Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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UTH INT: 1. Da ve Pile (Ha n); 2. Darri ck Lucchesi
(502); 3. T om Berry (502).
UTH JR: 1. Steve Wen ger (""w); 2. Dan ny Allen
(Suz); 3. Sla ney Rowe (502).
OT YSTR: 1. Steve Ferro ni (Ka w): 2. Dean Brown
(H a n); 3. Richard Schilling (Ha n).
OT INT: 1. Russ Sean (Ka w}; 2. Glenn Pru itt
OT JR: 1. J ohn TalllOt (H u.); 2. Wall y McGrath
(Han); 3. Randy Cox (Han).
80 BEG: 1. Erik Edmark (Ka w]: 2. Jes se Danielson
(Suz); 3. Michael Daniels (Ka w).
25ll J R: 1. Mike H odges (502); 2. Keith Ma yes
(""w); 3. Kevin Cordua (Han).
PIW: J. David Gardner II (Yam); 2. Eric N}'t' (Ya m ); 5.
R obt'n Huston (Yam).
MI NI NOV : I. Dusty Gy ko (Ka w); 2. Quis Cesa (H on) .
12S NOV : I . Juon Riteh t'T (H on): 2. Shawn MMtinc:J:
(H on ); 5. Auon R.~ (Hon).
125 JR: I. JUn Ferguson (H on ).
250 NOV : J. Mikt' Dalton (Hon); 2. Kc:vin Hundt'nnan
(Y am ).
250 lR: J. Todd Carro ll (H on); 2. J im FtTgUso n (H on).
OPEN NOV: 1. Randy J mnin p (I-I
VET: l. Michat'l Rich (SUI); 2. Kim Darwvrh (Suz).
EX!I1'IIT : J. John Stark (Ka w); 2. Lowe ll Mou D I Jr . (H onl;
5. Brandon Wil liam s (Hon ).
Carlson cruises at LACR MX
By Terry R ezek
Tracy Asher (8) won the 80cc Intermediate class at L.A. County Raceway, whil e
Lanny Turner (99) topped the 80cc Novices. Asher also topped the 125ccIntermediates,
his Suzuki from a midpack start to
overtake McElroy for second. Nea l
closed the gap on Smi th in the final
stages of the m oto but ha d to settl e
for second. Third was McElroy, whi le
J o n Nelson took fourth a head of
Danny Paladin o.
It was Smi th again figh ting McEl roy
for the lead at the start of th e second
moto. But th is time ou t McElroy held
on to the lead for a tum longer. Once
in the lead , how ever, Smith was there
to stay and th e wi n and th e overa ll were
his .
Nelson was hot on McElroy's tail
and, after a couple of laps, took over
second and gave chase to Smith. Shawn
Wooten, who had problems at the start
of moto one and ended in seventh
behind Pat Comm, was fairing mu ch
better in rnoto two and passed McElroy
with two laps remaining and started
reelin g in Nelson. But at the checkered
Nelson fin ished second and claimed
second overal l. Wooten was th ird and
four th overall, while fourth earned
McElroy th ird overal l. Another fifth
for Pal adino gave him fifth overall .
Neal cras hed 10 a DNF in mo lO two
wh ich held him back 10 n inth overall.
Sm ith had to battle with Pal adin o
to begin th e first 250cc Pro moto. But
once in control, it was Smith off to
another win. Wooten started in th ird
and pushed Paladin o for two laps until
passin g, but Smith had already opened
a lead. Woo ten took seco nd with
Pal adino th ird. After a moto-l on g
battle with Ron Allen and McElroy,
Nelson fini shed fourth with fifth and
sixth go ing 10 Allen and McElroy,
Smith and McElroy had ano ther first
tum duel as molO two began, but
Wooten was also a factor in thi s on e.
Sm ith secured the lead as the trio flew
into the tree sectio n, wh ile McElroy
and Wooten deba ted secon d. In the lapand-a-half it lOok Wooten to gain
control of second Smith was pulling
a lead.
Wooten advanced o n Smith
throughout the moto but Smith held
on for ano ther win a nd overall. Second
and second overa ll went to Woo ten ,
while third put McElroy in fourth
overall. Paladino stayed in fourth all
moto, enough for third overall. Allen
snuck underneath Nelson just before
the white flag, when Nelson went wide
in a turn and nearly fell, to end the
ni gh t fifth and fifth overa ll. Nelson 's
.sixth p ut hi m sixth overall.
Smith won bot h 500cc Pro motos
al thoug h he had to work a littl e harder
in moto two.
Richard Myth en p ulled the second
moto hol eshot but Smith wasted li ttle
time taking the lead and staying out
front for th e win and another overall.
Mythen too k second both motos for
second overall.
Suzuki-mounted Randy Chapman
ran away with the first Vet Pro moto
whi le Kenn y McKenzie took second
after battling with third p lace fini sher
Allen Berluti for most of the moto,
McKenzie bailed hard at th e start of
the second round' and lim ped back to
his van , while Berluti flew to the win
ahead of Chapman. Chapman took th e
overall, however, while second overall
went to Berluti,
Former Camel Pro contender Alex
Jorgensen finished a close th ird in
moto two after fifth in moto one and
ended third overall.
125 PRO: 1. Rodney Sm ith (Suz); 2. J on NelliOn
(Suz); 3. Scott McElroy (Suz).
25ll PRO: 1. Rodney Smith (502): 2. Shawn
Woo ten (H u.) ; 3. Dan ny Pa lad ino (""w).
SOO PRO: 1. Rodney Smith (""w); 2. Rich ard
Mythen (H a n) ; 3. Don Iloe!plhlig (""w).
VET PRO: 1. Ran dy Chapman (Sur); 2. Allen
Bellu ti (Ha n); 3. Alex J orgen sen (502).
VET MSTR: I. Dave Bezzrum (502); 2. Ra nd y
Denton (Ya m); 3. Ro bat HanliOn (502).
125 INT: 1. Michael Brandes (""w); 2. T odd
Madcri. (""w); 3. Jeff Bro wnl ee (Suz).
250 INT: 1. Bren Hamih on (Ka w); 2. T yler
Hummel (So2); 3. Bra ndon Leyes (""w).
SOO !NT: I. Sergio Fernandez (""w): 2. Dave Pile
(Han); 3. Eri k 5ho [.tall (Han).
50 PIW: I. Dan iel Blair (Yam); 2. ChriSlopher
Truglio (Yam); 3. Ra ndy Norma n (Yam).
60 0-8: 1. Mike Pa tteTliOn (""w); 2. Casey Smi th
(""w); 3. Dan iel Blai r (""w).
60 9-11: 1. David Keeney (""w); 2. Jelf No rthrop
(""w); 3. Cra ig Truglio (""w).
80 OPEN: 1. David Keeney (""w); 2. lack Murton
(kaw); 3. Cra ig T ruglio (5uz).
80 INT: 1. Ru Sly Holland (5 uz): 2. j ak e Windham
(""w); 3. Ca.ey j ohnliOn (""w).
80 JR: I. Brian Cr uz (""w); 2. j oh nn y Cipollina
(5 uz): 3. j elf Bald win (502).
125 BEG 0-1: 1. Keit h Wood (5uz); 2. Gl en Mura la
(Ya m ); 3. j o.h Ch iliOm (""w).
125 BEG D-2: 1. Anthon y Allen (""w); 2. j elf
Becker (""w); 3. j ohn H atfi eld (""w).
125 JR D·I : 1. La nce Bollen . (H a n); 2. j ell In gram
(Han ); 3. j ason Quinlana (5uz).
125 JR D·2: 1. Sha ne Espos ito (Yam): 2. Casey
j oh nliOn (kaw); 3. Paul Ep ley (""w ).
25ll BEG D-I : 1. Dominic Gom er (Yam); 2. Steve
Kyram ar ios (""w); 3. j oe Canepa (Ho n).
25ll BEG D-2: 1. j aliOn 5 heha b (""w); 2. Dan
NeiliOn (Sur); 3. T ony Mikacich (Han).
SOO BEG: 1. JaliOn Soa res (""w); 2. Pete Hampel
(Han); 3. KEvin Felkins (Yam).
SOO JR: 1. Craig Bun yard (""w); 2. Ra y Schofield
(Hon ); 3. David Dye (H a n).
VET !NT: 1. Low ell Mou ral Sr. (Han ); 2. Dan
Scharf (""w); 3. Frank Sacher (""w).
VET JR: 1. Mike Haas (""w); 2. Doug johnliOn
(502); 3. Michael Gorda (""w).
Bense wins at Millville M
By R olfe O tterness
C ar ey Carlson was the wi nner in the 125cc
Begi nner class a t th e Ca lifornia Raci ng Club 's
motocross a t Lo s Angeles Coun ty Raceway.
Carlson too k the lead at th e end of lap o ne
of th e first rnoto bu t a lmost immediately
dropped to sixth . H e made a spectacular
co meback, passi ng for th e lead and the moto
win on ly a few turns from th e end.
Car lson gra bbed th e hol eshot in rnot o two
and pulled to th e win by five seconds.
Lan ny T urne r took an immedi ate lead in
rnoto one of th e 80cc Novice cla ss and held
it for th e rnot o win . In mota two, he started
10 repeat that perfo rm a nce, but In term ediate
class rider Tracy Ash er took the lead away
in turn th ree. Turner remai ned second overall
bu t bea t th e other Novices by a hu ge margin .
Asher pu t o n an ironman performance
toda y. In addition to his wi n 10 th e l25cc
Intermediate class , Asher also dom in ated the
80cc class for a no the r overall win th ere. Asher
also rode in the 500cc Novi ce even t. where
he fin ished th ird.
R esults
80 BEC: I. Soon Reed, Jr . (law) ; 2. Ouil Nd tzel (Xa w);
S. J~ Hich. Jr. ( Ka w) ; 1. D