Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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5OO INT: I. Ro bert Fa iling (H on ); 2.ChadMd nlo!loh (AT K); 3. DIad Bruer' (H o n); 4. Tim Ha rr is (Ya m ). 500 PR O : I. Bria n M y"~u gh (B o n). VET NO\': I. Ch r is Bergeson (Ya m ); 2. J OM'ph O onzalee (Mai l: ~ .I(ar IHa m l)(.r~ (KTIf ) ; 1 .BobKen (Kaw ) ; 5.Kn lh Sto ner (fla w). VET INT : I. 5 1("'1(" Fr y (Ka w): 2. Scali Freeman (Hon); 3. Fra nk Steiner (Ka w): 1. Ken w inston (lU w); 5. Robert Fai ling (H n nj . VET PR O : l. Gr t'RR Young (H un ); 2. Mark Wh ite (Yam) ; 3. Mar t'" Cro sbv (Ya m): 4. Ma rc J ohnso n ( S u ~) . • 25·29 BEG : I. Lincoln Peirsol (S Ul) : 2. Peter Neumvetler (Ho n); 3. Steve Henson (Ho n); 4. David Tet>15(Kaw). 25·29 NOV : I. Tod McKa y (SUl); 2. Ri ck Chalmers (Hun ); 3. Brian 'Thi enes (SU1); 1. Rodney Fo wler (Ho ll); 5. Ma ll Zi gt'l eT (S Ul ). 25-29 INT : I I. T o m Engd (Ho n ): 2. David Sa ria n (H o n ); 3. T o m Rdlon (I-Jo n ). O'T F.X: I. Alan O l!;("n: 2. J od y w eisel . Austin tops Sacramento MX J By Nuklear Neukam SACRAM T O, CA, jUNE29 EI\ Cliff Aust in rod e hi s H o nda to victory in the f 250cc Interm ed iat e class a t the Sacramen to Raceway Park Fri day Nigh t CMC MX races , w hi le S uzuk i-mou nted R ob ert Sc hu ltz "claimed the o vera ll in th e Polka Dot s Enduro " class. j ' ' Austi n roo sted to bo th moto wi ns in th e 250cc Interm ed ia te class, topp ing H ondamoun ted David Meek each time o ut. Yamahamou n ted J ami e Woo ten fin ish ed thi rd in th e first rno to a head o f Bob Albaugh 's Yama ha , - but a DNF in round two ended h is eve ni ng. " Albaugh took thi rd overall. The Suzu ki battle in th e Polka Do t End uro f class bet ween Sch u ltz a nd Rob ert Au stin pr oved q u ite exci ti ng, as the two riders tr ad ed moro wms with Schultz comi ng o u t o n top : in the seco nd and deciding mo ta . H onda XR250 ·mounted Frank Ca revich ca me from ~ the back o f the pa ck in mot a o ne to claim th ird whi le cha lle n gi ng Schu ltz for seco nd , .lbu t a secon d rnot o DNF ended h is valia n t "efforts, A pair of fourths ear ne d Suz uk imounted Brett Eckert th ird o vera ll. m Yamaha ¥ eZinger-mounted Casey Wil son roosted both Pee Wee 50cc mo te s for th e -' overall, whi le a 3-2 score ga ve Christopher Loredo seco nd overa ll. T h ir d ove ra ll wen t to "Mikey Frak es wi th a 2·3 tall y. 250 INT ; I. Cliff Am li n (H o n ]: 2. David Mt'{'k (lio n): 5. \Bob Alba uKh (Va m). 250 PR O ; I. ja'ifm johnson (Kaw). 125 INT ; I. Bri'ln Ruhlman (Ya m ). VET 1:'10"'; I. ROK Stevens (H o n]: 2. Jt'IT)' Barrick (Ya m ): er VT PRO ; I. Abn Loredo (K'lw). E:'IrI DR; I. Roben Sch ultz (Sw .): 2. Re bert AU~ l i n (SUI): 5. Breit Ec kert (S UI). _ 50: 1. C'..a'i("y WiI'ifm (Yam): 2. Chriuopher Lon-do (Va m ): 5. Mtkry Fra kes (Va m ). 60: I. Mik t' Pa uerso n (Kaw l: 2. Shawn Wihcm [ Kaw ]: :to - J im Ant hon y (Kaw). BO REG D · ) ; I. Matt Rt- i<;t (Su Il: 2. Daniel Ma flin (Kaw ): rqu :t Neil w n ehr {Kaw] , . 80 BEG D·2 ; 1. M;ttl Ikrq ui .., (SUI): 2. Chri ~ Funch [ Ka w ]: i 3. Sau l Smoak (Kaw). ., 80 JR : 1. Bran dl SIf'iK'" (H(m ): 2. Shawn Burrel l (Suz) . , 125 BEG D· I; I. Roh On (Yam); 2. C rt'S Kirby (H o n ); 5. Mark LaCu rt'lIt' ( H o n ). 125 BEG D·2; 1. And rew f'.a.Ra ln (Kaw); 2. Bru re- Ijes ima .. t~ Hon ); 3. ja mes Foran (Sm ). 125 J R; I. J t'rt'm y C;1~h (Ho n); 2. Eric Liddcf l (Kaw): 3. David Adam s.(H o n ). 1.1 UTH : J. Ro ber t AU!olin (SUI); 2. Will iam Artau (H o m: ..3. Kri lh Sullivan (Hun ). 2.'" 250 BEG D·I ; I . Ro i H o lslt'f (H un ); 2. Rob en SdlUlu (SUI.): t 3. John Stead (H un ). 250 BEG D·2 ; I. Ben G lrdhill (YOlm ): 2. John Stead (H o nj : 5'_ Mall RU!>M"II ( H o ri) . ~ aoo BEG ; I. Krilh J o no it' (Kaw ): 2. J im Mot' (Hu n); 3. Oa lf' Eckhardl (H nn ). 1 250 JR ; I. Ma tI T albot (CaK): 2. Rohr n AUMin (S tl1); 3. Anth on y AITas ( H u n ). _,VET J R; I. Clydf' Lawler (H u!\); 2. Clark Pl um m",r (Hun ); f 3. Fra nk Car evidt (H o n ). ,Rulli rules at Peoria Speedway By Dave Hoenig Photo by Flat Trak Fotos PEORIA, IL, JUNE '!1 After a week off d ue to ra in , th e Tote Gray Racing Associa tion 's Su mm er Seri es retu rn ed to the Peori a Speedway qua rter m ile. Close, exci ting races were the rul e for the n ight. , " Michael Oehl er ran away wi , h the Pel' Wee Class , but the battle for seco nd went down to th e wire. Ra nd all Ma h ri ng p ass ed Jos h T oungell for second o n th e last la p. Jo n Cham p lin finished a clos e fourth , . Tllt~ 65 and 80cc classes were co m bined . \V. Sen ll Adams easily lOpped Mich ael Copeland for the 80cc win . Shane Ga rriso n was the first 6S(:c rider across the line. T he 250cc class suf fered two red flags. T he first cam e o n lap o ne when Allen Richa rds slid dow n exit ing turn IW co llecting Dan a O, McN eil. Both riders ma de th e restart. Chad Bart h grabbed the hol eshot o n the restart a head o f Greg C row . T he red flag again £lew midway th ro ug h lap two whe n Anher McFa rla ne fell co m i n g o u t o f tur n two. Unfort una tely, McFarla ne needed a ride to th e hospita l for a check. u p. Bryan Gray bea l led th is resta n , b ut was :q u ickly pa ssed b y Crow . Bart h wor ked h is way up from dee p in th e pack to ta ke seco nd on la p thr ee. Graybea l held o n to th ird as Don i H olem an pa ssed R ich ard s on th e last lap for fourth, T he O pen class lookc-d 10 belon g to John Brinker , but Mike T i n kha m was slo w ly reeling h im in . On the last lap, as Brinker was working hi s way through lapped traff ic, T ink ham dove inside of Brin ker in tu rn th ree. T here was co n tact and Bri n ker ende d the race o n the grou nd. Ti n kh am carne in for the win , whi le T err y Adam s led Troy Fischer home in seco nd . Another Brin ker, Steve, jumped into the lead of the Senior ma in. Brinker held a sho rt lead o ver Les Eslinger a nd Steve Ga rd ner. Gard ner's last-lap charge carrie d him to seco nd beh ind Brinker. Pro -Am rider Tony Rull i got an excelle n t sta rt in the Pro class o n his SO O<'c H arl eyDavidson , Expert rid ers Dave H ebb and Audie H uff were locked in a hatti e for seco nd that ca rr ied th em to Rull i's back tire. Ru lli rod e an exce lle nt race, holdin g off th e repe ated cha lle nges o f th e two Expert s, George Garvis led Barth and Scou H u ff in fourth. Tony McCa rt h y and Ji m H in thor n ro u nd ed out th e fin ish ers. T he Pro ranks were thinned whe n Pr o -Am rider Ri ck Kn u th fell in hi s heat , injuri ng hi s knee. Results P/W : I. Mich..e l Oehler [Yarn }; 2. Ran dall Ma h rlnJ;;(Yam): 3. Jo!oh T oungen (Ya m) : 4. J UIIrJl;un lll in (Ya m). 6!.·HO l. W. Scu tt Adams (Io:.OI W): 2. Mit:hal·1 Gupd a nd : ( Ka w ] : 3. Sha ne Ga n i!ot ,n ( KOI w) : 4. Quinl E ~linK('r (Yam ); 5. J U!ilill Fibcn ( H un ). 12:)·200: I. Srou Shinn (Ye t ): 2. David Stanri",ld (Ka w): m 3. Wm . Mil kr J r. ( I(;IW). 2.; 0: I. G rf'!/; Cro w (lio n): 2. C Jad I'-nth (Ho n): 3. Brvan J G rayl.Jt'a l (Ho n): 4. Don i Hnil' ma n (Hun): 5. W. AII('n Rich a rds (Kaw). OPEN ; I. Mike Tinkha m (Ho n): 2, T f'TTY Ada ms (lIun ): 3. T ro y Fische r (Ho n); i . G rt'K V(~f' 1 (Stu ): fl. Step he n Mt·it·ru t lu (H us,). S R: I. Steve Br in ker (RIll-); 2. Ste ve Geudn"'r l Hn n): 3. Les E ~llllKer (VOI m); 4. Rex T assart (H Ull); fl. GreJt \l oKe! (S ur). PRO·AM : I. T ony Rulli (H· D): 2. Davt' Hebb (Ka w): 5. Audit' H urt [Rtx ]: 4. ('ot'fl Kt' Garvis (Hu n ): [I. Chad Barth r Greg Crow (50) topped Chad Barth for the 250cc class win at the Tote Gray Racing Association's Summer Series quarter mile short track at Peoria Speedway. Charlie Strong (I ) passes Bill Paul (3) at L.A. County Raceway MX. Strong took the 500cc Intermediate win, while Paul topped the 250cc Beginner class. (H·DJ. Simonsen shines at Castle Rock TT By Derryl Anderson CASfU ROCK, WA, JUNE 1 9 Anders on 's Cy cle / S ta ndard Di stribu tin g 's J.P. Simon sen took hi s H onda I- I finishes a t th e 'TT race held at the Cas tle Rock Fa ir grounds. Si mo nsen went wir e-to-w ire in the main even t o f th e Pr o-Am class while Stu rdy Weld's Mickey Fay took top hon ors in th e Junio r/ Expe rt class. In th e Pro-Am heat race Brian Lo we got th e initial lead followed by Simonsen, Pat Mun yon, John Whitmo re a nd Dal e Parks, Simonse n took o ver th e lead o n lap th ree and th e order rem ain ed unchanged to the end , In th e o ther hea t race Bak er Racin g 's Bru ce Sco tt went the d istance ahea d o f Ma ll H olden , Davi d Bachmeirer, Ken Wh eat on , G ran t Dish on a nd J ohn H yers. Simonse n go t the hol esh o t in th e mai n even t foll ow ed by M un yon, H olden , SCOll, Lo we and th e o the rs. Simonse n never looked ba ck as he contin ued 10 stre tch h is lead on th e rest o f the pack. Mea nwh ile Scou a nd H olden ba ttled back and fort h, cha nging the lead ma ny tim es befo re Sco u fina lly took the adva n tage. At th e chec kered n ag it was Simonse n on th e Budweiser Special follo wed b y Scott, H olden . Ba chmeirer. Lowe, Mun yo n, Wh itmore, Di sh o n , H yers an d Parks. In th e first J un ior/ Ex pert hea' race Mickey Fay jumped of f the line with a terri fic start. Within three laps he had take n hi s new Rotax a comma nd ing 50-ya rd lead over Ri ck H ocki ng. Next was T roy Rose, Rod Reynol ds of Boi se, Idaho , and th e o the rs. At th e fin ish it was Fay, H ocking, Ri ck H enso n, a lso from Bo ise, Ro se, Don Paul , Steve H yson , Reyn olds and Rob ert Fro hs. In th e o ther hea t race Lou Kinnish -backed Delbert Sch ni tzer wen t a ll the way ahead o f Dan Stan ley, Jeff An ne n, Ra ndy Roo se, Kirk S,rong, J eff H iall , Kevin Bass a nd C hr is Staley. Sta n ley was a ll o ver Sch n iuer the entire race but was unabl e to ma ke a pas s stick. In th e ma in even t Fay got a nother grea t sta rt a hea d o f Sta n ley , Schniuer, H oc kin g , Stro ng and the o thers. Stanley was all over Fay and tw ice he went by Fay, o n ly 10 be repassed. Mea n wh ile Hyso n and Kell got ta ngled u p in turn two an d went down, causing the red flag to come o u t. O n th e restart Fay and Sta n ley were side by side m uch of th e time for three laps, th en Stanley went aro u nd Fay o ut of turn two , but Fay look ,he i ns ide around t he r ig h t-ha nder ca u sin g Sta n ley to · run o ut o f track, Unfnrtu na tely Stanley went clear lO th e back by th e tim e he got resuu ted . Mean wh ile H ocking and Roose fo ugh t thei r way by Sch n itzer. At th e checkered it was Fay, who was lo ng go ne , then Hocking, Roo se, Sch nitz er , Strong, H en son. An nen , H yso n , Rose, Reynolds, Bass and Sta n ley. '0 '0 Results so B; I. Anthon y Kauu (Yam ): 2. Kylt' 8 UnK"d (Y;lm) ; 3. jim my RafC!od.ale (Yam ). 50 A: I. Kalif' As.h (h j): 2. Dale Ainslie (YOIm ): 5. POIul Cast illo (h i). 50 MOD; I. Dal e Ains,Jie (Ya m ): 2. $coOler Vrrnon (Y;lm): 3. Ja mb Cu ne,' (Ya m ). 60; 1. Josh ua Pa ululo (Ho n); 2. J osh Cune,' (Hon): 5. Ch risti an Vernon (Ya m). 80; I. Beau Manl e,' (Kaw) : 2. Jas.on Ndwn (Ha n); 3. Nat e Bourl an d (Kaw). 125: I. j eremiah Per ter (Ho n): 2. Noa h Kirkla nd (Kaw). 250 R: I. Earl Fra nk (H o n): 2. Ed Bush nell (Ya m). 2.70 A: I. Phil Prutsrna n (Ya m) : 2. G;lry Roll er (Ka w): 3. Mike' Harri n (SUl) . 250 +50; I. Phil Prutsma n (Ya m) : 2. SI" (' Power (Y;lm) : 5. J eff Ri!\ler (Yam ). 250 SEMI PRO : I. Mati Hol den (Kaw ); 2. Ikl Sc::hnitzer (Kaw). OPEN B: I. Stevt' McCa uley (KT M): 2. Aaron Wa l';Ktm" (Ho n). OPEN A; I. Rya n And erson (H o n): 2. Gary KaPIIS. (I-tun ); 3. jdr Anderson (H a n ). VI!".'T SGt.: I. C a ry Ro ller (SUl ): 2. John Pa n h,h (Hun); 5. Klet've Hod.-.un (BSA). VINT n\I ; I. Sonny 8uITt's (T ri ): 2. Ra y Carroll (T ri ); ~ . ROJ('r Stanlt' y (Tri ). t +30 OPEN 8; I. John Pa rri sh (Ho u): 2. Ron Evan s (Ya m). ...,W OPE~ A; J. Ga ry KaPUI (Ho n): 2. Ma ti Ho lm (Ho n) : 3. Davf' Stmng (H · D). 1> 40; I. Son ny 8 un n (T ri): 2. Ray Ca rro ll (T ri); 3. Allan No rin vi lle (H on ). P RO ·AM : I. J.P. Simon !o('n (H o n ); 2. Bruer Smn (I-Io n): 5. Malt Hold !:'n (H a n ); 4. David 8a t·hm eier (Ya m ): 5. Brian Low f' (Ya m ). J R/EX: I. Mickt1' Fay (Rtxl: 2. Rick Huc .-kinK (Hu n ): 3. Randy Rou lot' (Rlx); 4. Ot-I Schni llC'r (Rtx): 5. Kirk SlTonfC (Ho n). Erb tops Sunrise Motocross By T erry Rezek ADELANTO, CA, JULY I Brian Ral eigh. Danny Stymacher a nd Ken Erb fough t in the 250cc In termedia te cla ss in both mo tDs at Sunrise Cycle Park, wit h Erb co m ing out the overa ll winner. In motu on e Stymacher slip ped and fell back in the pack. Ra leig h was leadi ng when he landed hard fro m a jump a nd hit himself o n the handl ebars, Erb slipped by for the lead a nd the mo to win. In mo ta two , Ihe three were al it again a nd took eac h o the r o u t a t Ihe sta rt o f lap th ree, . ha nd ing the lead to a surprised Robb ie Dunham . Stymacher reco vered the best, go t b y Dunham, and took the mota win. Dunham was forced to dro p o ut from th e heat, leu in g Erb finis h second a nd sna tch ing th e overall win fro m Sty ma cher. Rand y Anderson was rid ing better tod ay Ihan he has been in mont hs and eas ily wo n both mo tos in th e Vel Inlerm ed iat e class, swa p pi ng th e overall lead severa l tim es with Vet Expert Charlie Stron g. Strong was ba ck in the com bined No vice/ Beg inner race as a SO Occ Int ermed iat e class . rider. H e, Bill Paul, a 250cc Beg inner an d 250cc Novi ce class rider Tim McAdam had a run n ing ba ltle in both motos. Results KO 8 EG ; I. n.J. Swr.m y (Ya m ); 2. OJ,ris. :'oOeitld (Kaw ); 3. Rril J;tck!i(m ( Kc.! w ). HO NOV; I.ja""," [)(oJ~ K'('r ( K a w ) : 2. Ik·..n Van Riper (Ka w); 3. J im mir OI'l'Vt'r (V;'I m). yET SEC : l, Mikt' J erv('y (H(m j. VET NOV: I. ll<'im (; a lM (Ya m ): 2. Bub Dunham (Y:lm ). VET 11':1'; I. R.tndy .\ ntJerMIII (Y;lm ): 2. Dave G ra ha m (Ho n ); 3. Mich;1t' J ()n ~ (SUI.). 1 VF.T EX; I. Cha r lie SITu nK' (H(m ). JR VET nE G : I. Mikt' Rohr t'.. (y ..m ): 2. Ten} I~ul ~ (H o n ): :1 Scun Hreldy ( l ~ l ll1 ) : 1 . ' r t'fTy Ma.'.on ( K.;IW); 5. Michat'l Villa . (Ho n). JR VET ;"I;OV ; 1. T im Mt·Adam s (Kaw ). 125 BEG : I. Rnmy R.IIIiU (Ho n ): 2. 1.0: :"1OIlan i Ka w ); 3. Ga rey Ca rl'oCln (H u n): .1. Keil h Kall (Ka w); 5. (".ordn n l· h ill i ~ (ll on ) . ~ 125 NOV ; 1. C .nry AU!oI in (Bon). 12f1 INT; I. Jason Sim mo n,. (Ka w). , 2.'>0 REG : L Bill Pa ul (Yam ): 2. Dn uK Luvelt (Va m ). 250 NO V; I . Dant'n CliHord (VOlm ): 2. Tim M"cAdam s. ( lta w). 250 1ST: I. Kf'n Erb (S Ul) ; 2. O;mn y Stymacht'r (Yam ): 3. Smll Walk t'r (Ka w); 4. Rri;1Il Ra lf'iKh (Ka w): 5. Rnh hjf' Dunham (Ya m) . 2.> PRO; I. Tracy MOnl ('w ne (V..m ). '0 500 N OV: I. David Ga rd nt'r (H un). .')()() ITN : 1. Cha rlie SuonK (li o n). Marrs marvelous at Sturgis ST By Susan Leuthold STURGIS, SO,JU:-lE 17 T he Jac:kpin ~ G ypsies he ld the J. c. " Pappy" Hod rnemon a l sho n trac k and J erry Marrs took a wire-to -w ire victory despile consta n t pr essu re from Core y Brink. Brink went h igh o n the thi rd lap and J eff Dietz ga ined e no u~h g-r und to pass Brink on la p four. O n th e o eig h th lap, Brin k slipped under Dieu to recap lure st'COnd place. Dietz mai ntai ned third po sitio n with T o m Troud t pladn!: fou rth , Darren Co nrad go t the hol esh otlll the 250cc class with Brink hot o n h is rear whee l. Brink was ab le to sneak undern eath Co n rad o n the seco nd lap to overta ke the lead. J ohn McCl ellan d lo st his thi rd pl ace position to T erry

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