Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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LOCAL EVENTS beh ind Mayfield, Harley-Davidson rider Gre· sham edged ahead of McDowell ' 0 gra b the first spo t and Ro tax rider Key followed beh ind McDowell [or third. Butler look th e fourth place ahead of Mayfield, so it was Gresham, McDowell, Key, BUller and Mayfield at the checkered flag. . . In the Vet Expert class, Rotax rider John Taylor surp rised everyone by taking the lead over Dave Bostrom and ma intai ni ng it till th e finish . Yam aha rider james Dunlavey look the third spo t. In the 80cc Expert class, "Dirty Eamie" Ma rtin look the lead a head of Nathan Wa it, bot h on Ka wasakis. Honda rider Eric Bostrom took the third spo t ahead of Don Hart and J eI[ C abhart. . . Allen Auzenn e domina led the Open Jun iors ahead of Norm an Storr [or a Ft race, and after a restar t in the 250cc N OVIce class due to an acciden t, Rocky Maccarone led the way to victo ry on a Honda j ust ahead o f Rober, Brandt. Debbie Anderson bea r ou t Carrie Lee in the Powder Pu[1. Results T on y G rav es (219) won bo th th e 125 a n d 250cc Pro classes at the Pacific Coast MX Championships at Alban y. Cartwright tops Pro Comp at Rockingham Drags By Nina Henderson ROCKINGHAM, NC,JUNE 1 17 ,. I n th e prof essi onal el imi nators at th e Internauonal Drag Bike Associa tion (IDBA) Suns hi ne Na tionals at Rock in gh am, No rt h Ca ro li na, victory ca me quickl y. Qu alifying began on tim e a nd Iinis hed ea rly with Stu Fa rra r tops on h is blown Kawasak i Fu nn y Bike a ' 7.47/1 55.26. Ron Joh nson mad e h is IOB A debut as top qual ifier with a 7.47/ 17.1.57o n a n A/N Suz uki buill by hi s Iather and Iomer rac er Da nn y j ohnson of Yad kinvill e, North Ca roli na . Ben ny " Je l" Mens was th e on ly [am ili a r [ace in the pr ofessional ran ks o n th e par ad e o f number one qua liIiers. Th is ti me he turned a 7.961172.61 '0 earn th e co veted spot a mo ngs t severa l Pro Stock roo kies. O [ rhe th ree top q ua liliers , on ly Men s mad e his way through the pack to the winner 's circle. E lim ina tio ns began w ith a five· b ik e Funny Bike Iield , eig h l men in Pro Co mp and !lve in Pro S,ock. Co m peti to rs [ell by ,he waysi de in Funny Bike before lhe [irs' pass down th e trac k. Fu n ny Bike number ,hree q ua lilie r Rust y Qu esenb err y br ok e a cra n k a nd co u ld n', replace it. Fun ny Bike n um ber [our D'W ayne Ca rlock went ho me wi,h lhe be nt rod h e arrived sport in g . Pr ofession al racin g vetera n Frog T hacker let ,he du al ·engin ed Suzu ki rest [or lhe day the machine on ly had two r asses o n it a nd sli ll la y in the expe ri me nt a sta~es . Buil der Dan ny J oh nson walked awa y wll h ,h e bestengi neered bi ke awa rd (aT the crea tion Frog rode. T op q uali fer Farrar made the firs t pass a so lo a ' a n easy 9.38 / 137.76 . Seco nd qualilier Da vid Brill a lso so loe d a ' 8.071 119.57 - bo,h men clea rly sa ving parts. In th e fi na l. Fa rr ar co u ld n ' t start in th e bl each box. Britt was waved on for the so lo and won wit h a 7.82/147.37 hi s [irstlOBA Fu nny Bike. Pro Stock bega n th e li ve-bi ke Iield Wilh a bye [or top q ua lili er Men s, A bye [or n um ber two qualifier Lester J enkins, a nd a bye [o r number ,hree 9 ua li[i er Ho race Wr igh t. O n ly Dave R u mplng a nd William Hunter Jr. made a n e lim in a tio ns pa ss. Rum pi ng won his virg in IDBA Pro Stoc k pa ss wil h an 8.42/ 154.40 10 H unter 's 8.83/ 147.20. T he ga me gOI interest ing in th e semi . Iin a ls when Mens and Wri gh, made lhei r rirst co m pe tit io n pas s. Wri gh t was first ou t o r the box with a .489 reaction ti me, while Men s clo cked a sur p rising ly slow .689. Wi,h lill ie tro ub le, Mens ca u gh l hi m a l the hallwa y ma rk a nd loo k the wi n - 8.05/ 167.31 ' 0 8.52/ 153.16. Nex'. J en kins look on Rumpi ng . J en kins had lh e qu a lifyin g adv a n tag e bUl Rumrin g had the en th usias m of a roo kie. O f , th e starting line, Ru m p in g was fir sl wit h a .470 to a .676. J enkin s' Kawasak i ·ga ve it e v er ~ yth ing bUlj ust made therun close. Rumpi ng wo n o n a n 8.5 1/ 152.98 10 J enkins 8.39/ 158. 17. Mens a nd Rumpin g a waited the fin a l. T he reacti on times were a lmost a h undredth a pan with R u m ping in lhe lead. Mens gu n ned i, a nd never look ed ba ck 10 see th aI h is co mpetit ion was n 't eve n follow in g. Ru m p in g had broken and Mens look a qu ick' 8.05/ 167. 16 rid e to h is seco nd Pro Slack vic'ory o[ 1990. Pro Co m p definitel y sto le the show a t " T he Rock " . In ro und one, roo kie Ron J oh nson defe at ed for mer P ro Comp Ch am p io n Neal La ne o n hi s fir st ou ti ng in two seaso ns with a 7.50/175.78 10 a 7.91/1 61.29. Buck McPha ll er rode h is n it ro -burning Kaw asak i to victory a lter SCOll Crippen bro ke. McP ha ll er turned a 7.7 3/170.22. Dennis Hinton 's co m pe tit io n was disqual ified Sa turday a fter almost ru n ni ng over McPhaller on a qualifying pa ss. Hinton earned hi s semi Iinal position on a bye a t 9.64/ 90. 14. Dave Cartwright took on 1989 Pro Comp m uscle ma n Alther Ford in th e a dva nta ged sea t. A slo w reacti on time cos t Ford the round a t .776 ' 0 Cartwright's .481 7.921165.04. Ford fini shed in 7.66/174.68, but lost the pas s. On ' 0 the semi [in a Is, J ohnson beat McPhaller with a .458 reac tio n tim e. Dennis Hinton then br oke. giving Ca rt wrig h t a free sp ace in th e fin al aga ins t Jo hnson. J ohnson go , him o n the starling lin e with a .454 ' 0 .468, but Cartwright made up ground ' 0 tak e ,h e win a ' 7.62/1 63.69. Jo h nso n fin ish ed runner-up a t 7.94/1 40.09. Bad news plaq ued th e P ro Comp class wh en Joh nso n was found ill egal [or th e cla ss he cla imed a ' Sat urday lech -in . T he mo ,or he ran was bigger th an the size he claimed. J ohn son [o r[ei'ed th e winni ng mon ey, po in ts a nd con tin gency. Hucke hot at PIRMotocross By Dan Meeker PORTLAND, OR, JUNE 28 • Donald Hucke rode his Yamaha ' 0 a pair o[ mo'o wins take ,he 125cc J unior overall win at Portland International Raceway's motocross track. Troy Bangs reacted quickesl '0 the drop o[ the ga'e in moto one and led all riders Into the firsl comer. Behind h im Mike Wolford was being pressed hard by Hucke, Mall Krause and Jack Lowery. On the second lar' Hucke used the outside line on a section 0 whoops to overtak Wolford and begin his pursui, o[ Bangs . Hucke quickly closed the gap Bangs had crea,ed and made his first serious challenge in a flat Ielt·hand comer approaching a small table,op jump. Ban!\" held him off, but with IwO laps remaining, Hucke powered around the outside o[ a lelt - hand sweePer leading '0 an uphill and, by the ti me the two [ront·runners had reached the ,op, Bangs was doing the cha sin g as Hucke had taken over the lead. Hucke steadi ly pulled awa y while Wollord closed in on Bangs in second. On ,h e Iinal lap Wollord pushed Bangs ' 0 the limi, as Ihe two cleared a series o[ ju mps on the last ba~ck straigh , o[ the track . In desperation, Wollord made one last effort to over take Ban gs in the Iinal corn er of the molO, bu , Ban gs wou ld have no part o[ it as he held on [or second. Beh ind Wolford, Krause an d Pa, Muxlow rounded ou t the 'op live. Bangs repeated his [irs, ·m oto holeshot in the second molO bu' thi s time Krau se passed h im in the firs' lum. Hucke starled fifth but by the end of the first lap had moved up to third behind Wolford. Flying far off the big jump on the back straigh', Hucke flew by Wolford and into second place. Hucke wasted no ,ime putting the eressure on Krause and they ' went up the hill side-by-side. Hucke braked a spltt second later com ing into the '0 comer leading '0 the back straight and took over the lead At the same time, Wolford was working hard on Bangs who was holding down third . With three laps remairring, Wolford powered by Bangs off the final Jump in the back straight and appeared ready 10 equal his third-place finis h in moto one. Behind him, Bangs~' sideways in a turn, giving Wolford a cushi on in front of him and allowing Sean Coiteaux to close the ga p. O n the final lap, Wolford went over his bars and crashed hard. Bangs retook third behind Hucke and Krause an d crossed the finish line just ahead of Coiteaux, Wolford managed to remount and Iinished the moto fifth. I esul ts W/PIW, I. Grqory B_weIl (Yam~ 2. Erin Hucke(Yam); 5. MalMw Krum (Yam ). 6-8 PIW: 1. Jason Hanson (Kaw) ; 2. Jacob Kenw orthy (Hon) ; 3. Cra;.IlndJ.,. (Sm). 9-11PIW : 1. RobtttHohpw (; 2. .Kevin Bakin {Kaw ); 3. T.....u Murphy. WMN : 1. Kelly Smith (H on) ; 2. Carol Younce (Xaw). MINI BEG: 1. Brian Martin (Hon); 2. Brock Clark (Suz); 3. Juan Ball (Kawl. MINI JR. l. Emi~ Gendron (Suz); 2. lC.rvin Eakin (ltaw); : 5. Br.mdOn While ( Kaw) . MINI INT : 1. CotT Fuller (; 2. Clad Rred (Raw); 3. T .]. Webber (Kaw). 125 BEC : 1. Ro n Bdlr (Yam ): 2. Jrrnny Porta (Ya m); 3. Quia Petmen (Yam ). . 12.1 JR; I. Donald Hucke (Yam ); 2. Troy 8anp (H on) ; 5. Matt Krau~ (Yam). . 125 tNT: 1. FOrTCIt Transue (Kaw); 2. Dane Batt)' (H on) ; 5. Emie Roberti (Sw). 125 PRO: 1. Ilian Canl (Suz); 2. Mike kll (SUI); 5. David Browning (Yam ). 250 BEG 0-1 ; I. MKha el Coulon (Hon) ; 2. Ronald Park (H on ); 5. Fra nk Toftmw"1t (Xa w). 250 BEG 0.2: I. Tony Sawyer (H a n ); 2. Jim Marshall (Suz); 5. David Win ters (Suz). 250 JR: 1. Grq: SErio (Kaw); 2. T im MciAner (Ya m ); 5, Darrin Cuni~ (Yam) . , 250 t NT: l. Mike Wha1rn (Kaw ); 2. Ed J~ (H on); 5. Mi~1 Johnson (Hon /. 250 PRO: l. Mike &: 1 (SUI). OPEN BEG : l. Kdly Cunningham ( ; 2. BiH Jon n (Ra w) ; .5 Paul Shi rr k (Yam). . OPEN I . Randy Singer (Hon); 2. Mike Hi ckman (Yam ). OPEN NT: I. Kip T em p leton (Hon); 2. Michael J ohn5OD (H on); .5 Tony Martin (H o n). . O PEN PRO: l. Don ~pflug (Ra w). UTH: l. Kip T em p leto n (H an); 2. Gene Whittaker (Hon); .5 Andrew Hardie (H o n). . Onl C: l. Stan CaPP'l (H us) ; 2. Dave Hucke (Yam ); .5. Kevin Grear (Suz). OTI-I B: 1. Ron Kent (Yam ); 2. b nd y FOOrr (Hon); .5. Ride. Johnson (H o n). 40+ NOV : I. Strve Forte (Han ); 2. Joe Gary (Yam ). 40+ AM: I. Jeff Younce (SUI); 2. Mayruud lticharda (Ra w); .5. Carl Stein (Han I. 40+ EX: I. Mik e Perry (SUI); 2. J im La mkin (Hon); .5 . Mik e Hi ckman (Yam ). jR: McDowell grabs the gold at Lodi Short Track By Mikki McBride Lom , CA, JUNE2.1 After a lhr ee·week br eak while ,he Slock, on M.e. Club pu' on its Iirs, lew races o[ ,he 1990 season. lhe Lodi M.e. Clu b is back aga in [or the next two weeks.. T here were thr ee hea ts or Pro-Am and Open Expen riders. and in the Pro-Am mai n , Bryan McDowell grabbed the holeshol 011 the line on his Rotax whil e fellow Rotax rider Bob Damron [ell into ,he second spo t. Mark Key and Michael Gresham balli ed [or the third posi,i on and Key edged ahead on ,he insid e, ridin g a ,igh' line. ' Mar k Butler ,ook a close filth 011 the lineJ us, ahead o[ S,eve Maylield in sixth. Key rna e a fama stic move around Damron to take over the second spo ', an d was onl y about one-and -a-hall bike lengths behind McDowell a' the finish line. In the Open Expert class, Damron go' 011 to a slow star" endi ng up in the sixth spo' P/W C B; I. David GaMOn (Yam ); 2. Brandon ~ (Ya m); .5 Sheena Pan erson (Yam ); 4. Ryan Potu (Yam ): 5. Du!\ty . Men d01 (Ya m ). .a PP: 1, Dtbbir Anderso n ( Kaw); 2. Carri e Lee (Suz); 5. Tami Quan (H on) ; 4. verna Obn (ka w); 5. Don na Lee(Ho n). VET C: I. SaMl Qu ill (Yam); 2. Albert Dehoyos (Ho n); 3. QlI'U Bail~ (Yam); i . Hnlry Sanchea (Ha n). VET B: I. Allen Aueenne (Han); 2. Camm Johnson (Yam)': j 3. Perri T urner (H ·D); 4. Davis Winten Jr. (Hon ). VET A: I. John Ta ylor (W-R); 2. Dave Bostrom (W·R); .5 . Jamts Dun b vt')' (Yam ); 4. Will iam Ridrr (Hon): 5. Timothy !iv class win. Reiser, who rides a Harley·Davidson X11750 stopped the timer in 9.04 seconds. BSA pilot Earl Bowlby had second-[astes, time With a 9.63. Wade Williams took his Honda over the hill in 10.13 seconds [or third. .m Tim Frazier on a BSA climbed the hill in 9.97 seconds. Ted Wilkens finished second with his Rotax'powered bike. Paul Pinson; nault was third Hillclimbing has a lways been a gentleman's spor L Silver-haired veterans Earl Bowlby and Charlie Casey helped Davi d Deaver push.stari Mark Swem 's Norton. Bowlby had already spe n t five minutes kicking. Their wives gOl a dumb look and a, "Well, he came all the way from Indianapolis and he missed the [irst round," when they questioned their husbands abou , the wisdom o[ doin g such stren uous work in such hot weather. Results 540: I. T im Fruirr (BSA): 2. Sco u Evem:l (Tn ); .5 Ted . Wilkins (Rtx ): 4. Paul Pinwnnault (Hon); 5. Bill ApicelJ,a (""w). ~ 800, I. wi Bow lby (BSAI; 2. Jefl Yad ... (H. D); 3. Wad. Williams (H o n); 4. J ohn Will iam s (Hon); 5. Randy Gabriel (A · D) . l'l Law rules Thunder Ridge MX By Carla Nelson EDMESTO;ll, NY, JULY 1 Thunder Rid ge was in perfect conditio n for a CNYMRA po ints race. Rain the n ight belore wa lered Ihe track so lhere was slig h I mu d in pra ctice and no dUSl all day, Over 200 rider ., enjoyed ,he h ill y mOlocro ss track. Ben Law lOpped lhe Schoolboy class. J oh n Blake led ,h e stan o [ mot o one bu, La w 1001 over the front pos ition in the second turn a'n d was never contes ted. Steve Simmons ' go t around Blak e and Iini shed in second. ' H oward's Cycle·ba cked Law led mOlO ,wo wi,h Blake close behi nd. Blake held Law ',

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