Win ner Ron Yam am oto (97) leads Je ff Dietz (75J) and Ro yal Adderson (28) during
a 600cc Pro race at Washington's Kootenai Count y Fairgrounds Half Mil e.
th e rest of th e clas s with each la p a nd tak e
ho me the big trophy for th e day .
One of th e most im pressive rides of th e day
was by 80cc Amateur Tomm y Smi th. Smith
was o n th e gate for a staggered starr with th e
80cc Exper t class riders o ut first. Smi th too k
the holesh ot o n th e second wave a nd began
hi s cruise, whi ch qu ickl y took hi m to th e back
of th e Expert pack. He bega n pi ck in g o ff riders
in th is class and rode u p to finis h behind th e
third pl ace Expert class rid er. Smith repeated
th e performance for th e seco nd rnot o,
R esuh..
50: I. Adam Burris; 2. 0trU
B r~uch;
3. Brad Albnt; 1.
~l U3.lrr; 5.~ ,. R i l~ .
60 NOV : 1. Soon M~ ( ~ w ); 2. Kri~ HnnnNn l Kaw):
3. M.. u Wh iltnilnh ( Ka w); 4. Sha M' ~grum ( Kaw): 5. ~m
BurrU ( ~ w )..
60 AM: I. 0uU au:w (Kitw); 2. Travis Ril~ (Ka w) ; 3.
( K.lw); -t. Robby Filch ( Ka w); S. Scuu Burr is
JOM' EUingn
( law) .
80 NO V; I. ~ k. Ralkw (Llw); 2. Ty ler Ca llkt..te (Kaw):
3. Troy Klin k (Hon); 4. N,ur Ubuck (Kaw): 5. David Cu n icc
( Ka w) .
80 AM: 1. Tom Smi th (; 2. Bran don Bidwdl (Kaw );
3. John Morgan (Ka w); 1. ~d Sangn (Liw): 5. Kyl(' Brin
(Kaw ).
80 EX; 1. Sha wn Mor gan ( Ka w ): 2. Janny Hin rid u (Suz);
3. O int Brin (Ka w) ; 4. J~;tU (Ka w); S. Bumpa Lykiru ,
(H on).
125 NOV: 1. Eric Joh mon (Yam); 2. Mill: Klin k (Ho n);
3. Ca rl C'.dlm (Sw); 4. J OIh Elliot t (Kaw); 5. Ja mes Hafl et l
125 AM: I. T ravis Ha cketl (Ho n ); 2. Tony Nichols (Yam);
.s. Co rbin Eckhilfd l (Kaw); 4. Sro u Hanay (Kaw); 5. Scoll
Amara l (Kaw).
125 P RO : l. Kip Sanddl (Yam); 2. Scon FulchC'r (Xaw);
5. Jttr my Middaugh (Kaw); 4. Josh Kd logg (H on ); 5. Jart'd
Car lson (Kaw).
:50 NOV : I. Dan J;w::kson (Kaw); 2. Daw Ford (Ho n ); .s.
Paui ck Wai tt'S (Kaw); 4. Bria n PachMl (Kaw); 5. Dale-Hill
2500 AM: I. A.K.. Turon (Yam ); 2. Mark H.mcock (Xaw);
5. rMir Johnwn (Ho n); 4. Prt rr LtwiJ (; 5. JrlI Kunu
(Ya m).
250 PRO: I . Kip Sandd l (Yam); 2. Dnrk Brown (Kaw);
5. en..,.lApt (Hon t. . _Sutty Cook ( Hon~ 5. Bob lh.......n
( Ka w).
OP EN NOV: I. John Fonua (KTM); 2. Cary Mort on
(Hon ); 5. Miu LundquiSi (KTM): 4. Gary Lr May (H on);
S. Coary Bn::kmann (Hon).
OP EN AM: 1. Flinl Velasquez (Hon): 2. Jamn Ik-ntml
(Hon l; Brad Ra ndrl (Hon ); 4. FOITnt Frid lun d (Hon).
OPE N PRO , I. Iln Rarrn ( S. T im O lson
(Yam ).
2.'10 1NT: L la n Flu-Cibbo n (Hon ); 2. Ulfjoha nuon (Ho n);
5. n.."td ~r (Hon).
VET NOV: I. Andy Kir m (Suz): 2. llirk Cranbt"rg (K.a
5. Ray Pi!o.ilrski (Hon) ; 1. Pau l Ikeda (Ho n): S. Many
Wt'!ot"man (Kaw).
\' ET I NT : 1. Brian Allen (Sw): 2. Sca n Frerman (Hon);
! . ~ Kohln (Hon ); 4. j. S. Ha niOn (Hon ); 5. Slrw Fry
VET P RO : I. Bob Ruu m (Hoo):2. Bru« McDougal (K.a
5. Ron LawlOR (Sw); 1. Marc Cr~y (Yam); s. Dona ld l...C'ib
250·29 BEG: l. Wnton Rrid (Kaw); 2. Va l Rouno (Hon );
S. F~Th ie-I ( Yam );4.Scott Hamihon (Hon );5. Man Sandrrs
(H on).
:!S-29 SOV: I. Ed Vite-11i (Sw); 2. Jrif Young (Hon); ! .
Frank ViUa (Sw).
25--29 1ST: 1. Km Erb (Suz): 2. lkan Tngur (Honr. 5.
upilia upinoa.
Delay flies to PIR MX win
By Da n Meeker
Cheha lis Hon da rid er Brent Delay swept both
mOlDs in the 250cc Inter med ial e class a l
Portland In ternatio nal Raceway's Thursda y
Nig h t Motocross (Kaw); 2. Gmr Otiui m (Ho n).
iO+ AM: I. John MC'usling (H on ): 2. Eric Burkin!>haw (SUI):
S. aar('flCC' Pill!> (Sw ).
,10+ EX: I. Mike Prrry (SUl); 2. J im La mkin (Hon ); 1.
MikC' Hickm an (Yam).
Chung versus Ernest at
Sears Point Road Race
By Laura Elvin
AFM number two Dwayn e Chung bauled
with Michael Earnes t in o ne grudge mat ch
aft er another . with Chung taking hi s first win
of lh e seaso n at Sears Po int ]memational
The tu rn out was su perb for the AFM's sixth
race of th e seaso n, despite swelter ing heal.
T he day started with 600cc Superstreet,
which had to be restarted beca use of a th reebik e cras h at th e sta rring li ne. O nce und erwa y,
however, it was David Deveau in m e early
lea d. but mos t eyes w ere o n the battle for
second with Chung trying 10 hol d off Earnest,
Devea u kep t hi s lead throug h th e race, as
Ch ung led Ea rnes t through the tu rn s, lap aft er
la p. The chec kered nag was o ut for Deveau .
an d Chung and Earn est ca me around the last
tu rn side-by-side. A crash and a wavi ng yellow
in turn 11 mea nt no pa ssing, so Earn est had
only o ne com er leh to make a move . the turn
12 chicane, He tried to get to th e en tra nce
before Ch un g. misju dged his effo rt, and -fell
o nto Ch ung 's bike. Ch ung ma naged to keep
his H o nda up rig h t and went o n to tak e
seco nd, bu t Earnes t was down and o ut . Mark
In galls look th ird.
Back to do battle in 600cc Producti on were
. Chung and Earnest . Ch ung took th e lead with
Earnes t on h is tail. Although Chung . led
Earnes t throu gh most of th e race, a ll eyes were
riveted to th at battle beca use in th e pre vious
two races Earnes t ha s ta ken th e lead and won
o n th e last lap with breathtak in gl y darin g
ma neuve rs. Chung led the en tire race, but on
th e last lap came into view of the sJX:.Ctators
behind Ear nest. Alt ho ugh Chung tried to get
ah ead through turns II and 12, Earnest held
hi m off, The Checkered flag ca me out wi th
th e two bikes d rag-racing 10 the finish .
Determined not to let Earnest take an other
600cc Prod uctio n win , Chung put his head
down a nd crossed th e finish lin e Iirst, th us
ta king hi s first win of th e 1990 seaso n. As
Chung rolled imo th e pits, he co uldn't hide
his exci teme n t and with a big grim on h is
face he procl aimed, "Fina llyl"
Resu hs
2SO PR OD : I. Kirk Hoeppner (Kaw); 2. jrif HoqJp~
(ka w); 5. fran k Malur C
Kaw); 4. MichoaC'l Eamnc (Kaw); S.~
Jdl f (Yam); 5.
O.."r Dt"v~u (Yam); 4. T om Mon lan o (Yam); 5. Lo uis Yuvan
F·2: l. Pr ln Wt=mlorr (Yam ); 2. We. lino (Ho n); 5.
Wayne Monloya (Ha n); 1. Dan McCann (Ho n); S. Andrew
Mill on (Yam ).
F-4: I. Kevin Murra y (Hon): 2. K..rl Matlt non (Hon): ! .
Knoin CoIV (C A); 4. Raben Holl isla'" (Sw ); 5. John Fmga tt
(Hon ).
F·40: I. M ic~1 Braxton (Suz): 2. Drnny Doh my ( Y.~):
.1 Bill Epima nn (Yam): 4. Paul Orla ndi (Due); S. Lorin
CrvP"lfO (Yam).
t -SGL: I. Kun Mund (Hoo): 2. Vintt M(')'t't" (Hou ); 5.
Andnw Mil ton (Yam); 4. Mikr Ca nrit:1d. (Yam); S. Paul
Shillilo ( R tx).
F T -"l5O: I. Kirk Hotppnn (Kaw); 2. Frank MaLUr(Kaw);
5. jdf Lrggin (kaw); 1. Brian Ban low (Kaw); S. j08tph Rico
(K.>w ).
F T -6S0: 1. Eric Swozufigu re (; 2. JORa Eklund (law);
5, Micha d SummttJ (Han); • . Cordon Smilh (Kaw); S. Alan
McKen na (Hon).
F T -O P EN: I. Gordon $rim (Due ); 2. Mar k McIb.nid
.s. Pau l Or landi (Due); 1. Paul Ra ~mu,,~ (Due); 5.
Peter Rt:nr (Due).
\ "L
Vf: I. David Tromchltt (Due); 2. Eric Eriaon (BSA);
5. Oiarln Salon (Bul): 4. T im Tin~ (Hon ); 5. Strphm
Grant (BSA).
O PEN C P: 1. Rabat Mna (Yam); %. Aaron Ho-.·(, (Suz );
.s. Darzrll O i ngrrman (Yam); 4. Omny DohC'fty (Yam l; 5.
Jd ! W;ghl (Sw).
( Due);
Yamamoto, Anderson, double
at Kootenai Half Mile
By Derryl Anderson
Blu< skies a nd 100 degr ee tem pera tures wer<
th< order of th < da y as Ron Yam amoto too k
home the biggest s hare of th < Pro purse by
wi nn in g bo,h th e 600cc Junior /Expert and
750ccTwin Pro classes of th