1. Pa tric k Ryley (Kaw); 2. Johnathen Schmidt (Kaw ): 3. Brian Morga n (Kaw ); 1. Jeremy Wa lters (Raw ): 5. Bobby Bealipre (Kaw ). 80 BEG: I. Ganh Mila n (Kaw); 2. Daniel Estrada (SUI); 3. Jo hn Conrad (Yam); 1. Michael Michelson (Suz): 5. Stephen Cox (Suz). 80 NOV : l. David Hicks (Ka w) ; 2. D.J . Radcl iff [Hon ]: 3. Aaro n Altam ira no (Suz); 4. Nick Banagalia (Suz): 5. Nathan Pen ry (Kaw). 125 BEG D-I : 1. Kri, Ha wk (H on); 2. D.R.. McCa in (Hon); 3. Bran don Clark (Yam); 4. Steve Christian o (Suz); 5. Wa yne H umer (Hon). 125 BEG 0 -2: 1. Sten Ras musse n (Kaw); 2. D.]. Radcliff (Hon): 5. Ja mie Young (Yam): 4. Dem Shaw (H on ); 5. Pa ul Clavin (Kaw). 125 NO V: 1. Bobby Hubard (Suz); 2. Ch ris H oll an d (Hon ); 3. Grey Gri elhaln (Kaw); 4. Jam es Mackay (Raw); 5. Guy Brattaglia (Suz). 125INT: I . Fredd ie Vill a ~ (SUI): 2. Randy Da nylo (Raw ): 3. Dirk Pa tao (Kaw); 1. Cra ig Monty (Kaw); 5. Dmnis 8ri U' (Hon). 125 PR O: I. Scali Bri" ol (Kaw); 2. Skip Godina (SUl). 2SO BEG: I. Ernie Garcia (SUI); 2. Craig Wilkin son (Hon) ; ~oc;::.~~ ~i:.~n(WcJfuz); 1. D-.tnit>l McClimock (Yam ); 5. 250 NO V: I. RoJxorl Li llie (H a n); 2. Tonrod Rod riq uez (Yam): 3. Ga ry G idd ings (Kaw); 4. Bm Barnhart (Ya m): 5. Jo hn Brnnett (Hon). 230 tNT: I. Tony Seckman (H on); 2. Tony Spear t Yam )j 3. Lore n Pochirow, ki (H on). 500 BEG : I. Wolo n Reid (Kaw); 2. L.m« Mnsner (Ho n ). 500 NO V: I. Ra ndy Paulin (Hon). 500 PR O: I. Scan Mc Kt'y (AT K). 25-29 BEG: I. Mall Ndso n (S Ul); 2. Weston Reid (Raw) ; 3. Davt> Ivory (Hon); 1. Tom Ru fu i\ (Yam ); 5. Mike Brown (H us). 25-29 NOV : I. RCJbe.rt Li ttle (H on): 2. Jdr Young (H on); 3. Ron Wiliam (Kaw); 4. Ben Barnhart (Yam); 5. Sca li 8ergn (Ya m). 25-29 INT : I. Lor en Pochirow ski (Hon ); 2. J im He nn (Ya m ); 3. Rob Engd (Hon); 1. Ken Wilson (H on). VET NO V: 1. Matt Nelson (Suz); 2. Bill H an da l (Raw) ; 3. Gtt'g Pagan (Hon); 1. T im Willia m, (Kaw). VET INT : 1. Slevt> Wisema n (Ka w); 2. Jerry Hen~l y (Raw) ; 3. Larry Nan nt>nga (Ho n); 4. Braf Bit>ln: (ATK ); 5. Keith Fiearin g (ATK). OT : I. W.G . Wil50fl (Suz); 2. Sttw Jt>nn ings (AT K); 3. Jo hn Ahamiran (Ya m); 4. Richa rd S I~u l ke (AT K). Steve Wiseman (41) rode his Kawasaki to the overall win in the Vet Intermediate class at Perris Raceway's Super Saturday N ight MX. Walker strikes atDallas Ricker MX By Barbara Williams GREENEVILLE. TN, AUG. II Kevin Walker hand led the Dall as Ricker su pe rc ross-s tyle n igh t. co urse with ease, sho wi ng no signs of the severe ar m in jury he sustained several mo nths ago as he n ew to victory in the 125cc A class. When the ga te un leashed the seven riders for mota on e. Chad Lough held the point position throug h turn one, with Wa lker breathing down hi s neck and Larry Andrews close behi nd. While negotiating turn two. Walker assumed the lead . carving throug h the glo p left over in sectio ns o£ the trac k fro m the downpour of the n ight before. Walk er stre tched out his lead over Lough, who held the secon d spo t for the rest of the mota a nd whose on ly challenge came from Billy Cox . Cox made good on a pass a nd p ut La rry Andrews in to fourth, where he remained, ahea d of Jeff Shuler. brother Mike Andrews an d Jef £Ray. . Wal ker and Lo ugh sqa bb led over th e holeshot in the second mota, with Walke r coming ou t on top. The two of them then proceeded to pu ll away from the rest of th e pack. leavin!: the Andrews brothers to du ke II out for th ud. Mike came up fro m a fifthplace sta rt. dispatch in g Bill y Cox by the end of lap one and drawing a bead on brother Larry, catchi ng h im on the penult imate lap. Shu ler fin ish ed fifth a fter a scuffle wit h Cox. Mike .Andrews came ou t o£ the ch ute first in the firs t 250cc A mota . and yielded hi s spot on ly to Wal ker while denyin g Co x any opportunity to pass . ' Dwain Miller got the j ump on everyo ne in the second contest only to slide out in the first turn. Mike Andrews was there to take the lead with Lo ug h on h is fend er and Walk er in third. Walker fad ed early, wh ile Lo ugh zinged past Andrews and main tained hi s lead for the rest of the race. Mike Andrews no tched another second giving hi m the low score for the overall win . . Results P/ W: I. Ryan Ca lho un (Hon); 2. Malt Blevins (SUI); 3. Ch ris Carter (Suz). JR MIN I: I. J amey Crowder (Kaw ); 2. Spenttr Hite (Suz): 3. John Ca lhoun (Raw); 4. Jdfrt')' Wi l1iam, (Raw); 5. Mikt' Hen i ley (H on ). SR MINI : I. J immy BriW (Suz); 2. Sha wn Hen sley (H on); 3. S~ncer Hile (SUl); 1. Curt &-115 (Sw); 5, Ja mie Taylor (Yam) . SCH BY: 1. Ji m m y Brigg$ (Suz); 2. Jerr Coc hran (Kaw ); 3. 8 rt>nt Lough (Han ). 125 A: I. Kevm Walker (Ya m) ; 2. Cha d Lo ug h (H on): 3. Larry Andrews (Suz); ... Mike A n~ws (Suz); 5. BiI1y Cox (Suzl. 125 B: 1. Tony Sm ith (Hon). 125 C: 1. Johnny Cox (Sw); 2. Greg N~lson (SUI); 3. Ch ris Clark (Hon); 4. Cory Ward (Yam ); 5. Lalic Belcher . 250 A: 1. Mike An~ws (Sw); 2. Billy Cox (Suz); 3. Chad Lough (Hon): 1. Edd ie Addai r (Su z): 5. Kevin Wa lker (Ya m ). 250 B: 1. Ja mes Hay t'S II (Hon); 2. Edward Santuk (Hon ). 250 C: I. Da rre ll Bailey (H a n ): 2. Gtt'g Nelso n (H on) ; 5. Ricky Fran klin (Hon ); 4. Rich ard Hefn er (Ha n); 5. Iknn is Scal£ (Kaw). . O PEN : I. Gary Osborne (H a n ); 2. Many H illman (Kaw ); 3. Andy Grttne (H on): 4. Scon Bond (Han); 5. Mike Phi llippe ( Ka w) . U!l.. AM: l. Jay Ha yn (H a n ); 2. Cory Ward (Ya m ); .!. Brian Archer (Hon); 4. Ran dy Castle (Xaw); 5. Ch ris Usay ( Ka w). ENDR; I. Keith H~nsl~y (Suz); 2. DIad Mullins (Yam): 3. Stcvt> Alison (Kaw); 4. Don Vena ble (KTM ); 5. Mark Savery (S ut). NON-CU R R: 1. Darre ll Stellard (Hon); 2. Rwsell Bradley (Yam ): 3. Ryan McCann (Raw); 4. Brian Shaw (Ya m ); 5. David Vines (H on). 25+ A: 1. Mike Andrews (Suz); 2. Larrv Harrison (SUL); 3. Danny Shell (H on) ; 4. Clay Miller (Ho n); 5. Tim Jenn in gs (Ka w) . 25+ B: I. Edward Santuk (Hon ); 2. Ricky Franklin (H on): 3: Dennis Scal£ (Kaw ); 1, Eddie Middl eton (Yam); 5. Oella Greene (H on ). SR A: 1. Larry H arri son (Suz). SR B: I. Gary Osborne (Ha n); 2. Craig Car ly (Yam); 3. Richa rd H ein er (Hon ):4. Cla y Crowder (Yam );5. Alvin T ester (S" l). SIS R , I. Dou g R_ (50'). . 4-STRK: I. Kei th H ensley (Su z); 2. Mar k Bcwerv (Suz); 3. Richard Shipley (Suz); 4. David vi nes (Ha n ); 5. Ph illi p ~ (SUI ) . Veeder vaults to victory at Square Deal Short Track By Tom Blachek HARPURSVILLE, NY, AUG. II Dua ne Veeder clai med his firs t victory of the seaso n in the Open Expe rt class a t Square Deal Riders Raceway on Saturday n igh t. . Jay Skidmore led Bill Newki rk , Veeder. Bob Weiss a nd the rest of the l -l-rider field on the first lap. Lap two saw Veeder move to secon d with Newk irk dro pping to the third position. On la p three. Weiss moved into third, push ing Newki rk back to fourth. Veeder and Weiss passed Skidmore on lap five. Veeder and Weiss hooked up in a two-ri der du el th a t left Skid more and Newki rk far behi nd. Weiss led the next three laps, but Veeder was never mo re than a bike length away. On the final lap, Veeder go t a good dri ve off the cushion III turn fou r to n ip Weiss at the fin ish line. Weiss. a Pro-Am ri der. later sta ted that Veeder. a lon gt ime Expe rt- Pro. had out-foxed him. Weiss got off to a good start in th e 250cc Expert class as he led the first th ree laps. Weiss was ridi ng as low in the turns as pos sible, loo kin g for tra ctio n on the dam p. slick track. On lap four. Kenny Coolbeth wen t up to the cushion in tu rn four an d po wered by Weiss. Coo lbeth went on to win the eig ht-lap event with Weiss holding Veeder off to finish second. Weiss did get a win this evening as he held off Bob Ceue and Will Adams in the Sports. man class. . In the 250cc Amateur class. Dave Gamble grabbed the holesh ot a nd led throu gh lap one . On lap two. Scott Snyder, with Josep h Meier in tow. blew by Gamble. On lap five. Norman Laviolette pushed past Meier a nd Snyder to move into the lead. La p six saw Meier move in to second an d bega n to bat tle Laviolette. Meier sho t past La violette on the final lap to take the win. La vio lette settled for the runner·up spot wit h Snyder fin ishing third and Gam ble taki ng the fourth position. Resul ts Y-ZINGE R (SO): I. ROK" Ha yden (Yam); 2. TIwmasKeeley III (Ya m) ; 3. Cam Rafferty (Yam); 1. Sean Heat h (Yam ). 60: I. Jen ny H..yden (Ka w); 2. Aaro n Cre-amer (Kaw): 3. Ma tth ew Murra y (Raw). . MINI : I. A. Paul Lynch (Hon ); 2. N icky Ha yden (Yam) ; 3. Mar k Go ur lay (Kaw); 1. Jen ny H ayden (Ya m ); 5. Morga n Coolbeth (Ka w ). . 125 AM: I. Stan Ni lliskie (Hon); 2. Dona ld MeGi" (Hon); 3. A. Paul Lynch (Ha n ); 1. Ja50ll Fu ller (Ya m ); 5. Dart>k Whitecotton (Han). 250 AM; I. Josep h Mt>ier (H on ); 2. Nor man La vio lt>lte (Kaw); 3. Scou Snyckr (Ya m); 4. D-dvid Ga mble (Han); 5. MOTgan Coo lbeth (Kaw). , OPEN AM: I . Joseph Meier (R lx); 2. Jod Nabinger(Yam); 3. Justin Coolbeth (R lX); 4. Kt>ith Chandler (Yam) ; 5. JOliCph Gould (Hon). SR B: 1. Douglas Len t (W-R ); 2. JOlit'p~ Gou ld (Hon); 3. Scot t Snyder (Yam) ; 4. David Gamble (Hon): 5. William Warfo rd (Ya m ).

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