Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 08 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CYCLE ACTION THEATER presents The Greatest Motorcycle Video Cassettes Watch t hem over and over! ere" 11m1/II1I&I1111/1 ('11) 1_ _ S - - -=-.. . . $Wring Rid J~ Iftd OM 8IiIey in a ~ .... duoIdauK. 80 ....... b y _. 1:'1......... ... CI no w . v . _ s . - - ~ in T .... A1.. inJandry. " iI. _ . HighIiJhts 01 1tII MOIl ~ IUpIIftnaII duIII .... ~ 1918 AnIh. . . .rcroa (RJ WI llMl e.;",~ 1917 lA CoIi-. (RJ_ -. fi.... til but Gur~ and1918 PDlItiat Sup.rc:rosa (1U.. .len w.d. • Want lib uutt.d - de the Mot ... ~ ..I. so miIlutn fT1IIIl . (lII7) _ Tho ~"'""" ....v""* . flAZ (1l2I31 1_ ~ Dwzs CaTstwrt.ntftt ~:'1:- __ ~ , . 20 • Iun,Ial._ ... _ .n- _ _ ,= 'It A " " " crowd in SIn 8emantino. CA ... it 1M. now'fllU can..;orit too.'"'"' RAZ y_. on ttNI NQPOl----." . . . . b y _ ... Inpa, ............ ~~Pro ridm,...,.. ,.. toIftbM. By gu:;.. _ _..... -no folLow "!tat Cheba _ ..... oI _ NJeff Matia:snidl. as b8 __ aool ...... your bib skills. of fbi Cbic:bn tru. btl S&Ipefl:lllSS of ~ hfIl MGtowicI• iaw ..... an GruI ~ ,..; anII ....... too.. 80 lAlnUta " s . - - 1_ II' s ~·s fnt h""' ~ tr. ItIt ·USX OI'ld'JisOM tr.5 IIIl11inu11t1flt. Ad: JohftIon and ..." Want in doN tOlIIlbll for - . . . a' i btlt.-aaa~ • • 1M WDrid in dIi, IpKiII eo __ ". 6IiWort. W.. 6efNair. Glltu 1Daaic MXICtion III . . . . CatdI it 1IwouIh o,dI AcDon l1tt.... on - 80 minutn. (~-- ---(.11111 _ RJ rtturnI Irominjwi• • 18Itort lim outdOOf win at thI _on. bill: not without • fien:e battI, witt! ..,.tt. s..~~II .... . .eRrOSI (~_"_ 1_ ......... ~ IIICJtOtn)u trNuL ...... Onel , 8Il (111711 1... _ . _ .... Schw.ntz tamu ftI,iney for the Tuan', 3nI G ... P .nlnding tilt 22nd An nuli HlIlgtOMl Motocroa Class at northtmCllilomi, ', Pr,iri, City OHV ic PII1l • My battII their W to ttl, 0VI1"811 IV viaDli.. in the 250 Ind 125 Na'liona! . (.15211....... (_) '89 vietory in 125 _ 111_ _lil_ J.tI Wwd • ...,. !hi victory Oftf Ind:IhM. and SlMton It the tMgfHp"d Lilli Suv- T,.. MX PIIt; 8IyIe bani, . 'Mttl Cooptr few thI 125 dau - (.15111. . . . . y .bin w Damon Bredshew sented Ih, IQIt't with n tt. won !hi second _eMU 10 dai m 1M 250u fhtioMI victory at High PoinI RKtw8r. 8Iyit 125a: "'" with t1NM-m--bthifltl ,lit" , . . in both IftOt i. D (.15111_ _ 1 1 _nd._ _ll o _.. . . SlaMDIi _ Cooper dlum "' ~ (.15111 _ aut . . . (_11_ ..... . (#30111_ _ on tt. sandy I_LaoY_~ s..-a(_ ) 1_ Dalal s..-a(not) 1_ _ s..-a(11310) 1_ T_ s..-a(Olll l _ _ .s..-a(113121 1 s..-a(O U ) 1_ F .,1lonoP s..-a(113141 1_ _ s..-a(0151 1_ Sao_ s..-a(OISII... Lao. . . . . s..-a- _ .... Ol~n. n.. Martboro Aobert:s Ylmaha dr..m tllm (.30211_ _ 111m KIw "'~ , J,ff W.riI.nd Suzuki', Guy IAop pitt on• thrilling ."ow for th, 14.102 fans If (11141. . . . _ 1hI 49th annua 81. . Hi la Clasic inductingdirt l l (1441'_ 1 _ trICk. hilldimhl.dr.1I raeing 8Rd. crt cotnI. btk.. Likah plot of • Bun Rtynokb _nit. but it llIa1ty &: biktn. including Wi~il G Dftidson and I d.uic: ~Md ' Triu . mph andtr9dy froa Motovideo. Malcolm Forties 57 mInot.. from ProgrnsM . SO mlnut... AsIan. u.son 6 G...., mum tel adion. Thrining 250cc action bmfnn Kocinski. c.dus, Iftd c.d. . .. By Mo1ovict.• . Otdet . It 18 widlOl of tht 1990 AMA c.m.1 sarieIin OM palllQI. s.v. S2 ptIr 1 , tomp~a your tollettionl from Motovictaa. . ~ss s..-as..-a(1130311_ Sao..... s..-a(113041 1_ _• s..-a(_) 1_1_ s..-a- StMlton. Kitdf'OWllri 1CIion. (.15111 of thl Mason If the 60tb Annual OUfdl TTat ( _ I l... s . - - ........ dominates as Rilm.y .... Kocinski win daulS l l lhe rtin-subd Sp,-Fl'II1l:QfChwnps cirtUit. Mamol.crnhll .tt... working up to third 9¥ , Mo tovidlo . (1711_ . . . 1_ G.nlnar homnin. Ftljdj l SpencM' rttuma. and II I the fastut "up on the fastat bl l in tho spatt b 80 mir..utn.From Motovidto (#30711_'_ (_11... ' . - . _ .... Schw.ritz turns up the "'11 with I spectlCUlar win ~I""'-- ·I_ ."' " 1 -..,._ (11101 _ 1 _· n o _ MOlovideo prtSlnts • spttlKUlar 80 minutl wideo faaturingbothlI'IOI rtydt and ATVl'Icint from ttl8 o 1990 1latXw11" 100. Sta soma crt tha best 'MIOdI racm in tht world IInCt SOIllI of 1M worn ) do bmta t1 ooAmeria '1 Toughnt Rtct- in Wnt Virginia' buutiful C8Run Valley na. the s '*" QUI-right rKOrdtellNIl' 121 ""'JIll .,..cI. ail tima nulMl the fMnous 37.7 mila cour1I. Set it: yGlntlf tr. III... bestkatiDnI andthe WI 80 nUnutal. F.- MotcMdao (III' _ From Mot vidlo. 80 minutn . o The fnmoll Cyding eVlnt in the World! Tan d8p crt fun in ml aun 8t the f.dous D..,rona BtKh. FL Stl tha bilt....... pmoIl8liba 8fId much ~. lot:a of Mlin Str..t Klton. Br Propssivl Dnagn. at LaMans. II Catrtn.r t uma in • gritty . partormanu lIftr Rainey for tha 1'UI'lI*-tqI spot. Poinu rKt in 250cc t}ght na II Kocinskimshn. a c.rdus win 0'Wtf Cldllora.. By M s otrMd.o. (IIMI" " _ 1_ A,.. Kint of tba 1sInd . S Hw., pUIhu ... ('77) 1_ town " 0_ u.s. _ _ 1_ RI.I Grind Pm fOld tKirtg for thiI Wottd ~ ill America • Study Eddi. Ltwson and Fill Jm., Fi&a bullN bat at l.8(p.N Seta. Sa all ttl. Ittion! ""8Iftar thlIIn rrmn billng thlrtr This II not tN NBC YIfsion • a Idionl 80 lltinvtll. Brr eamera. ... tIting MotlMd . eo JeffWri ('lll " '~ 8r.10M 8r8dIay blart-...nt. 78 rmnutu T..,I11 _ - --SlJIol 8bcMIl: yourt.wonta ""Bad Boy.N "'"' thI hnle. Stamon wins lbe . . II the nocc Nll IOftaI DlMpionlhlp is dKid,d at fhI ina round • K..-ttIy·, G Cub in Troy Ohio. P , s.,tI nella moto winswtm M, tiamdl fIJI' rn. __ I 125cc honcn. ".,. Wn .. (lI2O _ _ I 1981 IaII of .... TT race loaturu M H i. ...... on 250 Honct. lIInd thlll MlIIM Norton, and agl in in the 1963Senior500cc n. Shows hCM the. . , pfOVInUd in just two ".n, S2 minut s by e gl.\ ~ _'_'" ('UI .Na . MX Cllamp tabs you to M $i.s·timI . . tionlil .m trKIts andshowsyou how to tftIStIf the ... SO lllinutn. 9¥ Motowidto. (n4) ~'~"""~ Howbl lt", your Evolution H.-tayhumming and IookKIg newand UWIhundreds crt dolll rJ. Jot Minton hom. 8¥ Tech Tlll . n '-T"•• me ThI fRltIlI mounlUl bib JICt itl the warid Ilbs ........ ;.. at ....moth Mouncairl: Ski",-, tn thI CalitDmi. High SMfTl . St, lootlgt from the Iut 5 ye-s InIftI mue twiRlS : r.mikm ( lIS1) _ _ Downhill. D bMMld Trials. Cross Country. Dual (sll lom Chanlnge. Hillcli tl, Ind mOl"l includ i m ing lotsof cruh... It yGtl l.1 bic"des. ttlts llidto ialor you. SO minutlSfrom MlJIovidto. Tr\IlII lift lIory of DDt of Acuriel's VI1II1I" 1'lIIC'l'1. Rn photOl. boJhood ratl films. 9¥ D spain l Associate 80 nUnutO l. l. (_ (WU)T...-"' IE_ _ rtaIVItS Bubb~ Shobenwin for Hond.. the.nNils you how. . Th nlltng8-ndlr dU l 10I photo.fimsh. 80 mil\lllts l by O spl in. , Motovidlo (.20011_ ~ (SJri cl - a _ Th wid.. II th. usanci of dlrt-nd. rating; two ll of the bnt in th. businass due/ lor 20 ~I - lIIfld decidl, it II in l one·1ap do h to the filII. 9t' Despalft AuotiI1I1. (11211) 1110 Sao _ H.lnm . (11· 1 _- ' _ 11_ " , - . _ _ Rain... shows '1m Ilia bid in J apan; Sdlwantz to tinDhthird aftlll" trashing behind G lrtlnll'. LIWIOIl stll'lSSHSOn with aasfI . 9rr ~41)1"' _ _ ""'" Se. wh)ch four rida r1qualify tel 110 011 to the World Il Individual 541...., Championshipl. By R Video, (O U) 1 _ USCP~ .... R.i"" raen cit. of ullb-talt ~ Laguna. Trtm .ndous bllltttt with Schwllll'ltl untillUm 11 " I II his 1111. bealliat 250t c tim attion Mth K _ Roth lloo'- " , 1lI' .......... (WI WorM T_ eo, I _ Bn! spndwly ridlll in thl world on thl world's bnt nck (long 8eadt. CAl. 80 minutes b" HAl. from John Indl.., lIIntarbinmttrrl Riell'l new 70 minutl inItruclionlil tIPIl:OIAlS tornplete wi h • t pocat·sized handboolt thl1 !hi mot mmar t an o t8fTY .Ionll 8nd ~r to in tha fi.ld. RJ showsyou howto ridl b.n.r thanyouthink you can. Ord. r now for immadiatl dIIlivlryl ('101) Vol ' ' ' ' ' ' LodoI " bq)tt't wb..11 1C8f 18nni. 8udwl8n damonstrell S the cr.t1of whell spoIQltQ, truin I\IflOU1 g. tonKfion. Conn ArMrican blltlS tomp ll1l "', much adaptabll to othar willi wtllata. 87 minutes lrom T apti. (_I _ CraoII ....... . ''1hra IibIC Yidtor AI . . MX crash &: bOO! lootagl la.bItl", tht lat.1l most ~ I...f-thil . . . . ~ IVlr SIt to 1M music Of! wid.~. G mt ontertlinmant for II ' 8g8Ii1 FromMotowidlo, 35 mmuln. (.1 05) SuporcrouThrilla. 541.1 and Ch 11 Ills'90 YOU Hi'll b comllllllrci., s - now buy the 'VI video . , , GIlIIf Ill1ItrtIinml m It pl rti. l. 30 ml~1S from Motovidto . ( "1_ 7 Over 17,0 ooi~tid.nts" - accidents including road b. l s. din bikn, rail, can and sports CIf1. R l .. tim. and slow motion Ulmmotion .. lII'tIn the bl st hn a thair oft momant . fun hl watch. 80 minut l . s e ("1- ' Over 140 trashes tltJl lll1ld on film . nd videotlllPl . bttl no OM pts hurtl Som. Itt Jluntl" SOmt Itt It01 Of! IMPost, but ontertaining withaf, 80 . m~a. ($frllW)_ P.-br . . tht claar win CMI' . . unbaliaqblt l"ItI In thepad. lor Mtoftd betweIfl8 ridltB. By !Jnpllll n Auoei tU. I ~-------- --- --- -------- ---- -------Amount- - - - - - - - -Description - - - - - Amount -Diy , -- -- - - ------ --- - - - - -- - -~ Amount· Description Diy , Description Diy , Order Form (please fill out COmplelelY I . 22 s,,,dwIy Spi1b @ 29.95 #23'88 Worlll T.... Cup @ 29.95 Name Address #41 Bib EJporie @ 33.95 "'." Cily #C3 TT Tribul. @ 33.95 State _ Phone I Zip _ Card # _ _ __ _ #l9A'90 F""'" RII 6P @ 33.95 #C4 '8a Paris·OaUr @ 39.95 ) o o _ lI9C 'a9 1s1e " #45'88 s,,,dwIy N CsIlip @ 39.95 ...( Or er Date d #95 '89 Paris,O 1151 8uhba ShobIrt Champion @ 38.95 Exp. Da te _ Send Chad or W IIIIO" Order paylllble 1 CYClE IEWS PRODUCTS. 0: ach. CA 90801·0498 1 AJlow3-4 M t!k$ deltvety) PO. 80x 498, Lon" Be All of Ihese VH tapes are available frel! 01sfuPPlnll and h. ndli ll S n tharlllS. from CYCLE IEWS PRODUctS Mail to: CYCLE NEWS PROD UCTS P,O , Box 498. Long CA 9080 1·049 8 or call (2 1 3 ) 427-7 433 du ring business hou rs " . ...... lie tel/owl. ' - ' (lty. Description #9 U RR Gro.d Pri, '88 @ 33,95 .S. #10'86 lAx @ 19.95 . #11 R~kJohn ... Profil. @ 34,95 #121WOOd'. G .st SX @ 24.95 ro" #1 3 MX 61..,r Styia @ 24.95 .111 '90 N. A morican S,lIdwoy Final @29,95 #19 Y-F... Victory@ 54.95 L __~::':.~~:!~':: Amount 1155 MX CmII & Bum St>'C1acul" @ 19.9 5 #65'89 MX 0.. Nations. 6"",,,,, @ 24.95 #66 MX CmII & Bum II @ 19.95 #611lost of Suparcnm '88 @ 19.95 #61A Su!I.rcnm RovilW '89@ 33.95 #76" 'a9 wartd MX GP RoviIW @ 69.95 .11 '89 lnt.mll1ionaJ 6·0", E nduro @ 33.95 #1aIm.ricJn bpr... 'all. RR R.~IW @ 33,95 #19'89 I ustr. i(ionR RGP @ 33.95 #80 '89 Jill"" " RR 6P @ 33.95 .80A'90 J'pll1es. RR 6P @ 33.95 #81 'B U 6P lalllJll S @ 33.95 9 ,S, ' ... #811 '90 US6P ~ Sea @ 33.95 #82A '90 Spanisll RR 6P @ 33.95 '831 '90 ltali", R116P@ 33.95 _=_~ ~ ~~_=~~~::5 _ #202 '90 St>ringfi.1d lSt>ring)Mil. @ 28.95 #203 '90 lDuisvill. Holt-Mii. @ 28.95 #300 '90 ~ Pacbg. @ 352.00 .30 1·90 AnaIlaim Suparcnm @ 24095 . 302'90 Houslo.Sut>orcnm @ 24.95 .303 '90 Son O goSut>orerou @ 24.95 i. 11304 '90 Sum. Sut>orcrou @ 24.95 '305'90 ItlantaSut>orcrou @ 24.95 11306 '90 la, V.gas Siq>.rcrolS @ 24,95 ' 307'90 Paad ... Suporcrou @ 24.95 #308 '90 DallasSup.rerou @ 24.95 #309 '90 Pontiac Suparcroll @ 24.95 #310 '90 T m Sup.reroll@ 24.95 . p. @49.95 @ n95 #98HI'IOC #1 @ 49,95 #99HI'IOC #I @ 49.95 .10ll M _ by Rick _ 1153 TOlIgIlest Race I Ever Woo @ 28.95 .54 V ·Twin ,............ @ 28.95 Signature #154 'SO B oellanan MX N @ 33.95 "'b #155 'SO Sou!tIwid MX Narb@ 33.95 #15B '90 T MX Na1'b @ 33,95 IllJ #200 '90 lsal1 (Spring)H oIt·Mil. @ 28.95 #201'90 Son Jcsa (Spring)Mil. @ 2B.95 #l5A '90 AuWian RR GP @ 33.95 #l6A'90YugosI"'''' RR 6P @ 33.95 #171'90 IIuIdl RII GP @ 33.95 #88A '90 BoIvi.n RR 6P @ 33.95 @ 24.95 .101 V ... WhnIlacinv@ 34.95 ·T .102 St>oo.., lea W Cha.......... artd 1990 @ 29.95 #103 '89 Califomi. Stall CShip S,.ldwoy @ 29,95 #104 Stur;j,'a9 @ 27.95 #105 Suparerou Thrill, Spill, & Chilb '90 @ 22.95 #i06 D."..,. '90 "R Wild Sid, id. " @ 22.95 #101 R.cing Am.rica V 1 @ 33.95 ol. 'h . #10a ATwist of Wrist @ 43.95 #109 K.m ikaz.1W MTB CsIlip, @ 34.95 orld _ 1131' '90CIlll1on. Siq>.rtroll @ 24.95 #312 '90 Ruth.rfordSu p.rerolS @ 24.95 .313 '90 Foxtorough SUp.fCIOS' @ 24.95 #314 'SO OK Ciy Sup.rcroll @ 24.95 t #11 0 BIldwll r 1990 @ 33.95 e #315 '90 San J... Sup.rtro.. @ 24.95 #11 1 M ""'.etJrm No CIlick.. @ 34.95 " #150 '90 6,, MX N.fb @ 33.95 .151 '90 SlcrIIIIon'O MX Na1'b @ 33.95 #152 '90 Aston MX Na1'b @ 33.95 #316 '90 IDs ~I.. Sup.rerolS@ 24.95 _::__"!:3~ ~~~~~~ ~ -. IY.% $_ Tu {lA e-y I¥.% $ _ Tul C. lilar.;' R. . .I .... 9W ... I . . . . . F~_~ _

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