Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Winter(Suz);3. Unknown; 4. Amlrian W (Raw); aalk Highland (Han); 2. Mike I Rautenberg (Suz); 3. Brian Stark (Han); 4. John K ocher(Han); 5. Bill Fasano (Han). . I 250 C 0-2: 1. Lowell Fretz (Raw); 2. Corey , Shepherd (Raw); 3. M Hodges (Suz); 4. Ronald ike Park(Han); 5. K H eiss (Han). en 250 B D-I: 1. Ryan HuCCman (Han); 2. Darren j l ~ 5.·William G reen (Yam). 250 CD-I: 1. Shawn Paulsen (Kaw); 3. Kevin Yeager (Ya m); 4. Bryan Lyn n (Ya rn); 5. Casey Horseman (Han). . 250 BD-2: 1. Ron Hyde (Raw); 2. David Sihushi (Sur); 3. BrentM argoardt(Raw);4.John Lake (Y am); · r 5. TommyAdry (Raw). f- 250 A: I. Terry Hamness (Kaw ): 2. Mark Hall (Han); 3. JoeGreenwood (Suz). OPEN BEG: 1. Steve Hamm (Han); 2. Bryan bM erkley (Han); 3. JimAlexander Jr. (Hus); 4. Shain Stoner (Raw); 5. Will Stone(Han). s(Han):2. DennisO'Neil " OPEN C: 1. MikeHodge (Han); 3. Greg W oody (Han): 4. Steve Mitchell (Raw);5. Jef Coats (Han). f I OPENB 1. RodComstock(Raw); 2. Bre n Bier ek : " (ATK): 3. K evin Delap (Han);4. Dwayne Danyluk t (Kaw). O PEN A: l. Ron Wall ace (Han); 2. Ken Pe tersen • (Han): 3. W ayne Nyblom (Han); 4.' Michael Stal (Han); 5. Richard M errill (Han). UTH: 1. Mike Ramsby (Raw); 2. Tim Phillis (Raw); 3. D avid Silvestri (Suz); 4. Troy Shanafelt < (Han); 5. Ted Devol (Sur). 30-40 C: I. Steve Hayward (Suz); 2. Tim Gates I (Kaw); 3. Mark K oontz (Kaw); 4. Jerry Johnson · (Raw); 5. Mike M arshall(Han). , 30-40 B: 1. Joe Casey (Han); 2. Ted Devol (Sur); ' 3. Jeff Throop(Han); 4. Doug Petrrini (Sur); 5. Chris vOgilvie(Raw). ' ~ 30-40 A: 1. warren Hi ckman (Yam); 2. Mich ael P reston (Kaw) ; S. Ri ch ard Merritt (Han); 4. Micha el Chase(Yam); 5. Michael Stall (Han). OT C: 1. Billy Addington (Han); 2. Walt Smith (Raw); 3. Dewy Lenaburg(Raw); 4. Tom Johnston;' • 5. Bob Hodges (Han). . OT B 1. Gary Backstrom (Han); 2. Larry W : elker (Han): 3. JohnM ark(Cag). OT A: 1. Bob Krah (KTM); 2. Mike Hickman , (Yam); 3. Dave M erklin (Suz); 4. Leroy Smith(Han); 15. Dave Russell (Hus). WMN: 1. Sha n no n Starbou rd (Han); 2. Dean na Hnlbrook (Cag); 3. Sherrin Blankenbaker(Raw); 4. "Cheryl Olsen (Yam); 5. Sheri Stahl (Han). ' CMC Trans-CaIMX Series North: Round I .Nelson, Paladino split ·wins at Argyll MX By Nuklear Neukam DIXON, CA, AUG. 12 on Nelson a nd Danny Pal adin" were th e 250 a nd 125cc Pro class wi n ners a t th e o pe n ing ro u nd of the_I 990 C MC Trans-Ca l Mot ocro ss Na tion al s a t Argyll Pa rk. This facilit y, -which has been pl agued by declining rider tu rnou t [or local events, was ca ug h t off-g ua rd and not quite p repared [or th e 500cc rider turnout. St rong winds and 100-degree h eat mad e it virtually im possible to keep th e tra ck moist. Although co m p laints flowed freel y, th ere were the wise few who wer e able to deal with it . Among th em were VP R acing Fuel representative St eve Klinger a nd Vet Pro winner Kenny McKenzie, a former Northern California Cross Country Champion who said, " Let these guys race a few cross countries and see how many water trucks they spotl" Yoko USA/Bieffe/Fairfield Kawasaki-sponsored Paladino took th e win in the first moto of the 250cc Pro class after surviving challenges [rom Pro Circuit/Hanford Suzukibacked Nelson, who finished a strong second, and Shawn Wooten who lost th e chain on his mount while roosting into the lead and ended up a distant 10th. Mike Mennig took third ahead of Scott McElroy, who limped h is Suzuki in with .a broken frame sustained in his challenge for the lead when he came up a little short on a double jump. Ron Allen rounded out the top five. McElroy rounded up a mount for moto two and topped Nelson at the finish but Nelson took the overall win. McElroy claimed second overall while third overall went to Paladino, who went down early a nd worked up to fourth behind Allen. After a first rnoto seventh, Tim McClintock im p roved to fifth in the second race. Paladino, aboard a Richmond J Suzuki in th e I25cc Pro cla ss, won both . m o to s while Nel son a n d McElroy finish ed seco nd a nd thi rd in eac h mo to. Only three rider s were entered in th e 500cc Pro class and Si lver State MXI White Br o s.lT o r co /B ig Va ll ey Honda-sponsored All en Ber lu ti won both motos while Richard Mythen had to settle [or second in each mo to. Mythen led in the first mo to and pulled a way from Berluti, but [ell near the end and Berluti go t back by for the win. Monty Owenby fin ished third in moto o ne b u t DNF the second race . Berluti was also contesting the Vet Pro class bu t so was Yok o USA f Su zuki-ace Ken n y McKen zie, the cross country hots hoe. Berluti a nd McKenzie battled in the firs t mo to until Berl u ti 's rea r tire went fla t. McKenz ie went o n to the win while Berluti held off Randy Chapma n [or seco nd. Chapman was o u t i n fr ont o f McKenz ie wh en moto two got u nderway bu t a t th e chec kered McKenzi e arrived fir st for the win. Chapman was second ahead of Berluti. CN Results 500 PRO: I. Allen Berluti (H o n): 2. Rich M ythen ,(Han); 3. M ontyOwenby (Han). 500 INT: I. K evinGreen (Han);2. Erich Scholstall (Han); 3. John Neary (Han). 250 PRO: I. Jon Nelson (Sur); 2. Scali M cElroy (Suz): 3. Danny Paladino(Raw). 250 INT: I.: Tyler Hummel (Soz); 2. Michael Callaghan (Hnn); 3. Carl Lindemann (Raw). 125 PRO: I. Danny Paladino(Suz); 2. Jon Nelson (Suz); 3. Sco u M cElroy(Sur). 125 INT: I . Todd Modeirs (Suz);2.Tyler Hummel (Su a): 3. Edward Soper (Suz). VET PRO: l. Ken n y McKenzi e (SUI ); 2. Ra nd y Chapman (Sur); 3. Allen Berlutri (Han). VET MSTR: I. Randy Denton (Yam); 2. Rob ert Hansen (SUI): 3. Da ni el Sturgeo n (Ya m ). VET INT: I. Tim Alarcon (H a n ); 2. Frank Sacher (Raw); 3. Eric M erealf (Han). V JR: I. Doug Johnson (Raw); 2. Mike Hart ET (Hon); 3. Mike Haas (Raw). 50: I. Randy Norman (Yarn); 2. Amanda Lahr (Yam ); .3. Justin Washaba ug h (Han ). 60 D-8: 1. Mike Pat terson (Kaw); 2. Casey Smith (Raw); 3. Jared Washabaugh (Raw). 60 9·1l : I. I}"id Keeney (Raw); 2. Jeff Northrop (Raw); 3. Dave Bingham (Raw). 60 BEG: I. Erik Ed ma rk (Raw); 2. James Piedval ve (SUI): 3. Brian Pierce (SUI ). 80 JR: I. Saul Smoak (Raw); 2. Johnny Cipollina 80 INT: I. JakeWindham (Raw);2.JustinTierney (Han). 80 OPEN: I. David Keeney (Raw); 2. Jerry Harvey (Suz). 60 BIG WHL: I. Tim K eeney (Raw); 2. Zachery Murton (Raw). 125 BEG D-t: I. Sco u Schultz (Han);2. BrianBunn {Suz):3. John Zinda (Raw). (Suz); .!S. Howard Mintz (SUI). 125 BEG D-2: I. K W eith ood (Y 3. AnthonyAllen (Raw). arn); (Suz); 2.Jeff Virzi 125 JR D-t: I. Shane Espisito (Yam); 2. Todd Damon (S Ul): 3. Ri ch ard Stephens (SUI). t25 JR D-2: I. Paul Epley (Raw); 2. Bill Sayer (Han); 3. David Adams(Han). 250 BEG: I. Jason Shehab (Raw); 2. Dan Nelson (Suz); 3. Dean Harper (Raw). 250 JR: I. Zach Scali (Suz); 2. Troy Wing (Raw); 3. Aaron Athanas (Suz). 500 BEG: I. Jason Soares (Raw); 2. Peter Hampel (Han); 3. Mike M oakley (Raw). 500 JR: I. Shannon M cManus (Han); 2. Ray Scholie1d (Han); 3. William Artau (Han). UTH JR: I. PaulArmada (Han); 2. St ve Wenger e (Raw); 3. Denny Santos (Han). UTH \NT: 1. Dave Pile (Han); 2. K evin Green (Han); 3. GusBerquist(Suz). ell OT MSTR: I. Russ Pow (KTM ); 2. Bill M cClinton(A TK); 3. SIeve Ferroni (Raw). OT \NT: I. Russ Sears (Raw); 2. Glenn Pruitt (Han); 3. Don Blumlield (Han). OT JR: 1. John Talbot (Hus); 2. Randy Cox (Han); 3. WallyM cGrath (Han). CMC Trans-Cal MX Series South: Round I Mercier mows down Barona Oaks MX By Donn Maeda RAMONA, CA, AUG. 12 he opening round of the sou thern portion CMC Trans-Cal Series held a t Barona Oaks Raceway saw .Billy J oe Mercier capture the overall win in the highly competitive 125cc Intermediate class. The AXO Sportbacked rider posted a pair of consis tent runner-up finishes to beat out Kevin Geyer and Donald Upton. Deyer Meyer was the fastest o u t o[ T th e ga te in the ope ni ng moto, but got a li ttl e too anxious in th e fir st set of jumps. Meyer ju mped into th e face of a nother jump and went down, taking Chris Ridgeway wi th h im . T his left Geyer in the lead positio n, a head of Mercier, Aaron Wenstrup , a nd Steven Kotajarvi . Ge yer began to open up a n immediate lead, whi le Mercier [ought off the early adv ances of Wen strup. .U p front, Geyer ex tended h is lead to nearl y six seconds a t th e fin ish over Mercier, who als o had a com fortable cush ion over Wenstrup. Mot o two looked to be a repeat of the first , as Geyer sto le th e lead from Mercier early in the race , wi th Jeff Lewis and Steve' Drew in tow. Geyer began to p ull away whi le U pton ma de his wa y th r ou gh tr affi c. U pto n swooped past Lew is a nd Drew a nd began to cha llenge Mercier. Upto n took command of th e runner-up spot as th ey na vigated a tr ick y w hoop sectio n, and set h is sights on Ge yer. Mercier stuc k to Upton's rear fender, b ut cou ldn' t find hi s wa y past. On lap seven, Geyer go t sidewa ys o ver a tricky step- up jump and went do wn, all owing just enough time [or Upton to scoot by. Geyer remou nted in seco nd, b u t was obv io us ly dr ain ed by hi s spi ll a nd succu m bed to th e ad vances of a hard- charging Mercier. Mercier shadow ed U p to n arou nd th e jump-filled co urse, but U pton ro de flawlessly a nd took th e mo to wi n over Mercier , Geyer , and Drew. I Ch ris You ng stormed o u t of th e ga te in the first 125cc P ro moto with Mike Chamber lain, Russ Wageman a n d Terry Fowler in to w. Cham berlain immed ia tely began' to hound Yo u ng and the pai r began to pull away. On lap two , Fowler sn uc k under Wagem an in a fast, sli ppery turn a nd took over th ird p lace . Meanwhile, Sco tt T ak acs was on th e ra m page, a nd roosted int o fourth after a seventh p lace start." Takacs closed on Fowler and began to pressure him, but pulled fro m th e track with stomach pains. You ng a nd Chamberlain co n tin ued their two-man show up front, and crossed th e fini sh line a few seconds over Fowler and Wagem an. Moto two saw Young grab th e holeshot with Ch amberl a in , Takacs, and Fowl er cl ose beh ind. Young estab lished a n im me dia te lead over the rest of the pack, while Fowler soared past Takacs in a series of double jumps and set after Ch amberlai n . T akacs tried to retaliate, but lost the bearings in h is front wheel. Fowler snuclc past Chamberlain near the end of the moto to finish in the runner-up spot beh ind Young. CN Results P!W: I. J onathan Sh imp (Ya m); 2. J a hn er Fa ulkne r (Ya m ): 3. J ason Sku tt (Ya m) : 4. Du stin Reco rd (Ya m ): 5. Nick P uccio (Yam). 60 0-8: I. justin Scullen (Raw); 2. Randy Clark (Kaw) ; 3. Nic k P uccio (Kaw) ; 4. T im o th y Poll and (Kaw}; 5. Ian Igercic (Kaw ). 60 9·11: 1. J o sh Tarantino (Ra w) ; '2. Dan iel Norm an (Kaw ); 3. Co rey H oef t (Kaw); 4. Sha wn Igercic(Raw); 5. JerryAleman (Raw). 80 OPEN: 1. Jay Theys (Sur); 2. Josh Tarantino (Suz); 3. Reginald Mitchell (Raw); 4. Daniel Norman (Suz); 5. Bobby Pehm (Suz). 80 BEG : 1. Dan iel Nor man (Suz); 2. J o shua Amarad io (Han) ; .!S. Mik e Molina (SUI ); 4. Shaun Fo rtier (Ra w); .5 Edd ie Fin nels (SUl). . 80 Jll: 1. Dustin Nelso n (SUI ); 2. Gabriel Ba liva r (Suz); 3. Jason Ma tthews (Suz);4. ChrisAllen (Suz); 5. ChrisFinley(Raw). 80 INT: I. Jeff Willoh (Raw); 2. Ty Kady (Raw); 3. Greg Y earsley(Suz); 4. E.}. W right (Suz); 5. Tyler King (Raw). 80 EX: 1. Terry Par son s (Hon); 2. Mike Meu ger (SCR). t25 BEG D-I: 1. David Nichols (Raw); 2. Mike eith B attista(Suz); 3. K Katz (Suz);-t.joe Heald (Han); 5. Mar c Deslaurie rs (SUI). t25 BEG D-2: 1. x.c, Blaeburn (Raw); 2. Rodney Peterson (Yam); 3. J oey Cira cco (H an); 4. Chris Unde rwood (H on ): .5. Pete Marino (Kaw) . t25 JR D-I; 1. Jonas Dunn (Raw); 2. Brian Teets {Kaw ]: 3. Mike Pat ern o (Han ); 4. T o m J ohnson (Hon); 5. Dav id Cincotta (Han ). 125 JR D-2: 1. Josh Kinchita (Han); 2. Dennis Dahlin II (Raw); 3. Ted W eeks (Han); 4. Duane DeArman (Raw); 5. Grant Gaspar (Yam). 125 INT: 1. Billy Mercier (Hon) ; 2. Kevin Geyer Moran will advance 10 the World Finals with Rick Miller and Ronnie Correy, (SUI) ; 3. Don ald Upton (Hon ): 4. Aaron Wenstrup (Suz); 5. Steve Dr ew (Ya m ). 125 PRO: I. Ch ris You ng (Suz); 2. Terry Fowl er (SUl ): 3. Mike Cham ber la in (Yam) ; 4. Ru ss Wagem an (Suz); 5. Darrin Hoeft(Han). am); 2. Troy 250 BEG: 1. Mike Harlan (Y • Cunnin gham (Su z); 3.Ma rk Ro magn ol i (Yam ); 4. Rey Conzalez (H on ); 5. Shane Wimberly (Hon). 250 JR: I. Dennis Dahlin II (Raw); 2. M all Batem a n (Yam) ; 3. Darin N ishim ura (Kaw ); 4. Ja mes DeRidder (SUl ); 5. Mike Will iam s (Kaw). 250 INT: I. Kory Byers (Raw); 2. Rob Drew (T re); 3. Bill y Mercier (Hon) : 4. Kevin G eyer (S uz); 5. Brya n Richa rdson {Yam ). 250 PR O: 1. Chr is Young (Suz); 2. Ru ss Wag eman (SUl ); 3. Ni cky Po un ds (SUl); 4. Terry Fow ler (SUl ); 5. Shaw n Wynn e (Suz). 500 BEG: I. Scott Churchill (Han); 2. Jason Alch (Yam); 3. Vince Blankenship (Hnn); 4.Kelly McDoug'al l (Han); 5. Gr eg Reede r (H on ). 500 JR: I. R ich ie Shennan (Hon); 2. Jerry Eh lers (Ka w): 3. Sco u Hoffman (Han) ; 4. R ick y Zeig ler (Raw);5. Tom Fry(Raw). 500 ,INT: I. Bryan Lewallen (Han); 2. Chad M cIntosh (A TK); 3. Steve Reev es (A TK); 4. Chad Bru ce (H a n ); 5. Denn y Dearing (Ho n) . 500 PRO: I. Cra ig Dav is (H a n) ; 2. Ji m Cha m. berlain (Ka w): 3. Gary Sailors (Kaw); 4. Sco tt McKey (A TK); 5.. K Barda (Hon). evin UTH JR: I. Ryan Bartlett (Su z]: 2. Lou Soto (Raw); 3. Ricky Zeigler (5 ",); 4. Bill ScOIl (Suz); 5. Mel ton Mora les (Han ). UTH INT: I. M Hammer (Y erle am); 2. Tony Me reta (Ka w ): 3. Gary Wagner (Ka w ). VET JR: l. Ru d y Ch avez (Ho n ); 2. Dom in ick Gaglavi no (SU1); 3. Craig Fish er (SU1): 4. Bob Shi mp (Suz); 5. M Stroup (Hon). ark VET INT: I. Alex James (Y am);2. Micheal Gibson (H en] : 3. e lif Warner (Hon) ; 4. Da ve Gr aha m (Kaw): 5. Brad Sloan (Han) . VET MSTR: 1. R ich Ber teau (SU1); 2. T im Marsh (Han); 3. BobTippit(Hon);4. PhilipTabaoda(Suz); 5. Brad Billes (ATK). VET PRO: 1. R on Turner (Han) ; 2. Pet e M urr ay (Suz); 3. Marc Johnson (Suz); 4. Carl Gazafy (Han). OTJR: I. Gale W (Hon): 2. JimW ebb hite(Yam); 3. La rry Kirsch (H a n ). OT INT: I. Adrian M (Han); 2. Jerry Judd esa (Han); 3. Gary Phillips(Han). cCormick (Hon); 2. Samuel OT MSTR: I. Jack M Gr oce (SU1): 3. Ro bert Fo rti er (Han ). WMN: 1. Tami Ri ce (SUI) : 2. Che ri Fea rherh ifl (Raw); 3. Holly Gallagher (Y am); 4. Andrea Webb (Kaw); 5. Maria Go nza lez (Ka w). CMC Trans-Cal MX Series North: Round 2 Smith supreme at Marysville MX By Nuklear Neukam MARYSVILLE, CA, A 18 UG. ou nd two of th e CMC Trans-Cal Motocross Nati onal~ 1'!0rt~ern T our ca me to Marysville s Riverfron t Park for a Saturday night event and promoter Charlie Sexton's firstrate crew handled th e 500 rider turnout with relative ease and expedience. With his own style of ease and expedien ce, Rodney Sm ith topped all three Pro classes, as he won both motos in the 125, 250 and 500cc Pro divisions, while Suzuki-mounted Randy Chapman claimed the Vet Pro overa ll . In the first moto of the l25cc Pro class Smith wrestled the lead from ScOIt McElroy at the start and never looked back, as he flew to the win. McElroy held second until just past midmoto when Chris Neal advanced R 21