Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 08 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AMA TUER EVENTS: TR OPHIES South C entral Region 8118·19 8124-28 9115·16 1012 0-21 Info 803/6 81·WIRA H oIlott. OK Long Pond. PA SIvmopof1. LA H llOfl. TX ende SERA Ellduro Series IETRA C'ship Enduro Series 8112 W ..... N H Le•• MA 9/ 9 9123 9/30 10/ 14 Ad .... MA W G onwidl. AI . .. Now 8astaIl, MA Oxfart MA SbfIatd. CT a.-r. CT 10128 11/ 4 1111 8 IETRA C'ship Hare ScrambllS Series F"haus•• N Y Th am.ston.CT Choslli... MA N. Pot.rstJurv, NY Fi house. NY s Sauthcontrol, M A w..n1h. ... MA 7129 8/5 8/ 28 9/ 18 1017 10/21 11111 In 203/875·5757 fo NETRA Turkey Run Series 8.rtanlVill•• VT Wind..... MA Swiftwotll. NH ..... Ba ston. MA AII. nst..... N H N. CoIlWl'f. N H W ..ntfuom.MA Plympton. MA 7129 8/5 9/9 9/ 16 9/23 1017 10121 11125 ECEA C'ship Enduro SerilS Crauflllb. PA 7129 8/5 8/ 12 8/27 9/9 9/30 Smith MIn, LaU. VA 10/ 14 "'-rt N ..... VA 10/2 1 F Picb1. VA ort 11/4 Martinsvilt. V A Info 8041255-4820 or 851-Q322 M iddlebury Cantor. PA Splldsvillo. N Y Mouri_ NJ 8rlndonvill•• PA Shi"" .nsbur;. PA Gro,nwidl. RI G nbanl NJ ... Beor DE . Werren G ..... NJ 9/ 16 9/30 1017 10128 1111 1 Inf. 609/89 3-7294 NESC C'ship Motocross Series J.mi.... Al 1017 Farnt Hill LA 11/4 Mapltsvillo. Al Info 5041748-8893 SERA Hire Scrambles Series 9/ 16 T8A 10121 Tupelo. MS 11/ 11 Birmingham, Al Inf. 5041748·8693 AHRMA 1111 C'ship Vintlge MX Series 9/ 14 StlllmbootSpringe. ell 10113 N Berlin. N .w Y Inf. 603/673·0993 IEal1. m ev. nts) 213/490·0012 (W.stam Evonts, AHRMA Regionll Championship Vintage MX Series Southwick. MA F.mley. NV 10/ 21 Palmdal•• CA 11/ 11 . TullIO. CA Inf. 603/673·0993 (E_m ovents' 213/ 490·0012 (W. I1 ove .m nts) 8/1 2 9/3 0 AHRMA IIt1 C'ship Vintage Road Race Series 8/5 lillington. OH 9/9 Tapob, KS 9115 Sloornb... Springe. ell Inf. 3041291·2253 . lowi1Ion. ME Sauthwidl. MA 8119 Cantril Yollog•• CT 8/28 Sauthwidl. MA 9/2·3 lowistan, ME. 9/ 9 Sauthwidl. MA 9/16 M bara. MA iddl. Cantril Yonag•• CT 9123 9/ 30 Sauthwidl. MA 1017 Middl.bara. MA 10/ 21 Sauthwidl. MA 10128 M iddltbaro. MA 11/4 M iddl.boba, MA Middl.boro. MA 11/ 11 Inf. 413/ 772·0685 CRA Team Hare Scrlmbles Series MRA Road Rice Series Sacand era... CO Puebl. CO , Stllmboot Springe. CO 9/23 S.",nd C .. CO ... Info 3031789·2429 OCCRA Cross Country Series 9116 9123 10114 11/11 In 2 16/538·2220 fo IDBA Nlt'l C'ship Drag Race Series' 8/ 10-12 Reading. PA 9114-1 6 _ I.. O H 10/ 12·14 Cammort:l. G A Inf. 205/849-7886 9/9 9123 11/4 11/11 11/ 18 9/ 2 9/8·9 9/1 5-1 6 9130 10/ 8-7 CI_ , Indicalll Nllianol Info 7081250-0&38 Ile. 7N' 8/ 4-5 9/ 8·9 9129-30 10/ 6·7 10120·21 • 11/ 3·4 11/ 16·18 Info 3151735· 1661 Pha. ni~ Al Glln. IViIl•• Fl IHRA Drag Rice SerilS St, LauiI. M O 8/4-5 8/1 9· 19 9/ 8-9 Infa 6091788·2187 _stll. NY A NJ lto, Virgilil C'ship Hire Scra.w1S SlrilS 9/9 9118 e.-ae...t.1otIl Mi. ........ VA 100% PRO PAYBACK Portland, OR Po rtltnd, OR Portland, OR 6/5 9123 1017 Info 5031221 ·1487 M""dow Muffin Sun. AUK, S MX De A n... Sun. AuK, 12 MX LA County Raceway Sun. AUK- 19 GP Glen Helen SCORE Int'l Off-Road Series Sun. JulJ Goadm-.MS 7129 9/16 9am ·2pm Every Sal . - LA County Raceway '--- Bellinglla m, WA Mt V.mon. WA Bellingha WA ... 9/ 9 9/ 30 10121 10128 Inf 3 14/291·709 1 o 81..1 111, 0 ,, Sodali.. 0 Canton. 0 Fill R MO Mor. Potosi, M O Bell. vill•• Il N. Indiana Hare Scrambles Series 7/ 29 10128 1212 Inf. 219/ 831·2345 ligonill. IN PIymau1h. IN PIymau1h. IN CRA Road Race SerilS 8/ 11· 12 9115-18 9129-30 """ 6121331-6810 Ilrainort MN Ilrainort MN 8rIinort MN - CRC Info 805-272-8889- - -' NMA Off-Road . Series 11/11 11/18 In 206/943· 1559 fo Info: (2131376·1329 DTX - CONVERSIONS .21 " Rims to 19" Rim s • 1 S" Rims t o 19" Rims • 1 9" Wide Rims UPS S hl PPlllq 12787 Nutwood S t (714 ) 530-668 1 eMden c, e ve , CA 92640 & v ,s... Golden Crown of Baja Off-Road Desert Series M ,t <;l t'l\ .nil G Carrera ran 7127·29 d. Ens nl dl , Ensenado. MEX Gran Carrara de Campl onel San F. lipe. M EX 100% PRO PAYBACK Grans Prix de Baja Series S un. A u&,. 19 O Re S tad i u m ero•• No Member sh ip R eq u i red Park is open 7 days a week for MX practice & Open Trail riding 8:30 A.M. • 4:30 P.M. MXTRACK IS PREPARED & WATERED EVERY SAT, FORPRACTICE 7:30 A.M, · 5:00 P,M. Sunday gates open: 6:30 A.M, Practice 8:30 A,M, • Race Stan 9:30 A.M. Info: (7 1 4 } 242· 58401l'.J.....1IJI,1OI 1II V.gao. NY O.nver CO . 101TBA Sao Francisco. CA ''TO GUN" Quads & Odysseys P CMC Trlns-Cal MX Nltionals 9/3 9/ 9 Oi.... CA !~arynill •• CA Ca rson City. NY 8/ 12 8/ 19 8/ 26 9/9 Sea amento. CA Trans-C Showdown al 9/ 15·18 M Il1vill•• CA ' Into 714/ 261·6116 JU LY 567 1213 14 19 20 21 26 27 28 Aug. 25126 California TlIil R iders B ishop toJune lake (213)867·7429 IIlIIII Sport Presents INDOOR ~ MOTORCYCL~ SWAPMEET Friday, August 3 5 p.m . t o 10 p.m . OTORCYC 'UTS ACtlSSOlllU . ·· ...... .l Baja Cross Info: (7 14 ) 371 -6333 I $$CASH $$ USED STREET BIKES BERT'S MOTORCYCLES 818-334-1288 /8 18-334-2926 ~ S M T W T F S 1234 8 9 101 1 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 , 29 30 31 INFO: (818) 249·2141 Club E ¥tIIt Accessories U ited nlim R0Id8nd Info IB 051255·6522 Dual Sport Perris Rom.... CA Ad.lamo, CA SaoBornordi... CA Carlsbad. CA orthem Series Date Aag.5 'J ULY 29 Southern Series 8112 8119 ROAD & DUAL PORT SCHEDULE Sun.. Aue_ 12 OR e M X No M embershi p R equ ired Ensonada GP Ensonad.. MEX Sao F.lip. GP SaoF.,ip•• M EX MTEG Off-Road Gran Prix Series 9129 '01 It IshichIJ SlUestetlllut CIII the dIbs before race iiekendto rirIlJ stilt tinIes Sun. J uly 29 O Re MX N o M ember.hip Required Sun. Au.._ 5 C Re MX M em bersh ip Req u i red Inf.618134O·5750 9/ 15 D usteI$ M.C. H81e 5craIII1lIes location: Stoddard W ens NearBarstow K WA onl WA 8119 1017 Info 206/38 3-3597 EYftl Canceled Aug. 11/12 H .B.M.C. Euro ScramIIIes location: Charlie', Place at R OIlnllin edM Info: [7141 991 ·HELP Aug. 19 WMRRA Road Race Series 10/ 6 D iggenGlln Prix irtD Beningham, WA G oldbar WA . Shallan. WA Sh.llon.WA Bellingham. WA 9/8 9/ 21·23 C lub Aug. 4/5 '!!' MX LA County Raceway hrl. 206/ 943· 1559 littIo Racl AR Sli_ r. O K 9/ 30 10114 T ..... OK 10128 O_a City. OK Info 405 /340- 7478, D 8te 0 ,.." Pi -.ctJc." NMA End ro Series 9/23 COMPETITIONSCHEDULE S"ndido ' Ned VIlrUp R_ ' Be 1000 ia Ensanado. ac. MEX Info 816/8 69-9216, 11/6· 11 8118 CALIFORNIA R"dn8 n LACR Er«y FrltI"y IIIPt.X Sun. JulJ 29 GP LA Co un ty Race w ay Info 818/340-5750 8/ 5 8/1 9 Rising Sun. M O ilokorsfi. ld, CA H ouston. TX Brad. nton. Fl Las Ang. '''. CA ~ eRe RACE SCHEDULE OMRRA Road Race Series 11/17 issOlIri are Scralllbies C'ship SerilS rllbike! USA at'l C'sIIip rag Ice SerilS * BAKERSFIELD SPEEDWAY * INFORMATION HOT LINE 805-323· Sanoma, CA Sanoma, CA 9/ 3 Inf. 4 15/ 482·3526 FLAT TRACK 1 /4 Mile Oval ;TT-Track Open Traction Fall Pro Am ~ Porterville Sat. Night Series ~ ~ July 27 Aug. 4 AFM Road Race Series 001 NaIlo. ell S...mbut Springe. ell Cl u a dcrull. NM Info 3071742-41 36 Black Jack Ellduro Circuit Sllqis, SO' Saiblwr NE . Ox!ort. ME' Kabmo, IN ' Cardava. Il Motorcycles, Quads & Odysseys WillowSpnnge. CA 9/ 15·16 WillowSpringe. CA 10120·21 WillowSpringe. CA 1111 7·18 Willow Springe.CA 1211 5·16 Willow Springe. CA Inlo 805/ 966·5700 'RMEC Enduro Series 7129 8/ 5 9/31 AMRA All Harley Drll Rice SerilS 8/ 4-1 0 . Info 405/832·3370 Tuls.. OK leMon. OK Leb Murray. OK Tuls.. O K O ..por Ltk.. OK For Infor mat ion Call : (60 5) 347-3 4 18 A ll events are A MA Sanct ione d 8118·19 9/3 0 8/ 4-5 8/ 19 9/1 5·16 $ 2.000 A ugust 11 $ 5.000 August 12 ARRA Road Race Series 6/ 4-5 S hort Track Harley-D av idson Nat io na l Sho rt Track & Junio r Natio nal Cha m pionsh ip ~ M i lle r G en u i ,:, Draft Nat ional Hal f M il e e & .Junior Nat Ional Cha m pIonship Short Tra ck Jackp in e Gyp sies Motorcycle Cl u b Reg ional Cha m pi on sh ip Half M ile 512.500 A ugu st 11 9/ 9 10/ 8-7 Info 801/ 979·9091 8/5 Solll PainL CA 8/19 Tan.d.g.. Al 11/1 llrastllon. GA Int 304/291·2253 o 9/ 13 Sloornb... Springe. ell Info 609/ 426-4387 ( ~m ovents) 605 /8 31·5229 (W st. m ovents) . $ 1.000 A u gu st 9 .~~;; $12.500 A ug u sl 10 Soli Ltka City. UT Soli LaU City. UT Sail LaU City. UT SoliLaU City. UT 6119 AHRMA lal1 C'ship Vimge Trills Series PRO-AM EVENTS: USBA Road Race SerilS 7129 8112 T.T. Sh ort Track Hill Clim b Purse: 9/ 16 Coc1us A.... CA 1017 Corral Canvan. CA 10128 Stodelord V alley. CA 11111 Littla Rack Canyon. CA 12130-31 U CAN CI_ ic OIlman.AZ Info 2131259-8831 s..-II. G A tanol Fullon. OH Tippeca OH Sal OH M alv OH Milparl, OH A mh.rst. OH ATA Observed Trials C'ship Series 10/2 8 AHRMA Regional C's hip Vintage Road Race Seri s 7129 7129 8/5 8/5 8/12 Goadm-. M S !lmly H LA ill Cumbertand Mm. Al Gotavin.. MS 7129 8/1 2 8126 9/9 9123 A ugust 7 August 8 August 9 ;; how & Shi ne Bike S how The People's Cho ice Show Includes th ree separate categories - cl assic. 5pOn ond custom. The compet it ion 1 free to enter and everyo ne 3 J w elco me . Hot Bike M agazin lt I' giVing away some s reall V ni ce prizes , so bri ng your motorcycle o ut to t he Orange Coun ty Fairgrounds on Aug ust 3rd And get yourself an d your bike in t he show . If you 're int8rested call Kathv at InterShows and she'll get an ent ry blank off to you . SELLER'S SPECIAL AMAPro All prepaid spaces prior to Monday, JulV30 Radn&: $5.00 DISCOUNT PER SPACE Don't Settle For Lessl (614) 891·2425 ~--- I N TER -SH O WS - - - --, BOX29 1 MIS 0/ SIONVIEJO. CAUFORNIA 92690 OffiCI Hours: Manday tlwu Fridey, 9am to 5pm (7 14 13 64-0 5 1 5

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