Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 08 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eROA DRACE e AMAICCS Yokohama fiOO/75Occ Su~_ort_Se_ries_:R_OUD_d_6 _ SCOll Ru ssell (7) won the 750cc Supersport class. Here he leads third place finisher Tommy Lynch (13); second place went to Russell's teammate Dou g Chandler. on the ni nth lap and pulled away to finish second. Defendin g class cham p Zampach a n d Kevin Rentzell put together impressive rides from the back row of the second wave, fin ishing fourth and fifth , respectivel y. " We've been go ing through some hard tim es," Farmer said. "We went back to Michelin and I want to thank them and the rest of my crew. It ran like a scalded dog." . Sadows ki thanked promoter Ralph Sanchez for wha t he termed: "T he best event th us far in 1990." Cl'I jeff Farmer (10) leads David Sadowski (5), Thomas Stevens (55) and Sco tt Russell during the 600cc Supersport class. Farmer won his second race of the year. Farmer wins in the city By Paul Carruthers Photo by Henny Ray Abrams M IAMI, FL, JULY 22 loridian j e[[ Fanner improved h is hom esta te record to 2-0 wi th an impressive win in the red-nag interr u pted 600cc Superspo rt class, held in th e streets of downtown Miami. Fanner topped the Muzzy Kawasaki of SCOll Ru ssell wi th the Van ce & H in es Yam ah a of David Sado wski finishing th ird . T he Miami GP marked th e second win of.the seaso n for Farm er, with his first victory coming at the opening round of the series at Da yt on a. Far mer's two wins cam e at two distinctively di fferen t race tracks - th e banked ovals of Daytona Intern ational Speedway and th e tight and twisty layou t of the Miami street circuit. They both, however , too k place in his homestate. Russell kept his points lead over Sadowski, 81-73. Fanner's win moves him past SCOtt Zampach and int o th ird place with 70 points. Fortunately, the most serious injury of the weekend turned out to be not as seri o us as originall y thought. Miami's Kevin Blais crashed into the hay bales in turn seven during the th ird lap of the final, bringing out the red nag. In itial reports were of a cri tical head injury, but the 31-year-old Blais regained consciousness and was not even placed in intensive care after being transported to jackson Memor- F ial Hospital. After undergo in g a CAT scan test, Blais left the hospital on his ow n . On the same lap , La rr y Schwarubach also crashed bu t was unhurt. Notables missi ng from the final were john Ashmead and Michael Barn es. Ashm ead suffered a broken collarbone in a practice crash Sunda y morning, and Barnes crash ed and damaged h is Yamaha FZR600 in th e 750cc Superspo rt class. Following th e rest art, Farmer battled initially with Sadows ki, Thomas Stevens and Ru ssell as those four pulled clear from the pack. By the fourth lap, Fanner was clear and the hea t race number two win ner rode to an unmolested 8.2-second victory on his K&P Ra cing/M ich el in /D.LD.! Fox /D&D /Howell Raci n g Fu el backed Yamaha. Stevens soon left Sadowski and Rus sell behind as he fought to catch Farmer. The Cape Coral, Florida, resident got th e ga p down to 3.6 seconds at one point, but Farmer got his lead back to five seconds on the 14th of 15 laps. That 14th lap proved to be Stevens undoing as he lost th e front end in th e double rights, turns five and six, headed 0[[ the track and clipped the hay bales and flew over th e wall. He remounted to finish sixth. Russell was able to get by Sadowski Results HEAT I: I. Thomas Stevens (Yam ); 2. Mich a" Bames (Yam ); 3. Sccet Russell (Kaw); 4. J ohn Oloat< (Yam ); ~. Dan ny Roberts (Yam ); 6. Dale Franklin (Yam); 7.10hn Hc ppers tad (Yam); 8. Will iam Luke (Yam); 9. 'terry Barker (Yam ); 10. J im Ericson (Yam ); II. Stan Pollack (Yam); 12. Dann y Arnold (Yam ); 13. Scott Zampach (Yam ); 14. Micha el Lehni ng (Hon); I~. Dan iel T urner (Yam); 16. Wes Coo ley (H on); 17. Michael Parroue (Ya m ). Time: 6 min .• 48.200 sec. Distance:~ ,7.~~ mi les. la A.....,ae S : 66.~ mph. Margm 0 Victory: .010 sec. HEAT 2: I. J ell Farmer (Yam); 2. Da vid Sadowski (Yam); 3. Larry Sch waruba ch (Yam ); 4. J o hn Ashmead (Kaw); ~ . J ohn Coodron (Yam); 6. Kevin Blais (Kaw); 7. Newton Heston (Yam ); 8. Michael McKinley (Yam); 9. Dale I!olus (Yam); 12. Kevin Noonan (Yam); 13. Kevin Ren urll (Yam) ; 14. Pa ul Schwemmer (Yam); I~. Gary D'A!usio (Yam); 16. Ion Ro berts (Yam). T ime: 6 min.. 46.110 sec. Distance: 1a • mi les. ~ . 66.928 mp h. Aven,ae S Margm Viaory: 8.200 sec. 600cc SI S n NAL: I. Jell Farmer (Yam); 2. Scott Russell (Kaw); 3. David Sadow ski (Yam ); 4. Scott Zampach (Yam );~. Kevin Rentzell (Yam); 6. Thomas Stevens (Yam); 7. John Condmn (Yam); 8. William L uke (Ya m ); 9. Danny Roberu (Yam); 10. Newt on Heston (Yam); II. l im Ericson (Ya m); 12. Stan Pollock (Yam); U . T erry Barker (Ya m); 14. Rick j ackson (Yam); I ~ . Dale Boggus (Hon); 16. Kevin Noonan (Yam) ; 17. Danny Arnold (Ya m) ; 18. Mich ael McKinley (Yam); 19. lohn Oloate (Yam); 20. Gary D'Alu isio (Yam) ; 21. Dennis Nehu s (Yam). Time: 19 min .. ~.940 sec. DisIaDce: I~ laps . 22.~ m iles. Aven,ae Speed: 68.088 mph. Margm ol Viaory: 7.490 sec. 600cc SI S POtNT STA!'o'DING S: Sco tt Russell (81); 2. David Sadowski (73); 3. Jd l Farmer (70); 4. Scott Zam pach (66); ~. Thomas Stevens ( ~); 6. Kevin Ren uell (44); 7. Michael Barnes (34); 8. J ohn Ashmead (26); 9. Larry Sch warubach (24); 10. (TIE) John O>oatelJohn Co ndmn (22 ). It's Russell's turn inM heat iami By Paul Carruthers Photo by Henny Ray Abrams MIAMI, FL,JULY22 fter finish ing second to h is teammate Doug Chandler in Saturday 's Superbike National, Muzzy Kawasaki's Scott Russell got his A chance to stand in the spotlight by winning th e 750cc Supersport race in the streets of Miami. Russell led from the star t on his Kawasaki ZX7 and was never headed. Chandler, meanwhile, stayed behind Yoshimura Suzuki' s Tommy Lynch until th e 10th of 20 laps, and then moved into second pl ace. Lynch held on to finish a comfortable third. Robert Wright rode his GSXR750 to fourth, ah ead of the Yamaha FZR600 of Kevin Rentzell. Missing from th e grid was Yoshirnura Suzuki's Rick Kirk, who prior to the Miami round held down fourth place in the 750 Supersport cham pionship. With Kirk failing 10 pre-enter he would ha ve been forced to star t the final on th e back row of the two-wave grid. He and Yoshimura elected not to race because of potential safety hazards in coming from that last row . Russell pulled away from Chandler in the race for the championship and now leads, 101-89. Lynch is third in total po ints wit h 59. Kirk stayed put in fourth with 49 points. Russell led th e final start-to-finish, and only in the closing stages of th e race was Chandler abl e to close the ga p that Rus sell had opened early. With his lead at on e po int as mu ch as n in e seconds, Ru ssell slowed as Chandler sped up to close the gap to 2.370 seconds at the fini sh. Chandler had problems with second gear in practi ce and that problem continued in the final. His cure to the problem was to ride around the secondgear corners in third gear , bogging th e engine, but nonetheless making sure of a finish. " I just chill ed out in th e end when I saw th e sprinkles hitting my faceshield ," Russell said. "This race was mine." Lynch was happy with third place, but comp lained or fatigue. " I just got tired ," he said. Cl'I Resul ts 750cc SIS nNAL: I. Scott Ru ssell (Kaw); 2. Doug Chandler (Kaw); 3. Tommy Lynch (Suz); 4. Roben Wright (Suz ); ~. Kevin Renuell (Yam); 6. Craig Gleason (Suz); 7. Glenn Barry (Suz); 8. John Choate (Kaw); 9. Jose Saara Neto (Suz); 10. Franklin Knight (Suz); I I. Kevin Blais (Kawl; 12. Michael Fitzpatrick (Kaw); U . Guillermo Vi !areal (Suz); 14. Olris Temme (Suz). Time: 26 min.. 34.~1 0 sec. Diswsc:c 20 laps . 30.2 miles. Aoence S!>e

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