Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1962 Panther GuikShop 6 50 Single. Very good condition, new battery, seals. clutch plate. &4800 includes freight in U.S. (619)443-9169. CA. (32 8-29/C) Stend.,., Triton mee_n/c Odo....t. ' Slimline frame, powder coated red, 5 gallon alloy tank, Av ons, Road Holders. 1 69 Bonnie motor, everything new or rebuilt. $6750 including freight in U.S. (619)443-9169. CA. (32 8- 2 9/ C) Auun.tic R.etc:u. adjuDb&e.... eel size, Speed and Peak h SP"'I_ - .... spon·t """'.,..,.wodomelet. 5179.95 Pro 3 llItcIuro Comput., fMy p-ogramminl. p:miblc chert rea:Ioul , buil l-in clod. 1 )'CU warranty · ee Pro 3 hasiull far just S I 79.9~ o _ toe., meetron/c Odo....t.' O"l. O"l Our laIal model a::hieves the ultima in Enduro Il:I:lDC)' • it ........ &uUlInIIically ~ .95 .... _ _fIII·"'S The m;gina!. and RiD &be best. lnckades KTM 1-800-331-0470 i !Ill Wanted : '4 8 HD Knucklehead !'-;tTts! 5th annual Steve McQueen memorial race videos available. Send $27 .95 to : Phil Pierce. 61115 S. Hwy. 97. 8end. OR 97702. (5031389-3804. (129/C) DU~ 1990 Models Now In Stock • Enduro/Hare Sc rambles HQ • Husky Automatic Experts DUCAD Husqvarna Carolina Wheels & Props /I~fIp,,&1r; Myrtle Beach. SC And Now , The Fentaltic 1II1!J~00ll1!l N_ Swed ish· Built , - - ) ih~ THE19l1O'1 ARE HEREI ENTER THENEW DECADE WITH ANEW scoon \. Hi- Point Trailers USA 11 15 M ilan Av e.• Amherst , OH 4400 1 (216) 9 8 8- 4 474 \. /B031293·3608 UPS Daily Orders ' -800-526·61B1 (818) 449-ERIC ERIC'S MOTOac:TCU co, . '! ~ Wholesale To Dealers ONLY! Hu,n UCANE 'MN DIHElLD e- TAUf" AND WK)EII CUA" . U I TINT · . . . COLO.YATCH · . " liJ@2 (800) 177-8107 US or (305) 587-8107 (IJOOI ZU • 1ZJ7 ttl . CA KTM, BULTACO,CZ CA GIVA , M ONTESA, HUSQVAR NA 4700 SW 51st Street. Suite 212 Davie. FL 33314 :1140 ( "CAMINO IIUJ. ATASCADUO. CA 13421 11 15 Milan Av e., Am herst, OH 44001 (216) 9BB -4474 c MU.... · ..-o lft CA . leoot M3 · 10 1. lft c..... fJl1/OfClJ/C/I/B Wanted : Aermach i Bikes And engi nes . ERS, CRS. CRn and info. (3 12 ) 2 81 032 7: IL. (327- 2 9/ C) 6 1 ! . \ :~ 'i ,... I @;Jffl] ' :J i·!.;;:.] SiIl:oIeI. .-- Ducati 750 Sport 1974, very good ori gi nal cond it ion, r uns ver y strong . Curre nt ly set up for AHRMA vin tage racing. A ll ro ad pans incl uded to return to stoc k. Borran is w it h stain less spokes, stai nless fasteners, low roa d miles, fe w races. $5500/0BO. SC It . (70 8 ) 36 9 O 4672. Please lea ve message. Il. (329- 30 / C) Ducati 450 Desmo 1974. bright red, AHRMA and WERA vinta ge legal race bike. Show quality paint. plat ing and poli sh ing . 36mm Oellono. Borran is w it h stainless spoke s, TlS front brake . lightened fra me and f iberg lass bodywork. $3000/0BO. SCOIt. (708) 369-4672. 1329-30 / C) Pleas e leave message. Il. ULTIMATE EUROSTVLE 1990 METAL FINISHING CORP. @tel ~ (714) 449-1271 For Sale C8 3 5 0 Hon da RR, brand new, never rac ed; C8 500cc used RR; ' 65 Cl I 60cc Honda show bik e, like new; T20Suzuki 25OccfaetoryRR bike, rebu ild, never raced . (416)455-9420. Ont .. Can. (329 -30/C) "" ~~ OtOt° IGNITION SYSTEMS PARTS & SERVICE for 1'· =• 1361 E. WalnutSt, Pasadena,CA91106 ~g~ o ~ ......-.. N EED PARTS1 UPS DAilY Ohlin s & Wh ite Pow er Experts Suspe nsion -Po rt ing-Heliarc Welding Preci sion Bo ri ng -M echin e Sh op Cus t o m bU il t to you r seecmceuo e s. A n aerodynamica ll y deSigned. all ' Ibe rg lass tra,ler With new r ubber sus pens s axles and elec tric bra kes Av aIlab le In 14 ', on 16 ',18' ,20'. and 24 ' sizes. bo th fl at top an d th e n ew raised roof mod els Roll ·b ar const r u ct ion tor tha t elllfa m ar Qln of safe ty M an y opt io ns are avaIla ble DUCATIS: '72 750 GT. all fresh. re d. 17 K. $3500; '74 750 GT, Imo la pipes, span fai ring, ready to paint your color, &3900; '6945055, original, nice shape. $1500; '87 750 Paso. yellow/white. 10K . new condition, Euro car bs, NCR 2-1 , new M ich el ins . $55 00. 8RITISH: '74 Norto n Comma ndo. all Dun sta ll equi pped . $3600; ' 59 M atch less G12. perf ect bike. $4100; '53 8S A M 2 1 600cc Sing le, original, $36 00. Sh ipping arra nge d anywhere " 904) 253PCS DAYTONA. (904) 2 53 -25 86 . Fax: 1 (229/C) 3 57 8 . Fl . Husqvarna ~ MAiCO C'AClr6V'A (129/C) Vintage Dirt Bikers MOTORCYCLE CO. IN A CLASS OFIrs OWN •• j.-sA ERIC'S -=~ ' ~ it === [RIC JDlS[Il'S _ ,,--,r::::':.\ . ·n . 1974 OSSA PHANTOM. or iginal, $900. 1974 501 Ma ico. stock fr am e. $1500. (8 18) 331 -1560. CA. (129 / C) Original. Phillip. (818)308-97B4. CA. /'. il",. USA o S $39.95 ~ c.II Toll-1'ree tfHhly fo, mo,e in fo The "FABULOUS" and "FUN LOVING" HI-POINT TRAILER T Ve locette Flat Trackers Bu ilt by Ern ie Pica. 1956 rigid fr ame 500cc. ridden by lynn Holloway, Tex Luee. 1947 rig id frame. Girder for k 500cc runs on alcohol. Both just rebu ilt eng ines. $2950 each . (209 ) 521-0 938. CA. (129 /C) TI.......,_ llItcIu ro Cloclr POWDER COATING i~~.~;,,~~"ll·~:;gr Custom Form ula t ions an d Colors Street • Dirt • Walercraft A ll Types Of M etals One or a mill ion pieces. Send Inquiries To: ULTIM A TE META L FI N ISHI N G C O R P. 11217 Wilming ton Ave., Dep t . C Los Angeles, CA 90059 Ca ll (21 31 5 6 6 - 4 60 7 DIRT TRACK STEEL SHOES Pr;"frac Madt-2 Trailers Ken Maely . since 1 9 5 0. Sen d boot . specif y race type . 14" la ce boot. $85 .00. Everything fo r speed wa y. 2 0 · Fl . OIlSII" Runn ll r, $3 499 Cuslom Buill Tr. ill1rs D lldic .,.d to E _cllllllncll Open Mo st S . turd. ys & S un d. vs 900 E. John. #0. Ban nin9. CA 92220 8580 Bedford Molorway, Corona . CA 9171 9 FAX (7 141 277 -04 10 (714) "9-9212 (7141 2n -8989 SA VE WITH USED PARTS! = LOU 'S LEATHERS Q ~, ""'=' PARTS & O.E.M. ACCESSORIES UPS DAILY BMW of Daytona (904) 677-9511 HONDA SHOCK SPECIALIST TOO TECH RACING r eb ui lds / reval ves the same Honda suseenslc ns that we race every w eek, Maximi ze yo ur su spe nsion perf orman ce, call ' Rick Johnson "Remedy for Ita,.. 1990 CR sus pension 193 3 3 St urgess D r . To rrance. CA 90503 now ..ail.ble" "S er vi ce While U Wall " (213 ] 3 71· 3 8 87 Free Cata log 300 Peck Pike Rd" Dept eN Elkhorn, KY 42733 (606) 7B7 -5029 LARGE SEUCTION OFUSfO I R UTORED M OTORCYClES COMPlE1E INVEN10RY OF NEW AND USEP PARIS • r . NOS Parts tor Ha,'ey Davidson Lightweigh ts A m erican &- lraUlln dIJ 1 948~78 e: EST.~1959 EXPERT SERVICE OEPT. • REBUILD O MAIL a!IC Y FUll PAlNl FACllmES • CHROME PLATING 00II HUTCHIIISOII CYCLf 111 FOUNDRY STREET r.o. 101 " '. WWARD. IIA m, 117-245-1113 DROEIl BY PHONE 2' HRS. • U P S DAilY '1. Want ed: Dirt Tracker Motorcycle Show & Swap Lettering, Repa irs, Cleaning' Call ( 714) 631-3252 1719 Monrovia Aw., filA, Costa Meso, CA 92627 '66 305 Honda Dream New w hit e w all s, new plast ic and new r ubbe r th roughout, new speedo and seat cover . stoc k w h ite paint , saved all old parts , 2300 original m il es, bike is like sh owroom condit ion . Call K.R.C. (6 19) a72 -8 IKE. CA . (228- 29 /C) One ow ner . $6000. (60 2 ) 966 -206 7 . 9 -6. MST. AZ. (3 26 -29/C) CUSTOM LEA THERS BIKES · SCOOTERS · JET SKI · HELMETS · ETC. limit.!d edit ion f ine art pnnt. Not numbered. Special price 530 each . Sam e size and stock as or igina l. Ord er yo urs today from t he eN Product s order form locate d below th e advertisers ind ex. (5 / C/ P) 1 9 7 3 Kawasaki Z-1 % 800 365-667 9 BODYWORK · PAINT·MAINTENANCE COMPLETE RESTORAnON Or Poster 2000 or igina l docum ent ed miles, mint. mi nt , m int. C Ol ll D EOS CO PE +DR.CYCLE~ D~ XL3 50 Ho nda Shan Track er, 8oss, Cham pion, C&J . Must be good conditi on. Call coll ect . (4 15 ) 593. 2999 days. (4 151573 -0959 eves. CA. (3 27 -29 /C) 4 0% tc 60% Saving s Over New a .E.M . Parts Satel li te linked Part s Netw ork Saves You Tim e & M oneyl We A te Sport Bike Speciali sts CA USFOR NEW O.E.M. SUZUKI &KAWA ll SAKI PARTS B Bol F r ~~ h r~producti.on poster of sold -out Second A nnua l. Saturday July 28. M ind en , Nevada . EUROPEAN ONLY FOR SHOW . All makes okay for swap. lynn M obley, (702) 267 -2103 . 80 x (328-29/C) 36 5. Minden. NV 89423. Collector Selling '75 Nort on $2000. '7 8 Triumph S2200, '7 8 H-D XlC R $5500. '75 Triumph Trident $1 800, '68 Benell i 350ce $25 0. '64 Tr iumph $1100. '74 Triumph Tride nt $1600. '76 Suzuki RE-5A rotary 327 -29 / C) engine $1200. (216) 659 -4529. OH. 1 **Hodaka Parts** Sh ipped A NYWHERE UPS. 24 hour ans wering mach ine, we 'll call you back l PHILIPPE SERVICES. (714) 58 2 -833 2. CA. (22 6/TFN /C) ; J7j. Wtd: T01 / C R1 1O/93 /72 /H1 R 211 Wnhing10ft CMrtescon. IL 6 1920 217.345-.;;2S .:.n UPS COO Z '' ==--'==-.J H2R. A 1R and other Japanese roadracers. (8 1B) 7 63-0600 days , (2 13 ) 851 -4 920 eves. CA. (l14-38/C)

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