Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Salesman Needed caui~ Orang e County 's # 1 vol u me Su zu ki deal er i s l o oki n g fo r Orang e Cou n t y 's # 1 Sa l e sm a n . Comm issi on plus ben ef its. Call M ar k or Floyd . (21 3) 69 1-3273. CA. 1 224/ TFNI ~'Corbin Mechanic Needed Pay commensu ra te wi th experience. plus un iform . insu rance. pr o fit sha ring. pa id vac at ion & holidays . Come li ve in the beauti fu l Smo key Mount ai ns of 6lJO.5.f.f.~USA 1fJO-662~ ca« 1tJO.66J.1016 ConocJo l~J ~ 'ZXf1G/. 1 '9. 4OUJJ.2500 Local North Caro lin a . Ca ll Do ug a t MR. HO NDA . KAWASAKI -YA M AH A . (70 41 253 -56 46 . NC. (226/TFN) ... .. AMERiE)(N"H R EO ~ COLLECTI WORLD G.P. RR RAND Y MAMOLA JIMMY FILICE WAYNE RAINEY KEVIN SCHWANTZ EDDIE LAWSON JOHN KOCINSKI SCOTT PARKER CYCLE SHACK. Houston , Texas seeking experienced Mechanic. Franchised Yamaha, BM W. KTM . Ple nty year ro und work. prof ession al shop. good pay. Rick. (713) 530-9337. (228-31) Lif e' s A Beach Service Manager wan ted in growing So Cal coa sta l area. Earn up to $40.000 per year in a modern multi -li ne deale rshi p. KAWASAKI SUZUKI OF OXNARD. 1421 S. Oxnard 8l vd. Oxnard. CA 93030. (805) 486-6303. (228-291 Parts & /Or Serv Mgr Wtd ROAD RACE SUPPLIES • NU/TlbrlEI'1 & !>kites • 8rek~ PedS • StopWatc~ • cese Guards For establ ished Kawa saki Suzuki dealership. 10 minutes from Laquna -Seca in Sunny Ca. Motivat ed professiona l r eq u ired . Contact Benjam in at SALINAS CYCLE CENTER 312 Abbon St. Salina s. . CA 93901. (408) 424-961 1. (228· 3 1) OUR FAST PERSONAL. SERVICE KEEPS YOU ON THE TllACX - HOT IN THE PITS EXPERIENCED M /C TECHNICIAN wanted. two years m in im um , at estab lished Honda dealership in Elmhurst . Ill inoi s. Ca ll ( 70 8 ) 279 - 1269. IL. (128 -29) C CON c i e W o r k s - M echanic Y INC #1 rate d Kawasak i deal er loo king for experie nced moto rcycle M ech anic. J et Ski experie nce a plus. Excelle nt pay an d ben ef its . Contact Dan at CLARK KAWA SAKI. (7 14) 532 -01 33 . CA. (228- 29) Sat~ ty W l r~ & Plie rs Stccflng Dampcr KIts Fiberglass Body Parts Steel 8rak~ LIne KIts • • • • FOR All YOUR RACIN NEEDS G 20;~~;~ • 475 WASHINGTON AVE.•NORTH HAVEN. (T 064 73 Mechanic- J ourn eym an Needed fo r a lar ge volume Honda Kawasaki Sea000 dea lers hi p . Must have a mi ni m um of 5 years experience w it h mo to rcycle or personal w atercraft . wate rcraft experience preferred, but w ill train Mechanic wit h strong 2 stroke expe rie nce . YEAR ROUND EM PLOYM ENT. Paid u nif or m . health insura nce , life in sura nce , holidays , vacat ions, paid training an d updates. Must be har d worker and have own tools. WHITIIER HONDA KAW ASAKI. A sk for Stan or Bria n. (2 13) 945 -3494 ext. 3. CA. (228 -29) FAST BY FERRACCI H i-Perfo rma nce Pa n , & Servi ces for Japan ese & Duran Sup.. rb ikes Full Machine S ho p . Chassis Prrp Specia l, Vimage Racing Pa il s I 1 5 Ove rni gtu Del iver y Ava i labl e ' Phone Sales Call O'NEAL USA. New products. new color catal og and an establ ished dealer base w it h a pot ent ia l for man y ne w account s. Top pay plus excellent benefi ts. Call now I As k for Alan. (81 8) 998 -104 9" . CA. (229) ARI AS . :lIEGACYCLE . KEIHll\' CR .. , •• '. The ONLY mnd thel is completely adjustable to lit ,Imost ANY street bike = $79 •cuon 95 Salo illa 1 9 6 2 N orton Manxm an CA. 1""lud•• Shipping GTG __ ENTE RPRISES- 76S-C Chestnut Street S.n JOM, CA 96"0 (408) 298· 63 3 1 (329- 30 / C) Classic Bike Magazines Cla ssic Bike vol ume # 1 throu gh # 1 25, $900. Prices inclu de packing and shipping by UPS. (30 5) 77 12 730 . FL. (129 / C) Bonneville! 1973 Triumph 75Oc c, 3300 ori ginal mi les, strong runner. all origina l. $2300. (40 7) 255 -2791. FL. (129-30 / CI == " - The leader in saf e & reliable nitrous kit s for you r race or street bike ne eds; GSXR. FZR. CBR. ZX. etc. Ava ilabl e fr om 25 to 100 extra HPII ~ =~ Nitrous Oxide Systems,mc. 5930 Lakeshore Or iv e (7 14 ) 82 1-0580 Cypress. CA 90 6 30 FAX (7 14 ) 821 ·83t9 f OR MORE IN fORMATION O R NEAREST DISTRiBUTO R CALL : (312) 789-0840 BILL' PIPE C AL L IBJ World's Best-selling Line of Premium Quality v..:i ~~l Motorcycle and II ATV Lubricants. YAMAHA LOOK flO _ * Y UWIA SUZU SOlJT1t IU SUZUK I . - WnE COY THE PARTS YOU NU O' J • Save 10% With This Ad e Overnight S e rv ic e Available • Free Fre igh t on 5 50.00 O rders ~fSS SHOCKIFORK SERVICE YAMAHA" "FCCR_IFNDED .....PEI\I.IDN CENTDI .J - ~ iM·lIfii . \ _ " " \ \ "'\ e:/-" . PLATES • CAM EL PRO • BMX 717·854·7286 or 266-0268 after 4p.m. EST 5 8 N . Broa d S t .. Y ork . PA 17403 U.S. DISTR IBUTOR 214 1 E~ Pt"I.adeI~. Unll T Ont.artO CallfQtn Ml 9 1]bl · ]1 42 . ~~~ 1-800-356-4735 CALL US FIRST Largest Selection Of Used Parts In Northern California Free Parts Loc ating Serv ice W e Sh ip UPS r;> aily Visa & Mastercard Ac cep te d ~ '~Y~~9~928 .". . Full Race Prop The S . nz. ; Sros Damage Repair " PIPE SKID" Av alabl e at your deal e' Flow Tosling ETC. Dealer s pl ease call : ... . . " • . (714' SS4-M4Z Inlv (213) 256-49t2 UPS DAILY Over 25 Years In Business HugeParts andAcc essoriesInventory 1..---- _ _ (304) 472-4824 - - - ' FAX 714-_7·150 F,.. Shlp pln& In C.llom" When You Mention ThIs Ad CYLINDER HEADS PIPE PROTECTORS BonZO; Bro. . SfJ SEIIJ. GREASE KIT TRIUMPH. BSA • NORTON • ROAD RACE • CARTS • AWARDS 185 sw. 14t h Ct.. Deerfield 8 each. FL 33 441 FQ"" SPI/lNG OHUNS EXCWSIVE Du:,~y ~----- (30S )48~2S6------~ mn Pl?ESSURE FORK CAPS·ADJUSTABLE NOIEEN RACINIi CUSTOM NUMBER PLATES - OIRT4 TRACK • DRAG BIKE • SPEEDWAY Street - Dirt - ATV Motorc y cles ~ R' Us R£BOUND D-MPiNG • BASE VALVE KIT Yamaha-Suzuki South Cli.@ 1167 Hamner Ave ' Norco, CA 91760 l~i'CANI 714-947-5773 I (7 1 4) 37 1-1329 For an A ra l LIte rat ure /Decal Pak, including ou r tet esr brochur e. send $2.00 in cash or stam ps (3.00 outs-de U,S ,ll o : A rai Helmets. ue.. Dept . 63. P.O. Box 9485, Oayt ona, FL 32 120 , ./ ~ 1342 N . Scon. Behar. MO 64012 18 1 613 31 . 1 4 0 0 Conco urse co ndit ion, show bik e, w as on front '62 Cycle magazine. $5000/ 0 80 . (714) 499· 5260 . QUA LITY CHEMICALS ;;;• • FOR THE MOTORCYCLE INDUSTRY HE LMET. MEGASTAND ! ATK M otorcycles '73 CR125 HONDA. BEST OFFER. '77 Hodaka 250SL. ' 71 Pento n 100 Enduro . '73 Hodaka 125 Wombat. (715173 1-64 19. W I. (329-3 1/C) = == '1 1855 ugune Canyon Road Lagu n.. Beach . CA 9'265' T.I : 714-497-7525 F. . 714-497-0284 I BUSINESS OPPO NITIES RTU CL T R O LEC O S ~/531-297 $26.95 569.95 $79.95 $99.95 ~mp " Me chanics MOTORCY CLE SALVAG E & ACCESSORY shop. 18 years sam e locat ion. Tur n ·key operation . So Cal. $17 5.000. A sk for Jeff. (8 18) 998 -1168. CA. , (128- 291 8800 Somerset Boulevard Paramount, California 90723 NI " Ar e you lookin g for a gr eat place to w or k w ith BIG $$$ , benef it s and year ro und employment? High vol ume Kawasaki dealer has immediate open ings fo r Qualif ied M ech an ics. Call us to day . A sk for M el or Jan . (81 8) 96 7 -41 8 1. CA (2291 W e're looking for a few good m en . To be ATK dealers, and sell th e on ly A m er ican made off-road motorcycles. It's the A mer ican dr eam . Your own dirt bike . Your own deal ership. To fi nd out j ust how easy It is to turn your dream into reality w rite : ATK MOTORCYCLES. Dept D. 5430 Union Pacif ic Ave. City of Com merce. CA 90022. (226/TFN) DEi FOR HONDAS ONLY Preload Adjuster Work. Fork Spring Kit w i adjuster Chrome Silicon Work. Shock Spring AMP Link Drive System Journ eyman Mechanics Att entio n BMW Enthusiasts! Computer Controlled Port MaChining lor Unmatched air Aow Improvement. TEL (2 15) 657-1276 FAX (2 15) 657-3832 SO Ca l, top ro ute two of l ast four yea rs, is open in g. .New catalog, new prod uct s in. stock . Most aggres si ve distrib uto r in area . Exp er i ence a mu st . Inqu iries strict ly con fidenti al. Ask for A l an , (8 18) 998 -1049 . CA. 1 229-301 W e ar e growing I Opport unities at top serv ice or i ented exc l usive BM W dea le r . Op en ings i n Servic e and Sal es. Contact Ka ri , CALI FORNIA BMW, 2490 Cdr Middlefield Way , Mountain View, CA 94043. (41 5) 966 -1183. (229-30) snx .********************* ***** 7B3 BR(l4DWAYREDWOOD CITY. CA 9' 063 (' 1 51366-3335 1641 S. Easton Rd .. W ill o w G rove . P A 19090 . Road Sales O'Neal USA Fir st class North Ora nge Coun ty dea lership has ope ni ngs for ex perie nced M ech an i cs . Hond a Yamah a expe rience a plus. Call Mark at (2 13) 69 10553.(714) 879 ·8252. (818) 91 2-9 262. CA. (229- 31) ON "'DUALITY ITEMS FOR THE MOTORSPORT FAIr "Gunfighter · Lady" _ OpIiOf'lOI PoJHnptH BoCkrest For ZXU Service Tec hn ician Shop Sixties 10 Present 507-288-8393 10-) Mon·fri . 10-3 Sat. Free Catalog . MC. V COO . Best stock In USA Isa. KlEMPFS BRITISH PARTS WAREHOUSE

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