Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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FZR600 up in the top 10 before Billy Eisen acher lo st the back end a nd cras hed . T he tem pe ra ture continued to cl imb and many tea m s were bri ngi ng in riders after on ly 30- to 45-m in u te stints. Fo r th e remai nder of the race Team Suzuki co nti nued to bui ld o n its lead. As has been th e case a ll year (with the excep tio n o f P hoe n ix ) the team raced flawlessly. Keith Perry had the pit sto ps choreograp hed perfectl y, a nd it 's becom in g q u ire appa rent th a t th e WERA Champ ionship will once agai n belon g to Team Suzu ki un less something goes dr asrical ly wrong. Behi nd th e leaders. H all ,,' Sti ll ran 40' m in ute stints beca use of th e heat a nd were losing some grou nd to th e ha rd-cha rg in g Bo uld er Yamaha team . H all N' Still had swi tched to hard com po u nd tires dur ing th e red flag, a nd th at wo ul d keep them fro m ha vin g to change ru bber aga in; bu t it a lso kep t th em from running as ha rd as they would have lik ed in the last hou r when Boulder was gai n ing . Boulder Yama ha had fresh Mich elin slicks o n th eir Yam aha a nd moved in to s econd in th e last hou r. " We wa nted to do a ll the WE RA Pro races that didn 't interfere with AMA event s. We had a littl e br ak e fade nea r the end ," expla ined Bo ul der' s J ohn Ho p pe rstad. Amer ican Spiri t Racing had lead rider Gene Burcham bac k a t T opeka. Bur cha m had broken hi s a n kle a t a sp ri nt race in SI. Lo u is a nd was still lim pi ng arou nd th e p its, bu t he a nd tea mma te Dal e Kieffer stayed nea r the front all da y lon g a nd finis hed fo urth ove ra ll , seco nd in class. ASR wa s helped by th e fact th a t Ro bert Wri ght rooe the last hour o n th e Visio n Quest Su zu ki witho ut [rom brakes. That ena bled ASR to pass. It was the best finish for the first-year tea m since the open ing ro u nd a t Roebling Road. Cycle Racer completed the ir fin e race by win ni ng the Mediumweigh t Siiperhi ke class a nd fin ish in g fifth o vera ll. " If we wo u ld have had a q ui ckfill gas ta n k we co u ld ha ve done much better. Ca l (Ray bo rn ) was ca lled in th e pi ts o ne time because W ERA doesn 't allow tea r-off shields . Ot her than th a t things .went rea lly well, " said Dean Mizdal o f Cycle Racer. Deals C ap Racin g wo n th e Ligh tweig h t class even tho ug h the race was mai nly a testing session. "Si nce there was no Yamah a mon ey this weekend we were n' t 10 0 co nce rne d abou t wh ere we fi nis hed. T he bi ke had some problems th at we wanted to so rt o ut before the next race," explai ned Rob • eneker, Honda o f Ni les LOok the Med iumweight Prod uct io n lead whe n Team Ha waii pined in th e last ho u r. H onda o f Nil es used a bik e-to -p it co m mu nica tio n system o n th eir Honda. "T he 51'stern worked pr ett y wel l. We want to use it a t th e' 24-ho ur race a t Nelson ," , ' iles' T om Bickerstaff said. 01 Results O VER ALL: I. TNIn S uzuki Endu rance {Su z]: 2. Boul der Yamaha Racing (Ya m): 3. Ha ll !':' St ill R;'lcin K (SUi ): .1. Am er ican Sp iril Racin g ( Ya m): 5. C yclt, Ran '. (Ya rn); 6. \' ision QU~I R ac i n ~ (SUI ): 7 ~ JD Radng (Ya rn): 8. T RA ~ ( · i n R (SUI); 9. n an' Ro sno R" ci ng (Ho u): 10. Ilt~..1 h. Ga p Ra c in ~ (Yam) : 11.llon d;) o r Ni ll"~ Radll!( ( Ho u ): 12. Team Hawa ii (Hon): 13. Raw Racin ~ ( Y a m ) ; 1·1.Tea m Lips fYa m ): 15. Shar p /Whi tt R;lCin g O 'a m ): 16. T ·S tor m Ra r-ing 2( Ho n): 17. Roman s Racin g {Yarn]: ut Cyc le Speed Racin g (Yam ]: 19. Te.un Ironma u (S UI ); 20. Choin' Racin g (Stll) . l f1 W S/BK: I. T e-am SULUki Eudu ru nce (SUI); 2. Bbuld('f Yama ha ROIci n~ (Y;ml ); 3. J D RaC'inf{(Y;lIn ); 1. T eam Ironman (Su r): .~. Cho il'e R;Killg (S U1.). H / W PROD: I. Ha ll -x Slill (S UI); 2. Americau Spiti t R'.lfin g (Ya rn) ; 3. Visio n Q UI'SI Racing (SUI) ; -l. T BA Racin g (SUI): 5. Ro ya le' ~ dn g (S U1.). M/W S/BK: I. Cydt' Racer (Yam ); 2. Dan ' Rosuc Racin g (Bon ); 3. Team Lips (Ya m); 4. Sharp W h itt Racing (Ya m); .r,. Ro ma ns Ra cin g (Ya m). M/W P ROD: I. Bomb or Nil es (Hon ): 2. T ea m Ha wa ii ( Hu n ); ~ . T vStor m Racin g 2 (Hon ): -l. T · Storm Racin g (Sun; 5. Bates Raci n g (H o u ). L/W: I. Deals Gap Racing (Ya m ); 2. Ra w Raci ng 'Ya m ); 3. Cyc le Speed Racing (Ya m] : -t. Capi ta l ity's Raci n g (Yam ); 5. T eam A Sauru .. Rex (Yam ). ""E~ RELE~SES -VIDEO Now Available Through Cycle News Action Theater STURGIS 1989 - The VIDEO "The Official Video of the Black Hills Motor Classic" (# 104) For 51 weeks a year, St urg is, Sout h Dakota is a quiet Black Hills tow n of 5,000 people. For on e week in A ugust, it roars with 100,000 motorcycles . For 49 years, St urgis has been the Mecca of American motorcycling. Now, for the first time on video, you'll see all those wild and crazy bikers from M alcolm Forbes to the Hell's - Ange ls. If you were there in '89, you'll probably find yourself in Reta il Price On This Release th is video . If you weren 't, you'll be amazed at what you missed.. $1'1-9S, includes sh ipping. 57 minutes from Progressive Desiqns. To Order Videos, Use The Video Order Blank Elsewhere In This Issue Of Cycle News Road Racer ,1 .tI,..,I.·.1 I" NOW AVAILABLE! BACK ISSUES Have you missed a copy of Motorcycle Road Racer Illustrated? Complete your collection I Order back issues of Motorcycle Road Racer Illustrat ed today for $4.00 per issue or $3.00 per issue when you order 5 copies or more . A ll magazines are shipped first class, postage paid in a flat manila envelope. We ship out of the country, too . Canada/Mexico : 1-4 copies, $5.00 per issue; 5 copies or more , $4.00 per issue . A ll other foreign countries: 1-4 copies. $8.00 per issue; 5 copies or more . $7.00 per issue . All fore ign prices include postage . Send check. money order or charge to your Visa or Mastercard ($5.00 minimum order]. D o it t o d a y ! Fill aut the coupon below completely and mail your order. along with your payment to: M OTO RCYCLE ROAD RA CE R ILLUS TRATED Attn: Back Issue Department. P.O. Box 498. Long Beach, CA 90801 -0498 (231) 427-7433 / 24 Hour FAX Order line (2131427-6685 (charge orders only) Volume I. Issue 1-July 198 8 INAUGURAL ISSUE SOL OOUT Volum e I. Issue 2 -Sept embe r 19 8 8 • Racing · International GP Update • Racing · National RR R Atlanta oad - Interview · Wayne Rainey • "M Greatest Race" • Barry Sheene y Feature . Money in Racing o Vo lume I. Issue 3 -Nove mber 1 988 · Racing · The Isle of M an • Racing · World Superbike Series • Interview- "Flyin Fred" M ertel - "M G y reatest R ace" • K enny Roberts r. s uu • Feature · Inside O John Mota G i Volume II. Issue 1 -January 1989 SOLO OUT Volume II. Issue 2-March 1989 ·R acing · 1988 AMA Endurance Series W rap·up - Interview · Sitn Pons - "M G y reatest Race" . R andy Mamola · Feature · Spencerl lawson switch teams · R B a Test · Pons World Championship H ace ik onda Volume II. Issue 3 -May 1989 · 1989 GP Travel Guide Interview . Kevin Schwantz · "M G y reatest R ace" . E ddie lawson • Race B Test · World Champion 125cc Oerbi ike o Volume II. Is s ue 4 -July 1989 • Feature · W orldSuperbikes ·R acing · Japan Grand Prix · Racing · Daytona 200 iew iall ackenzie • Interv · N M - "M G y reatest Race" . Kel C arruthers Vol ume II. Issue 5 -September 1989 • Feature · GP Sidecars tlanta • Racing· Road A • Racing - National World Sup'-rbikes art - "M Greatest Race" . K Ballingtan y Volum e II. Issue 6 -Nove m be r 19 8 9 · Racing - Suzuka 8 hour • Racing · AMA Round·up - Interview · John Kocinski · "M Greatest Race" • GeoH D y uke .., IssHs ••1Itad (indicate number ofaach issue in appropriate space) Road Racer1 ;16,." ,.. ,1... BACK ISSUE ORDER FORM (please print) Total # of issues Name Address C ity I I L I Phone ( Send NA VoIllssul 1 July 1988 . YoI l·lssul 2 St pt 1988 _ _ V lssUi J Nov 1988 oll· NA Vol n·lssue 1 Jan 1989 _ . Vol 1I·lssue 2 Mirth 1989 _ at $ V 11·lssue 3 M 1989 ol IY _ _ _ VoI lI·lssut" July 1989 Y oIlI·1ssue 5 Sept 1989 Y oIlI·lssue 6 Nov 1989 each=$ total Method of payment: o Check or Money Order I State _ _ lip _ ereditCard# Charge my 0 Visa 0 Mastercard up. Date _ Signature to MotO

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