Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GuikSho ~'~ ~TART >o;;Jo AMI - 19 8 9 ATK 406 Ridden one t ime only for 30 minutes. Skidpla te. br ush guards. kickstand. pipe an d fork guards . ext ra gears. Must sell . $3200. (8 18) 998-0126. CA. (32 7) Kn ig ht Rot ax 600 ~~GREA'T \ , t ~72 wit h BEC OM E A MOTOR CYC LE M ECHANIC; ; ' , io AMI HAS IT ALL !! III GIi LYTE CI INICAl. Race ready w it h spares . $45 00/0BO . (603) 4379012 leave message . NH. (32 7-31) ~ r:!iIHrn IM ~ lcl ~ · C I..oS ~: SU I'~: RVI SIO N TOOMEY RACING USA I'U\C EMEIIIT ASSISI-ANCI-: FINANCIAL ASSISTANCI-: Increc1lo/(>dCce/efafJCXt wK1eDCa~ WWet PtvfN:!cartJuretoo. andQuallryccnstructCtl all the slandard features SPECIALIZED COURSES : of OUt complete RZ ";, ,, Included are hdnc:J.fabncaled PIpes machn'd r('but lda b le a lum,num Silencers . ll lh" How alf OOJl alUminum barfery DOJI Per fect Jertmg '\ ,f. and corotete tnstruc tl()flS HARLEY-DAVIDSON ( ION DA KA W ASAKI YAM A I IA SUZU K I B MW IIIl S $ 4 3 9 . 9 5 AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE , INSTITUTE SKYTROOPER RD. Call lor our (805) 239-8870 new '8 9 calalog FAX (BOS) 239-2514 1445 Kosman D irt Track Wheels Av ailabl e in all popular sizes in both double-di sc and spool hub fr ont and OKO rear . Rim s are clea r or dar k grey an odize d akront w it h stai nles s spok es. Sprocket s. discs. knock-offs and wrenches also available . KOSMAN RACING. 340 Fell St. San Francisco . CA 94102. (4 1518 6 1-4 262_ (22 7/ EFI/ P) 19 8 8 Ducati Paso 750 Bl ue. low mi les . $4500 in extra s. perfect cond ition. $6800. (8 181340- 7892. CA. (3 26- 27) Kawasaki 1000R 1986. comple tely rebuilt. 2000 or iginal miles. needs bodywork to fin ish . Call for details. $1800/ OBO. (216 ) 285-0836 after 6 PM. OH. (3 26 -27) 1989 FZR600 Race Ready 3r d A.F_ . Production Cla ss. M itchell wheel s. Fox M shock. 0 /5 pist ons. he ad work. dampner. ext ra wheels. shock, ge a ring. d iscs. $4800. Cra ig, (4 15) 672 ·5986. CA. (126 -27) SEIZED CARS. MOTO RCYCLES. t rucks. boats. 4wheelers. mctorhornes, by Drug Enforcem ent Agency. FBI. IRS. Unbelievable . Call (80 5) 682 (126- 2 9) 755 5. Ext. C·125;3. Knight Honda 500 DAYTONA BEACH.FL 32t 14 CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-874-0645 OR IN FLA . CALL 1-904-255-0295 geared to PERFORMI Li ghlw eight , ru ce tuugh 70 75-T 6 ai rcraft gr ade a lu mi n um N prud u:-hi. Used by T eam Suzu ki End ura nce, Van ce: &- I l in e" Supcrbike. Sec )'u ur de ulc r. O THER OIl/ ISON S AU fRlCAN WATEHCAAn ees nnn e AUI" Hue AN M AR INE INS ' ITU' f "V'_s_~_ LARGESTYAMAHA PARTS IN P.N.W. Call Us First! MANY HARD TO FIND YAMAHA PARTS /UN9TI\~ SUNSTAR ENG INEER ING U.S.A . INC. 307 Paseo Tesoro, Walnut. C A 9 1789 (Mention This Ad For Discount) Complete Invenlory of Yamaha ~ Portsand Accessories ; ~.~ :.:; ) Da ily U.P.S. Ship p ing Parts (503) 666-9438 FAX (503)666-7050 , • CRANKSHMT MCONDU'IONllfC ••••• FOR EUROPEAN BIKE .... . S SlREE a: RAONG T . 2 a: 0 S11lOKE BIG END. ROLLER BE ARIN G TYPE ONLY FROIot ADLER TO ZUNDAPP, ALL IllIW TVtlNS a: S1NCl£S TO 1970. 8RITISH, ITAlIAN, SPANISH KBOEBER fflSCH -~1I1C _ SEND OR CAll. fOR INf O or BLEY ENClN£ERlNG 100 CH ASE, EU< CR D ~ IL 6000 7 (708) 437-0671 FA (708) 437- 0592 X BLEY VINTACE OIV . For Comfort and'Con,."..ce Top Pros ,.." oa •••• SHDEI " . He lmet Service BEll HELMET · Wantsyou to know abeut their factory S Customer Service Dept They u n repair Bell Helmets up to hve years after they·re made, Hcwever. they ale . not able 10 do repemts. Fre mspecncn and pncequote e Call Customer Service Dept. between 8am and Spm. M i.12171893·930D on·F. ~~1':~.-:"~.~:. -:;i~ :~y~r7~:e . SUZUKI • UPS D a ily • Credit C ard . A c c ept e d • N e ed R i d e r . For S . T .C . MX Te.rn . ask B ob for d e t a il s The Choke of CllamJilorts SHOEI SAFETY HELMET CORPORATION 22 28 Cotn er. Los Angeles . CA 90064 (2 13) 477·6051 ~ RAC ING CASTOR ~ ~AN JOSE. CALIFORNIA Fast est Ho nda Daytona ' 9 0 17 4 .4 mph trap spe ed. RC-30 su pe rbi ke, compl ete HRC kit chassis and engine w ith some special pans. Serious inq uir ies only. $25.000. Race ready. Rueben Me Murter anyti me . (5 19) 686 -4499. Ont, Can. (3 27 -30 / P) .IA.INA. MotMcyclcs, Parts, Accessories Bill's JB Cydcry 1404 West Four<.>in W "f Fresno. 0-. 93705 (209) 226-841t W OOD ROTAX 600 engi ne w ith Axtell head. etect rics . carb o$3000. (60 3 ) 672 -72 3 9. NH. (126 -28) VFR W /P Shock • Z STROKE ENGINE PERFOR IIAN CE EXPERTS • COII PUTER DESIGNED · OlN O & TRACK TESTED PIPES. SILEN CERS & CUSTOII PORTING • COIIPLETE IIACHINE SHOP SERVICE & HEAD liDOS • FUU LINE OF PERFO RIIANCEACCESSO RIES • IIENTIONAD FOR FREE IIXt ATV C LOG ATA (414) 787·2430 PSI RA C ING RI . 2 . Bo x 3 0 9 . Wil d Ro se, W I 5 4 9 B9 Ducati Sale Br in g cash. make a deal. Motorcyc les crat ed and shi pped all over the w orl d. New '90 Paso 906 . new '90 Ducat i 750 Sport. new '90 851 Superbike. new S51 race version wi th race kit . new Ducati 851 'Eurospon , new '90 Ducati 88 S in stock. new 'SS 750 Paso, red or blue, $5500, 'SS w hite Limited Edition 750 Paso, new Mike Hailwood repl ica, in crate. new Ducati Fl Laguna-Seca. in crate, also used '86 Montjuich Cucati M ike Hailw ood replica (31 '7 7 Ducat i 900 SS. silver blu e. spoke w heels. . solo seat, or iginal conditio n, '82 Pantah 6OOcc. 2200 km. MV Agu stas w anted . '90 Bimot a DB 1SR. '90 Bim cta Tuata ra, in stock. U.S. largest Oucat i dealer. Also new Cagiva Alau ur ra 650 5 5, new '8 7 Elefa nt 750cc, 'S7 Duc at i Indiana. Pan s shipped UPS. GHOST MOTORCYCLE. 194 M ain St. Port W ash ington. NY 11050. (51 6) 88 3 -5300. (212) 640-2022. Fax: (51 6) 767-2632. (3 26- 2 7) ~ used i'J8""~ :. lJI>s Da ly MOTO GUZZI CLASSICS NEWPARTS for OLD DIRTBIKES Parts Stocked For All Hercules, 10 0 cc · 3 5 0 cc Pen ton /Sach s 6&7 Spe eds Plus HodakB. Rickma n and Old Hu skys . ASCHER COMPETI1lON CYCLE _ (4 12) 586-7383 .'" r' = - ---- ,-,. W hit e Power shock for VFR700 1750. VGC. $300/ OBO. Chris . (804) 264-49 BO days. (804) 353 -9766 eves. VA. (326·27) I Authorized Dealer 2370Walnut Ave., Long Beach, CA 90806 213-988-0079 Buy and Sell Used Bikes UPS Da ily .. Com plete l ine 01Scat Covers and Decalsl .. Our Own S I C Two 5"0«8 Pre-M IX Racing Oill .. PipeS For A ll Bike s & S IC P1 Dent Remover l pe PHON E: 704-~Z -516 9 FAX: 704 -482 ·5 1BO A ... .... URS IVIOTOSPORT Y Cinad'wl H OI6 eadquarters for Yamaha, S uzuki, B W -D&D M .H uca1i T , (416) 25>3441 • Dual Sporl Supet'Tenere On (613)741·2221 • Inverted Fork GSX·R750 P, ,,, s...... S,,, DIYUPS! AIllJiIabH! Now· CAll (216) 246-1060 (61 9 ) 258-6300 tUb ~~" ; I3lJJll liJI' C'l7ampiol7s - ~ --~--. I •• o ........ e l .. 01 0 ' (1' ( 11 ' "OD U C ' ~ P"rlornYnce Motorc ycle & Je t Ski Product. "DynomometerTuned" Complelo Shock & FoR R....lving. Shifts. Suls, Springs. Bodtis. linel . Shims.' lc. ln Stock. Factory Auttloriled De.ler - 15 Y earsExperience! SOYESEN ENGINEERING A TK Sale . & Servi ce A lso . 2625 Honolu lu Ave.• M antro... CA 91020 (800' 44 1· 11 77 /{2 ' 5, 756- 681 8 I FAX (215) 756- 41 02 (Bl BIZOB·BIKE .. Specia l ize In Port In g. S uspen si o n . McxMlCatlons I II:II1T1ON CDJtrDSI01f3- -TACHOIlETERS FOR ANT APPJJCATION- , 0 19721BeachB/vd,.HuntlngtonBeoch.CA92646 "V'_S_~_ Great Pro A m bike. fast w ith extras . ready to race. $1800/ 0 BO. Call for details. Rich Foard. (30 1) 692 ·2 75 3 or Tom Gr imm el, (30 1) 557 -99 90. MD . (32 6- 291 ~ BEACH YAMAHA YAMAHA SPORTS PWA 1989 Eo PoweO Gresham, OR 97030 ~ ~~~s Mike's Cyc le Supply a.R.• LA504-355--4525 1-800-367-5209 R.D.• ' OOJl862. LfJnh . rt Slfltl fJ. PA 19534 . IM LEARN FROM TH;,#E:~~::::;. ...). ' ~ ..~gI"'" PROFESSOR OF MOTOCROSS . ' ""'1':.',. C.II 0 ' Write For Info On All School. and ScMdulu Tra ining Videos. Tips I. Techn iques B. ""liciol For A ll Off Rood Rid...1 P.O. Bo.13O ' Axton. VA 24054-0130 .... -__~ (7031 650-3030 '" FAX (703)650-2120

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