Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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mil 1111I111'1&11 "'" Watch them over and over! (#152) 1990 Axton ..X Nationals (#19) Y·F Yictory ..r Rid e the 850cc works Honda Y ·four on a 37mile lap of the Isle of Man. "Awesame!" "Impressive!" Paur a cuppa taa andenjaythe 1983 IT with Joey Dunlop, fastest man on the Island Circuit. and the U lster, Ireland GP. 50 minutes by Ha lmar Videa. (#153) 1990 "L "orris IIX Nationlls (#20) Golden....ntain 1961 Isle of Man Tl race features Mike H ailwood onthe 250 Honda andthe M an, N orton, and again in the 1963 Senior 500" Tl. Shows how the sport progre ssed in just two years. 52 minutes byH almar. M otocross Ind Supercross , ideocassette.. 60 and 90 minutls each. ByMoto,ideo. (#80A) 1990 Japanese RR Grand Prix R ainey shows'em his backin Japan; Schwantz recovers to finish thir after crashing behind d G ardner. l awson starts season with crash. By Motovideo. (#51 ) Bebba Shobert: Champi.. True life story of one of America's greatest racers. Rare photos. boyhood race films. B y Despain A ssociates. 60 minutes. (#10) 1986 Anaheim Superbowl Starring RickJohnson and David B ailey in a race-long duel classic. 60 mi nutes by Motovideo . Jo"... (#11) Rlc:ll 1 Profill of a Clwnpion By John Bradley E ntertainment. 78 minutes all about your favorit e "Bad Boy." (#53) TDlIPest Race I E,er Won Bubba Shobert winslor H onda, thentells you how. Thrilling6-riderduel to a photo finish. 60 minutes by Despain. (#12) 1987 Superbowlof III N umber One B Seller in 1988. Y est ouwant onegood videotape? This is it. (#4 1) Bike Experience R with Wayne Gardner as you crauch aver ate the handlebars 01 a 200 mph Grand PrixH onda in actual race conditions! Guaranteed to entertain everybody! 60 minutes. By M otovidea. (#43) TT Tribute Featuring M the 8ike Hailwood onthe illike handling500 Honda·4 dicing with G iacomo Agostini onthe M Yinthe 1967 Isle of Man n - Classic racing at its best 69 minutes from M dea. otavi (#44) Plris-Dlkar 1988 l ik the plot of a Burt Reynolds movie, but it e really happenedITriumph and tregedy from Matov ideo. 60 minutes. (#8tA) 1990 USGP Lapna Seta R ainey races clear af crash-fest at L aguna. Tremendaus battle with Schwantz until tum 11 seals his fate. Excellent 250cc class action with Kocinski, Roth & 2eelenburg. B y Motol/ideo. (#49) Best of "otorweek Dave Despain's "DreamTape: ' Great maments on 2 and 3 wheels fromthe weekly E SPNshow "M otorweek Illustrated." 40 minutes. of 170,000 people. Kocinski wins 'best race I everhad" by a whisker over Cadalora. By Motovidea. Spectacol., The original by Motovideo. 30 minutes. (#104) Sturgis '89 The 49th annual Black Hills Classic including dirt track, hillclimbs, drag racing and, af course. bikes & bikers, including Willie G D . avidson and a classic Malcolm Forbes. 57 minutes trom Progressive Design. (#83A) 1990 IIalia. RRGrand Prix Team Yamaha Marlboro R oberts dominates the day as Americans R ainey and Kocinski win at M isano By Matavidea. . (#65) "otocross de Nltions 1989 America's best motocross champions take on the world in this special 60 minute show from Gaildorf West Germany. Guess who wins! , Classic M Xaction on video. C atch it through C eA ycl ction Theatre on Motovideo. ( ~) 1990 West Germl n RRGrind I'nx Texan Schwantz walksaway from fie ld in first '90 G win at N P urburgring Circuit. B y Motovideo. (#66) MototnlSS Crash and Bum II "The M Video!" A new M usic ll Xcrash & bum footage featuring the latest. most outrageouus over-the-edge mishaps everset to the music on. videocassette. Great entertainment for all ages! From M otovide 35 minutes. .o, Ne. ROld Rleing ReJu ses From Motovideo. 60 minutes each (#78) The america n Express Areview ofthe 1988 FIM World Road Racing 500cc Championships - All 15 racesfrom Japan te B in 60 minutes. Eddie Lawsan razil wins Number One, butWayne Gardner, Kevin Sch wantz and Magee. W ayne R ainey and Randy Mamola made it hardto do. (#67 ) Best of Supereross 1988 It's Motovideo's first highlight videocassette fromthe 'SS SX season. See the greatest racing from 5 supercross seasons on this one 60 minute tape. R Johnson and Jeff Ward in ick close combat for Number O Aspectacular ne! motocross treasure. 60 minutes. (#79) Au liin RR GP stra Gardnerhomes in, Fr eddie Spencer returns, and all the fastest guys an the fastest bikes in the sport. 60 minutes. (#67A) Supercross Re,le• .'89 FollowJeff Stanton on the roadto glory throughout the 19S9 AMA Supercross series. BV MotQvideo. (#80) Japanese RR Grind Prix 60 minutes. All the action. C heaper than tickets and na ships. (#7&) World .. xGr..nd Prix Revie. '89 60 minutes. (#81) United Slates Grand Prix Fr laguna Seca. G om laryfor Wayne, near tragedy, plus the fantastic sidecars in action. (#77) 1989 Internalionll &-Da,sEnduro From M otovideo. 60 minutes. 'M oreReleases F romMotovideo! (#105) Sepercross Thrills, Spills Ind CIollis '90 YOU'V! seen the commercials · now buy the video . .. Great entertainment at parties. 30 minutes from Motovideo. (#9) u.s. GrI... Prix 1988 Re al G rand Prix road racing far the World Cilampionship revives in America as Steady Eddie lawson Bnd Fast Jimmy Filice beat the best at L aguna Seca See all the actionl . "8etter than being there!" This is not the NBC version - 6 cameras. mare racing action! 60 minutes. By M ideo. atov (#150) 1990 GatorllackIII III IIatlouls (#85A) 1990 Au stria n RR Grind Prix Tight action as Schwantz wins at Salzburgring by Yz second over R ainey, and C adalara leads 5 ride" across line with insame second, By Motov idea. (#94) Isle of "an 1989 Anew K of the Island. Steve H ing islop pushes the aut-right record to over 121 ave rage speed. six times around the famaus 37.7 mi le course. See it yaurselffram all the best lecations and the air! 60 minutes. (#95) Plris To Dakar 1989 Far 21 days and241 bikes, cars and trucks raced and struggled ta complete the farm idable transcontinental "raid". See all the highlights from the ground and the helicoptercameras in this laughest race of all. 60 minutes. (#98) Ha,oc 7 O 170 "incidents" - accidents including ver raad bikes, dirt bikes, rallycars and sports car R time and slow motion cammation as s. eal even the best have their aft maments. Fun ta watch. 60 minutes. (#99) Ha,oc 8 Over 140 crashes captured an film and videotape, but no one gets hurt! Some are stunts, sameare nat on purpose. but entertaining withal. 60 minutes. (#47 ) The Ameri an Experience: c East & West 1988 lake Gearge Rally plus Americade Radc the ies, C rado rally in two touring paradises. 90 olo minutes by Despain. (#48) Amerieade 1987 Sixty minutes. blawout priced. Hilariausl Fram Despain A ssociates. . (#82A) 1990 Spanish RRGra'" Prix Gardner endsdraught with win at Jerez in front (#55) MotocrossCrash & Bum (#151) 1990 Classic Road Race F avorites (#14) american CupCbllenge 1988 U versus the World on A .S. scot's half·mile long track. 8y R A2 (#22) Speedway Spills 100 dramatic crashes. over 1DO laughs by RAZ. (#23 ) World Telm Cup 1988 Best speedway riders in the world onthe world's best track (Long Beach, C 60 Al. A minutes by R 2. (#24) Ice Racing Series 1988 Sixnights of speedway bikes on frozen avals for the AMA Championship. Nearly 120 minutes. By RA2. (#13) Riding IIolocross - Glo..r Sl1fel Six-time N atianal M XChamp takesyou to his secrettracks" and shows you haw to master the art. 60 minutes. By Matavideo. (#4 5) U.S. Speedway Nat1 Championship 1988 All the races in the AMA event at O range County Fairgrounds plus interviews with riders Lucero. Collins. Ermolenko, . By R 60 A2. minutes. (#54) Y· .i. "aintenance T H to keep your Evolution Harley humming ow and looking new and save hundreds af dollars. Joe M inton hosts. By Tech Tapes. ~~2) Speed.lY Ice Championships Ta with new equipment at the Budweiser ped Indoor Speedway Ice Racing C hampionship in Tucson, AZ in January, this is a good look at the fun, Iast, studded tire sport. Fram RAZ V ideo. ("103) 1989 CaliforniaState Championship Speedway Asell-out crowd in Santa Barbara. CA saw it live, nowyoucan enjoy it too, fromRAZ Video. (#101) Y ·TwinWheel Lacing Expert whee l lacer Kennie Buchanan demanstrates the craft of wheel spoking. truing. runout correction. Covers American bikes completely, much adaptable to otherwire wheels. 67 minutes framTechTapes. (#100) Ric:ll Johnson's "MoIovation" FromJohn Bradley entertainment. R ick's new 70 minut instructional tape come camplete e s with a pocket-sized handbook that the matocrosser can carry alang andrefer to in the field. RJ shows you how to ride better than you thinkyou can. Order nowfor immediate deliveryl r---------------------------------------------~-------------------, Order Form (Please fill out completely) Gly. Description Amount Gty. Description Amount Name Address City 0= oc:z Phone ( State _ _ Zip _ ) Order Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exp. Date Card # _ Signature Send CheckorMoneyOnler payable to: CYCLE IEWS PRODUCTS, P.O. 80,498, Long Beech CA 90801 ·0498 IAllow 3-4weeks delivery) All oftheseVHS tapes ereavailable lrel of shipping and handling . tha'lles from CTCLE IEWS PRODUCTS , Mail to: CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS P.O. Box 498. Long Beach. CA 90801-0498 or call (213)427-7433 during business hours _ Pl.... rusII fh foIlo"inll r.,es: Gly. De scription #9 U RR G .S. rand Prix '88 @ 49.95 #10 '86 Anaheim Mx @ 19.95 #11 Rick John Prolile @ 39.95 son #12 '87 Superbow! MX @ 19.95 #13 MX Glove r Slyle @ 39.95 #14 U vsWorld Speedway @ 19.95 .S. Amount #t 9 Y ·Four Yictory @ 54.95 #81 '89 U GP lagunaSeca @ 49.95 .S. #20 Golden Mountain @ 54.95 __ #8tA '90 USGP laguna Seca @ 33.95 #22 Speedway Spills @ 29.95 #82A '90 Spanish RR GP @ 33.95' #83A'90 kalian RR GP @ 33.95 #23 '88 World Team Cup @ 29.95 #24 '88 Ice Racing Series @ 39.95 #84A '90 W German RR GP @ 33.95 . #41 8ike Experience @ 39.95 #85A'90 Austrian RR GP @ 33.95 .#43 IT Tribute @ 49.95 #94 '89 Isle of Man @ 49.95 #44 '88 Paris·Dakar@ 49.95 #95 '89 Paris·Dakar @ 49.95 #45 '88 Speedway Nan C'ship @ 39.95 #98 Havoc #7 @ 49.95 #47 '88 Americade: East & West @ 38.95 #99 H a..c #8 @ 49.95 #48 '87 Americade @ 28.95 #1DO Motivation byRick Johnson @ 49.95 _,_ #49 Best of Motorweek @39. 9 5 #ID1Y-TwinWheeILacing@34 .95 #51 Bubba Shobert: Champion @ 38.95 __ #102 Sjleedway Ic Championships 1990 e @ 29.95 #53 Toughest Race I Ever Won @ 28.95 • . . #103 '89 Cal~omia State C'Ship #54 Y ·TwlO MalOtenance @ 34.95 Speedway @ 29.95 #55 MX Crash & Bum Spectacular @ 19.95 #104 Sturgis '89 @ 27.95 #65 '89 MX Des Nations. Germany @ 35.95 #66 MX Crash & Bum II @ 39.95 #67 Best ofSupercro.. '88 @ 19.95 #87A Supercross Review '89 @ 33.95 #76 '89 World M XGP R eview @ 69.95 #77 '89 International 6-Days Enduro @ 49.95 #78 American Expre.. '88 RR Review @ 49.95 #79 '89 Australien RR GP @ 49.95 #80 '89 Japanese RR GP @ 49.95 #80A'90 Japane RR GP @ 33.95 se #105 Sup,ercross Thrills. Spills. & Chills 90 @ 29.95 #150 '90 Ga torback MX Nat'ls @ 33.95 #15t '90 Sacramento MX Nan s @ 33.95 #152 '90 Axton M at'ls @33.95 XN #153 '90 MI. Morris M XNan s @ 33.95 Sabtatal Rnideft1 Idd &'1.% SillS To (tA County 6'1.% SailS To) sw"iJlll & H....iJlll FI'H r.... Cal~or"a ------------------------------------------------------------------~

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