Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 08 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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WORKBENCH By Kit Palmer Fannypacks: Getting packed y ou migh t recall in last week's Workben ch that we discussed the importance of carry ing a wellpacked fann ypack when off-road riding, particularil y when roosting aro und far away from camp. We also just started getting into some of the basic tools and supplies you sho uld carry with you and how to make some common trailside repairs. Last week, we started off with some standard carry-a long items such as spark p lu gs/ wrench, zip -ties, safety wire. duct tape a nd th e necessar y equipment to fix a flat tire. T his week we'll add to the list. Along with th e a fore m entione d items, no fannypack would be complete witho ut an assortment of open-end wren ch es, a n adj ustable (cresc ent) wrench , appropriate hex-head (allen ) wrenches, pliers (with wire cutters), flatand phillips-head screwdrivers, an axle wrench and vice gri ps. Ob viou sly, you can onl y carry so man y wrench es in a Ian nypack, so you need to be rather selective in chosi ng which ones go with . you. If you carry at least one 8mm, IOmm, l2mm, l3mm, 14mm an d l7mm combination wrench, as well as one adjustable wrench , you should have all the im porta n t bases covered. Small, or large , vice grips are very handy on the trai l, too. They can be used as tempora ry shi ft levers, as replacements for lost axle. swingarrn or shock mount nuts, and. sho uld we dare say, even as ham mers. (Inciden tally. you may not want to carry your top- • II )KV. --* ....... TICKETS 1990 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Satu rday $8 .00 Sunday $15.00 Thursday August 9th Press Day - Contact Bria n Ba rnes Meet Team Riders at Portland Intern ational Raceway AMATEUR RACE FEE: Friday A ug ust 10th 6:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. • Amateur sign-in at track . overn ight camping available Sat urda y A ug ust 11 th Amateur Day · Gates open 6:00 A.M. S ign-Up 6:00 A.M. - 8:30 A.M. Pract ice 8:30 A.M. • Racing 10:00 A.M. Pro S ign-Up, Inn at the Quay Vanco uver 1:00 P.M. - 4 :00 P.M. Su nday August 12th 7:00 A.M. Spectator gate s open 9:00 A.M. - 12 :00 P.M. Pro Practice & Qualifying 1:00 P.M. Washougal 125 /500 National MX AMi1 SANC T IONE D Available at local dealersh ips Pre-Ent ry $20 .00 Post Entry $30 .00 A.M .A. Card s Required NO EXCEPTIONSI Ca ll Ca ro lyn Huffman A.S.A.P. For Inf o : (503) 673-1671 ALL CLA SS ES Beg., Jr., lnt., Pro -A m, Womens, Vets , Old Tim ers , Quads . FREE PARKING AND CAMPING FOR S UN D A Y S EVENT * N O BOTTLES * Reduced Hotel Rates At Ralp h Huffman 1-503-673-1671 T he Mark205 Come ride with us. MOTOR INN Bob Leach 1 -5 0 3 -9 2 8 -4 4 7 4 Contact Aloha Tradewind Travel Brian Barn es 1-206- 695-9 2 21 H ONDA 1-206-485-0147 work 1-206-334- 7194 home Mari lyn Waltm ire JEFFSTANTON and GUY COOPER TAKE3 OUT OF 4 AT UNADILLA Also, Congratulations to THOMAS NORTON and his amazing BLACKWATER 100 Win! Foran Arai Dual·Otteal/literatu re Pack including our latest brochure. send $2.00 in cash or stamps($3.00 outside U.S.) to: Ara; Helmets. Ltd.• Dept. eN P.O. Box 421. . Tenafly. NJ 07B70 GUYCOOPER takes a 1st and 2nd in the 125cc Matos

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