Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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IN THE WIND By Papa Wealey Belgian Eric Geboer s (H on) swept both motos in round nineofthe World ' Championship 500cc MX Series held in Baldasserona, San Marino, on July 29. Belgian Dirk Geukens (Hon) was second overall with 4-4 moto finishes and Bri t Kurt Nico ll (KT M) was thi rd wit h a 7-2 score. Geboers leads Nicoll in the point sta ndings, 299-212, and can clinch the ' title at th e next GP in Namur, Belgium. Subscription Rate Schedule First Class Service D OMESTIC 1 year 50 issues 6 months 25 issues Trial sub. 15 issues $108.00 $55.00 $33.00 1 year 50 issues 6 months 25 issues Trial sub. 15 issues $122.00 $60.00 $36.00 1 year 50 issues s122.00 6 months 25 issues $60.00 $36.00 CANADA MX E ICO Trial sub. 15 issues A LOTHER 1 year 50 issues $127..00 L COUNTRIES 6 months 25 issues $62.00 Trial sub. 15 issues $38.00 Second Class Service DOMESTIC 1 year 50 issues 6 months 25 issues Trial sub. 15 issues $35.00 518.00 $1 1.00 CANADA 575.00 $38.00 $23.00 1 year 50 issues 6 months 25 issues Trial sub. 15 issues MEXICO 1 year 50 issues . 6 months 25 issues Trial sub. 15 issues $75.00 $38.00 $23.00 ALLOTHER 1 year 50 issues COUNTRIES. 6 months 25 issues Trial sub. 15 issues $75.00 $38.00 $23.00 Air Mail Service OOMEsnc Not available CANADA MEXICO 1 year 50 issues $1 37.00 6 months 25 issues $70.00 Trial sub. 15 issues $42.00 1 year 50 issues $137.00 6 months 25 issues 570.00 Trial sub. 15 issues 542.00 . ALLOTHER 1 year 50 issues $224.00 COUNTRIES 6 months 25 issues $11 4.00 Trial sub. 15 issues $68.00 Two and three year subscription prices available upon request. Use the order form in the IN THE WIND section or send your order, including payment (check, money order, charge to Visa or MasterCard) payable in U.S. funds, to: Cycle News, Inc. Attn. Circulation P.O. Box 498 Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 Phone (213) 427-7433 24 hr. FAX order line (213) 427-6685 2 (char ge ord ers onl y, please) Denmark's Jan P ede r s e n and Hans Nielsen captured the World Pairs Speedway Championship a t Landshut, West Germany, July 21. Australia 's Todd Wiltshire was the highpoint rider on the day , scoring 25 points to Pedersen's 24 to give th e Down Under team second place. The American duo of Ronn ie Correy and Kelly Moran p laced a disappointing sixth in the nine-team field. Vance & Hines will be selling the team 's two Yamaha FZR600s immediately following the 600cc Supersport final at Mid-Ohio on August 5. The bikes , ridden by David Sadowski and Thomas Stevens this year, will be sold for $6500 each. For more information, contact Tom Halverson of Yamaha at 7141761-7311. Will Davis (H-D) won the Joe Weatherly Memorial Classic which was run on the three-eighths mile asphalt oval at South Boston Speedway oval in Virginia, July 27. Erik Graybeal (W-R) finis hed second with Kris Kiser (W-R) third. Steve Eklund , the 1979 Grand National Champion who suffered serious head injuries in the June 17 Albuquerque Mile, remai ns in a coma an d in serious but stab le con dition, bu t after showing positive signs he has been moved from the intensive care unit to h is own room at Redwood City Kaiser Hospital in Redwood Cit y, California. Sou th ern California 's Perri s Raceway will host the 2nd Annual Fire and Police MX Nationals on November 15-I6. The event will once again raise funds for the Alisa Ann Ruch California Burn Fou ndation. Las t year's event dre w 170 firemen an d po lice Lawson/Taira win Suzuka 8-Hour our-time .World Champion Eddie Lawson (righ t) and his tea mmate Tadahiko Taira rode their Tech 2 I -sp o nso red Yamaha YZF750to victory in the pres tigo us Suzuka 8-Hour in Suzuka City, Japan, on Sunday, July 29, in front of 160,000 fans. The factory Yamaha duo topped th e Honda RVF750 team of Shoji Miyazaki and T adashi O hshima by two laps . Third place went to defending race champ ions Dominique Sarron and Alex Vieira on another Honda RVF750. Fast qualifier Michael Doohan led the race early on his factory Honda R VF750, but his teammate Wayne Gardner crashed the bike in the second hour. After remo unti ng and moving back into contention, the Australian duo's day ended when Gardner ran out of gas at the far end of the circuit. After Lawson, the top American finisher was Doug Polen , who teamed with Canadian Migue l Du Hamel to finish sixth on their Suzu ki GSX R750R. RIck Kirk and his Japanese team mate fin ished 12th; Dale Q ua rterley and Randy Renfro w finished 13th; Mike Harth and Tatsuro Arata finished 23rd; Tom Kipp and Donald Ja cks were 46th ; T homas Stevens and Peter Goddard were 49th; Doug Chandler and Scott Russell were elimi nated from the race on the 26th lap when Russell crashed the Kawasaki ZX750R - the pair was credited with 60th . Two-time World Superbike Champion Fred Merkel suffered two fractured vertebrae in his neck as a resu lt of a practice crash on J uly 26. The Californian, however, was released from the hosp ital and has returned to his home in Nembro, Ita ly; he is expected to miss the next round of the Wor ld Superbike Series in Japan on Aug ust 26. F officers who competed in 30 different classes an d the event raised $4000 for the Burn Fou nda tion. T he organizers of the event are seeking continge ncy prizes such as products, gift certi ficates, discount coupons, etc. If you wo u ld like to donat e co nt ingency prizes, call Ed Wilson at 714/24 7-7377. T he Ca lifo rnia O ff Road Vehicle Associatio n 's (CO RVA) Southern Jamboree will be held at the H ungry Valley SVRA at Gorman, California , Sep tember 21-23. T he weekend 's activities in clude off-readi ng events for everyone, incl u di n g ba rrel races , slalom course races, egg carries, a ni gh t foo t en d uro, a p ok er ru n, a nd a pa nca ke breakfast. For more informatio n, call the CORVA H otlin e at 8001 237-5436. Spo rts Committee District 37 AMA, Inc., organizers of the Barstow-toVegas race, is contin uing to wor k MX des Nations team selected eff Ward, J eff Stanton and Damon Bradshaw have been selected to represent the United States in its quest for an unprecedented 10th consecutive Motocross des Nations title at the 44th ann ua l event on September 16 in Vimmerby, Sweden . Roger DeCoster wi ll o nce aga in serve as tea m captain. Kawasaki's Ward , 29, will be making his seventh appearance in the Wor ld Team Championship and .will serve as tea m captain. The 500cc Na tional champ will contest the 500cc class. Honda's Came l Supercross and 250cc Na tiona l Champion Stanton, 22, will ma ke his second consecutive appearance in the 250cc class, while Yama ha 's Damon Bradshaw, 18, will compe te in his first Mo tocross des Na tions in the 125cc class. Grein Britain, whic h has not won a Motocross des Nations title since its stri ng of five stra ight ended in 1967, has won the event 15 times. The U.S. is tied with Belgi um at nine wins, Sweden has seven, Russia two, and Czechoslovakia has won once. An FIM ru le change for thi s year's event will see a team 's best five of six finis hes count. Each rider will ride two 30-minute plus two-lap rnotos, with two classes running in each of th e three motos, The change is largely due to the fact that American teams have clinched the title before the fina l mo to at the last two events. Individuals can help support the American effort by purchasing T-shirts from th e AMA for $14. All proceeds go direc tly to defrayi ng the costs of sending the team and support personnel. To order, contact the AMA at P.O. Box 6114, Westervill e, OH 43081 ,614 /891-2425. J wi th th e BLM and env ironmental rep resenta tiv es in a cooperative manner as directed by th e Federal Court. Current issues under discussion are req uire d biological study of the course and the length of corridors through desert tortoise habitat areas. Due to the discussions and work on the draft environmental assessment, ent ries for B-to-V 1990 will now be avai la ble in ea rly September. .For entries, send a SASE (legal size) to: Bto-V '90, P. ,O. Box 3858, Hesperia , CA 92345. The general in forma tion phone number for the event is 6 19/949RACE. a The Kawasaki "Get Together for Good Times" even t origi na lly scheduled for La ke Pep in , Minnesota , on August 12, has been rescheduled for Sunday, Aug ust 26. . Road racer Reinhold Roth rema ins uncon scious in a Ravensburg, West Germany, hosp ital as the resu lt of his crash in the Yugoslavian Grand Prix, J une 17. Ro th 's condi tio n has stabilized and he no longer needs a respirator to assist his breathi ng, bu t the longterm progn osis remai ns guarded. T he Flam min i Group (SBK), organizers of th e World Championship Superbike Road Race Series, repo rts tha t ESPN is set to begin airing their events . Accord in g to SBK, 22 na tions now receive television coverage of the series, with Englishspea ki ng commen tary by Bri t Chri s Carter. Discover Today's Motorcycling, the Mo to rcycl e Ind ustry Cou n ci l p u b lic information cam paign, is offeri ng a free set of "Straight Fact" broc hures - Prepare to Ride, What to Buy, How to Finance, and How to _ In sure - to everyone who calls a toll free number, 800/ 833-3995. Ca llers will also be able to obtain in formation on th eir near est Mot orcycle Safety Founda tion Rid erCou rse, a combinatio n o f class roo m a n d hands-o n instruction for both experienced and first-time riders. American Honda conducted grand opening ceremonies a t its ne west Rider Education Center in Alp haretta, Geor gia , on Tuesday, J ul y 24.