Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GLOCAL EVENTS Fay again at Castle Rock IT e By Derryl Anderson I Jeff Annen (4W) lead s winner Mickey Fay (13), Ra ndy Roose (67), Dan Sta n ley (7) and Del Sch n itzer (44) in th e Junior Ex pert class at Castle Rock TT. Ch ampionship at Midway Mot ocross Par k. Swink aced th e 125 a nd 250ec A Stock classes wit h perfect scores in the two day event. Riders had the o p tio n of ridi ng three rnot os with th eir best two finishes co un ti ng for the final sco re. In the first 250cc A Stock mo ta , Brian Weiler got the hol eshot followed by Crai" Noack, T od d Sizem or e and Er ic McLear while Swink was midpa ck off the sta rt . McL ear took the lead mi dway through lap o ne as Scott H ayes moved in to th ird to chase seco nd -place Weiler. McLear stre tched hi s lead over th e other com peti tors as Hayes moved to second and Swi nk had picked off riders to move in to th ird . Swin k took adv ant ag e of th e outsid e of a turn 10 go by Hayes as he sta rted a charge for McLear. Althoughh McLear went down, he . was far enough ahea d to still rem oun t in first. By th e ha lfway point Swink closed the ga p to McLear. When McLe ar had trouble o ver a jump Swink moved in o n hi s rear fender. .. Swink finall y blew by McLear to pull away in fir st. McLear was not able to close th e dista nce to Swi nk befor e the checkered na g. McL ea r go t the head stan in mot o two foll owed by Swi nk a nd th eir first-mote battle was renewed. Swink a ue m pted to pass McLear but McLear hel d to fir st. Swi nk tried different lin es until he found an inside lin e to ge t by McLear to tak e th e lead, th en mo ved beyond the point of bein g caugh t by McLe ar. Bo th riders chose to ride the op tiona l third mo to. Swink was the top gun aro und turn o ne foll owed by j ohn Schmitz, Rob Burnett and th en McLear . Swin k ra n awa y from th e pack on la p one as McLear moved into second by the seco nd lap but had difficulties through the whoops and in ju red his foot a nd DNF. Swink won th e mo to to tally a 1-1-1 score for the class win . A ra ce for second developed between Schm itz, j o hn Sier and j ason Gray. Posi tion s sh ifted as Sier moved to seco nd, Gray th ird and Sch m itz fourth. Schmitz went down a t the end of th e whoops after hittin g a tire. Gray gal by Sier to end up seco nd at the chec kered follo wed by Sier a nd then Sch mi tz. Resul ts SR +30: I. Phillip Alder ton (Hon); 2. La rry Witmer (S Ul): 3. Tim Sm ich (Han): 4. Jd r Slf:'inrock (Ho n) ; 5. L yle Kuld in ilo ki (Yam). 250 B STK: I. ' David Thierry (SUI): 2. William Kolenc (Ha n ): 5~ Chad Hartma n (Raw); 4. QuiA Rand ell (Raw); 5. Ja wn Boyd (Suz). 125 B ST K: I. Chad Han man (Raw); 2. David Thimy (Suz); 3. Adam Mer rick (Ha n); 4. Brian Wheeler (Ha n ): 5. Brian Behrm ann (Suz). O PEN RI C: I. Shaw n Ca l~ (H a n); 2. David Bon (H on); 3. Kevin Piggoll (Kaw ); 4. J im Tho mpson (Ha n); 5. Ron Rivmburgh (Han ). 250 B MO D: 1. Ch riilo R and ~lI (Kaw): 2. Bria n Behrmann (SU1): 5. Bran don Drake (Ho n): 4. Willia m Koleno (Ho nl ; 5. Jason Boyd (Suz). 125A MOD : l. Danid JannMtc (Sw); 2. Da vid Reckington (SUI); 3. Jay W('nl1 ( Ra w); 4. Aaron Hough (Ra w); 5. Jeff .d Curry (Suz). O PEN A: I. Chris Knox (Kaw); 2. Ryan Smith (Yam); 3. John Robbin!> (Han); 4. Michael Smith (Han); 5. Scan Summ,=" (Han). Con(Yam): 250 A STK: l. Brian Swin k (Koiw); 2. Eric Mel_ 3. Scou Hayn (Kaw); 4. .loha Si,=r(Han ); 5. Jason Gra y (SUl.). 125 A ST K: I. Bnan Swi n k ( ; 2. [nc McLea r (Yam): 3. jason Gra y (Stll ); 4. Rod Marshall (Kaw); 5. Stt'phen Fahn' (Hon ). +25: I. Ti m Combs (Hon): 2. Doug Smi th (Han ); 3. Michad e Dunca n (Kaw); 4. Jdf Stdnrock (Han) : 5. P'=l r MaMln (SUl.). 250 A MOO : 1. Ja y Wen tzel (Kaw l; 2. David Ikckington (Ha n); 3. j d f Cu rry (SUl.); 4. Ryan Smi th (Yam ): 5. Danid Jannt'u ,= ($Ul) . H O: I. Ga ry P,=ak (Yam); 2. GOlry Raisden (Kaw): 3. Tom Ja nkow!>ki (YOlm): 4. Bill Sulli vOln (Hon); 5. Hm ry Gr,=f (Yam). 125 B MO O: I. Krovin LnnP'= (Yam): 2. Brian Ikhrmann (SUl) ; 3. Brad ~i chti ng (SUI); 4. Brad Q u,=.u (SUl); 5. Adam M,=rri k (Ha n). c Naumec, Neal nail Gatorback MX By Kyle Myers GAINESVILLE, FL, JUNE2.\·24 A to tal of 273 riders from 13 sta tes came to Ga lorback Cycle Park for th e AMA World Sports Reg ional Am ateur Qualif ier, and were gree ted by a super muddy tra ck. One of the fir st clas ses of the da y was O~n A. When the gate dr opped, Kawasa ki n der Gene Na u mec had th e holeshot with Da niel Craw for d , Steve Ezell and Larry Ea rle in tow . Two turns in to the racer, Ezell an d Ear le both passed Crawford. Ezell and Earle had a good ba ttl e go ing, bumping several tim es, u ntil Ezell pulled away. Meanw hi le, Naumec ope ned u p a big lead . At the fini sh it was Na umec, Ezell , Ea rle and Craw ford wi th R ichard Van Bortel rounding o ut the top five. Mota two was a repeat of moto on e wi th Naumec getting the ho leshot a nd winning easily . Ezell , Ear le and Van Bortel finished behi nd. Mota th ree saw some new rid ers going good, Ear l May pu lled th e holeshot wit h Ezell, Ear le, Bill y Eth ridge and Van Borte in tow . May started to .pu ll away wh ile Ethridge cras hed , letting Van Bartel by. At the finish It was May wi th a hea lthy lead. Ezell was the o nly rider able to keep May in sigh t and was fo llowed .by Van Bortel a nd Ear le. T he o vera ll wi n went to Naumec, with .E zefl, Ear le, Van Barte l a nd Cra wfo rd rounding o ut th e top five. T he most thrill ing race of the day was the 125cc A Modified. In mo to o ne, j ohn Win slow led th e pack through turn o ne, wit h Mike Brown, .Justin Ja~kson , Todd Neal , a nd Jay Mann In p ursu it . On lap tw o, J acks on bobb led in a tu rn and Bro wn crashed, mov ing th e o rder to Wins low , wh o started to pull o ut a lead over Neal , Mann an d G ary Paul. Paul was o n th e mo ve, passing Man n over a ju mp. Mean wh ile, An th o ny Pag!iio passed Brown over a jump just befor e the fin ish . At th e fin ish lin e it was Win slow , Neal , Paul , Mann a nd Paggio. Before the start of moto two, it sta rted to rain. Neal led the field with Paggio , Dean Baker, Bro wn and j ackson behind, Baker cras hed in th e thi ck mud, letting Man n get by a nd ho ld in g up some of the o the r riders. Nea l was addi ng to his lead whil e Ma n n and Brown sta rted to batt le along wit h J ackson and Paul. Pa ul slipped by Jackson as Paggio crashed . . When the checkered flag ca me o ut, it was Neal , Mann - j ust beating Bro wn Pau l and J ackson. , Mota thr ee saw Jackson pull th e hol eshor with Pa ul , Neal, Tom Sa wyer and Mann foll o wing. j ackson crashed, gi ving the lead 10 Pa ul , as he and Neal start ed to p ull away. Brown and Mann hoo ked up agai n with Mann pass ing Brown lat e in the race. At the fin ish, Paul wo n with Neal a few seconds back. Sawyer held onto third wi th pressure fro m Ma n n and Bro wn. The overa ll win wen t to Nea l, with Pau l, Man n, Win slow and Brown rounding out the top five. Resul ts 125 B ST K: I. Chriro Brown (Suz); 2. Pau l Dahan (Han ): 3. RyOln R'=')'nollh (Han ); 4. Lon ny BiM"ho H (Han): 5.)aroo Kins ( H o n ). 125 A ST K: I . J im Nre5t"(Kaw ); 2. Edward Wal lolow (Yam ); 3. Anthony POls!>Io (}(aw): 1. David Gall ;IKh,=r (Ho n ); 5. HOlwk Mor('('" (Kaw). 125 B MOD : 1. Jo hn Lakt' (Kaw);-2. Jamie Had: .in g (Kaw ); 3. Bran do n Smi th ( Ka w): 4. Kt'vin Crin,= (Ha n ); 5. Lo nny Bhchoff (1-100). 125 A MOD; I. TotJd N'=31 (Stu ); 2. Gary Pau l (Ho n ); 3. Ja y Mann (Kaw ); 4. John W i n~low (Hon ); 5. Mike Brown (K.1. w). 250 B ST K: I. J amie:Hac king ()(a w) : 2. Pa u l OOlhon (Hon): 3. Craig B.ubo ur (Yam ); 4. Curtis Shonridgt' (Kaw ); 5. CIiU G iles (Ho n). 250 A STK: I. J ,=ff La mpe (Hon ); 2. Ji m N«lIt' (Kaw); 3. Kt'V Dollar (Suz); 1. Aarow Vat", (Ha n ); 5. Han k Mort'(' in (Kaw). 250 B MO D: I. Dona ld ROgn-Mln (Yam); 2. Todd Ga rdner tHon); 3. T~d Dorma n (; 4. T .]. Brantley (Kaw); 5. Brandon Smit h (Kaw). 250 A MOD : I. Cary Pau l (Ho n): 2. Todd NcOlI (SUl); .5 . Mikt' Brown (Kaw); 1. J ay (Kaw); 5. Gt'n,= N'au m« . (Kaw). • O P EN RIC: 1. T .]. Brantlry (Kolw ); 2. ToddCardnc:r (Ha n); 3. Chr iilo Shonridgt' (Kaw); 4. RUloty Sayrc: ·(Hon); 5. J immy s lrolCh (K.ltw) . O PEN A: I. Gme Naum('(" (Kot w); 2. St,=v,= E~d l (Kaw); 3. Larry Ear l,= (Ha n): 4. Richard Van Bon d (Hon); 5. D.mid Cra wford (Ho n). PL US 25: 1. Alan Andrt"C (Han ); 2. Ros!> John!>ton (Ho n); 3. Robert NtTltry' (; 4. Krnn Fairy (Ho n ); 5. R ick Pnry (Yam). SR PL US 30: I. James Wall ace (SUl); 2. Rotx-n N~ley (; 3. 10h nny Bord,=u (Kaw); 1. RUK Adams (; 5. er J uhn Ht'idt'nth al (SUI). SR PLUS 40: I. Pal Jo nes (Ho n): 2. Ernesl Mill an (Ha n ); 3. J ohnny Gib!>On (Hon ); 4. AI GardrH"r (Ha n); 5. J im my PinMln (Kaw). CAS1UROCK W JUNE30 , A, It was a ll Mickey Fay for the th ird ra ce in a row as he took his Stur dy Weld/Knigh t! BBR P/ Ca stro l/T su bak i/Meg acycl e/Bell/I90 Honda-Yama ha-backed Rota x to the hea t race and main even t win s at the Cas tle Rock TT. Fay battled for the firs t half of th e main wit h Baker Ra cing's Speedy Kell befor e spe ndi ng th e rema in der of th e ra ce holdin g off Kn ight!BBRP's Dan Sta nley. In th e first heat race, Fay fought his way into the earl ylead and never looked ba ck. At the chec kered flag it was Fay, Kell, Del Sch n itzer, jeff Hi a tt, Rick H enso n, Travis Babcock a nd Tricia Lyo ns. In heat two , Rober t Frohs go t the initial lead a hea d of jeff An ne n, Ra ndy Roo se, Stanley an d the rest . By lap two, An nen too k o ver for two laps the n i was Roo se th e rest of the way . Beh ind Roose a t the finis h wer e An ne n, Sta nley, Chris Staley and th e rest of the pros. In the mai neven t, Fay got th e scra tch , but Kell ca me up on his inside a nd the two ta ngled wit h Fay and Hen son going down. On th e resta rt , Kell go t th e lead foll owed by Annen, Schnitzer and Fay. In th e ti ght left-hander Fay pa ssed Sch n itzer and Annen, bu t An ne n tem porarily repassed Fay in th e right turn going over th e j ump . It took Fay th ree laps to reel in Kell and go u nder him in turn th ree. Meanwhile, Sta n ley was mounting a charge th at took him from sixth to second, Sta n ley ha d to dice wi th Sch nitzer and th en Kell before he caught sight of th e disappearing Fay. Sta nley gai ned a little gr ound on Fay, but th e lap s ra n out and it was Fay, Stanley, Sch ni tzer, Kell , Roo se, Don Wil son, Anne n an d th e o the rs. The firs t Pro-Am heat race was co n tro lled by J.P. Simonsen o n the Budweiser H onda with Baker Racing's Bru ce Sco tt winning heat two ove r David Bachmeir er, Grant Dishon and Shawn Servo. . In th e ma in event, Scott go t th e early lead followed by Simo nsen, Bachrneir er, Willie Halbert and th e others. Simo nsen went under Scott on lap th ree an d never looked back. The order remained the sam e and at the end it was Simo nsen , Scott, Bachrneirer , Dishon, Ha lber t, Servo , Pat Mu nyo n and Suzan ne Hiatt. Results . 50 B: I. Doug Peterso n (Yam); 2. Ben Bush nell (Yam); 3. Kyle Ragsda le (YOlm ): 4. BeauJOlmes (Yam ); 5. Colin Manley (Yam). 50 A: 1. )(;;ali Ash ~ hj ); 2. Scooter Vernon (Yam); 3. Dal,= Ainsli,= (Yam); 4. J uslln R uth (Yam);5 . Anth on y Kaulz (Yam). 50 MOD: 1. Ja cob Currey (hj) ; 2. Jot}' Rodri q uez (Yam); $. Dale Ainslie (Yam). 60: I. JoshU41 C~ (Han); 2. Christian Vernon (Yam); 3. Joshua Pau lus (Han); 4. Jerod Moore (Kaw); 5. Ji mm y Ragsdale (Kaw). 80: I. Beau Manley (Xaw); 2. Jaw n Nelson (Ho n); 3. j ason Burchn t (Kaw); 4. j oshua Currey (Ho n); 5. Paul Wood (Ycun). 125: l./t'feJIliah Porter (Ha n): 2. Jaso n Nelso n (Han). 250 B: . Ed BushQ('1l (Yam) ; 2. Earl Frank (Han). 250 A: 1. ~rry Rol la (Raw); 2. Jdf Risto (Yam); 5. Mik,= Harriu (Sw ). 250 +M: L Jd f Rister (Ya m); 2. T im Fellows (Ho n); ~ . Randal l Han (Ma n). ' 250 SEMI PRO: 1. Dd Sch nitzer (Kaw); 2. Travis Babcock (Han ). . VINT SG L: I. GarTY Rolin (Suz); 2. John Panish (Han); ~. Kevin Ha.mihon (BSA). V1NT TW: 1. Man Ho lm (BSA): 2. Ray Carro ll (Tn); ~. Richard Slusher (Nor). +40: 1. Ra y Carroll erri) ; 2. Bill Fogg (Hon) ; 3. Allan Morinvilk (Ha n). O PEN B.: I. Mike Harriu (Yam ); 2. Aaron Wagg oner (Yam) ; 3. Monty Fuqua (Han). OPEN A: I: Cary K.3pU! ~ Hon); 2. Jdf Anderson (Ha n ); 3. Dmny Fennell (Han): 4. Ji m Roserh [Tri). PRO -AM: I. J .P . Simonsen (Hon) ; 2. Bru ce Scau (H-D); ~. Dave 8achmorer (H -D) : 4. GfOlnl Dilhon (Hon) ; 5. Will y Halbert (R lX). JRlEX: I. Mickey Fay (H-D): 2. Dan Stanley (H- D); ! . Ocl Schnitzer (H- D): 4. Speedv xen (H ·D): 5. Randy Roo se (H · D) , Phelps reigns at Square Deal Riders Short Track By T om Blachek HARP URSVILL NY,JUNE30 E, Torre ntial rains put a n early stop to the raci ng program a t SDR Raceway with eil;h t fin a ls left to be run. T he 250cc Am ateu r fin a l was run in a ligh t mi st with J ad y Phel ps mak in g the best of the slippery track for th e win . The m ist beome heavier as the 250cc Experts look the track. T he rid ers were given a co u ple of laps to test the track cond itio ns and a fter co nsu lti ng with severa l of the expe rts, starte r To m Steen called a ha lt to th e program. Mo ment s lal er, a heavy downpour str uck, en di ng a ny hope of. resu m ing raci ng . T he remaini ng e i~ h l class winn ers were determined by the IT heat race fini sh in g pos itio ns as per AMA ru les. Rich ard Eisin ger got away first in th e 250cc Amat eur class, followed by David Ga mble and Phelp s. O n la p two, Ga mble slipped off the groove a nd Phelps shot un dern eat h to ta ke seco nd pl ace. On lap fou r, Eisin ger al so go t orr th e groove as the track go t slicker and Ph elps mo ved into th e lead sp ot. Norm La vio lette , wh o had been slo wly working hi s way u p th rough th e field, took adva ntage of ano the r Eisin ger miscue o n lap seven to mov e into second place. T he fin ish was Ph el ps first , Lavio lett e seco nd and Eisinger third. Sco tt Snoo p was th e o n ly do uble win ner of th e even ing as he wo n both th e Open Expert and Sportsman heats. Snoo p led bot h classes fro m start to fini sh. Sn oop started th is season as an Amateur, bu t turned Expert after th e first race. T he 15-year-old a lready has two Sportsman wins and o ne Open Expert win . T he closest finis h of the even ing was in the Senior A clas s. Joh n Hi ldebrand grabbed the lead o n the Iirst la p follo wed by Nor m Lav io lette a nd Mar k Kor ytkow ski . Ko rytko wski moved to secon d o n lap two, but was near ly a full stra igh taway behi nd H ildebrand. Ko rytk o wski drew closer to Hilderbrand o n eac h lap, and o n the fina l ci rcui t dove do wn lo w, exi ti ng tu rn four to win the dr ag race to the chec kered nag by in ch es. Duan e Veeder got theJ ump on th e rest of ' the 250ec Expe rts and le thr ou gh turns on e a nd two. Bob Gette tried to get inside of Veeder go ing int o tu rn th ree, but Veeder held h im off to lead lap o ne. On lap two, Gette tri ed the same mo ve in th e same spot and th is ti me was successfu l. La p three saw Kenny Dah lin move by Veeder a nd begin to pressure Ge n e for the top spot. Gen e rod e an intell igent ra ce th e last three la ps of the heat / fin al to hol d off Da h lin for the win wi th Veeder set tli ng fo r th ird . Results Y·ZING ER 50: I. Thomas K~ I ,=y (Yam): 2. Cam Ralf t'l'fY (Yam ); 3. Sean He.uh (YOlm). 60: I. Aaron Crea mer (XOlw). MINI: I. Thuma! Skethw ay (Y3m): 2. Jame s Co nk lin (lri. lw ): 3. Aamn Cr,=amn (Yam ): 4. H arl ey H ada wavu ( )(a w): < !J. Kf'K'ln MC'Gurk ( Y am ). 12.) AM: I. SIa n Niui !io kie (Ho n); 2. j ason Fulla (Yam); . ' ~ . Re bert Campbel l lKoiw); 1. Darek Whil '=C'ouon (Ha n); 5. J'lfvi!> Hoag [ H o n) . 2!JO AM: I . J ud y Phd p~ ( H on ); 2. Norman Laviolen e t ka w): 3. Richard EninKM" (Ha n); 4. Jo. ph Mei,=r (Ho n ); 5. Da vid w Ga mb le ( Hon). O P EN AM: I. g cbe n RDmOI (Rtx); 2. j o eeph Mnn (R tx ); 3. josep h Gemld (Ho n); 1. Keith Chand ler (Yam); 5. Willi am Te hs ka (Yam ). SR B: I. I. J)ou KIOlit Le nt (W. R): 2. j oseph Go uld (Hon ): 3. William Warl ord (Yam); 4. Ken Barr (Rtx): 5. Willi am Tdiska (Y3m). : SR A: I. Mar k Kor ytkow!>ki (RIX) 2. J uhn Hi ldebrand ( W ~ R); 3. Roh Bibbins (H ·D); 4. Norm an Lavio lette (Kaw); 5. • Mat thew Hibbard (Raw). 2.') EX : I. Roben G'= (SUl ): 2. Kenny Dah lin (Han ): 0 llt' ~. Dmm f'V~f'r ( Rl x ) : 4 . ScuuSnoop (Oss ):5 . Will iam Adam s (Hun ). . O PE N EX: t. Mo ll Snoo p (Rtx): 2. Duan,= Vrnler (W. R ); 3. Chri!io Wnuk (Hon): 4. Will iam Adams (R tx): 5. w arren Oirm (Hon ). .liPT SMN: l. Scou Snoop (Rt x); 2. Chris Wnuk (Ha n); S. Rnbrrt Getlr (R lx ); 1. Mark KOl)'tknw! ki (Rtx): 5. Willi am Adams (Rlx). Drew dominates Perris MX By Tony Alessi and Kim Scott PERRIS, CA, JUNE24 Ka wa sa ki rider Steve Drew showed gr eat end ura nce a nd speed as he ripped through a strong field of 125 and 250ec No vice riders to emerge victorio us during th e GF I Mammot h warm -up even t at Perr is Raceway. Kell y Poo r busted out of the ga te and immediat ely opened a lead over Scott Murphy a nd Bobb y Hubbar d. Drew was back in eig h th p lace a nd was record in g very fast lap times. As the race reached the 25 m in ute ma rk rid ers began to fad e ba ckw ards, incl uding jeff Blackmore, Sea n Finnley and H ubbar d. Drew _ mad e his moves d ur in g the fina l laps p icki ng off rid ers at will , first Murp hy fo r thud th en closed,to the back tire of the leader, Poor. T he' two rid ers battled bri efly wi th Drew sla mming him self in to Poor causing bot h mach ines to cra sh to th e gro und. The two rid ers scra mbled to Ret back u p with Drew getting away fir st. Poo r tri ed 10 regr o u p , bu t had Murph y cra wling over hi m. Murphy mi sj udged a " lIht rutt ed berm a nd went off the tra ck leavin g the posit ions the same a t the fini sh . Drew ho lesho t th e seco nd mo to and blazed aw ay to an eventua l minute a nd a ha lf lead. Murphy was left stu ck in th e ga te a nd Poo r cras hed in th e first turn. Both Murphy and Poo r came fro m' behi nd to finish seco nd a nd fourth, respectiv ely. H ubbard suffered bad lu ck running second pl ace up 10 th e white flal; wher e he ra n o ut of gas, which fo rced hi m to DNF th e mot o. Bria n T eets rod e hi s first In term ed iate race' a nd scored th e overa ll victory. Teets followed Rand y Dan ylo th e first ro u nd and kep t a good cushio n over Darin G reen in th ird. T eets ca me back swinging durin g the ho tter , ro ugh er second mot o and beat Dan ylo to score a first ove ra ll in his debut In term ed iate r..lce. Resul ts 50 ST " : I. Ro land Rndri'lu f"l (Yam): 2. Rou Ga rm (Yam); 3. R.t.ndy Ka!>inj;tt"r (Yam); 1. Emin KlinK (Jet ); 5. Smit h (Yam ). 50 MOO : I. Ro);md Rud rique1 (Yam ); 2. Rm J Garcia. 80 REG: I. JUl.')' Edwa rd~ (KllW); 2. Ga rth Milan (Kaw); 3 . Jrr ry Aleman (S Ul). 125 REG: I. Mull Da .... i:.. (Hon); 2. Rrf't Milan (Han ); 5. SIen Ra!>m us!>Cn (Kaw); 4. (T I E) J uan Orl'=l (Kawl/Kicki Willner ( lion ). 12S l\iOV: I. 51,='0''= Drew (Ka w): 2. Seotl Mur ph y (Ha n): S. K("lly Poor ( H cm ); 4; Sean Finlry (Kaw): 5. Bobby Hubban:i (S UI). 125 J:'IlT : 1. Brian Tt"t"I!> (SU I ); 2. Ran dy n Olnylo ( Ka w) ; 3. Darin Gm'n (Yam). . 250 BEG: I. Rri.m Milkr (SUI); 2. Kevin Wom iak (Hon); 3. Dirk Flt'jtt'r (Hon); 4. Bryan Davi!> (SUI ); 5. Erik Kleven (H nn). 250 ~ OV : I. Doug Allen (Kaw); 2. Robert Li l1l,= (Hon); 3. Eric Hj a l mar~m (SUI). 2.1 INT : L Brian Ikli ch (Ha n). '0 2.'..0 PR O: I. G uy Iln-k ert (SUl ).

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