Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 08 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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v Letters to the editor 0ICES INSIDE FEATURES ROAD RACING ChandlerhotinM iami 6 M OTOCROSS Stanton, Cooper smooth inSouthwick sand 20 22 TeamSuzuki smokes Nelson Ledges WERA 24-Hour VINTAGE Old bikesin Y eOlde Country PREVIEW 1991Yamaha Yls and WR250Z 1991 Harley-Davidsons 24 26 DEPARTMENTS 12 M artens surges ahead for German 500ccGP win 16 WORKBENCH 15 LOC~L 28 EVENTS 17 42 W NT ADS A DRAG RACING M tops at Englishtown yers Summemationals CALENDAR .46 RESULTS .45,58 ON THE FRONT PAGE: The streets of Miami, Florida, were the site for round five of the AMA National Championship Superbike Series , in which T eam Mu zzy Kawasaki's Doug Chandler (10) took the victory. It was the ina ugura l ru nning of the Miami Grand Prix. For race coverage see page 6. Ph oto by Henny Ray Abrams. ' Helping h ands On J u ly I, whil e vaca tioning in Ohio, I was competing in a hare scrambles at Lightning Raceway near Dennison . Un fortuna tely, on the last lap I crashed hard and su ffered severe sp ina l cord inj ur ies. The reason I am writing this letter is to thank all of th e wonderful people at the race who helped me. I don' t know any nam es an d their faces aren't too vivid, but I remember the first one to assist me was a rider in a pink jersey. Thanks also to the track owner for coming to the hospita l at the time of th e accident and for another visit la ter in the week. A very specia l thanks goes to a dear old frien d, Herb Lep pel meier, for taking care of all our gear and for staying with my father at the hospital until late in th e n igh t. I also wish to tha nk the paramedics, Jane and Jo , for ta king such extreme care on ensuring m y i n ju ri es wer e n ot furth er comp lica ted. We sho u ld all be thankful that we parti cip ate in such a grea t sport with so man y fantastic people involved. I am o n th e road to recovery and alt houg h it will be a long one, I feel confiden t that I will win this race. Fred Hensley, Jr. Orlando, FL America 's weekly motorcycle newspaper Volume XXVII Mich ael Klin ger, Publ ish er Caroli ne Gendry , Executive Secre ta ry to th e Pu blish er Editorial J ack Man gu s, Associate Publish er/ Edi tor Kit Pal mer , Associate Edi tor . Pau l Ca rru the rs, Associate Edi to r Nate Rauba , Associate Editor Brian Catterson, Associate Edit or Ken Faugh t. A ssistan t Edi to r Edw ina Man gu s. Calen dar Edi tor Advertising T erry Pra tt , Nat iona l Accounts Manager: Mar k Thome, Western Sales Manager Ro n Davidso n. We-Sinn Sal es Man ager T ho mas R. Gon ter, Western Sales Manager Ma rk Mit ch ell , Eastern Accoun ts Man ager G reg Mitchell . Eastern Sales Man ager Cu rti s Ca m pbell, Eastern Sa les Man ager J oa n Russia n, Weslern Ad Coo rdinator Carla Borden Allen , Eastern Ad Coo rdina tor Grap hi cs and Pr od uctio n Ree Johnson , Production Su pervisor Ma nd y Loo, Prod u ction Man ager Den n is G reene , Lab. T ech. , Stacey Guest, Grap hi c A rtist Am y H a rri s. G rap hic Artist Carolyn Bra n ha m. T ypesetter Circulation Rh eba Smith. Man ager Sarah Taylor, Billing Coordinator Alma An gu ian o , Processin g Coordina tor Herlane Lewis, Statis tica l Coordinato r Carol Magg io . Dealer Coo rdinator Deal er Sales Er ic Reece, Man ager Want Ads Debbie Weller , Want Ad Sales Marketi ng 8:,Promo tio n Ma rk Thom e Acco unti ng / Data Processing Donna Brya n , A / R Coo rdi nator Ge neva Repa ss, Assistant Lisa G ill. Credit Nationa l Hea dquarters 2201 Cherry Ave.. Long Beach , CA 90806 , P.O. Box 498. Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 (213) 427· 7433; 213/636·8844. FAX (2 13) 427·6685 Service and Sup port Chris Aitcheson, Headq uarters R ecept ion ist Leonard H erring , Service and Support Eastern Office 4190 First Ave., T ucker , G A, 30084; mai lin g add ress P.O . Box 805, T ucker, GA 3008S·08OS. (404) 934· 7850. FAX (404) 934· 3112 Cycle News (U SPS 141-340) is p ub lis hed weekl y excep t th e last two week s o f th e ca len dar year for S50.00 per yea r by Cycl e News, In c. , 220 1 Ch err y Aven ue. Lon g Beach . CA 90806. Seco n d class postage pa id a t Long Beach . CA, a nd add itional mai lin g o ffices. POSTMASTER: Send addresschanges to Cycle News, P.O. Box 498, Long Reach, CA 90801·0498. T o det ermine th e expiration date of you r subscriptio n. check the fou r n u m bers on th e first line of yo u r address label. T he first two d igi ts indica te the last issue number yc u'Il receive and the last two cha rac ters indicate the year of the last issue. Subscrip tion rate s: Rat es for . th e U n i ted States a nd its po ssessio ns for o ne year, (50 issues), S50.OO; two years (100 issues) . S95.oo; six months, (25 issu es). S26.oo; trial su b ( 15 issues), SI9 .oo. Canada and Fo reign , o ne year (50 issues). S90.00; two yea rs (100 issues). SI 75.00; six months (25 issues), S45.oo; tri a l su b ( 15 issues ). S38.oo. Cycle New s welco mes u nso licited edi tori al ma teria l including stories, cartoons, p ho tos, etc. Su ch mat eri al. if published, becom es th e excl usi ve property o f Cycl e News. Such accep ted mat eri a l is subject to revision as is necessary in th e so le dis cretio n of Cycle News. Unsolicited ma terial wh ich is not used will be retur ned if accom pa nied by a self addressed sta m ped en velope. All unso licited material wi ll be ha nd led with reasonable ca re, how ever, Cycle New s assu mes no respo nsibil ity for the sa fety, loss or damage to suc h mat eria l. Rep rin tin g in whol e or pan o nly by permissio n of the publisher. Advertising rates and circu lation info rmat io n will be sen t u pon req uest. See S.R.D.S. WlBn'A 'if n AUDITED CIRCULA TION Copyrigbtll Cvcle NtwS, Inc. 1990. Trademark Cydt NtwS rtgistertd U.s. Patml Office. All rights reserved. Kudos from a group of champs Earl's Racin g T eam says tha nks to the Peoria M.C. and T ote Gray for the excellen t job they did dur in g the AMA Amateur Dirt Track Na tionals. They wor ked hard, spent a lot of time, and put forth a lot of effort to give all the rid ers a place to race. . It is important tha t all the sponsors and dedicat ed people who are involved with our racing 'p rogram get proper recognition as 'it wou ld be impossible to run a successfu l program witho ut them. When we win, they all win too. Special thanks to: mechanics Jerry Clark and Recil Hart; Lori , Bob and Scott Stump; Kiwi Helm ets; Eddie T ho mpso n; Stump Insurance; Skat Racin g; Bobby Lewis at Perform ance Cycle; Marlin Hart; Terry Ebelhar; T ommy Leonard; J im Fogle; Woody Kyle; T-Shirt Shoppe; Flat Trak Fotos; Jake and Paul Zemke; and Pro Pl ates. Jenny Hayden Roger Lee Hayden Nicky Ha yden Tommy Ha yden Owensboro, KY L ed by To mmy Hayden, wh o won six class titles at th e Amateur National Final s, Earl's R acing T eam en joyed continued success in Illinois. Coverage of the short track / half m ileiTT event will appear in next week 's Cycle News . . . Editor. Brin g back the U.S. 125 cc MX GP During my yearly pil grimage to Unadilla to see the U.S. 250cc MX GP , my buddies and I were discuss ing th e l25cc GP s and wondered why ther e isn't one in America. T he U.S. was a regu lar stop on the 125cc GP circu it until 1982 when th e round was eliminat ed, probabl y du e to the lack of American riders in the sen es. In '87 a revival of th e American round came to Steel Cit y in Delmont, Pen nsylvania, but desp ite a q ua lity event the race still lacked American G P regulars. Bobb y Moore had a respectab le ride that day and cracked the top l O in the po ints standings at th e end of the season. Otherwi se the American 125cc Nat io na l riders .den ied the GP stars victory, so it was fairl y easy to see wh y th e FIM wou ld choose not to send the G P regulars back to be beat by the American "one-race wonders." But was that really the reason? Or was Steel City unable to host an '88 event and no one else willing to step in? But now America is ready for a 125cc GP. Americans Donny Sch mit , Bob Moore, Mike Healey, Tyson Vohland and Bader Man neh, altho ug h based in Europe, have jammed the top of th e standings with red, white and blu e in 1990(not to ment io n Trampas Par ker's '89 championship). There are no m o re acceptable excuses. T he U.S. isn' t nearly so well represented in th e 250 and 500cc classes, yet we have an nua l G Ps in each of those series. Bring th e l25cc MX G P back to Americal Steve Farenell Sara toga Springs, NY According to R acer Produ ctions, promoters of the '87 Steel City I25cc MX GP, th e expenses of putting on a GP are extraord inary. Each rider has to be paid start money, all th e way down to some of the local pros who fi ll the starting gate, and the European riders m ust be com pensated for travel expenses. In the past, lack of American riders competing in th e I 25cc series meant less interest in this country in th e I 25cc GPs, and therefore a smaller crowd of hardcote en thusiasts fo r a promoter to draw upon when staging a GP. After the '87 Steel City event, Ra cer Productions decided to concentrate on bu ilding in terest by holding Na tional Cham p ionship events at the facility. Now, wi th renewed American interest in the I25cc GPs (we fill fOUT of the top five positions in the curren t points standings), R acer Produ ction s has begun talks with the FIM for a I25cc GP as early as nex t year, mo si lik ely to be held in Pennsylvania or O hio . . . Editor. Tourist protection It was brought to my att ention tha t a reader experienced a very unpleasant in ciden t at the ha nds of Fed er a l Judicial Pol ice agents near San Felipe in Baja California, Mexico. I would like to inform you that th e Baja Cal ifornia Secretary of Tourism is co m p osed of three Direct io ns (department s), one of wh ich is the Direction for the Prot ection of Touris t which is design ed to give free legal a ssistance a nd orienta tio n to an tourist who has an experience such a the one your reader had. We have bil ingu al agents from that departme nt in T ijuana, Ro sar ito , Ensenada, Mexicali and San Felip e who work seven days a week. As of July 5, by direct orde r of President Carlos Salinas de Gortari , checkpoin ts and inspections by th e Federal Judicial Police will no lon ger exist on Mexican roads in order to avoid such embarrassing in cidents. . Juan Tintos Funck T ijuana, B.C" Mexico Fun cke is the director of promo tion for th e Baja California Secretary of T ourism . Th e in cident Fun ck e referred to was related in a letter from a reader wh o claime d he and friends were harassed by Mexican police while ridi ng in Baja. . . Editor. Letters to the editor sho uld be sent to: Vo ices, Cycle News, P.O. Bo x 498, Long Beach, CA 9080 1-0498. Published leuers do not necessarily reflect the position 01 Cycle News, In c. Letters sh o u ld not exceed 200 words and all leuers are subject 10 editing.

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