Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1990 CR500-.. GuikShop Brand ne w. many ext ras, excellen t co nd ition, must sell . $3 200/ 0 BO. Vegas area. (7 0 2) 454· 1109. NV. (12 9) ATV Tra iler ' 8 8 Lance Camp S'XS' ramp, tailga te. two side carry boxes. 15 " whee ls. like n ew . Mu st sell. mov ing. $900. lance LS-3000 ca mper, it's ne w, used 8 times. loaded. must see. $63 00/0BO. 19 8 3 CR480 Honda. excellent condition. run s great. new piston r ings. $900/ OBO. (7 14 ) B29-2945 . CA . (12 9) SPECIALOFFERI The Camel Pro Collection 1987 Husky 430 Auto $1500 Fresh engine . trans. front end. (8 18) 889-8861. ( 1 2~ CA. Camel Pro Crew Sweats h lM. Fits the exciting hfestyle of CamelPro riders. ttgives you unrivaled comfort inan All-Ame rica n standard . $30 retail value. Just $14.95: Navy - S. M, L. XL. NEW 2 50 NINJ A PA RTS: Works Performance fe ar shock S125, Lockhart fo rk spr ings $40. Lockhart clutch kit $30 . sho p ma nu al $10. Call (4 14 ) 6 28- 4053 . wkday eves . WI. (1 29 -30 ) Easy-Que Camel Pro Swe atpan ts. Great lor ..:>rkout orcasual wear. Retail value $30 . Just $14.95: Navy - S. M, L. XL. FZR1000 M otor For Sale! ' W,th two Camel canon end flaps. 2200 miles. not crashedll Will shi p to doorstep for $9 50 . (800) 346 -4 0 70 . Lea ve message days o nly . FL. (129 . 30) Send your check or moneyorder.or charg e to your VISAoor MasterCard" Include card number. expiration date and signa ture. Be sure10include(2)Carrel carton end flaps. your date at birth end the signed statement: " 1certify that I am a smo ker; thall am 21 ye ars of age or old er ; and that r want to receive free cigarettes, coupons. pre miums . or other offers In the mail . . I un dersta nd that gI ving false information In o rder to accept these offers ma y constitut e a violation of the law: ' MAIL 10 : Camel Pro Con sumer Apparel OHer, Depart ment 2786, Lubboc k. TX69491. Please allow 6 to 8 weeksfor d elive ry. O ff er ex pi res December 31,1990.Offerrestrlctedtosmokers21 years of age or older. OHer vo id wh ere restricted or prohibited by law.Offer good only in the U.S.A.All promotiona lcosts paid bymanufacturer. Consumer must pay postage on mai l-In offer requests. Variabl e Offset Trip le Clamps M achin ed f rom bill et aluminum. Includes ste m, , mm , 3mm. 5mm and 7mm eccent rics, handl ebar clamps and fully mac hin ed crowns, $540. Fixed offset, $330. Now ava ilable crow ns for USD fo rks . Call fo r cata log . KOSM AN RACING . 340 Fell St . San Fr anc i sco. CA 94 102. (41 5 ) 86 1·4262 . (229/ EFI/ P) 15 mg. "tar", 1.0 mg. nicotine iN. per cigarelle by fTC method. SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking Causes Lung Ca nce r, Hear t Disease , Emphysema, And May Complicate P regnancy. For locati on of y our nearest dealer and de aler inq uiri es call : 1-800-748-8454 KX 's KX's KX's Dub lin Kawasak i has all sizes . raced prepped and ready to go. DUB LIN KAWASAKI. (41 5) 829- 4466 . CA. (22 8/TFN) 1 9 87 FZR7 5 0 RT ~ ~~ =, ~. ;) if ;;;;= SYSTEM ® - GDANCE Ul DIRECTIONAL J=--=-....:-= -.....:l~ - Ne ver raced . n ev er dr op ped . mi nt co n dition . FZR10€>0 mot or & ca res . oil-coo ler. V&H Super- , sport with aluminum spicket s, braid ed line s. Dayto na damper, Stag e III Dy noj et & fi lt ers. Barn ett cl utch. Adult owned & ma intained . First $5200. (513)434 -1238 .0H. (328-30) NO Heac1shaJte ~@ 1980 T2125 . NEW IGNITION. f resh motor . spare crank . pistons. cylinders. rings. gearin9,_~heels. . • Design ed T o Slide Into St andard N O Arm Pump rain tires. new slicks. Ready to race. $2000/ 0 80 . (6 14 ) 522·5333. OH . • T ot e - A · T oy" [5 A n Engi neered M odu lar Carner Syste m Easily Reconfigured to T ra n sport Perso nal Recr eation al Vehicles Of All Styles & Sizes - up to 600 Ibs. NO@ (3 28- 29) 197 7 BMW R100 /S 2" T ra iler Hitch Receiver " Will Carry M otor cy cl es. A TVs. Per sonal Wa ter cra ft & Lawn mcw ers luftme ister turbo. rebuilt 8':1gine & trannv. mint conditio n, lots of extras. $4000. (20 3) 848-0 607. CT. (32 8-29) 5 200. 0 0 Provides Extremely Statil e Front End DEVOL RACING FOX SHOCK FOR HON DA CBR600. 100 miles. (3 28· 29) $300. W alt er. (4 0 8) 4 38- 66 22 . CA . 202 37th Ave. N,E. -E Auburn, WA 98001 Phone (lOO1 735·2463 Fax (206 1939·72 43 19 8 8 Ducati 750 Paso To Get On Our Mailing Lilt and Receive a Bl ue. under 4000 miles. $46 00. Call Gar y. (9 19) 48 9 -74 78 days or (9 191233-1 6 25 after 7 pm . NC. (3 28 -2 9) FREE DeCA L 19 8 8 Husky 510 4 -Stroke Senior rider. less t han 300 mi les . lots of ext ras . Plus 3 19 73 450 Hu skys. all fo r $2800 or tr ade for street bike. pr efer mi nt Tr iu mph or Tou ring typ e. I! no answer lea ve me ssage (805) 483-432 3. CA . (32 8 -291 *New ' 8 9 ATK 250 $2995!!* Brand new, not a demo l Call for deta ils on th is and all 1990 A TK's. Great rates on shipping . UPS daily. We want to be you r ATK dealerl KEARNY ME SA YAMAHA . 8063 Balboa. San Diego. CA 92111. (6 19 ) 292 -5454 . (228 /TFN) 19 84 RZ350 2800 miles. origina l and very nice . $1600. 1 517) 732 -42 88 . M I. (328 -30) t 820t o _ _ _ _ _ ------ WORTH ... . . .. THE OBSESSION. FRED ETT E RAC ING PRODUCTS K DX & KX SP ECIALISTS ItDX ·,,,d.s ••• •• t JO S .!I I(DXCh ainguidt Suppon U 1.15 __ Av lltllt FM P S U51.1S .. F lP' HIlIllIs..-ttl •• •• ••• • ••• 142 .15 I(XSpudo 1(11 • • • ••• • 1" 1.1fi ' KOX~tdos A. p.. ,.d •• • 124.15 !tOXPorting • •••••• • • • I U .H 18"' CorIvttS,on Kil • . " U SI.1i l UPS D. ;I., . e.1I or Writ. For e.t.'og 8123 W••t 189t h Str ee t. Moke na . IL 10448 (81 5 ) 469-401 1 (f") C A a . V A ~ NORTH AMERIC A, INC. 5 W ash ing ton A.venu e. Fairfield. NJ 07006 CMl' otNtOl"S 0' CAG IVA. DuCAt! S'"d HVSOVAANA ~YC," D & D PERFORMANCE EXHAUST For No Hype, Just A Wlnnus Plpe_ GEOR GIA DE ALER CALL THE HOTLINE TO HORSEP OWER CYCLE SPECIALTIES OF ATHENS - DUelti. C agi. a. llYer da. Mota-Gulli. & Moto·Morini nl" and serviet. Michelin & Pin lli tires . South" St'1 I. rgtst plrts inventory - u rne day UPS servin. Mon·Fri 9Im -6prn; Sat 10am-2prn. 260 Cornrnern Bid.. Bogorl GA 30622. (404) 543-023 5. (800) 843-8961 It's Everythlnc You'd Expect.._ AND MORE! ! , 990 Model Pip es N ow Available! DynoJ et Oil tribu+.or/O.aler Inquiries Welcom e BULTACO - OSSA PARTS D& D Eliminator 600 /900 /1000 On ly complete 4 /1 system available . Saves 221bs. (800) 32 7 - 110 9. (30 5) 785 -1 180. FL. (229/ EOI/PI Attn : ORV Owners Sma ll fenced ca bi n on 4 + acr es in John son Valley. Easy access t o OAV recreatio n area. $2 9.500 term s-owner . (619) 36 4 -3120. CA . (129) G S 11 50. GS1100. PO RT ED H EA D S. m i se engi ne pan s fo r sala . Ran dy. (2 14 ) 2 78- 0099 8 5 CST. TX. (3 28 -2 9) 16 FT. Smuggler New upho tstrv, oven . stove. sin k. toilet. hauls 3 bike s. $2200 /080 . Call Ken. (805) 968-8700. (80 5) 683 -2454. CA . (32 8 -33) UPS Shipping Daily Call (41 3 ) 786 -9170 P.O. Box 5023. San ta Bar bara. Calif. 93 150 HOGAN'S CYCLE SHOP WILLIAMS HONDA FREE! tag e · Featur es · Catalog neee . VIn ~ oad Mo to rcr oss · M UCH MOR E 1 Low Pric•• • Fast Fnend ly ServICe HALMAR ~C:,=~":'~:.~9~ RC- 3 0 We 've Moved ! MASHED PIPE? GET IT FIXED FOR $35! II WI e••', ti. It. WI . 1 btl , oIl ..... . ",t· Why pi ' up II 11 , U DO tor • " , . ..hlll si pi,.. when UII Ii. 'Gilt di llt. d Of me. h.d on lor t 351 No run., bow b• ., it is. WI UI fIJI it! e w . ACCEPT NO IMITATIONS WE ARE THE ORIGINALAIDBEST! ! I. PRODUCTS CO. __ FINISH LINE '-;;i.nroH .....R... " (S16) 758-2777 _,Ul'' ' ............ MY 11771 ·CerUoIo.._ _ ..,." STREET RACERS We've Go! YourNumbers Cylinder HeadPorti .......-20 BHP IMPIlOveJffJrGSX-R. FZR CBR. V-MAX. NINJA F GS. KZ .lX J. EX CHANGEHEADS Oil 1 WEEK DElNERY ComputerDesigned Ports Repairs seats Reploced Comp Valve Jobs L-----(305) ~969------I 108 OCTANE RACING GASOLINE C.II or writ . l or yout ,,*,.,.sl DA ECO Dis t ributor DAE: D C 2 01 We st " 0' · S t .. Wilmi ng to n . C A 90744 (2 1 3 ) 549 ·0840 ~~~~~F~J~~~l-!~~~ * IN OAKLEY. SCOTT OR SMITH GOGGLES . $1l9.95/ PAIR PRO· VUE LENSES 10630 NW 3rd AVE ORONOCO. MN 55960 507-282-0323

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