Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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,,. v 0ICES INSIDE Letters to the editor Just for the hali but FEATURES MOTOCROSS Jeff W Cooper hotat ard, Red Bud National O'Mara scores at M ammoth Parker back on form inSwiss GP Brown sweeps V olunteer State Championship HARE SCRAMBLES Naylor nails his fourth Sun V alleyGP victory 6 16 20 26 ROAD RA CE Schwantz sews upDutch IT win .. . 10 M ertens tops World Superbikes in Austria 18 Dutchman Racing rollson in . Road America endurance 22 14 SPEEDWAY M bestAmerican at oran .Intercontinental Semi Final 24 DEPARTM ENTS WORK BENCH 25 LOCAL EV E~TS 27 36 CALENDAR WANT ADS T he Bri tish Co lumbia Old Timers pu t on a grea t even t for U .S. racers o n June 30·J u ly I on a n a ll new MX track . T he re wa s lots of good racing, plus ben ch racing from Friday to Su n day ni ght. The th eme was " J us t For T he H alibut," a nd a ha libu t a n d sa lmon d inner was served Saturday n ight. Wh at ni ce neighbors we Arnerica ns have. This'wa s my seco nd Old Timers race a n d wha t fu n I had. Thanks to th e B.C . Old T i me rs Club and Jo hn and Caro line Berezow ecki and th eir daughter for a ll th e fin e effort that mad e it a wonderfu l weekend. The motorcycling co mm u n ity lost a che rished member on Jul y 3. Curt Ha den , a wel l-loved resident of Trabu co Canyon. Cal ifornia , died su ddenl y while riding hi s motorcycle nea r h is ho me. Curt, a n avid stree t rider and race fan , was well kn own throughout southern Ca li forn ia . He dwarfed every bike he ever ro de , a nd had a fri endly sp irit to mat ch . His gi ving a nd he lpful man ner is legen d a mon g those who had the good fortune to know th e man. Curt wi ll be g r eatl y miss ed b y everyo ne . G odspeed , Curt. 42,43,54.55 ON THE FRONT PAGE: (T op ) Jeff Ward survived blistering heat to win the 250cc class and take over the points lead at the Red Bud National Cha mpionshi p 125/2 50cc MX. See page 6 for comp lete coverage. (Bottom ) Nearly 1'100 ent rant s' attacked the Mammoth Mountain MX over four days of raci ng in the Sierra Nevada Mou ntain s. Coverage begi ns on page 16. Ph o tos by Kit Pal mer and Nate Rauba. Jud O shier Trabuco Ca nyon, CA Dick Stidham O nalaska, WA 4~ : RESULTS G odsp eed, Curt Support appreciated I wo u ld like to th an k T eam 'G reen for the support I receiv ed d u ri ng th e 1990 ISD E Quali fiers. It is reass uring to know tha t Tea m Green 's cre ws and box vans are there whe n a part is needed . Spe cia l t ha n ks go o ut to T eam Green 's Dave Pyle. Hi o wledge a nd a ssista nce we re gre a tly apprecia ted . I hope T ea m Green wi ll con tin ue to suppo rt us in the futu re ju st as they have in the past. Blai n e Os tafin Seattle, WA America's weekly motorcycle n ewsp a p er Fellow rider's safety first Volume XXVII Michael Klinger. P ub lisher Caro lin e Gendry, Ex ecutive Secreto ry to th e Publish er Ed ito ria l J ack Man gus. A s.weial e Pu blis her! Editor Kit Pal mer. A ssociat e Ed it or Paul Carr u thers. A ssociate Edit or Nate Ra uh a . Associate Edit or Brian Ca ue rso n. A ssociate Editor Ken Faug-ht. Assistant Editor Ed wina Man gus . Caler!dar Edi to r Advertisi ng Terry Pratt , National Accounts Manager Mark Tho me: Western Sales M anager R on Davidson , Westenl Sales Mmza ger Thomas R. C on ter. IVestern Sales ,Hana gcr Mark Mitchell , Eastern Accounts Manager Gn'K Mitch ell, East ern Sal es Man aI''' Cu rt is Cam p bel l. East ern Sales Mana ger Joan Russian . Western Ad Coordinator Carla Borden Allen . Eastern Ad Coordinator ~far keti ng Circu la tion Rh eba Smit h , M ana ger Sa ra h Ta ylo r, A ssi stant Alma Angu ian o . Assistan t H erlaue Lewi s, A ssistant Ca ro l Mag gio, A ssistant Dealer Sales Eri c Reece, ,\tanag er Wan' Ads Debbie Weller, IVa,,1 Ad Sa les &: Promotion Mar k T ho me Service and Su pport C h ris Ai tcbeson. H eadquarters R eceptio n ist Leona rd H err in g. Service and S uppo rt Accou n ting/Da ta Pro cessin g Donna Brya n. A I R Coordina tor G enev a Repass, Assistant Lisa G ill. Credi t Natio nal Headq ua rters 220 1 C: ll'ITy Ave.. Lung 1 Graphi cs and Production Rt'CJ ohnson . Producti on S upervisor Man dy Loo. Prod uction M an ager Dennis G reen e. Lab. T ech, Sta cey GllC~I , Graph ic A rtist Am y H arr is. G rap hic A rti st Carol yn Branha m . T yp esett er Eas tern Off ice B{,~H-h, CA 9O O H o, P.O . Bo x -198. LOIlK Bt" ;..u·h. CA 90XO I·0 ·19X (2 13) 427-7133; 2 13/636-881'l. FAX (2 13) 127 -6685 · 11 ~)() First Avl'.. Tucker . G A. :iO OH·I; m a ilin g add ress P .O . Bo x XO!J. T lI(·kt'r . GA 30085·080:J , (404) 934-78:,0. FAX ('101 ) 931-3 112 T he Wh ite Bro s. sta ff is proud to be represe n ted by riders su ch as Scott Summers. While Sco tt was ru n ni ng seco nd in th e Ju ly I AM A National Champ ions hip H are Scra m b les in Bellevue. Ida ho. leader Sco tt P lessin ge r was serio us ly h urt. G ivi ng u p th e possible wi n , Sco tt stopped an d rendered aid. H e th en ro de P lessin ger back to the pi ts for first a id. After ma kin g sure Pl essi nger was ta ken ca re o f, Summ er s co n t i n u ed th e ra ce a n d finished fifth. We commend Sco tt for p u tt ing h is fell ow rid er 's safet y in from of pe rsonal gai n . We wis h Sco tt Pl essin ger a sp eedy reco ve ry a nd t ha n k SCOll Summers for a gr eat job, Bill R ych lik Service Mgr., White Bros. G arden Grove, CA Lin e the fence s I recen tly saw a tape cli p o f Steve Ekl und 's nash at the Alb uqu erque Mile. T he clip shows h im boun cin g off a bar e exposed fence pos t at high spee d. From wha t I co u ld tell , if th e fen ce was li ned wi th something like o ne- inch p lywood, Mr. Ek lund wou ld p rob abl y be in less serious co nd itio n. Is th ere a good rea so n for bare fen ce posts 10 be left ex pose d in th e run -off area of a race track? Personall y. I'd rather slide in to a flat wall tha n a bare fen ce p ost. . I wish the best to Steve Eklund . F. Ken ton Bellfl ow er, CA W'BPA Th ere's no suc h thing as a " ru n-of] area" O rl most o va l tracks. T here is rlO good reason for [en ce posts to be left ex po sed. H ay bales are pla ced along th e o u tside fen ce irl turns and at th e ex it points O rl ova l tracks, as they wer e at II lbuquerque. Perh aps m ore are n eeded. We we lco me in p ut O rl th e su bject from promoters, track prep arers, racers, etc. . . . Edi to r. Ty earned it T h is lett er is for T y Da vis, a privateer raci ng agai ns t factory -backed riders who won the Western Regi on al Supercross cro wn. T ho ug h he did not do as well as he would h ave li ked to, h is consisten cy p a id o ff wi th the cha m pions hip. It would have been ni ce to ha ve seen a pi ctur e a nd caption sta ting, " T he first p rivateer to win a cha m p io nsh ip." Cr ed it shou ld ha ve be g iven wh en it is ea rned. a nd Ty ea rned it. Keep ja mmin ', Ty . Bill Schultz ' T orra n ce, CA H ere's your p ic of DG I MS R acingback ed T y Davis. Pr ivatee r Keit h T u rp i n wo n t h e A MA ' Eas tern R eg ion al Sup ercross tit le irl 1986. Eddie WaTTerl WOrl the 1985 Eas tern R eg ion al title and Don n y Schm it WOrl th e 1986 Western R egional titl e w hi le riding for T eam Greer!. Th ey received support from Kawasaki but did not receive salaries. . . Editor. Letters to the edito r sh ould be sen t to: Voices, Cycle News, P.O . Box 498, Long Beach , CA 90801-0498. Published lett ers do not necessari ly reflect the position of Cycle News, In c. Letters sho uld not exceed 200 words and all let ters are subject to editi ng. Next week Unadilla 250cc MX Grand Prix

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