Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 08 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Richards unstoppable at M alvern Motocross By Peggy Adam ic MALVERN, OH,jUNE.l().jULY I Hayden Richards took six moto win s to gain class wins in the 125 an d 250cc B classes at Malvern MOIOSport Park. The two day event featured a three-mote forma t, Richards first took on the 250cc B class where john Bell ho lesho t moto one ahead of D.j. H eberlein, Shawn Ga tes and Richards. Heberlei n quick ly passed Bell as did Gates a nd Richards before the begi nning of lap two with Sha ne Smith moving In to cha llen ge Bell for fourth. The five rid ers held thei r positions th rough lap four when Richards passed Gates a nd set his sights on He berlein. Richards took over the lead to begin lap five as Smith put his Suzuki ah ead of Bell . O nce Richards too k hol d of the lead , he insiant ly p ut distance on the riders beh ind and at the linish held an 18-second lead Ga tes took over second on the last lap when H eberlein lost cont rol 01 hi s Honda. Smith held third a head 01 Bell and Heberlein. In moto two, Gates too k the lead with Richards camping on his rear wh eel. T he du o were followed by Heberlein , Bell and Sm ith. Richa rds passed Gates, then Gates dropped o ut one lap la ter with bike trouble. Richards held a 30-second lead by the mo te's end wit h Heberlei n , Bell, Smith and jay Huffman in tow. Gates was back on the line to begin moto three and jammed into the lead ahea d of Hebe rle in, R ichards, Bell and Smi th . Richards wa s again unstoppab le as h e motored into the lead to begi n lap th ree. Gat es aga in dropped ou t 01 the race thi s time as a resu lt 01 a foo t inj ury. Heb erlei n, Bell and Smith conti nu ed cha sin g Richards. By mid moto , Richards held a 16-second lead with Bell a nd Smith passi ng H eberlein if! the ti reto-tire race fo r second. R ichards took the checkered n ag 22 seconds ahea d 0 1 the riders behi nd. Bell , Smith a nd H eberl ein were followed thro ugh the chec kered nag by Pete Baughman. In 125cc Bactio n, Richa rds too k three comefrom-beh ind moto wins to make a dean sweep 01 the weekend event. Mike Katin and Brad Quear each took turns holeshotting ahead 01 Richar ds and the rema inder 01 the B class compe tition. Richards was follo wed in each 01 the outi ngs throug h the checkered nag by Katin, Qu ear and Chris Bodo as each 01 th e riders claimed iden tical moto fin ish es in each outing . Resul ts 50: I. B.). WilKO (Yam); 2. Mi~ Bech tel (Ya m ). ('r J R MINI: 1. Brock Sella rds ( Ka w ); 2. Karl Scot t (Sw); 3. 00h Demuth [ Ka w]: 4. Jor dan Sa ran ( Ka w ): 5. Miu k Fri u Hon). ,SR MINI: 1. Brock Sellards (Koiw ); 2. J osh Dem ut h (Kaw ); 3. Mo M am oU ( w); 4. v in ce Karn ov (Suz); 5. Er ic Nepoda! m 1 (SUl ). S/ MINI: I. Brock. Sd lazds ( ); 2. Vinet' Kamow (Sut ); 3. j Oi h Dmlulh (Kaw) ; 1. Karl Scott (Suz); 5. David Bon n (S uz). 125 SC H BY: l . Ri ck McG u irt (Ha n); 2. c.J. Klein (Han ); 3.. Mall Rosen berry (H a n); 4. Malt H ively (Suz); 5. j ason Smarr (Yam ). 1251250 A: I. Srevej c h nson (Suz); 2. Ma rcu& a rds (H on ); Sell 3. O 'IUc Nichol son (Suz); 4. Ph il Ga uthier (Ya m). k 125 B: I. Ha yden Richards (Kaw ); 2. Mike Karin (Ha n); 3. Brad Qu ear (Suz); 4. Chri~ Bodo (Han); 5. Sha wn Worley (Ka w ). 125 C: l . Davi d Jono (Ka w) ; 2. Ch uck Bortz (Yam); 3. Lo nnie Ferguson (Ha n): 4. Jo hn Cooper (Ha n): 5. Pa l McConnick (H a n). . 250 B: l. Hayden Richa rds ( 2. Jo hn Bell (Ha n); 5. Shane Sm ith (Suz): 4. D.): H eberlein (Hon); 5. Ja y H uffma n (KTM). 250 C: 1. Eric Klei n (Kaw); 2. Ch ris Rolli nKS (K.a ); 3. w Ra y Maclnt~ (SUI); 4. J~y Meyn (Kaw); 5. Cun Baldw in (R on). PL US 25: I. Jo hn Bell (H a n); 2. Slew:'Wilm ingt on (lta w); !~ Ken K.arnow (H a n); 4. Blain e Dueca :.ter (lta w): 5. KMI'in McCann (Kaw). O PEN B: l. Sha wn Gales (Ha n ); 2. Sha ne Sm ith (Han ); 3~ Daw S ula:ki ( Kaw ); 4. F«!d Cttwinsky (Han) ; 5. Bria n Wagn er (Han). SR 1: 1. Blaint Dutea&ta (Kaw); 2. ~i n McCa nn (Kaw): 3. Keith Buchn (Ka w); 1. J im Q um la n (Sw); 5. J im KOluiv al (Kaw). SR 2: I. JeIT)' Boyd (H a n); 2. Joe Jilrobs (; 3. T ony Oloszko (Kaw). Ernst, Deveau, Williams 'win red-flagged Sears Point RR By La ura Elvin Photo by Nick Cedar SONOMA, CA, JULY I j erry Ernst, Dave Devea u and joe Brell Williams came out on top 01 lull gri ds in AFM Sprint racing act io n from Sears Point In ter e na tional Raceway. However, red nags, p ro test and AFM decision s bro ught abo ut some of the resul ts. Although Yama ha-m ou n ted Ern st go t a great star t in the 750cc Superstreet race, H onda RC30-mounted j oe Brell Will iams stormed Irom filt h place on the first lap to first place by th e lo u rt h lap. Ken Evan , ridi ng a Kawasaki, stayed on Ernst's rear wheel, brieny passing him once at the ha llwa y point, until a blown engine an d h uge oi l sp ill between tu rns six an d seven brought out the red flag . T hough Will ia ms was in the lead when the race was stopped, he was protested for passi ng under a wa ving yello w n ag a nd disqualified. Ernst got the official win with Evan in second and Yama ha -mounted j epsen in thi rd. In Formula O ne, Ern st got off to a no ther terri fic start but faded to fifth. Peter Wensloff took lirst from Willi am s and kep t it to the checkered, bu t th is ti me Wensloff was caught passin g under the waving yellow and had firs t taken away. The officia l W in went to Will ia ms with j ames Stephens in second and David Stanton in th ird. The 600cc Superstreet event had 66 star ters and 57 linsihers. Deveau too k th e lead away fro m DWayne Ch un g on the second- to-last lap. If Chu ng had a pla n to take bac k the lead he was prevented Irom doin g so when a red flag came out on the next lap becau se of a cras h in tu m 10. Devea u too k the win with Chu ng in second an d j oe Brett Will iams in third. Resul ts 250 PR OD : I. Frank Mazur ( Ka w ); 2. jer leggi n (Kaw); r 3. Jdlh OC'pp ner ( Ka w) ; ... Sean McCa rt hy (Kaw l; 5. Micha el Ben son (Kaw). ~ 450 I'ROD: I. Darr ell Park er (Yam); 2.N ader Agh aj a ni (Yam ); 3. Hugh March (Ya m): 1. G lenn Iilshi e (Ya m ); S. Micha el Smith (Yam). 600 P RO D: l . Michael Earnest (Raw); 2. Dwayne Chung (H a n); 3. Ken Evan (Yam ); 4. SIMI'e PuJl in (Kaw); 5. Da vid S~nlon (H a n). 700 PROD: I. M",rk McDan iel (SUl); 2. J im j epsen (SUZI; 3. Geep T erran ova (Suz); i . Ti m Blasq uee (Sw): 5. ROMWei ~ (Suz). O PEN PR OD : I.. Mar k McD",n iei (Suz): 2. Mike Krynod. (S uz); 3. Da ~1I Cl in german (Suz): 4. R .C. Pfr i(fer (Suz): 5. Sean Cr ne (SUI). a 250 51ST : 1. ROSI Wells (Suz); 2. )eff Leggitt (Raw); j . Frank M"'lur (Raw); 4. Slew Pull in (Kaw): 5. Andr ew Shar p (SUI). 450 51ST: 1. Darrell Parker (Ya m ); 2. Nade r Aghaj an i (Ya m ); 3. Paul Hart (Ya m ); 4. Hugh March (Ya m ); 5. Peter Ecclesine (Ya m). 600 51ST : I. Dave Deveau (Yam ); 2. Dwayne Chu ng (Ho n ); j . Joe Brett Willia ms (Han); i . Peler Wenslo(f (Ya m ); 5. DAvid Stanton (Han ). 750 51ST: 1. Jerry Ernst (Ya m): 2. Ken Evan (Kaw); 3. Ji m Jeplloefl (Ya m) ; 4. Geoep T erranova (SUI): 5. T im BIaYJuez: Michael Earnest (50) leads Jeff Leggit in 250cc Superstreet racing at Sears Point. Leggitt got by and finished second behind Ross Wells. Bobby Schwartz (righ t) chases Chris Manchester in the Handicap ma in at Speedway USA. Manchester won an d Schwartz finished third beh ind Ryan Evans. (SUl). O P EN 51ST: 1. Omny Doher ty (Yam) ; 2. Darel l Cl inger man (Ya m); : Greg g Cavan (Suz); 4. Gene Mill er (Suz); 5. t Robe rt Mesa (Ya m ). O P EN G P: I. Denn y Do herty (Ya m): 2. Darr ell Clingrrma n (Ya m); 3. Gene Milln (Suz); 1. Shan no n O'Har ra (SUI) ; 5. Tim Saunders (Sw). F· I: I. J I)(" Wi1l iam ~ (Han); 2. Jam o Step hens (Ya m); j . Da vid Stanton (Hon); 4. Jerry Em i t (Yam); 5. Micha el Riley (Ya m ). F-2: I. Peter Wen~lo(f (Yam): 2. Jam o Step hens (Ya m ): 3. \",'0 Malatino (Hon ); 1. Dan McCann (Han ): 5. Mike Mon do (Yaln). • F-4: 1. Kevin Murr ay (H a n); 2. Karl Mau enon (Han); 3. David Muller (CA); -t. Robert Hol lister (SUI) ; 5. T u pper Robi nson (Bul). . F-40: 1. Denn y DoherlY (Yam); 2. Mich ael Braxt on (SUl ); , . Bill Eggimann (Ya m ); 1. Pa ul Orlandi (Due): 5. Richard Br.od IS",). y F-SG L: I. Vin~ meyer (Ha n ); 2. j osep h Elki ns (Ya m); 3. Kur t Mund (Han ); 1. Pau l Shi lli o l (R lx); 5. Er ic Swonsligu re (Ya m ). ot F·T-150 : I. Micha el Eotrn (Raw ); 2. Jefl Leggi tt (Kaw); , . Fra nk ~bl u r (Kaw); 4. Kirk Hoeppner (Raw); 5. Sea n ~ cCa rth y (K.a w). F-T ·6SO: 1. Jonas Eklund (; 2.Nad" Aghajani (8 MW);. 3. Em ile Lem oin e (Ca g): 4. Pete Demas (Han ): 3. Gordon Smith (Kaw). r ·T·O PEN : I. Go rdo n Seim (Due ): 2. Pau l O rla ndi (Due), , . Elmer Riddle (Ya m); 1. Arthur Ch am bers (Due); 5. Sean Mur p hy (Ya m ). VIST : I. Stephen Gra nt (RSA): 2. Step hen Ahma n (RSA): 3. Edwa rd LaC ruzr':(Du c ); 4. Ch ari" Sexto n (Bul); 5. T om my UT (Bul ). Correyreels inSpeedwayUSA win By Scott Daloi sio VICfORVILLE, CA, JULY7 " Roc ket" Ro nn ie Co rr ey, the rider wh o became Speedway USA's first T rack Cham pio.n in 1985, ca me back a nd won the Scratc h mam . T he you ng supersta r gated o ut of the number two slo t 10 the mai n. He beat loca l rider T ony Bienert to tum one with Californ ia State Champion Steve Lucero in th ird. Bienert tried to stay wit h Correy, but he j ust could not do it. By turn two 0 :1 lap two , the race was in the bag lor Correy. Bienen du g in for a battle with Lucero and he held the Sta te Champion 011 un til the half way point. There, Lu cero raced by him, bu t his only cha nce of winning at tha t point was foir Correy to have a problem . It never came. Correy and his Weslake never missed a beat. He took the win by a wide mar gin with the huge cro wd cheeri ng him hom e at the lin ish. L ucero p laced second with Bienert a n d Cha rles Erm o lenko mak in g u p th e balance of the lield. Li ke Correy was when he won Speed way US A's firs t T rack Cham p ionsh ip , Chris Mancheste r is a teenage rider, a nd lik e Correy in the Scra tch ma in on the nigh t, Man chester turned in an im pressive performan ce and won the Handicap ma in . Ryan Evans beat Man chester 011 the li ne, but Manchester q u ickly went to wor k on him. H e went to the outsi de on the back ch ute a nd stayed there. By the time the opener ended, Man chester was in the lead. Co rrey, working his way lro m deep in the pa ck, found hi mself in fou rth on lap three. . One lap later, h e took Northern Calilornia transplant Ch arlie Venegas lor th ird . Correy was 0 a ro le and was loo king to score a dou ble main event win. He wen t to work on second pl ace Evans, bu t near the end 01 lap six, his motor seized. That put Evan s . firm ly in second lar behi nd the pa ce seller . . Venegas had th ird in the bag until he parked j ust belore the whi te nag. That let Bobby Sch war u and Mike Faria by, but the y would get no lar th er tha n th ird an d lourt h . Man chester took the Don Robinson checkered before a nybody else and had a n impressive win . Fellow teenager Evans stayed in second follo wed by Sch wartz and Far ia. Results SC RAT CH : I. Ron n ie Ccrrev (We:.); 2. Sieve Lucero (Cdn) ; 3. T ony Biener t (Wo); 1. Cha rles.Ermule nkc (Cd n ). H DCP : 1. Ch ris Man chesler ( We~) ; 2. Rya n Evan ~ (We"5); 3. Bobbr Schwartz (Wes.) 4. Mike Faria (Wes). ; D-2: . Jdl Hoyt (Jaw ): 2. Doug Bowen (Wo ): 3. Doug G rey-so n (Wes): 1. Robe n Sal&b (Wes). ury D·3: I. Bobby Stillwell (Wes): 2. Harlty Hall (Wo ); 3. Robbie Sa uer (jaw); 1. O lUck Lyba rKtt (J a w). d J R D· I: I. Chris Werner; 2. Randy Evans; 3. Ht"'" th Ha m mond! ; 4. Ryan Milllnen. JR D-2: I. Dan ny Bandf ield: 2. Tim Cochra ne: 3. Mark po tential winners, Bobby an d Tom my Hed . den , a nd pus hed them to the groun d with a sm ile. The Hedden boys undaunted by the fall , cra wled to the fini sh to take the win . . Resu lts SCRATCH: I. Ban Da!'!t: 2. Bob Hedde n ; 3. Eddie In/l:l ; o 4. Rober t Carry . H DCP: 1. Bart Bast: 2. Steve Or landi ; 3. Tom Hedde n : 4. Eddi e Ing les. D-2: 1. Jerome H ~ ber ,ll';a: . 2. Bria n Ho lland; 3. G lmn Moo rt; 1. Pete Marroaa. dve Hu ntoon; 5. Scott D-3: I. Sha wn MacDonald; 2. Ir Henry : 4. l eU Nicholson. J R: I. Sha wn Ja ckso n. N lckla ~. Bruce rules Altamont SupercroS!l Bast makes clean sweep at Gold Country Speedway By Brenda Allen AUBURN, CA, JUNE 22 Bar t Bast seems to have mastered the art of Speedway racing. Bast might as well just take the checkered n ag to the sta rting !",te, for it' s a lmost a sure th ing he' ll be carry lllg it a t the fini sh. Last Friday night at Go ld Co untry Speed way was an excellent exam ple of this. The 23-year -old Auburn , Cal ifornia, resident won all six races he ente red a t Fast Fridays , a lirst lor Gol d Co untry Speedway th is season. The Scra tch main , the toughest race 01 the eveni ng, dido 't seem to in tim idate Bast , wh o ca ptured the checkered n ag lor the sixth ti me tha t evening, lollowed by Bobby Hedden in second, and Eddie Ingles in th ird. Ano ther highlight of the even ing was a ma tch ra ce between reti red riders Du an e Yarrow and Fast Frida y's announcer Mike Roo ney. Yarrow , winn ing two ou t of the three races, was the victo r. The only event Bast entered that he didn't win was the th ree-legged sack race 01 teh lirst division riders a t intermission . The foureman team to take the checkered n ag in thi s race consisted 01 Bobb y H edden, Tommy Hedden, Rich Marcucci a nd Ste ve Orla ndi . Bast, rea lizing he wasn' t go ing to take thi s even t, ho p ped out 0 1 his sack , approac hed th e By Larry Lacey ALTAM ONT CA, JULY6 , Yama ha rider j oe Bruce was un do ub tedly the fastest rider at Alta mont Supercro ss. as he thorou gh ly dominated the combined 125/ 250cc Pro cla ss. Neither Kawasaki riders Breit Comer nor Sergi o Fern andez cou ld mat ch the pace set by Bruce. The 80cc class saw a runaway win perlormed by Brian Cruz. Cruz, however, had to - pass T erry Biel in the early stages 01 the race, bu t once he had taken over the lead , the race was h is. . j im my Pierce used his heat race to dial in the trac k and get it all togeth er lor the main even t. Pierce was per haps the ha rdest ridi ng and most determi ned rider on the track. Also d e termi ~ed to make a good showing at Altamon t was T yson La cey, who, after six . months 01 tryin g, took lirst p lace in the 60cc cla ss. Results 60: I. Tyson Lacry (Kaw): 2. Otad Biel ( . 80: I. Bria n Ow (; 2. J imm y Pitttt (Kaw); 5. Terry Bid ( ): 4. Johnny Cipollina (Suz); 5. Ben Shark (Suz). 125 JR: I. Chri~ Thom as (Suz); 2. Rich Thoma~ (Ya m); 3. Ben Cipolli na (Suz). 250 JR: I. An~w Mynatt (Han); 2. Ron nie Mitchell (Kaw); • 3. Robe n Wright (H on). SOO: I. Wil ha m Van Tassel (Han). VET ; I. Dave Zollo (Stu); 2. Mar k Biel (Kaw) ; 3. Scott H amm (Yam ). 125 PRO : J. Joe Brutt (Ya m ); 2. Br~t Co mer ( 250PRO: I. Serg io Femandel (Kaw).

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