Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 09 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eDIRT TRACK AMA Grand National Championship_/C_am -,-9_Ser_ies_:R_O_UD_d1_1 _el_Pr ---,For Grah am it was a sweet retu rn to raci ng the big mil es. " I made one mistak e of using an amber tinted shie ld. I had a toug h time seeing the racin g line. Still I'm more pumped abo ut racing than I've been in five years. It looks like I'll be racing the rest of the season." Carr was pen sive when talking of hi s near win. "This is by far my best performan ce here. I' m slowly ga ining the experience it takes to win these races and hopefully next year I'll be abl e to string together a season fulf of victories." Carr's tone almost sounded like he was conceding the cha mpionshi p to Park er. No doubt Carr is hearing the footstep s of two-time Grand Nation al Champion Parker. Park er celebra ted on th e winner's po di u m, prom ising the-Indian apolis fans th at he wou ld be back tryi ng to ma ke it wi n number six nex t year. ~ ~ Results Parker (l) leads Carr (20) across the line at the end of the next to last lap. They were even closer on the last lap. Announcer Dave Despain interviews Camel ChalIenge winner Scott Parker in the Indy Mile winner's circle as Miss Camel, Paige Thomas, looks on . FOR 1 I 12 ...1 won the Greenville Regi onal H alf Mile the n ight before in Oh io. Poovey and Graha m started to pull aw ay from Sp ri ngs teen and Farris wh en Poovey's bike su dde n ly lost power on the back straight on th e ninth lap. It turned out th at Poovey's Honda had suffered a bro ken cra nksha ft. H is sudden slow-dow n was a bl essing for Springst een , " W he n Poovey broke that gave me a chance to catch up with Ri ck y. " For the next 10 laps th ings stayed pretty much in th e same order . Parker had the race under con tro l; hi s lead o ver Ca rr a n d J ones stay ed at a stubborn two an d a ha lf seco n ds throughout the middle portion of the race while Sp ri ngsteen , Graha m and Farris cont inued to swap fou rth p lace back and forth. In gram fina lly seemed to be coming to terms with h is H arley with Will Davis acting as h is pacer. O n lap 19 things suddenly bega n to tig ht en up very q uic kly. Carr and J ones were creeping up on the lead er P ark er , w hi le I ngra m a nd Da vis tea med u p to ca tch and integr at e themse lves in th e tou gh fou rth p lace tuss le. With j ust three laps to go, Carr su dde n ly pulled a lo ngside Parker, taking the lon gtime race lead er by sur prise. " I cou ldn' t believe that Chris had caug h t me. I w as just ou t th ere on cru ise cont ro l. I had no idea I was bein g caug ht." J ones had fallen back to a lon ely thi rd abou t two seconds behind th e factory Harl eys. "This is reall y getting old. This is abo ut the fourth tim e thi s year tha t I've worked my bu tt o ff on ly to have these two 'guys motor away fro m me at th e end" , said a frustra ted J ones. On the final lap Carr had Par ker set up for the .classic front straigh t draft tech nique, th e p robl em was with the narrow groove. Carr explai ned his dil emma: " I tried to take th e outsi de line coming on to the front straigh t but the groove was j ust too narrow and we touched. I backed off for just an ins tant and tha t was a ll it too k to ruin my dri ve." Park er won hi s fourth 'race of the year by the length of hi s front wheel over Carr. J one s ca me home third. In the hot ly cont ested battle for fourth , it was Graham ov er Springst een , Davi s, Farris and Ingram. Mertens and King rounded out the top 10. TIM E TRIALS: I. Chris Carr (36.684); 2. ScOll Parker (36.690): 3. Keith Day (36.753): 4. Ricky Gra ham (36.776); 5. J ay Springsteen (36.786): 6. T erry Poovey (36.795): 7. Steve Morehead (37.050); 8. MIke Hal e (37.075): 9. Larry Pegra m (37.156); 10. Brian Athenon (37. 187); I I. Dan Ingra m (37.193); 12. Da vid Dure lle (37.212); 13. Ronn ie J on es (37.222); 14. Will Da vis (37.256); 15. Rodney Farris (37.261); 16. Jo n Corn well (37.367); 17. Curt Rehm ert (37.'114); 18. Rusty Rogers (37.461); 19. Tim Mertens (37.517); 20. DaVId Camlin (37.518); 21. Devon Pritchar d (37.598): 22. Geo rge Roeder II (37.606): 23. Aud ie Huff (37.775); 24. Ra ndy T exter (37.816); 25. Scot t Slump (37.858); 26. Steve Burkholder (37.889); 27. Cra ig Estelle (37.909); 28. Gordo n Schopieray (37.924): 29. Michael Scott (37.944); 30. Rich King (38.069); 31. Geoff Clark (38.132); 32. Chance Darl ing - {38.242): 33. Keith Jacobsen (38.344); 3-1. Martin Lavo ie (38.441); 35. Kris Kiser (38.475); 36. Dan Knech t (39. 137); 37. Kell y Bowlby (39.206); 38. John Hol mes (39.253); 39. J ohn Fau lk ner (39.278): 40. Bill y Herndon (39.624); 41. Paul Crum ling (40.249). HEAT I: I. Chris Carr (H- D); 2. Mike H ale (HD); 3. Ran dy Texter (H -D); 4. Larry Pegram (Ho n); 5. See n Stum p (H- D); 6. Cu rt Rehm ert (H- D); 7. Cha nce Dar lin g (H·D); 8. Keith Jacobsen (H on ]: 9. Paul Gru mling (Hon); 10. Jon Corn well (Han ); II. Bill y H erndon (H on ). . T ime: 6 m in .• 10.783 sec. HEAT 2: I. Scon Park er (H -D); 2. Steve Morehead (H- D); 3. Rodney Farri s (H -D); 4. Ru sty Rogers (H a n ); 5. Brian Athe rto n (Han); 6. Steve Burkh older (H -D); 7. Audie H uff (H -D); 8. John Fau lkn er (H · D); 9. Martin Lavoi e (H -D); 10. Geoff Clar k (H -D). Time: 6 min., 7.519 sec. HEAT ~: l. Terry Poovey (Ho n) ; 2. Dan Ingra m (Hon ); 3. Will Davis (H -D); 4. Rich King; 5. T im Mertens (Ho n ); 6. George Roeder U (H -D); 7. Craig Estelle (H -D): 8. J ohn H olmes (Ha n); 9. Keith Day (Hon); 10. Kris KIser (H -D). ' T im e: 6 mi n., 9.599 sec. HE AT 4: I. Ronn ie J on es (H on ); 2. R icky G raha m (H on ); 3. Jay Springsteen (H- D); 4. David Durelle (H-D); 5. David Ca mlin (H ·D); 6. Michael Sco tt (Hon ); 7. Devon Pritcha rd (H- D); 8. Kell y Bowlby (H- O); 9. Gordon Schopieray; 10. Dan Knech t (H· -D ). ' T im e: 6 min ., 9.109 sec . SEMI 1: I. Brian Atherton ; 2. Ru sty Rogers; 3. Curt Rehmert: 4. Larry Pegra m; 5. Steve Burkholder; 6. Sco u Stu mp ; 7. Chance Darling; 8. Audie H u((; 9. Kei th J acobsen ; 10. Paul Cru mling; 11. J ohn Fau lkn er. T im e: 6 min ., 16.272 sec. SEMI 2: 1. T im Mert en s: 2. Rich King; 3. Keith Day; 4. David Ca mli n ; 5. George Roeder II: 6. Gordon Schopieray; 7. J ohn H olmes; 8. Kell y Bowlb y; 9. Devon Pr itchard ; 10. David Durelle; 11. Craig Estel le; 12. Michael Sc OlL T ime : 6 min ., 13.044 sec. LAST CHANCE Q UAUnER: I. Keith Day; 2Curt Rehm eru 3. La rry Pegram ; 4. Steve Burkholder; 5. Sco tt Stump; 6. Geo rge Roeder II ; 7. David Camlio; 8. Chance Darl ing; 9. Go rdo n Schopieray ; 10. Jobn H ol mes. Time: 6 min. , 9.248 sec. CAMEL CHALLENGE: I. See n Parker; 2. Ricky Gra ham; 3. Terry Poovey: 4. J ay S pri ng5 l~ n; 5. qtris Carr; 6. Keit h Day. c Time: 3 mm., 4.621 sec. NATIONAL: I. ScOIl Par ker (H -D); 2. Chris Carr (H -D); 3. Ronn ie J on es (H on); 4. Ric ky Gra ham (Ho n): 5. J ay Springsteen (H·D); 6. WilJ Davis (H; D); 7. Rod ney Farris (H·D); 8. Dan Ingra m (Ho n): 9. T im Mertens (H a n) ; 10: Rick King (H -D ); } ~ " Ru sty Rogers (H ·D); 12. Keith Day (H on): 13. Bria n Atherton (Ho n): 14. Mike Hal e (H -D); 15. Rand y T ex ter (H- D); 16. T erry Poo vey (Ho n ); 17. Steve Morehead (H· D). Time: 15 min .. 4.04 sec. Average Speed: 99.554 m ph CAMEL PRO SERIES POtNT STANDtNGS: I. Chris Carr ( 186); 2. See n Parker (176); 3. Ronn ie J un es (106); 4. Dan In gram (100); 5. Jay Springs teen (95); 6. Steve Morehead (83); 7. Rodney Farris (66); 8. Terry Poovey (58); 9. Will Davis (51); 10. RIcky G raha m (36); II. Tim Mertens (35); 12. Ru sty Rogers (32); 13. Kevin Atherton (29); 14. Keith Day (25); 15. Steve Eklund (23); 16. (TI E) Mike Hale/Dave Du relle (21); 18. Rick King (19); 19. Dou g Ch andl er ( 14); 20. Steve Aseltin e ( 13); 21. Aaron Hill (9); 22. See n Stump (8); 23. Scou Sa unders (7); 24. (TIE) Kris Kiser/Don Estep (6); 26. Mlrc Gi lford (5): 'A. (T IE) Geo rge Roeder UIT~ Norris/Curt Rehnert/ Chance Dar ling (4); 31. (T IE) Cra ig Estelle/Jon Corn welllWilI iam Herndon (3); 34. (TIE) RoLen Lewis / Brian Atherton /David CamJinlBobby McDowell (2); 38. (TI E) Doug Davia/ Scott Pearson (I).

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