Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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LOCAL EVENTS ~ Poovey stomps Sedalia Half Mile By Davi d Hoenig Photo by Flat T ra k Fotos WALIA MO,]UNE23 , ro fessio n a l motorcycle racing returned to the Misso u ri State Fairgrounds after a 15 year absence, as Ed Beckley's Motorspo ns of America hosted an AMA Western Regional Dirt T rack Series event on the ba n ked fairgro unds half mi le. Terry Poo vey bro ught hi s Mar ioneaux/ Sh oe i/Hap j ones/Sisemore/Tsub aki/Hot Jamminspo nsored XR750 H arley-Davidson up from Texas an d escaped with the Expert win. Poovey had to hold off the quick Wood -Rotaxes of Erik Graybeal and Davey Durelle.. Nebraska's Dale J enneman led the Junior main wire-to-w ire, while Virginia's J erem y Lucy topped an exciting Pro-Am mai n. , The Juniors were the first out for time tri als a nd H arold Do rsey gave th e Experts a time to shoo t at turning a 21.57. Expert Davey Durelle came the closest, but fell short at 27.83. There were on ly two riders in the 21's. Willie McCoy and Jeff Dietz followed with 28.14 and 28.24. Pro-Am heats were first out of the box with wins going to Lucy , Tony Rulli, David Morgan and Scott Huff. All the Pro-Ams moved to two semis where Georgie Price led all the way in semi one. In the second semi Morgan held off Huff and Chad Barth for the e P WIn. The Junior program had three heats with the top two moving to the main. Dorsey topped Ro y Hart in heat on e, Jenneman ran away with heat two and in th e last heat AI Eadie narrowl y bea t James Hart, Tony Donahue led the first Junior semi all the way while the second semi fell to Mike Guinn. • The two Expert heats moved six riders to the main . Durelle easi ly won heat o ne as Graybeal fin ished well back in second Jim Sumner passed Brian Anderson on the last lap for third, as Marc Gifford '!!id the same to Bob Buffington for fifth. , The second heat was all Poov ey's, but it was a total war behind him. At the halfway point Tom Troudt was holding off Willie McCoy, Audie Huff, Real Hart, Charlie Orr, Mike Reid and Jeff Dietz. McCoy worked hi s wa y into second and closed on Poovey but ran out of time. Troudt held on to third with Orr moving up to fourth on the last lap . Huff was fiflh with Reid taking the last spo t from Hart on the' last lap. J!:.. four-lap Dash For Cash was held with the top five Expert qual ifiers. Durelle took the $lllO win but Erik ,G raybeal was al lover him the entire distance. Anderson, Dietz and McCoy rounded out the field e In the Pro-Am main Kent Longcor got the holeshot but the race was red-flagged -when Scott Huff fell. Longcor again go t the holesho t on the restart as Lucy held "second ahead of Pri ce. The first three riders pulled away from Huff, Bertolino, Morgan, Simpson and Bentley. . Lap four saw th e red flag ou t again as Bertolino fell hard The sing le-file restart saw leader Longcor struggle off the line and Pri ce take con trol with Lucy in hot pursuit. Longcor had his hands full with Scott Huff, but even tually I pulled clear. I As the white flag flew Lucy forced hi s way past Pri ce on the ou tside at the start! l finish line, then chop down on Pri ce going in to turn one. Lucy remained ou t J from for the win. . The Junior main belonged to Dale jenneman, but he was chased all the way by Eadie. Most of the action took place The Expert main gets underway at the Sedalia Half Mile. T erry Poovey (18) took the win over Er ik Graybeal. behind them as Harold Dorsey, James Hart and Tony Donahue all exchanged positions several times. Dorsey got back up to third at the finish over Hart, Donahue and Roy Hart. The Expert main turned into two distinct races as the from five pulled a big lead on the rest of the field, which was a lso tightly bunched. Poovey, Durelle, Graybeal, Orr and Gifford ma de up the lead pack. They ran nose to tail until the fifth lap. "Poovey hit a hole and Davey followed him in ," said Graybeal. " I went under Dave and almost made it under Terry too, but he recovered quick enough that I couldn't get by. He just rode a perfect race and didn't mak e an y mistakes." " It was hard to get around this race track, the groove was only about a foot wide," said Poovey. "The track got a lot better as the rubber got laid down." Durelle's best shot at the win failed on lap five when, as he exp lained, " I just followed him (Poovey) into tum three, he hit that hole and I thought, 'man, there it is, my chance,' and all of a sudden I hit it right behind him. As soon as I got wide I kn ew Erick (Graybeal) was rig h t there and I thought he was going to get us both and leave us, bu t he just got by me. It was the closest race I've ever run." ClV Results PltO-A1II I. J=y l.ucy (H -D); 2. Gun H art ( K a ~'): 3. Do n Bi-.<" c,Ftlia (S UI) : 4. SCOI1 Grimm {Ka w] : 5. David Bro ....-n in g (Yam ). O PEX t NT: I. Kevi n Yea ger ( Yam) ; 2. Rob y Lr-aeh ( KT M) ; 3. Shuw u Co la n~d() ( 1'41 '0\' ). OPE ~ JR: I. Rr)';111 Read er (H o m : 2. j -rr Pa p ke ( H o n); 3. ~I ark K. rI'~l f) ff ( li o n) . O PE:'" BEG : I. l)o u K Vehschi ( H o n ): 2. Da ve Kol n·r n iL. ( KT M ); 3. Dar in Pilcher {H o u ]. 250 1ST : I. R it hard Po s tma ( Ka w ): 2. Kevin Yt';j Kt'r ( Y am); 3. I\b ll (;;:lhlt" ( H u n} , 250 BEG : I. Amho n y CIt·(· ( Hou] : 2. Wa yne J O hll ) l ClIl {H o nn S. Gn'K Harm on (l i n n) . 125 INT: I. Mi ke l lu mu e... ... ( Kuw ): 2. Lo u C alk ins (S UI ); 3. Font'!'iol T ru us u ( Kil W): 1. R ya n H agemann ( KTI\I ); 5. Rid l Pnvunu ( Kaw ). 80 EX: I. C hri ... Pun-rso n ( H on). 80 t NT : I. Vy La m ~ Ku Yt ' lI ( Ka w) : 2. S h;IWIl H ig hl an d ( Kawj: 3. Cory Fuflcr {Ka w). 80 J R : I. J o h n W ill i;Jlm (I\.a w) ; 2, Zeb 'I'i vn a n (S u I) : 3. Emit" G t" ndwn ( S lII); '1. Kevin Pfiefer ( K a w ); 5. Ben SH·W.HI (Sl IT). 60 9-11 : I. R o be r t lI () h ~rC' w ( Ka w j: 2. O UMy Lenaberg (Kuwj : 3. j C'!>!> y W illiam!> ( Ka w ). 606-8: 1. j .I...OI1 H a n . . e-n [Ka w}; 2. Er ic W illi am ~ ( Kaw). !)O: Lf saa c Daw MH1 ( Ya m ); 2. j usr in R u th (Ya m ); 3. Mik e T odd (Ya m ). 27

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