Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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v 0ICES INSIDE Letters to the editor End of an era FEATURES MOTOCROSS Stanton untouchable at Unadilla U.S. 250cc Grand Prix Geboers hot at British GP 6 24 FUNDRAISER Road racers unite tosave the children 10 ROA DRACING Rainey shines in wet B elgian GP HARE SCRAMBLES Millvillewin toLojak; championship toSummers DRAGRAONG Treu, McClure rule Buckeye IHRA National 22 26 DEPARTM ENTS WORKBENCH 16 TeamSuzuki scores Heartland \VERA endurance win LOCAL EVENTS 27 18 Arata tops Topeka F-USA 23 CALENDAR .36 WANT ADS 42 RESULTS 54 20 ON THE FRONT PAGE: T eam Honda's J eff Stanton cap tured h is first -ever GP victory, winning both motos at the U.S. round of. th e World Championship 250cc MX Series at Unadi lla. See page 6 for race coverage. Photo by Nat e Rauba. America's week ly motorcycle newspaper Volume XXV II Micha el Klinger . Publish er Caroline Ge ndry. Execut ive Secretary to th e Publishe r Editorial Ja ck Man gus. A ssociate Pu blish er! Editor Kit Pa lmer. Associate Edito r Pau l Carrut hers . A ssocial~ Editor Na te Rauba, A ssoc iat e Ed it or Brian Ca tterso n . Associate Ed itor Ken Fau ght, A ssista nt Ed itor Ed wina Man gu s. Calmdar Ed ito r Grap h ics and P rod uctio n Ree Johnson. Prod uction Superviso r Mandy Loo, Product ion M anag er Dennis Gr een e. L ab. T ech . Stacey Gu est . Graphic Artist Am y Harris, G rap hi c A rtist Carolyn Branham . T ypesett er Advertising Terry Pratt, National A ccounts M an ager Mark T home. Western Sal es Mana ger Ro n Davidson, H'estern Sales M anager Thomas R. C o m er. West~n S ales Man ager Mark Mitch ell , Eastern A ccounts Mana?;er Gr eg Mitch ell, Eastern Sal es Mana g~ Curtis Campbell. Eastern Sal es Mana ger J oan Ru ssian , lVt'SteTn Ad Coordinator Carla Borden Allen. Eastern Ad Coordi nator Circulation Rh eba Sm ith. Manager Sarah Taylor . Billing Coord ina to r Alm a Angu iano, Processing Coo rdi nato r Herlan e Lewi s, Stat istical Coo rdinato r Ca rol Magg io. Dealer C~oTd inat or Dealer Sales Eric Reece. Manager Wanl Ads Debbi e Weller , Want Ad Sales Mark etin g &: Promot ion Mark Thome Acco un ting/ Da ta P roc essing Donna Bryan. A I R Coo rd inato r Gene va Repass, A ssista nt Lisa Gill. Credit Service a n d Support Chris Aitch eson, H eadq uarters R ecep tio n ist Leo nard Herr in g. Serv ia and Su ppo rt Na tio na l H eadquarters Easte rn Offi ce 2201 Cherry Ave.• Long Beach , CA 90806. P.O . Box 498. Lo n g Beach. CA 9080 14198 4190 t 'int Ave.• Tucker, GA . 30084: (213) 427· 7433; 213/ 636-8844. FA X (2 13) 427·668 5 In 1979, a friend coaxed me into attending and rid ing a family enduro . This neat form of riding challe nged both my physical skills and menta l capacities - I was hooked! The event I a ttended was put on by an organization called California Racing Club , or CRC. Durin g th e pa st I I years, the end uro division of CRC has changed o wnership , management, and philoso ph ies. In th e early '80s, Larry La ngl ey laid out so me very challenging courses for CRe. By th e end of 1984, many participants of the fami ly enduros felt the " family" aspects had been lost and that these rid es were just another desert race. As a result, a new enduro asso ciatio n came to be - ERA. FRA had a grea t deal of youth and ent h us iasm, and its found er laid o u t som e really g reat rid es. Unfort u nately, the compet ition and rivalry between the two associati ons (FR A a nd CRC) resulted in lo w turnouts for both clu bs. Not many rider s cou ld afford the tim e or money to bring themselves and their fam ilies o ut twice a month. FRA lasted on ly a couple of years a nd was taken over by Ron Webb . Th e first year, Ron co mbi ned th e idea lisms of the family end uros with the organi zation al su pport of CRe. This proved to be a good combinatio n and the number of entries per enduro was back to a reasonable level (400 to 500 riders per event). Unfo rt unately, CRC's support was shortlived as they preferred to push in the direction of the other divi sion , motocross. Mr. Webb formed Southern California Enduro Club (SCEC) in 1988 a nd cont inued to put on famil y enduros. As man y a re aware, June of thi s year sa w th e last o f SCEC a nd family enduros. T o say th e least, they will be grea tly mi ssed. For those of us wh o wish LO co nti nue riding end uros , we mu st now rely o n District 37 event s and club events out of thi s area-. I've been a participa nt in all of th ese for severa l years now and am awed by the transiti on . Ho wever, many 01 the riders who were members of CRC, FRA or SCEC will not atte nd Dist rict 37 event s. T he ph ilosophy of CRC, FRA and SCEC ensured o ne that th e u p co m i n g weeke nd's end uro wou ld present adequate challenge and an abunda nce of fun and co mradery. The stigma of dis trict end uros mak e th ese same riders wonder if they will finis h . will they get hurt . and how mu ch damage will their machinery in cur. Perhaps participation in riding enduros for these riders has co me LO a n end. It 's sad, as thi s seems to be just o ne more step towards the demi se of o ur spo rt. T ucker. GA 30085-0805. (404) 934-7850. FAX (104) 934-3 112 mail ing address P.O. Box S05. T errv B. Huffman . Cerr ito s, CA Room for bo th WBPA 4 Som e of my fellow motorcycl e enthusiasts rea lly let me down. They browbea t Freddie Sp encer for not coming back and winnin g, Eddie " T he Great" Lawson for h is Hon da ride, and the King, Kenny Roberts, for looking to Formula-USA to bring some new ideas int o the U.S. market. Don 't just loo k at the AMA patch issue. If you have no for esigh t, read my lip s! H ere is a cha nce LO gi ve o ur guys a sho t a t ridi ng large dis p lacement two-strokes again. Hall el ujah ! Don't get me wro ng, I love fourstroke racing and th e AMA. But th ere's room for bo th and they can learn and ' prosper from one . another. Le t's no t start drawing lines, just enjoy the sho w. If yo u do get the urge LO write 10 someo ne , wri te to newspapers, televi-sion stations and sponsors. Let them know you apprecia te the cycle shows and will bu y th e spo nsor's products. By the way , an ybody for a For m u laUSA vs. A MA mat ch race? Fast wrenches All those peop le n o t fo rt unate enough to see the Wo rld Championship Superbi ke Series road race at Brainerd, Minnesota , from the paddoc k area missed o ne of the mos t hero ic effo rts by a pit crew that I hav e ever witnessed. In the span of about 45 minutes, th e Commonwealth H o nda crew of Ray, Brian , Ann and Mart in (I didn 't get last names) completely replaced th e RC30 engine in Randy Ren fro w's Ho nda. T hey go t him LO the gri d on ly mi n utes before the start of the first leg. Unfor tu nately, Randy cras hed o ut of th e race whi le running sixth. T hen th e crew LOok the damaged bike and put it on the grid for the second leg with abou t o ne minute to spare. Fat e aga in spo iled their superb work , but at least the crew gave their rider a cha nce to race, rather th an be a spec tator. . Whatever th ese ded icated members of Commonwealth Ho nda Race T eam are making, they deserve a big rai for their efforts at Brainerd. Keep u the quality work. R ide for charity I ca n not thank you eno ugh for al of the support you have sho wn us, i the coordination of this yea r' s Leo Dube Memor ial Trai l Ride. Together as a team , we rai sed a total of 45.96LO benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Founda lion 's mo st promi sing res earc programs. The coordination of the Leo n Dub Memorial Trail Rid e, our largest Ne H am p sh ir e specia l even t, tak es . co ncent ra ted effort of man y sponsors supporters, and volu nteers . T ha nk yoi for pl aying a key role in the succes of this year 's even t. We certainlappreciat e each and every su pporte who has en abled u s LO raise thi : p heno mena l amount of money te benefit ou r Fou nda tio n's efforts to fin the cure for cystic fibrosis. Helen S. Du haim Special Events Coordinate Cystic Fibrosis Fo undatio ~fanchester. x Letters to the editor should b sent to: Voices, Cycle News, P.O Box 498, L ong Beach , CA 90801 0498. Published letters do no necessarily reflec t the position Cycle News, Inc. Lett ers shoul not exceed 200 words and al letters are subject to edit ing.

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