Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 08 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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- HI-PERFORMANCE PISTONS L.A. SLEEVE CO. :-:: =-= - stuck in midpack. The dus t made it har d for Cood to catc h up and at th e checkered flag it was McClain first and Good second. McClain made it a holeshot sweep by cla iming the beginning of moto two. Cood gOI a bette r star t thi s tim e and pa ssed McClain by the halfway mark. McClain crashed trying 10 rega in the lead a nd remounted in third . New Mexico residen t Scott Will iams found hi mself in seco nd, bu t only for a short whi le. McClai n reclaimed second but Good fin ished first a nd too k the overa ll win. Willi ams pl aced thi rd overall. Williams is spe ndi ng his sum mer vaca tio n visiti ng Alaska and show ed the local s his rear fender in the 125cc Expert class. He had bad star ts in both mOlDS but easily won each tim e, !)() NOV: I. T yler Schacher (Yam); 2. Jo.W'ph Rambur (Vam); 3. Mike R ickard (Yam). 60 NO V: I. Sea n G randt: (Kaw); 2. Bill y Spear (Kaw l; ~. Travis Grand e (Kaw). 80 NOV: I. Luk e Rambur ( Ka w); 2. Jer emy Button ( Ka w); ". JermlYflavin (Hon ). 80 .. X: I. Tony Coffman ( Ka w) ; 2. Jos h Rambur ( Kaw ); : 3. Camero n Forsythe (Raw). 125 NO V: I. ~ Joh nso n (Ka w); 2. Jason Rynders (Hon); 5. Slr Y Dona lly (SUl). (' 125 INT : I. Sh awn wolverton (Yam); 2. Oli ver Unru h (Yam ): 3. Jim Parrish (H o n). 125 EX: I. Scot( Will iam s (Ho n ); 2. Francis Good (Suz): 3. Qui lo ~WilH ('r ( ){a w ). •• 250 NOV: I. Tim Miller (KT M); 2. Oerren Htt1 5KT (Kaw) : 3. Mih Wahlewid (Yam). 250 INT : I. Daw- Loo ma n (Suz); 2. Chris Micha~1s (Sut ): 3. Flank Mclmirt' ( Kaw). 250 EX: 1. Ji m McCa in ()(a w) : 2. CI~ Chanenon (Raw); 3. Ralp h Blan ch ard (Kaw). 500 NO V; I. Rich McP hail (Kaw): 2. George G rove (lta w); .5 Malt Wagn er (H Ull). . 500 EX: I. Bruce Stig ley (Hon ): 2. Lyle Mcl m ir~ (Ka w ): 3. Kevin Thom r.wn ( H on ~. VET NOV: . J ohn Peirce (SUI ): 2. Eric Forsvrhe (Kaw ); ~. Scan Law rence (Sut ). y VET EX: 1. Bruu Stingll" (Han ); 2. Brad Bomh off (Kaw); ~ . Kelly Wt'St (SUI). P RO: I. J ~ Good (SUI): 2. Jim McClain (Kaw); 3. Sca u William s (Ha n). Frampton, Ott, Liedberg storm to Rock Springs MX wins By Dale Bohm Photo by Lezlie Bohm ROCK SPRINGS. WY, JULYI Brad Frampton, Roby Ott and Sieve Liedberg, were the overall A class winners on day two ' of the West Central Regional Qualifier for th e AMAI Amateur Nationals at Loretta Lynn's Dude Ranch held at Rock Springs MX. T he beau tifu l Rock Springs MX tra ck lies insid e the Sweetwater Co unty Fairgounds, an d features many Supercross-type obstacles. fn 250ec A acti on , Ott blasted in to the lead followed by Frampton , Mike Thomas, Brian Levitt and Vince Lu cero. Ott contin ued to hold off Frampton through lap one while Levitt worked hi s way past Thomas. Lance Walker was blazing and blew up to fifth a fter a poo r start. Frampton worked past Ott on lap two, while Lu cero dogged Levit t for th ird . Framp ton held on to win over Ott, Le vitt, Walker and Lu cero. The second moto holeshot belon ged 10 Ott a gai n. whi le Frampton. Levitt, Lu cero , Thomas Walk er foll owed. Ott and Frampton quickly pulled away from the pack with a new lap record of two-minutes and 38 secon ds. Walker moved up to fourth by lap two as Levitt tried desperate ly to hold on to third. Up front, On and Frampton were wagging a war as they battled tooth-and-nail for the lead . Frampton kept the pressure on and even tually got pa st 10 win over Ott, Walker, Lucero and Levitt . In l25cc A action, Steve Liedberg ignited the star t and blew into the lead over Frampton, Marlo Painter, and Brian Call. Liedberg rode flawlessly and held a two-seco nd lead over Frampto n to win the first moto, Call worked past Painter only to get a flat rear tire and fade back to seventh. Jared Carlson moved up to third by the mote's end over Ott, Fram p ton and Pai nte r. Moto two was th e best of the day as Painter pu lled the holeshot over Levitt an d Call. Framp ton wanted the win badl y and blew by Call an d Levitt to mo ve into second by the end of lap one. Wha t follo wed was a true showcase of the "wiley" veteran, Frampton, versus the new young lio n, Pa in ter. The two l25cc pilots blazed the track, tu rning twomin u te, H·secon d la p times. Frampton patiently stalked his prey and po unced on Painter on lap fou r of the Iive-lap moto, Liedberg worked up from a bad start to ca pture third and the overall win . Call held on to fourht over Carlson. PIW : I. Justin Buck~ It'W; 2. J ustin Delaware; 3. Mike Vanrrns. JR CYCA: I. Terry Ha ugstad. J R eve 8: I. Justin Buckelew: 2. joshua Perrit cn : 3. Jak~ umansky. 80 NOV 7-11: l. Jart'd Farn sworth; 2. Bryan Duvall ; 3. Jaso n Olava. 80 NOV 12-15: I. David Andttson : 2. Ja50fl Bau cu m; 3. Ty1~r Barto n. 125 8: 1. Shawn Morga: 2. Dan ny Fuhrmann: 3. Bretl Murdock. 125 A MOD : 1. SIt:\'C Li~ 2. Brad Frampton; 3. Marlo Pai n ter. 125 QUALIFIER: I. Brian CilU; 2. Dan Cam: 3. Goff')' H olcomb . . 250 C: I. Darttll Samha"; 2. Dmnis Don ovan ; 3. Mark Anderson. ~- :~ - - RAC . - .. -..-.GE N U I NE ING PARTS =:::::- - ~. _ _ ....... 61fT .~ .. MX/ATV -.,~ L------~---~ MANUFACTURED IN JAPAN High performance race style pistons manufactured from special high-silicon aluminum alloys. Piston kits . supp lied with rings, circlips, wri st pin . Forleading makes and models. See your dealer. LOS ANGELES SLEEVE CO., INC. 8311 Chetle Ave., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90660 (213)945-7 578 Dealers call or w rite for your free catalog and decals. Brad Frampton won the 250cc Pro class at Rock Springs MX. L!J( 80 MO D 14-15: I. Troy Turner'; 2. Robby Sisko 80 MO D 9·13 : l. R uss Anderson ; 2. Jttt'my Did; 5. J a!iOn O>a>n. 80 JR : I. Jeremy Did : 2. Ryker Smi th: 3. Brad ley Ballard . 80 A: I. Russ Anderso n : 2. Dustin Headman. 125 C: l. Sha wn Chavez; 2. Jason Ogdt-n; 3. Rob b Flath. O PEN C: I. .kff Hoots; 2. Shad Greear: .5. l ama San den. . O PE N A: I. Robb y o «. 2. Sam Taylor: :,I SiR Riddle. OVE R .'JO C: I. AI Jon n ; 2. Bob P~tt'fSOn : ~ . Carl Ander son. WMN: I. Susan Andrew s. . 250 B: 1. Sha wn Morga : 2. Mikr- Rirdsl~y: .5 . Aaron Painter. S/ SR: 1. Ca rl Wt'Slcamp: 2. Bobby Hancock: .:. .Iarnes Lon g. 250 A MOD: 1. Brad Frampton : 2. Rob by O n ; 3. Lan a Wa lk~r. OVE R 40: I. Bob Krah: 2. David W a1J a~;,to'1 ; 3. Edga r P. m iton . e . OVER 50 B: I. K~n Pedersen. OVER !O A: I. Dan L«hlmberg; 2. David Crwden : s. Mike Behrma n. ; O VER. 25 A: 1. Scuu Nid liOn 2. Cary Sharpe. OVER 25 B: 1. Denn is Dono van : 2. Mike Su llivan ; ~ Brock Jud d. Huntsman sweeps Silver State MX Best of Ohio Summer Series .,2J;' " See 750cc Harleys & Hondas at o ver 1OOmph " SEE THE BEST DIRT TRACK RACING IN OHIO" JULY 28th SjT NEW PHILADELPHIA (MATHIS RACEWAY JULY 29th HIM WELLSTON (JACKSON CO. FAIRGROUNDS) AUG 4th HIM BUCYRUS (CRAWFORD CO. FAIRGROUNDS) PROS 8:00pm 3:00pm 8:00pm AMATEURS 5:00pm ll:OOam 5:00pm Road Race fan s can see top no tch dirt tra ck racing the night before Mid-Ohio about 20 miles west of Lexington. Ohio on Route 30. AUG 26th HIM MARION (MARION CO. FAIRGROUNDS) 3:00pm A complet e amatuer and you th prog ram is being held before each of the above races. A mateurs sho uld be at sig n up 5 hours before the pro race time. Promoted by: TRIANGLE MOTORCYCLE CLUB (614) 383-3887 ~ BOB STUMP (614) 387·3517 or(614) 398-1925 By Bob Waters CARSON CITY, NV, JULY 7 Jerem y Huntsman of Reno, Nevada , dominated the 80cc Begi nn er class by win nin g both motos at the Friday nigh t races at Silver State Motocross, Riding hIS Kawasak i KX80 to victo ry, Huntsman fou ght off Daren Mu rdoch a nd Cha d Ra ger in the first moto. In the second mota . Huntsman was beaten to the first tum by Ch rystal Pon sock on her Suzuki. She was able to keep her lead for the first circuit, bu t on the second go-around Hun tsman found some extra space and passed for first. He was then able to open up a comfortable lead and took first place in the five-lap race. Pon sock was second and Lu ke O'Brien came in third. " Big AI" Berluti a lso had a good nig h t. He too k first overall in the 125cc Pro division a nd second overall in the combi ned 250/5 00ec Pro race. Brian Wilson took a second and a first in the 250/ 500cc Pro mo tes for first overall . Wilson had been off his usua l pace earlie r in the season, but has been back at the fro nt of the pack the last coup le of races. T he Vet Int erm ediat e class had T on y Coca and Ch ris Porcello dicing with eac h ot her in both mo tos. In the second rno to, the two rider s traded the lead a coup le of limes after each took a spill from contact with the other. Porcello was in front when the checkered flag fell both tim es. Coca was second in th e first moto and Mart y Pi san o slipped his Yamah a by Coca to take second in the last race. GO Mart Birch River Intro d uce Go-Mart Outlaw State Championship series $10,000 Purse and $ponSOlShlps for nex! year Series Info: Mitch 304-872-2382 W.V. Chip 304-872-4242 W.V. Also Good Luck To Todd Baisden, SCottWoods. Mark Kirk, Shawn Prather, . Brandon Lazy, At Loretta Lynns GSXR Fiberglass replacement parts for 1986·1990 models are now available CALL CUSTOM FRP Parts arid Accessories , Parts- FAST Delivery Bores- Shock Rebuilds • Yamahas Street &Dirt • Super Jet •H usqvama •Ducafi • Husaberg • Wave Runner • KTM • Wave Jammer =~ Mail Order- UPS ~ .Rnancing and Insurance .... 518-234-7950 (NY) ED DOWNING CYCLES Monday - Saturday 9:00 -6:00 7563 Indiana, Riverside (Hwy 91 & M adison) 1-800~727-6252 Resul ts 60: I. CaM'y Smit h (Kaw); 2. Nath an T iea mev ( Ka w) ; 3. Ben Pran (Han); 4. Nisel Harriwn (Suz): 5. Kronny Ca rmichae l (Yam). 80 BEG: I. Jr-tt"my H unt sman (Kaw ); 2. Ch rysta l Pcnsock (Suz); 3. Chad R.. ~r (Kaw ); 4. Daren Murd och (Kaw); 5. Luke O'Brien (Yam). RO JR: I. Robert Scou (Suz); 2. Fred Rorfl"r (Suz): 5. Bill Smalf (Suz): 4. Cody Cra wford (Suz). 80 INT: 1. Shane Espoll.ito (Yam): 2. JUll.tinTi r.unr-y(l-Ion). 125 BEG: 1. Chris Barker (SUI); 2. Nathan Evans (SUI): 3. Jason Hunt (Kaw): 4. Mikt Slipevich ( S. Wyan Wh itten (Hno). 125 JR: 1. Bun Wilson (Raw); 2. Shaw n Ca rmichael (Kaw): 3. Sco tt Ferri s (Suz). 125 INT: 1. Stevt Carnetl (SUI); 2. Chri s Porcello (ll.Iw); 3. Ken Lash (Ka w ): 4. Rob Harper (Ha n): 5. Quis Thomas (SUI). 250 BEC : I. Darin Ernst (](aw); 2. w es Tay lor (SUl): 3. Mik~ Han (Ha n); 4. Kevin Andl't'W (Han). s 250 JR: I. Tony Coca (Yam); 2. Mar ty Pisano (Yam): 3_ Alhon y Peter (KTM ): 4. Pete vandenberg (Han ). a 250 1NT : l. Jack Valerio (Yam); 2. Soon Stillmock (Ho n): 3. Rub Harper (Ha n). 500 BEC : I. John Tay lor (Han) : 2. Duk e Ni tech ke (Yam); 3. Aaro n Shaw (KT M); 4. Tony Taylor (Ho n); 5. Dann y T aylor. 500 JR : I. Mik~ See iiger (Hon): 2. John Helmer (KT M). 500 INT: I. Jim Boud y (Ho n). 125 PRO: 1. Allen 8c-rluti (Hon); 2. Rick Woodson ( Ka w); .5 Tm Dy~r (Ho n): 1. Darr~1I Chap man (Kaw); 5. P~te H ~I . (Ho n). . 2!JO/5 00 PRO: I. Brian Wil son (KT M); 2. A II ~n Bttluli (Ha n); ! . Butch Stillm ock (Hon ): i _ David POr(~r (SUI): 5. Dave Zrhner (SUI). VET tNT: I. Ch ris Porct'llo ( )(aw ): 2. Marcy (Kaw): .5 Tony Coca (Yam ): 4. Don Cm t in~ (Han); 5. La rry Brown . (Kaw). OT: l. Ph ili p Willi am liOn (H us). VET JR: I. Frank Pfeifer (Yam); 2. Don Foo t~ (Hon): 3. G"'K Bum s (KT M): 4. Krvi n Bta ll (Ha n ): 5. J im Kffl on (Hon). and • -e Kawasaki - $ SUZUKI. (714) 687·1300 Sell your old motorcycle with a Cycle News Want Ad. (2 13)4 2 7 -74 3 3 KNIGHT BOSS CHAMPION Gumeea Brake Systems. fr ames or roiling c h aSS IS fron l spool. qUIck cha nge rea r wh eel s . s proc kelS ca ms. carbs . pIpes. spr In g ki t s . p Iston s, g lass . forks. sp ares K&N . Marl occhl PERFORMANCE ACCESSOR IES Nel K. .n 314/426-6959 ~ REGIONAL & NATIONAL SANCTIONS-UCENSE INFORMATION (714 1855-1602 (2131868· 8112 P.O. BO X46 NORWALK. CA90650 Natlomll Motosport Assodatlon .'''11 ,.,r.,.. 29

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