Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 08 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Mechanic Needed G u ik Shop Pay commensurate with experience. plu s u nif orm . ins urance. pro fit sharing . paid vacation & holidays . Come live in the beautiful Smokey M ountains of North Caroli n a. Call Doug at MR . HON DA · KA WA SA KI· YA M A HA . (7 0 4 ) 253 ·5646 . NC. (22 6/TFN) Want ed Parts Personnel ! Corbin 1~'!f'5' _5J$.lDJ5USA Deal ership expe ri ence desir ed but will trai n ri ght person . Computer kno wledge helpful. Benefits. 5 day work week . Ask for John. 148 5 E. Holt Ave. Pomona. CA. (714) 623 -64 51. (229·3 1) 6OU6J-I016 Omodo CO 1OU.lJ.2500 locol Soc.,." M ech ani c Wanted Jou rneyman Mec han ics needed. Excelle nt opportunity. YAMAHA COUNTRY, 776 N. 13th S,.. San, CA 95112. (408) 287 -2946. (225 /TFN) Mechanic Wtd Immd Op ening ROA D RA CE SUPPLIES • Numbers & Plates • S~ '~ ty wue & Plie rs • 8rlJ k~ P&C5 • Stc:crin9 Dtlm~ r KIts • .Sto p we tcnes Mechani c OUR FAST PERSONAl. SEIM(E KEEPS YOU OM TH£ nACIC - MOT IN mE PITS Top pay for knowledge and expert ise, year ro und business in So Cal, clean mode rn shop. Pay he lp with move? Liz, (6 191278 -6 635. CA. (229·30) CC O NcieWorks Parts & / Or Serv Mgr Wtd For established Kaw asaki Suzuki dealersh ip. 10 minu tes from Lagun a ~S eca in Sun ny Ca. M otiv ated pr ofessi ona l requi r ed. Cont act Benj am in at SALINAS CYCLE CENTER, 312 Abbon St, Sali nas, CA 93901 . (408) 424-961 1. (228· 3 1) YINC. ••• * •• • • • • **. ** ********* •• • • Flbcr91Ms Body Parts • Stee l Brake Lme Kits • Case GuMd~ FOR I'J.L YOUR RACING NEEOS ~. OAiLYUPS .~ i03-t 3-4-7000 475 WASHINGTON AVE., NORTH HAVEN, CT06473 M echanic Needed I need a good reli able motorcycle Mechanic that w ants to make good mon ey. On eo f So Cal's bus iest stores. Get away from the fast pace and expensiv e li ving and the city. Loca t ed DESERT SPORT CENTER, Ridgecrest. CA. For info ask for Sh ir ley or Grog, (6 19) 375 ·2540. CA. (229·3 1) FAST BY FERR ACCI 7838ROADWA Y REDWOOO CITY. CA 94063 (.,51366- 335 3 Com puter Controlled Por t M achinIng lor Unmatched air flow Improvement. DS The leader i n safe & re liable n itrous k its f o r you r r ace or street bike needs: GSXA, FlA. CSA, ZX , etc. Ava ilable fr om 25 to 100 extra HP II 8800 Somerset Boulevard Paramount, California 90723 ~/531-297 Large Suzuki dealership. (81 8) 980-3715. CA. (225/TFN) ~ ~m ~ Nitrous Oxide Systems, Inc. 59 30 Lakeshore Drive (71 4 ) 8 2 1· 0 580 Cypress. CA 90630 FAX (71 4 ) 82 1 · 83 19 Hi- Performance Pa n s & Services for Japa nese & Durat i Superbikes Parts Perso n LECTION WORLD G.P. RR RANDY MAMOLA JIMMY FILICE WAYNE RAINEY KEVIN SCHWANTZ EDDIE LAWSON JOHN KOCINSKI SCO TT PARKER CYCLE SHACK, Houston. Texas seeking experie nced Mechanic. Franch ised Yamah a. BMW, KTM. Plenty year round work. professiona l shop , good pay. Rick. (713 ) 530-9337. (228· 3 1) Experie nced w ith Kawasaki & Yam aha w atercraft and cycle products he lpf ul. Approx 30 minutes from Palm Spr ings and San Bern ard in o area . A sk l or Car l or Ji m, 8 EAUMONT YAM AHA KAW A SAKI. (714) 845 -4882. CA. (229 ·30) L -otJAUTY ITEMS FOR THE MOTORSPORT FAIr -G untlghlr1r • LO<1y"wit/! Optional ~ forD( If Service Technician AMERie)iiJ·HERO ~~Co/ll. Full Mach in e Sh op . Chassis Prep S pec ia l Vi ntage Raci ng Pa ns U PS Ov ernight Del ivery Available ARIA S . :\IEGACYCLE • :\IIK UNI KEIHIN CR 1641 S. Easton Rd.. Willow Grove, PA 19090 TEL (215) 657- 1276 _ ~.... FAX (215) 657-3832 ',= l FOR HONDA S ONLY Preload Adjuster Works Fork Spring Kit w i adjuster Chrome Silicon Works Shock Spring AMP link Drive System BUSINE SS OPP R O TUNITIES Amp M .. , ,r . " .• 526.95 $69.95 579.95 599.95 18 55 Laguna Canyon Road Laguna Beach. CA 92651 T.I: 714-497 · 7525 Fax 714·497-0284 Seattle Motorcycle Shop Established business, sound client base, oppcrtun ity for cycle enthusi asts, fle xible terms. Call George, RICHARD JAMES REALATORS COM · MERCIAL (206 ) 454-9700. WA. (130· 32) AGGRESSIVE FULL·LINE YAMAHA pacesener ealersh ip, in bus iness 5 years for sale. Price $225,000 cash, include. Ski·Doo & Wh ite Power roduets franchises. located on the fr ont rang e n Boulder County, 10 minute s to Boulder & 15 inutes to Denver . You must be abl e to obtain aetory approval. Call during business hours, ask or Charlie Johnson, (30 3) 651 ·7000. (330- 31) ftor Sale ndependant motorcycle shop in the Phoen ix area . rit e to Jell Johnson, P.O. 80>< 26226, Tempe, 85285. (130) TK Motorcycles e're looking for a few good men. To be ATK eale rs, and sell the onl y American made off -road otorcycles. It's the Am erican dream. Your ow n itt bike. Your ow n dealersh ip. To find out just how asy it is to turn your dream into reality w r ite : TK MOTORCYCLES, Dept D. 5430 Unio n Pacif ic ve, City of Commerce. CA 90022. (226/TFN) CHOOSE ~ ~ a • (71 4) 371-1 3 2 9 11 67 H amner Ave' Norco. CA 91760 Tons of Parts World's Best-Selling Line of Premium Quality Motorcycle and ATV Lubricants. * UIWII SUZUK. SOUTH S UZUK I . LOOK 110 IIOR£ ~ WE'VECOT T1I£ PARTS YOU NEED!! • Save 1 0 % With This Ad 1 342 N. Scott, Beltor.. MO 8 4012 18 1 61 3 3 1 -1 4 0 0 ~ '" o • \\ " ' PLATES • CAMEL PRO • DIRT -TR ACK - CA RTS • AWARDS - BMX 717·854·7286 266·0268 or alter 4p.m. EST 58 N . B ro ad S t •• York. PA 17403 (230 / EOI/ C) .\ ~ .,lfS . . Motorcy cles !R' Us 185 S.W. 14th Ct.. Deerfi eld 8each, FL 33441 L-------(305 )48~256 ------... . IFJ SEN GRfASE FOI1K SPl1ING KIT U PS DAlLY NUIEEN R A C' N & OHLINS EXCWSIVE U.S. DISTRI BUTO R 2141 E.nt Ph lloJdel l'll.a Unrt T p . ~IO. CdllfQmld 91761· 7742 Over 2S Years In Business H Paris andAccessoriesInventor( uge L..-.._ _ ( 304) 472-4824 _ _...J FAX 714-947-1513 TRIUMPH. BSA • NORTO N ~~~ 1-8 00-3 5 6-4 7 3 5 CALL US FIRST Sixties 10 Present 507· 288·8393 10-1 Mon·Fri · 10·3 Sa' Fr Calalog • Me. V COD . BeSl stock in USA ee Isa, KLEM PF'S BRITISH PARTS WARE HOUSE Largest Selection Of Used Parts In Northern California .Fr ee Parts locating S e rvicB We Ship U PS l;)a ily Visa & M astBrcard A ccepted r... SbIp....Jr I. CaIIfOmla ~ ~ ,~vo~':!1:9:2B • . When You Mention Th ia Ad CYLINDER HEADS PIPE PROTECTORS Full Race Prep Damage Repair Flow Testing The S.nzM Bros " PIPE SKID " Avalabl. at '(Our dealer Deal,r. pleese call: ETC. ..... It• . (7'1' S~M&2 Bonzoi B",. Roci n... . REBOUND[)Nv1P1NG • MSf VALYE KIT • ROAD RACE • SPEED WAY ~ J\NTI PRESSURE FORK CN'S-o'\OJUS TABLE CUSTOM NUMBER PlATES • DRAG BIKE Street - Dirt - ATV Y AMAHA" RE ~ _ IONaNTBI 714-947 -5773 YAMAHA For SHDCKIFORK SERVICE •. I", oming Soon intage Iron nvitational G P' 'We're Reviving The lo ry Days of MX" ree Catalog all (209) 2 5 2 -9053. 1952 1 GILERA Seturno Sport , SN#26 11586, unni ng bike, very good mechanica l, cosmet ic ond it ion . Gnere Corsa 1, SN#216941, needs est or ati on . miss ing seat. minor accessories. ilera 500, SN#264380, n eeds r estorat ion. issif1jl various piece s. Moto Guzzi Falco n 7. N#2 48 26, features large fl ywheel, good run ni ng ond ition, needs exhaust . Pete. (9 14) 878 ·3010 ays, (9 14) 878 ·3039 eves. NY. (130/C) CALL For an Ars i Lite rat ufe/Oecal Pak, inc ludin g our latest brochure, send $2 .00 in cash or sta mps (3 ,00 oulslde U.S.) to : Arai Helm ets. Ltd ., Dep t . 63, P.O. Ball 94 B5. Yamaha-Suzuki Sout h (329· 32) BILL' PIPE u ro p e a n b ike s, ro ll er b ea r in g type STREET & RACING, 2& 4 st r-o ke , f rom BMW to Zun dapp , si ng les &:: tw in s. Bett er t ho n ori g ina l. Bley Vintage. Divr of Ble., Engineer ing 700 Chase A ve., Elk Gr , IL 6000 7 o". rei (108) 437-0671 , Fox (708) 437-0592 OLLECTORS 00, UPS. (713 ) 35 1·0075. TX. CHAMPIONS Daytona . FL 321 20 • Overnight Service Av ailable • Free Freight on s 50.00 Orders *Bultaco Parts** (312) 789-0840 SUPERTRAPP INDUSTRIES Inl o (213) 256-49:f2 (707) 763·7519 3910 SeaportBlvd.. West Sacramento. CA 95691 916 372·5000 FAX 191 6 3?2-13 54

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