Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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around 5:00 p.m. ma ny of th e small ish crowd had a lready left. No officia l crowd estima te was given - proba bly fro m embarrassment - bu t it wa s clear that none of th e sta n ds we re full a nd the crowd was well do wn , for good reaso n . T ick e t pr ices, whi ch h ad doubled here last 'yea r, wer e aga in increased to th e level o f Formul a One car tickets. It kept peop le a wa y, wh ich some thought wa s th e a im of th e orga n izers. T h ey st ill got the television expos u re and d idn 't have to spe n d as m uc h on crowd co nt ro l. 500 Qualifying It see m s that as safety co ncerns -increase every yea r th e grous ing a t th e Spa -Fra ncorc ha m ps circ ui t, in th e Arde n nes m ounta in s of so u the as ter n Belg ium, gets more a n d more intense. T h is yea r wa s no differ ent. In fact it grew more voca l a fte r ROC H onda 's Pier-Francesco Chili cra sh ed in th e wicked ly fast a nd un forg iving "Blanch imo nt," a doub le-left o f th e o ld road sectio n th at lea ds back to th e sta rt / fini sh . T he 25-yea r-old Ital ian fractured h is left wrist a n d su ffered a slig ht n eck in j u ry in th e wr eck whi ch occurred when h e entered th e first left during th e mornin g sessio n . Si nce h is . m achine was eq u ip pe d wi th a n o nbike ca mera , repl a ys s ho we d h is tac h o me te r p egged to th e 12 ,500

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