Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 08 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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'70's Sportbikes GuikSho '75 Honda 400 fo ur. r uns good. restorable. $350. 74 Vamaha RD350 . st ock with 3 parts bikes. $250. (330-3 1/C) (9191859- 54 11. NC. ~ """- '"""-"'"""-~ "' " Vintage Racing "The World's Toughest Sport" Bum persticker, $3.00 (209) 252-9053 .CA . (230 -33/ C) b~. m b o #~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ VINTAGE SA LE: 197 6 Vamaha TY25Otrials. f ull restorano n, $800/080. CZ Falta replica 250. & CZ pans. sell / trade. Interested in Yamaha road recin g b ikes & parts. (30 1) 825-2 177. lea ve message. MD . (130- 3 1/ C) FAST tl0 Sf:: ~~ .,~ DEALER ~Y INFO ON ~ ' S ERVICE REQUEST ... " ~ For Sale 1973 Kawasaki 750 H-2 . many new parts, runs 13 HP Increa se. 20 Ibs . lig hter th an stock. w ide po werband. 4 dba over stock. Re tains side and center stands. $229 includes 4 aluminum silencers. R5 · RD 2 50 / 350 / 4 0 0 Daytona exhaust. $1 89 includes 2 a luminum silencers. Kaw au ki H1 I H1 1 ex hau st . $229 includes alum inum silencer an d hardware . gre at. 1971 Kawasak i 500 H-1. needs minor work. plus many extra parts. Ask ing $1200 for both. (7081 (33Q.3 1/ C) 895 ·8605.IL 19 6 6 Triumph TR6 Excellem. $2000. 1972 Norton. fa ir. $1200.1979 Guzzi SP. good. $1700. E & E. (504) 48 8· 7441. LA. (230/C) := (707) 463-1322.~' F.P.P./81 6· A W augh Lan e/ Ukia h, CA 95482 DEALtRS/DISTIlIBUTDRS WELCOME BREMBO AMER ICA. IN C. DE:" v EH. :\I( )"("( )J{( :Y( :1.E P.O. 8 0x 1. M ,ca, WA 99023 50919 28 ·0918 Phon e (50 9) 924 ·51 31 FAX 1 161 8 LAFAYETTE STREET DENVER, CO 8 0 218 #1 in the ~aja 1000 , ..noble ONLY ot: BalwinM.CA (81 8) 962-245 1 Honolulu.HI (808) 373-2322 V"lsalio.CA (209) 625-2900 Inglewood.C (2 13) 678-681 1 A SnBemadino,CA(714) 883-8891 a SnP A (213) 548-6874 a edro,C Venturo.CA (805) 648-2000 VanNuys.CA (818) 786-8180 1971 HUSQVARNA 400 CROSS . Excellent cond it ion. all orig ina l. strong runner. includes factory manual. tools. spares. $1000 fi rm. (2 13) 378-6006. CA. (130/C) GEN RAL E MR HAN IS EC D E MIKUNI RS 38&40 CAR8URETOR con version. Our ca rbs or yours. 3 da y turna round. CBR sl ott ed cam sprockets. $30 exchange. ADVANCED CVCLE ENGINEERING. (407) 340· 3418 . FL (330- 3 11 514.95 ... ... •• ~~C'. SEND $14 95 ,CHEC' OA MON EY DADEA, MOTO -VATED PRO DUC TS ~ 3193 WAVSIDE PLAZA SUITE 13 WALNUT CREEK. CA 94596 MOTORCYCLE CEN TERS 19 84 Suzuki GS1150 5...,." ConwtttMm C.1ifom. LoatioM: ~ 19 8 9 Honda CR250 & 500 What'shappening? Cycle News Calendar. M ind. 14258 E. ImP8ri., Hwy Sun v-'~, (2 13/ 946·3459 9007 Sun/"nd A ~. IS 1S/768-9026 Ton»nc- 246 6 ~ Sepulllffd6 Blvd. (213/53().()314 Both in excell ent condition wi th extras. Call eves., (7 14) 998· 1847. CA. (330-31) AlRCONE STILL SPECIAUZES New CX650 Turbo Engine in cones, megaplloaes, silencers, Factory newl 1983 Honda CX650T turbo engine. com plete. $850 or best offer take. it. (714 ) 8942948. CA. (330-31 ) New CBX 6 Into 1 Exhaust lBARGAIHS FOR DEALERSI Motorcycle $time.. tuneups. M:Cft$(JMs.nd tim. In excellent cond ition w ith only 8000 miles. Mikuni carb s & Supertrepp exha ust . Call eves., (71419981847. CA. 1 330-311 New Cobra 6 into 1 chrome exha ust pipes. Still in the factory box. $200 firm! (714) 89 4 -2948 . CA. (330·3 1) An p ar t s r ewound t o manufacturers s pe cs. usin g o n ly t~e fi nest ~a te rials -!. lfLlt1fJ!! HONDA C8450K5 ROAD RACER. C.R. carbs , oil cooler. CCSWERA vint age racer. $700/ 0 8 0 . (60 21 (330 / C/ P/ 32) 780·0188. "J.. caatooo . • Bolt-On Rac ing Brake Ki ts For: B M W - Ducat i - Honda Kawasaki - Suzuki - Yamaha • Full Range OEM Discs . Mast er Cylinders & Calip ers . • Stainless Steel Line Kits. D-Bends, complete pipes. Call AJRCONE (702) 456-4177 A,.."';rn 828 w: VBf"mont An'. (7141 774 · 10t19 LongBHCh 5210L.onQ BsBChBlvd. (2 131423.88 78 South c;.,. 5861 Firestone8htd. (2 t 3J927-6895 MonfOw" 806 E. Huntington D,i~ (S r8) 303 ·6382 5901 EMERALD AVEN UE '--- - Las Vegas, NV 89122 _ _---' A TraditioD in Engine BuildingSince 1967 Street · Dirt Bikes - ATVs- Watercraft • Crank & Engine R eb uilding INTERSTATE OIL CO. • 3 Stage 2 St roke P orti n g • Flow Bench P orting DISTIBUTORS O F : ATV News Garage Sale IflIIlZ Close-out on ATVNews Binders. Each binder holds 25 issues. Blue with ATV News logo. fits Cycle News tool Regularly $16.95 each. NOW ONLV S10 .00 each postage paid. Quantit ies are limited. so ord er toda y. Use t he CN Products order for m (5/TfN) located below t he advenisers ind ex. • Cylinder Boring- Sleeving Kold Pro'~'-AJI Kutter a. _ c • • ~ • Big Bore Kits· Pistons • High T e ch E ngine Coatings KaJ ·Gard ™ F1ouro-Tron TM 1830 Lakeview Terrace Loa.a Lake. MN 55356 DEALERS CALL 1-800-369-0001 PHONE (6121473-9073 FAX (6121475.1441 MOTORCYCLE PERfORMANCE ~ • PERFORMANCE, INC C all Abou t 48 hr QUI ck O u o tu v S f'r vl c l .· ( 1 All< 250 Eng;ne Mocjjf<:atxlns Lctge Inventory 01 All< Pests \1. A )~ 00 ' Can-Am Pot1s ao.eOut ...._(918) 258-4774 c;> ~1 IJ THE~'e~ ~ u,os 00;1y 509-A N. Walnut. Broken Arrow, O K 740 12 a I' Want Ad Information - 213/427-7433 I Mounts - EXSOOSolid Motor IJse Your Engine as a Stressed Membttr ! FZ, FZR Fork Braces Solid Billet tor 400. 600. 1000's Kits onty $89 .95 ind o$hipping ~ 19 83 Ducat i MHR JII&& mJ Custom EXSOO RR sets $89 .95 H-Bar Mounts YOUR OUCATl/ HUSQVARNAlKTM HEADQUARTERS (708) 495-2273 ~ (708) 495-7942 FAX 900. mint condit ion. new Mettelers. Contis. 40mm care s. $15.500. Call Dave. (7 14) 837·0 141 . (71 4) 586-0 79 1. CA. (12 8. 30 / P) '¥- I . . at! TWins. EXSOO Speoalist r;;;, $89.95 P- Macturung Custom EDDIE BRUsii""" """ P.O . 80x 9625 Marina Del Ray. CA 90295 " -- - - -(213) 3 9 2 -4586 - - --...J RC- 30 Rhode Island Call 8i11. (401 ) 421 -7382 w eekdays. RI. (129-3 2) 1989 KTM 500 Lik e brand new . ri dden 3 times, extras. co mple te extra rear wh eel avai lable. Moved to 205'5, $3200. (81 8 1966·21 84. CA. (330·31 ) 1990 KX125 New engi ne. cl utch . mod if ied suspensio n, pipe, $2650/ 0 8 0. (41 5) 58 1-9 52 1. CA. (3 30 -31) HAVE: 2 KX25 0cc ENGINES & 2 KX400 engines. Also have 1968 Kawa saki W -2. sell or tra de. W ANT: raci ng leat hers. Hond a Roller. fr ont forks . w heel and disc brake. Honda 600 engine . (5031 296-6596. OR. (13 01 1990 KX250 Vet . owned. Race Tech suspen sion. DMC tu ned. Rem hal bars. 10 hours, lik e new. M oving •. must sell , $3200/080. (2 13) 827-0880. CA. (33 0-31) ; ~wua.. .~ CUSTOM OFF RO AD PANTS ~ KNOBBY SHOP INfL(619) 448-7814 - HI CKMAN Racing 515·285·4332 Cr a nks h.ft • Po rtlne • Borlne • 5 1• • vlnl CUl tom Machin lftC. Suspension Senlce 12 V• • ,.• • UPS D.n, ..., $.1 • • • Pert • • Ace. no..... ~~ ~ ~ CAU FOO DULE" "'0 "OTOCROSS THE " .,ICE IN EUItOPE, NOW IN THE U.S-AI 185 EXPRESS ST .• PLA IN VIEW. NY 11803 11.11I4210 I Fa: 111-131·2110 _ 682 1 Fie , OR IA S0321 ~ 1943 Surte FFriendship Dr.. BCajon. CA 92020 r 1 Des Mo JOIN America's Premi er Road Racin g Associati on (704) 684-4297 Baja Off Road Tours • A s •••n on ""Moto Worlt/"" • JCR250 0' JCR600 bik• • pro.,id«l. • No_ I ••turing Whit. 81'O $ uS/Hn.xm s. • ~;,.,: ;~:;~ , 't;ns:,~:':::::. bonJ., • VISA . NI• .,.,c.-d A 2!» 108 M_pnt. Pkwy. Slut. 6-126. Mlu lOfI V . CA 92692 I'IO (7 "1 8 30- 65 6 9 . 49

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