Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 08 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 59 of 59

The National Hare ScramblesChampionship series was supposed to be a battle of two-strokes. Scott Summersjust wouldn't buy it. Instead, he won it.On his 4-stroke XR-600. And in the process, he sold a whole lot of people on the many benefits of Honda 4-stroke performance. From smooth power delivery. 1b incredible reliability. Fellow XR rider Harvey Whittaker did some persuading of his own.Winningthe 4-stroke "1\' classofthe series. So thanks, guys. You really know howto move those XRs. ~HONDA 7heRedRiders ALWAYS \\o'EAR It.HELME"l'. EYE PROTECTIOI\ A...~D I"ROTECTIVECWTHING. A!'OO PLEASE RESPECT TIlE &S\'IKONME~'T. ~ the law,.nd read yourownenmanual LOOf'OUlhly. XR is. Honda trademark. C 1990 Amrrtca.n Ho ndaM ocorCo., Inc.(7f'90)

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