Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 08 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Tony Graves (219) gets the holeshot in the 125cc Pro class ahead of Kenn y Olsen (758), Don Bisceglia (677) and Rian Gant (416) at the Albany Supercross. Shawn McConnell (inside) knocks Mark Hannah out of his way at Costa Mesa. McConnell was disqualified, while Steve Lucero (outside) won the Scratch main. go t WO fS<' on lap three Correy looked back to Christian and waved him by. On th e fin al lap, Schwartz had nearly a halfstrai gh t lead that he kept to the checke red flag. Christian was second while Correy limped across the line third ahead o f Errnolenko. Ronnie Kemp took the lead when the Handicap ma in got underway. Gary Ackroyd arid Jason Chism occupied the next two spots but not for long. Tony Bienert tried to go outside Ackroyd in tum four, but Ackroyd took him wid e and effectively held him off', The problem was he opened up the bottom of the track and Steve Russell took full advantage and passed Chism, Ackroyd and Bienert, Russell th en turned up the flame on Kemp on lap two and burst by on the inside o f for the lead. Before Kemp could get back to th e inside he was also passed by Bienert, Schwartz and Errnolenko. Ermolenko then stuck his Godden ahead of Sch wa rtz and Bienert to take second. Once Russell had the point, he moved away from the rest of the field on his Kelly Inman Weslake Cor the win. Ermolenko maintained second with Schwartz third. SCh wa rtz found h im self in th ird and th at gave him a gr ea t view o f the battle for fir st, Wh en Hannah parked in tu m two on lap seven. Schwartz screame d under him for second. That seemed to get Schwartz' auention and he charged to th e leader's rear tire on the final lap. H e looked to the inside, but Northrup barred the door and took h is first Costa Mesa win of 1m. Third went to Lucero. Duane King finally made the trip from Down Under to join partner Dean Steele in Sidecar racing. They took their Ducati to a llesuIts SCRATCH: J. Bobby Sch wartz (e M); 2. Alan Cuistia n Uaw); S. Ronn ie Con~ ( W~); 4. OJ.arl~ Erm olenk o (Cdn). HOCP : I. Sieve RU5K'11 eWes); 2. Olarln Ennolen ko( Gd n ): S. Bobb y Sch wa rtz (G M~ 0.2: l. J on Boytt (Wn); 2. Greg Appe lma n (Wn): S. Rob Ball (Ja w). Nickerson nabs Idaho ST win By Clay Light SfATEUNE,!D, JUNE 29 Expert Glen N ickerson, riding a Chaney T n u mp h topped a hotly co n tested Open T win A main event, des.p,u heated pressure e from 750<:c Harley-Davidson riders Lonny Kopp and Gary Hite, at Darel Triber's o nefifth -mi le sh ort track a t Stateline Speedway. Small wheel ra cing kicked olf th e eveni ng's race pr ogram in th e Idaho panhandle, not far away from Spokane, Washington. Yamaha rider N ick SOlder won the 50cc A main event, but hi s win didn 't co me without a battle, as Yamaha riders justin Shane and J.P. Carpen"t er ch ased him to th e finish; fourth went to R.j Yamamot o , five-year-old so n of AMA Expert Ron Yamamoto, while fifth was Italjet rider Steve Ra schko: ' A good-sized field o f 250cc riders were o n hand, with majori ty being amateurs, an d they ran combi ned with lone pro rider Pat e Galles. G alles, riding a Yamaha, won th e main event, but it was H onda jockey Bob Roth ho ldi ng under pressure to ta ke the ajoined amateur win , bea ting the likes of Bultaco ri ders Mark Scarpelli and Frank Becker. junior dirt tra ck p ro Steve L iberty , riding a Honda, con tin ued his domin ation o f th e 600cc class, wh ich like the 250s, ran in Pr oAm conf igura tio n. Keith James , ab oard a Yamaha , di d all he co uld to relegate Liberty to a seco nd p lace fini sh in th e A main, but to n o avail. j ay O sborne held Loren Robinett at ba y durin g th e 10-lap mai n to tak e th e amateur portion; Scarpelli , ridi ng hi s Bul taco , finished th ird. Much like last week 's sh ort track, the most exciting action came during the Open Twin racing. Heat rac es were fir st on the a~nda, taking th e top three from two heats dIrectly to the ma in event. Lonny Kopp, currently one .of the area's hottest rid ers, rode hi s 750 to a w in in heat o ne followed by expert Todd Tracey, riding a 750<:c Triumph. Heat two went the wa y o f veteran rider Nickerson, followed by Hite. riding one of several Harley· Davidson XR- 750s in the evening's program. The final co n testa n ts to the 12 rider main came from the class' semi, which was won by Liberty. who in this race rode a 750 Triumph. m e The next bes t action to th e main even t ca me in the form of th e Open Twin T roph y Dash, lin ing up the top two fin ish ers from th e two heat ra ces. H ite , who wa s looking for reven ge from a heat race loss to Ni ckerson, took a co n vincing win ahead of Kopp and Tracey. Things. however, look a downturn for Hite, who had come so close to a win in the A main on several occasions, as the Spokane rid er cra shed in th e main event while running up fron t, Hite and his Harley hit the retaining wall in th e early portion of the race, causing a premature hault to the exciting ra ce. Fifteen minutes later, the race was restarted, allowing Hite time to regroup. On th e restart, Nickerson shot into the lead and held under some heavy pressure to take the win, while Kopp and Hue chased him for the duration. Fourth in the final went to Dennr Lopp, riding a Harley 750, while Yamaha nder Denny Shane netted fifth . convincing win in the main event, Steve Hardwick teamed with substitute passenll':'" Alan Bilger for second with jozef Petrgalovich and Ernst Kueng third. • jawa-riding jason Chism took the Second Division Speedway main on a jawa. In Third Division, Greg Appelman posted his second win in 24 hours. Results llesults OPEN "IW: 1. Glen Nickerson (Tn); 2. Lonny Kopp (H. D); ! . Cary Hue (H-D); 4. Dnlny Lapp (H. D): 5. Denn y Shane (Yam). 600 PRO: I. St.eYe Liberty (Hon ); 2. Keilh j amn (Yam). 600 AM: 1. J ay Osborne (Ha n ); 2. Loren Robin elt (Yam): 3. Mall Scupelli (Bul/. 250 PRO: L Pat Ga In (Yam ). 250 AM: I. Bob Roth (Han); 2. Mark Scarpe lli (BUll; !. Frank Becker (Ru l); 4. Allen Walkrr (Ka w); S. Eric Ne Mln (!(aw). , 80: I. Stme Smith (Ka w); 2. Tnavlt. Shanr (!Ca ! . ju.ltin w); Popple (Yam): 4. Ja 50n Nelson (Han). SO: I. N ick Snider (Yam ); 2. Justin S h.a ~ (Yam); ! . I .P . Carpenter (Yam); 4. R.J. Yamamoto (Slit ); 5. Stl'Yl' Raschko (h ; ). O PEN TW T .O.: I. Gary Hi", (H-D). Lucero lassoes Orange County Fairgrounds Speedway By Scott Daloisio cosrAMESA.CA, JUNE 29 T wo- ti me California State Speedway Cham pion Steve Lucero took an other win in " the Coors Scratch ma in a t th e O range Co unty Fa irgrounds Friday night. Lucer o and Bobby Schwartz were th e firs t to react to th e rise of the ta pes a nd the first to arrive in tum one . For mo st of th e seaso n , th ose two riders in such close quart er would spell a crash, b ut they have put their differen ces behind them. It was clean racing through th e first bend and Lucero emerged with th e lead. " Flyin ' " Mike Faria tri ed 10 go aro u nd Lucero and Schwartz o n th e back ch ute. Sch war tz did not leave the slender rider any room agai ns t th e wall and Faria had to be content with third at th e time. At the end o f th e o pe ner, Lucero hooked up in a maj or drive and left th e rest of th e field. Wh ile Lucero moved away , Wesl akerid ing " Ra d " Brad Oxley p u t th e moves on Sch wa rtz and too k over the second pos ition. Oxley slow ly made up grou nd over laps two and three. In tum one on the fina l lap , he pulled to within a len gth of the leader. Lucero dug deep as he exited tum two and go t another bi g drive. It rock eted hi s orr Sho re/Coors Li gh t/ Sh oei /Southland Tile/RaceCraf ters sponsored Godden into a big advan ta ge and he kept it past th e j erry King checkered. After lo sin g th e H andicap main in a photo fin ish th e pr evious week , Andy No rt h ru p . reso lved not to let it happen again . H e too k th e ear ly adv antage ov er " H am merin' " Mark H annah from th e 30-yard-lin e. The week before, they staged a furious wa r co mplete w ith el bo ws and s la m m i ng. T his time Northrup, on th e JBeM Trophy Be Sil kscree n Weslake, held a shm lead and th e firew orks never materialized. Oxley was making a big impression as he sliced his way through the field from the back yardage. However tltat all came to a screeching halt at the start of lap three when he blew it up heading into tum three. SCRATCH: I. 5"", Lucero (Gdn) : 2. Brad Oxl'1' (Wes): ! . Bobby Sch war lz (W6); t . Mikr Far ia (Wn). HnCp: 1. And y Nonhtup (Wo); 2. Bobby Schwanz (Wes): 3. Steve Lucero (Gdn); 4. Mark Hannah (Wo). D-!: 1. Jason Chi sm (Jaw ); 2. l en Hoyt (jaw); 3. Bob Bechtold (Wes): 4. Bob Richarda (Wn). D-!l: 1. Gres.. Appd~ (Wcs); 2. Mik~ Pinedo Qaw); ! . Mar k Powers (J aw); 4. Denn is Stepa nen kc (Wn). SDCAR: 1. Dean Steele/Dua ne King ( D ~C; 2. Steve Hardwick/Alan Bilgtt (ltaw); ! . Jozri P~tr ovic/Emst Kumg (Kaw) ; 4. Don Pa rtain /Tim Cha mpl in ( w ). Bonita snagS Altamont Supercross By Larry Lacey TRACY, CA, JUNE 29 With th e maj ority o f serrious riders at th e Mammoth Mountain MX , there wa s still p lenty o f act ion a t Al tamont Supercross. In th e Mini class , th e class act was Terry Biel , who styled over the new rock er sectio n and easily ran aw ay with the ma in. j im m y Pierce and Erik Edmark p u t on quite a show as th ey pushed eac h o ther all ni ght, In th e 250cc junior clas s, G lenn Brickey and Rober t Wri ght crashed enough to last the next 10 races . Wri ght held o n ( 0 win. The 250cc Pro contest was very tight as Tom mi H amazainon and Ste ve Bon ita hammered eac h o ther, someti mes swapp ing the lea d two or three ti mes pe r lap. In th e end it was Bon ita holdin g on for the cas h. llesults 60: l. Olad Bid ; 2. T l !lOn La cry . 80: I. TnT)' Riel; 2. Ji mmy Pieru ; !. Dmnis Springs; 4. Ben Sh ark . 125 J R: l. ~n Cipolli na. 250 J R: 1. Robat Wright: 2. Ik'wayne Koski . 125 INT : I. Scott WlIwn. " ~ ~7t1:li.1~n'W80~l~~~: T omm i Hiuuzainm . VET : I. Davt' Zollo; 2. Mark Rul; ! . $co n Han sen. Graves aces Albany Supercross By Don Schneider ALBANY, OR,jULY I T ony Graves aced four. Pro class mo lOS a t round four o f the Pacifi c Coast Champio nsh ip Series at Alba n y Supercross. Graves, back in the sadd le af ter breaking a fOOl in the Pa c· West Series , won all 125 and 250<:c pro class motos go in g away. Out-poweri ng th e 250cc Pro class into tum o ne o f the firs t moto, G raves swu ng wide and Ken n y O lsen successfu lly ca ugh t an in side line for th e lead. On lap two Olsen left th e door open in th e tight switch bac ks, and Graves snuck by and motored away. Do n Bisceg lia wa s hard o n the gas , flew b y Olsen down the next straightaway for second. Graves opened a huge lead and Bisceglia never came close. Gary Beyer dogged Olsen the wh ole moto and on th e last lap made h is pass stick in the back section and held onto third. Mike Hamness had his hands full in moto o ne in th e 125cc Intermedia te class, as he worked into fir st from a ninth-place star t, bu t went wire to wire in moto two . Graves ga ted perfectly in moto two with Olsen, Grayson Hart and Bisceglia in hot pursuit. On lap on e, Han flew by Olsen for second and o n lap three Bisceglia made another aggressive move on Olsen to capture third. By th e halfway point Graves was lonl! gone, 20 seconds ahead. On lap seven , Bisceglia who had dogged Hart the entire moto, got brakechecked i n th e switchbacks and went down. Beyer took advantage of the downed rider and moved i n to third. Bisceglia qu ickly remounted and pursued Beyer th e rest of the moto to no avai l. . llesults W/P/W: I. luac Da wson (Yam) : 2. J ustin Ruth (Yam); 5. Michael Todd (Yam). 60 6-8: I. j ason Hanson (Ka w ): 2. Eric Williarm (Xaw). 60 9-11: 1. Robert Holtgrew (Kaw): 2. Dusty Lenaberg w);!. Michad (K.a ). w (!Ca 80 BEG : I. Bradley Stoner (Yam ): 2. Dan j ohnson (Kaw); 1 5. j oci . Cla rk (Ha n). Bo JR : I. John Williams (Kaw) ; 2. kb T iunan (Suz); ! . Emil' Cerdron (Suz). 80 INT: I. v v-Lam Ngu yn (Ka w ): 2. Sh awn Highland (Kaw ); ! . Cory Fuller (Xa w). 80 EX: 1. Otris Pa terson (Hon). 125 BEG: I. Aakew (SUI ): 2. Robert Ma rkel (XTM ); ! . M ik~ Sh ields (Han). 125 JR: I. Jason Mathew (Hon ); 2. Sha wn Hi ghl and (Xaw); 3. Ryan 1ndI(KTM). 125 INT: 1. Mik~ Hamness (Xaw); 2. Lo u Ca ulki ns (SUI ); !. Forot Transue (Kaw ). 125 PRO : 1. Tony Gnvl:S (Suz); 2. Gnyson Han (Xaw); !. Don Bisceglia (SUI ); 4. Scott Crimm (Ka w); S. Rian Ga nt (Suz). 250 BEG: I. Anthony Crtt (Ho n );2. Wayne j ohn!lOn(Hon ); ! . C~ Hannon (Ha n). 250 JR: 1. Kell y Whelchel (KTM ): 2. Crady T roeli n (Suz); ! . Dave Akerman (Kaw) . 250 INT: I. Ri chard P ost ma (Kaw); 2. Kevin Yeager (Yam ): ! . Math ew Gable (Ha n). 250 PRO: I. T ony Gravn (Suz); 2. Ga ry Reyer (XT M ): !. Don Bi sct1~l i.3 (SUI); 4. G nyson Han (Ka w); S. Xffln y O bm (Yam ). OPEN BEG: 1. Doug Vduehi (H an ): 2. Dave Kobanik (KTM) : ! . Darin Pil cher (Ha n). OPEN jR: I. Bryan Read er (Ho n); 2. Jeff Papke (Ha n); ! . Mark Kristoff (Ho n). O PE N INT: 1. Kevin YClga- (Yam); 2. ROOy Leach (KTM); 5. Sh.itwn Gola ngdo (Kaw). O PEN PR O : l. SCUll Will iam s (HOn); 2. Don Bouespflug (Kaw ): !. Miek Crader (Ha n). UTH: I. STl'Ye Smith (SUI ); 2. Steve Shep hard (KTM); ! . Andrt-w Hard ing (Han). ! G- 0 JR : I. Tom Wood ( Ra w ): 2. Geo rge Smith (Ha n): 4 ! . Wi lliam Danie l. (SUI). JO.10 INT: I. j oh n Willi ams (Kaw): 2. kelly Myso (Hon); ! . Ron Ken l (Yam). VET PR O: I. Don Schneider (Suz); 2. Kevin McCanhy (YClm); ! . Ma rk Dickey (Ka w ). OT JR : 1. Skip Waddell (SUI); 2. Stn'e Forie (Ho n); ! . Bob Uchwick (Ha n ). OT INT: I. Nichola. Ru sinovids (Han); 2. Robm PierttY (S UI ): 3. Rubert CoUIlI (XT M). OT EX: I. Mike Perry (Suz); 2. Jim Par b (Han); ! . Dave M~rkl in (SUl). Erichson zaps Zanesville HM ByT.L. COSS ZANESVl1.1.E, OH, jULY 4 Darri n Eri ch son cr uised to a smooth O pen cla ss victory, leaving fell ow Na tio na l Experts Scott Stump and Troy Norris to settle for second and th ird at the Besl o f O hio Summer Series H alf Mile. H ea t one sa w Rex Fisher grab th e ho lesho t, soon to be o verta ken by Erichson , who made no mistak es. Second place was Fish er's until he slid the bike down and was replaced by Ch ance Darl ing with Kris Kiser close behind. The seco nd heat was a th re·way battle for th e win wi th Norris tak ing the lead and Dave Ra yburn a nd Sco lt St u mp volleying for positio n ri ght behind. At times three ab reas t, coming ou t o f tum four, th e three experts thrilled th e crowd, wh o had braved lOO-degree heat to a tte nd. When th e dust settled, Norris got to the chec kers first followed by a hard· chargi ng Ra yb urn. Stump, and Ian Segedy, who was busy closing the gap. In the main, Erichson jumped out in front and stayed there while Norris and Stump went

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