Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 08 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eLOCAL EVENTS e endi ng Yamamoto's chances of netting a win in the clas s in his clas s debut. This placed Nickerson into the lead ahead of Marsh and Yamaha 750-mounted Shane, which was th e fin al fin ishing order. Myers, McElroy roost Marysville Motocross By Nuklear Neukam Results MARYSVILLE, CA, JULY7 O PEN TW : I. G len Nickerson (T ri ); 2. Law rence Marsh IT ri); 3. Denny Sha ne (Yam); 4. j oey Kopp (H· D); 5. Ronnie Yamam oto (T ri). 600 PR O: I. Joey Kopp ( Koiw ); 2. Sine U~r1Y (Ha n ); 3. Keith Jamn (Yam). 600 AM l. Jay Osborne (Hon ); 2. Tom Rowland (KTM); :: 5. Bill Sugden ( Ka w ); 4. Mark Scarpe lli ! Bul); 5. Lo ren Robi nett (Yam). ' 2SOPR O: I. Kevin Wakefield (Hoo );2. Lo nnie Kopp (Xaw) ; S. K~ith J amn (Yam ). 250 AM: I. Ja son Klu b ben (Ka w) ; 2. Keith Ras hko [H o n]: 3. Allm Walker ( Ka w ). 80: 1. Strw' Sm ith ( Kaw); 2. Travis Shan e (Ka w). ~: l. Nick Snyder (Yam); 2. S I~"(' Raschke (h j ). Marysville's Riverfron t Park was the sit e of th e com b ined 1990 FMF/Suzuk i Super Sum mer Ser ies and th e Fairfield Kawasak i Summer Seri es, as nearl y 300 rid ers turned o ut for the CMC Saturday n ight MX ra ces. Stea li ng the spotlight were Pro racers Scott Myers. who took th e 250cc class win , and Sco u McElroy, who won the 125cc div isi on. H onda -m ounted Dav e Cou pe took th e hol eshot in the first 250cc Pro rnoto and stre tched it out until th e lat e stages of the race wh en Myers closed in. On the last lap, Myers mad e his move and slipped by th e leader. Myers held on during th e la st few turns a nd took th e win, wh ile Co upe sett led for seco nd. jason Johnso n finished th ird. In th e seco nd rnot o, Myers o utd ueled Coupe throu gh th e first turn. Myers surged into the lead and was never headed, as he new to the checkered nag for a perfect I-I moto scor e. Sh aun Wooten , who fini shed fourth in th e first moto, worked his way up from midpack a nd sli p ped into second by the end of th e mot o, giving th e Yam ah a rid er third overall. Coupe. wh o fin ished fourth in the seco nd mot o, wound up taking second overall. . McElroy won both 125cc Pro motos af ter Myers hol eshot the first. Myers was later for ced to retire with mechanical problems. Steve Nelson finished second both times out after some hot battles with Yamaha-mounted j oe Bru ce and Greg Tirheimer, Tirheimer placed third in both motos. .Graves, Devries, Batty bang Hillsboro Supercross By Don Schneider HIWBORO, OR,JULY 4 Tony Graves (219) and Brett Devries battled in both 250cc Pro mOIOS at Hillsboro. Devries won the first moto but fell in race two, giving Graves an easy win. Bills tops at Dade City MX By Scott Shepherd DADE crrr, FL. JULY7 The openin g round of the 1990 Dad e City R a cewa y Summer Ser ies, sponsore d by Kawasaki-Su zuk i of Lake Wal es, Florida. saw 169 riders competing o n the Supercr oss-style Sa turday night race co urse. Kawasak i rider Ken Bill s used 3-1 moto fini sh es 10 ta ke top points in th e I 25cc C class. Bill s holesh ot th e first mot o but fought fellow Kawasak i rid er Ga ry Brennan a ll th e wa y through th e first tum. While Bill s cn a Brennan were di cing, Suzuki man T erry Little mad e his move to the front. Li tt le held that pos itions for two laps with Bill s ban ging on his back door. Brennan dro pped back to fift h spo t o ut of contentio n for th e lead . Honda rider Ant hony Pocorobba was bac k in th e pack but mad e a qu ick move o n Vin ny Hopper's Yam ah a to tak e over third pl ace by th e th ird lap . Poco robb a bn egan his charge to th e front after co ming from 12th off th e line. Bills inherited the lead just befor e th e halfway po int of the race when Li ttle fell. Bill s. Honda rider Alex Cic ireni. and Pocorobba esta blished a lead group an d pulled away from the field. Ciciretti mastered hi s wa y to the front o ver Bill s o n the fifth la p of th e six-lap rnoro , Pocor obba followed th e pattern of Cieireui a nd set Bill s back one mo re notch o n th e last lap of the race, passing him on th e wh ooped back stra igh t section. At th e chec kered n ag, Ciciretti crossed the fin ish lin e firs t with Pocor obba, Bill s. Brennan and Hopper behind him . Hopper was in the fourth spot, bu t fell o n th e last tabletop jump before the fron t str aigh t. all owin g Brennan to slip up one posit ion. During the second rnoto, Bill s shot off th e line first but was battling Honda rider jason Warrington and jacob Kielty's Kawasaki to the first turn. Pocorobba tied 'u p with an unidentified rider in the first turn and did not resume the race due to injuries. Two maj or battles developed in therace, Bills, Hopper, Kawasaki rider Billy Brooks, and Cicireui were dicing in the lead group. Warrington was leading the second group of riders that were back 100 yards from the leaders with Brennan, T rever Cain. and Patrick Kreush dieing for position. Bills led the race from wire-tn-wire to win with a 3O-yard cu shion at the finish. Hoppez. Brooks, Cieiretti and Warrington rounded out the top five. llesults P/W: I. Chaz North~ (Yam) ; 2. Jamn St~a n (Yam) : 3. Paul Sm ilh (Yam); 4. Jmhua Faullina (Yam); 5. Erica BLanyar (Yam ). 60: 1. R.oben Fult on (Xaw); 2. Ja50n Wright ( Ka w ). 100 SlMINl: 1. Mike Hallal (Han) . 80 B: I. Mike H all ..l (Hon); 2. Mike Morton (Kaw ); 3. Anlh on y Pocorobba (Ho n). 80 C: J, Oan T~on (Xaw) ; 2. Soou Lamb (Han); 3. Joshua Kielty (Yam ); 4. JoeyBmn~ (Ha n); S. Nau Smith (Yam ). 80 BEG: 1. David Sh~ (Xa w); 2. Frank Carvn (Hon ); S. Man Bulin (Yam ); 4. Jooy Gill (Suz); 5. Jason Dodds (Xaw). 125 A: I. Ricky Hamp&hire (Yam). 125 B: 1. Dean Smcluer (Yam ); 2. David Sandnson (Ha n); .5 Patri ck Stojack ; 4. T im Evtthart (Ha n). . 125C: 1. Krn Bills (KawO; 2. Ala; Cicirett i(Hon); S. Vinn y Hoppn (Yam) ; 4. Bm Broou (lUw); 5. Cary Brennan (Xaw). 125 BEC D-I : 1. Roy' McGowm 11 2. Brian Harum (Ha n ); ; S. Ru uell DrmllOn ( Ka w ); 4. Ryan Neilan (Hon ); 5. Judy Adams (Ka w ). 125 BEG D-2: l. Olaunuy Flannery (Yam); 2. Ra y Olanon (Yam ); .5 Cary Shil (SUI): 4. Danny Culliso n (Suz); S. Steve . Ric~l11Ond. 250 8 : I. Glenn Somerville (Ha n ); 2. Scott Sean (Hon); S. Jay Tay lo r (Ho n ). ~50 C: 1. Jeff Voell (Ho n ); 2. Nate Wing (Ha n); .5. John Whrdn (Ka w ); 4. Roy Routh (SLU); 5. Eddie Sanderson (H on). 250 BEG: l. Mac Olastai n (Yam); 2. Kirk St ub (Yam); S. Rob KUlll (Ha n); 4. Alo Prt ven (Hon); 5. Rob Wood n (Ko w ). 25+: l. Jamo Stewart (Kaw); 2. Jo hn Coleman (Ha n ); .5 . Sam Plu mb (Han); 1. Dave Fatino (SUI ); 5. Ph illi p Rosl;. l 50+: 1. Roger Adam s (Ka w); 2. J ohn Whf:'t'rr (Ka w ); 3. John Cokman (Han): -t Soon &an (Hon ); 5. Maxie Bnry. . SJSR: l. J ohn Eaton (Yam): 2. Phi l Hadeu (Han ); 3. Olarln Lehmg (Han ); 4. Ted Dorm an ( Koiw) ; 5. Bob Pon eleit (Han). O PEN AM: L Ricky Ham pshi re (Yam); 2. Ti m Everha rt • (Ho n); .5 David Sanderson (Han); -t. Na te Win K (Hon): 5. . Eddie Sanderson (Hon ). O PE N NOV: l , Willi am Hobson; 2. JoeGrrma na (Ha n); .5 Keith Walsh (Han ); 4. T om Zepp (Han ); 5. Jelf~ FOIT('$I . (Ho n). · Yamamoto, Nickerson split Idaho Short Track wins · By Clay Light ST ATEUNE,!D, JULY 7 Experts Ron Yamamoto and Gl en Nic kerson. both ridin!; 750cc T riumphs, sp li t wins in th e Open Twm class durin g 1/5th -mil e sho rt track ra cing a t Derrel Triber 's Sta teli ne Speedway at Sta teline. Despite Yam amot o's do min ace of two of three of the class' races, which ar e ru n in mo ta style. Nick erson , a local rider, wo n the overall by virtue of hi s win in the third a nd final race , much tha nks to a DNF-in du ced final effort of Yamamot o. Yamamoto 's prema tu re dem ise spelled relief for Ni cker son, a llowi ng Nickerson to joi n th e other seven class win ners a t the trophy pr esentation. . Honda rider Kevin Wakefield ou t rode the competition in th e combined 250cc Pro-Am class. Wakefield today beat Kawasaki mounted newcomer L onn ie Kopp and Yamaha rider Keith james. The surprise, however, came in th e Amateur portion, as j ason Klubben, riding a Kawasaki 125, scored the win after three impressive rides. Klubben held off late-race flurries from Honda pilot Keith Raschko to take a well-deserved win. while Allen Walker, Mark Scarpelli and Guy Richardson filled out the top five. Kawasaki rider J.oey Kopp won th e 600cc Pro class, which I1ke in 250cc action, ran in Pro-Am configuration. Kopp made a clean sweep of the class by virtue of a 1-1-1 sweep. It wasn't quite that easy. though. for the Washington speedster, as junior Pro Sieve Liberty, riding a Honda, loomed in Kopp's shadow, placing 2-2-2 for second place. james came back to round out the lOp three with hi s 3-3-3 showings. jay Osborne held of Tom Rowland's ·advances to take a win in the Amateur portion of the class . Osborne used a trio of first place finishes to take the overall while Rowland, Bill Sugden, Mark Scarpelli and Loren Robinett filled the top five. The best action of the day came during the Open Twin class . Yamamoto breezed to wins in the first two motos. holding down huge leads, which would carry the diminutive speedster to the checkered nag well out front of crafty veteren Nickerson and Lawrence Marsh. The third and final race saw a similar scene - Yamamoto jumped into the lead and began pulling away from the contestants, only to have his borrowed Triumph call it quits, The Fourth of july started with a bang a t th e Hillsboro Su pe rcro ss put o n by Gary and Tracy Roe of Hillsboro Honda-Suzuki. T he 125cc Pros screamed out of th e launch pad with T on y G raves o ut fron t. As Graves sla m med th e o utside of turn one, Brett Devries and Mik e Bell sn uck by. Graves was quick to retalia te as on lap three Graves took the ins ide lin e from Bell to move into second. Grayson Hart hammered behind Bell the en tire moto, o nly to settle for fourth. Devries devas tated the crowd, winning over local favorite Graves by three seco nds as Bell hung on to third. The 250cc Pro action saw Graves again gateperfect, thi s time holding th e ins ide groove ahead of Devries , Bell and Terry Hamness. By lap eigh t, Graves got caught up in traffic with th e 250cc Intermediate class. Graves, trying to get around the lappers, got caught on the outside as Devries' stormed down the in side of th e whoops to take the lead Graves dogged Devrie s to th e checkers to no avail, Bell a nd Harnness fin ished a distant third and fourth . respectively. Devries pulled th e holeshot in rnoto two followed by Graves. Bell and Hamness. Graves sta yed within a bike length of Devries the whole moto, Pressuring Devries after the triple j um p o n lap eight. Graves tried the inside only to hav e the door shut. In the very next co m er, though. Graves pressured Devries and Devries caug h t a gr oov e and went down. Devries remounted fast but couldn't close the ga p o n Graves. Graves' 2-1 finishes netted him the overa ll win, with Devrie s' 1-2 good for second. Bell (3-3) and Hamness (4-4) settled for third and fourth, respectively. The second 125cc Pro moto was all Graves' early o n. Hart, in second, stayed ah ead of Bell a nd Devri es. On lap two, Devries made a pass o n Bell in the sharp right-hander before th e whoops. G raves stayed well ah ead of Hart until lap four when Graves slammed a righthander after the triple an d went down. Struggling underr hi s machine, G raves saw Hart, Devries and Bell go hy before he could get going aga in . By lap eig h t, Devri es had worked on Hart long eno ugh, taking th e inside line away from Hart aft er the triples. With Devries now in the lead. it was clear flying ahead. Hart hung o n to seco nd despite the efforts of Bell and Graves. Devries I-I finishes were good for the o verall with Harts' 4-2 good for second Bell (3-3) and Graves (2-4) claimed third and fourth. Results W/PIW: 1. Grqory Blackw('11 (Yam);12. Mkhad Todd (Yam ); 3. Erin Hucke (Yam). WMN : l. Carol Younce (Kaw ), 60 6-8: I. Grqary Blackwell (Kaw); 2. Andy FisheT (Ho o ); .5 Xdvin Sch()('r (lCaw) . . 60 9-11: I. Knio ullin (Kaw) ; 2. Dus ty Lenaber (Kaw); .5. ROOttI Holtgrew (lCaw). 80 BEG , I. J'''''' B.aJ1 (Kaw); 2. Jody Clark IHon); 5. Brock O ark (Suz). 125 BEG: l. Tim Hannon (¥aw); 2. Brad Sn('then (Hon); 5./05qlh Munafo (Yam). 25 JR: l. Donald Hucke (Yam l; 2. Ford Tannock (Suz) ; S. Steve Lewis ( Ka w). 12S PRO: I. Brt'll Ikvrin (Han); 2. Crayson HAn (Xaw ); .5 Mik(' Bdl (Sw:); 1. Tony Grav ('S(Suz). . 125 INT: J. Mike Hamnns (Xaw );2 . FOrTe5lTran sue {J{aw); S. Dane Batt y (Ha n). 250 BEG 0. 1, I. Ronald Park (H on); 2. G....,.,. Harmon (Hon); 3. Dale Murff (Hon). 250 BEG 0-2 : I. Pal Murray ( Kaw); 2. Mich3('1Nova (KTId); .5. Paul Mwaling (Ha n). ~ i~~,:. ~n (Kaw); 2. Darrin Currier (Yam); 3. 2!)l,) I~: I. Ed Jnum (Han ); 2. Dana Batty (Hon); .5 . Eric Cummings (lCaw ). ~ PRO: I. Tony Grava (Suz); 2. Brnt Dntrin, (Ha n); 3. Mike Bell (Sut);

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