Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1978 Z1 R Kawasaki 1985 CR250 Runs great. rebuilt engi ne. $t2oo/ 0 BO. (8 18 ) (32 6 -2 7) 88 7 -2 96 1. CA. CBR600 Superbike Light blue. clean , or ig in al, 9500 m il es, $2000/ 080. (2 14 )892 -4464. Sherman. TX. (326-271 Mu st sell . piston kit . Muzzy head. M egacycle cams, Keih in carb s, Fox shock. wi dened wh eel, fr esh motor + much more . $34 oo/ 0 BO. (703 ) 361 -9046. VA 1 326-2 7 ) 1990 KX250 Never Ridden Inventory Reduction Sale ! Second bike . showroom con dit ion . Must sell . $3400. (60 7) 862 -978 1. NY. (326·2 7) We 're out of room . Boss said " M ove 'eml " '90 Ducat i 906; '88 750 Paso. $589 9; '87 Alezz urre SS. $34 99 ; ' 87 ~ Elefa nt Ltd Edition. $3750 . Can shi p or deliver! AJ . FOYT CYCLES. (71 3) 4454227. TX. (126·27) New '89 ATK 604ES $4999 TJ 'S CYCLE SA LES & SERVICE. Aust in . TX. (512) (226/TFN) 45 3-6255. Husqvarna 500 & 510 XC Immaculate condi tion, '8 5 2-st roke, '87 4 -stroke. Must see. 18181794-6604. CA (126-271 H.D. XR75 0 CAME L PRO DIRT TRACKER. all the best. fast and f resh . Serious inquiries on ly. (218) . (126-2 71 68 5-5234 eves. M N. WAN TED: 198 2 CR125 MAG NETO parts . Business hou rs. (216) 335-7365. Eves (216) 33 5· (126-27) 96 4 1. OH. M.C.C. Ducati Summer Sale All 198 0 & earlier part s 20· 50 % off . Lim ited to stock on hand. GOLDEN M OTORCYCLE CENTER. (326-27) (30 31238- 4747. CO. 1987 YAM A HA VENTURE ROYALE. Venture Line accessories. warra nty . service record . $65 00/ (32 4 -2 7) OBO. Mike. (80 5) 274-4 840. CA. csxn oo, CBR6oo . 1986 GSXR roto rs. (71 7) 238- CA P) KX's KX 's KX's 1990 KX250 Suspension, motor by Pro Circuit. low hours. $3375/0 BO. (818) 34 8·6661 . CA. (32 6· 27) 1982 IT4 6 5 Yamaha Recent fi rst bore. runs great . good condition. $550/0B O. ' 1990 KX500 19" rear wheel. trade (126-2 71 for 18" . (80 516 53 -5092. CA New 1000 Le Mans + SRX600 Bot h 1986 mode ls. never prepped. (4 19 )478 ·5000 befor e 6 PM . OH. (326-271 CBR600 Race Ready Fox shock. Pro front spring , 0&0 header, WP st eering damper, jet kit , fre sh motor, $2200. (813 ) (126-27 ) 624 -5 725 . FL. 19 78 M OTO GUZZI LE MANS B50 . red /black. been in st orage man y years. as is $2300. Runs, (407) 629 -5 317. FL. (32 5-27) 1986 Can-Am 560 1988 Husky 4-Stroke TX New 2·90. ha s on ly 800 miles, some ext ras . Call for detai ls. $2500. Al so hav e 1986 Husky 4 00. exce ll ent condit ion . $1200. Call (9 16) 587 -54 48 . (323-26) CA . ' Larry Rossler's '88 Kaw 250 New '83 6 50 Turbo . ne w '88 FZR1000U, new '87 FZ7ooT . new '8 7 XV535T. new '8 7 SRX250 T. new '87 Venture, new '8 5 Vent ure Royale, new '86 TT35 0 S, new '87 TT22 5T. Hurry limited quantities. CONCORD YA MAHA . (41 5) 79 8-25 80. CA 1224-2 7) 1990 KLR650 Baja wi nner. Too m uch to lis t . $22 50 . (619) 24 0 331 7 wo rk. (6191240 -323 2 hom e. CA. (323 -26) CBR600 Superbike New 1990 DT200R Yamaha Canadia n import, water -cooled 2-st roke. street legal. The u ltimate dua l-purpose bike . Call Mi ke (32 6-2 BI for price . (7 14 1744- 1534. CA 19 8 2 !TA LJET 35 0 TRIALS bik e. excellent conditio n. very low m il es. $1OOO/OBO . (714) 494(326-2 7) 9890. CA 700 Nighthawk '83 Harley-Davidson XR 1000 Branch motor, show chrome, absolutely beautiful. perf ect . $6 900. M ike. (805) 522 ·1849. CA . (326 -29) JUSTIN BUCKLEW RIDES a White Magic cycle Pee W can you. Call M ike White. (505) 28 1· 3244. NM . (323 -26 /P) Harris Formula GSXR11 00 Elefant SE & Indiana Brembo Goldl ines, Wh it e Pow er, Mar zocchi M-1, comp lete machine less wheels and carb s. $4000 w ith engine . $3000 without. (60 2) 966 -2067; 9 6 MST. Al. . (3 26 -2 9) 1986 ATK 560 , brand new gearbo x, bearings. rod kit , good condition, very f ast, mus t sell. $2595/ OBO. Wi ll con side r selli ng t he engine or cha ssis separate. Call John. (714) 733 -1171. CA. (126-27) Legendary 650 Ducat i Desmo Tw in s. New . never t itled. Hundreds belo w dealer cost . (4 12) 794 -4795 aft er 6 pm /wkends. PA. (32 5- 26) Husqvarna & Cagiva 125MX. 250MX. 2 50XC. 250W R. 430XC. 510TX . Most brand new . never ridden . M ust sell im me diately. (412) 794-4795 aft er 6 pm / wkends. PA. (32 5-26) . 1988 Suzuki Katana Spee dway-World Qualifier Video J u ne 1990 -Ride r int ervi ews .: in tense r acin g. unbelie vable crash es. 529 .95. Call RAl. VIDEO PRODUCTIONS. (800) 86 9 -81 35 . CA (224· 2 6) 0rc~~~ !-~m~L~,~~.~O~"?:'~~!:' WANT AD RATES COMMERCIAL/ HELP WA NT ED Prices A re For One Issue Only Per word _.. __ _ Headl in e in bold tvpe , _.. Blind Box Service Charge Photo (no larger t han 5,(7) . _ _ _ Collector.j1974 or older) _ _ Won t A d. Black and Wh ite Photos . No co lor sli des (One photo per ad - Pri nted image size li mited to 1 1 12" high, 2 1 /4 " w ide) PRIVATE PARTY Per W ord .. . .. _.. _ Headline in bold type Photo (no larger lhan 5x7 ) $1.20 $ 1 1 extra $6 .00 $ 17 extra $ _50 $5 extra $1 0 extre WANT AD DEADLINE CREDIT CARD LIM IT MIN IMUM $5 .00 PLUS .50C POSTAGE AND HANDLING . = ~ Expi ra tio n Date 1990 YZ 125 Yamaha Excell ent cond ition, suspensi on & engine mods , $2400/0 BO. (619) 949 -4791 . Hesper ia, CA 1326-2 7) 1990 ATK 604 ES Excell ent condi t ion, adu lt owned, r idden on ly 5 tim es. 54 900 . (60 6) 491 -6898. KY. (326 -27 ) Wtd: Gas Tanks For H-D XR750 Stock f ibe rg lass. r ep a in t ed t an k o kay . Al so compl et e XR750 bikes. ru nning co ndit ion . (216 ) (326-29 1 247 ·6 02 1. OH. ' 8 3 Suz 550/ '84 Suz 450 I --,-~_ _ PHOTOS RETURNED ONLY WITH SELF·ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE Parting Out 86 KTM 250 /CR500 CR500 is 1984 . forks. wh eels. engine. sho cks. frames. A lso part ing CBR600 Honda Hurricane, '8 5 CR5oo. moto r. w heel s. forks . (41 5) 889 ·07 66 . CA (125·2 7) Both bikes good parts bikes. Askin g $350 each. 4 50 can be made ri deable . Mo vi ng. mu st sell fast. Ask for Joe. (7 14 ) 3 69 ·49 68 mornings/wkends . (126·27) CA . FRIDAY 12 NOON for next w eek's issue. No cancellations afte r deadl in e. Ads are accepte d on a f irst com e f irst serve basis . Cycle News reserves th e righ t to edit / abbreviat e copy & bold head lines . Any di screpanci es m ust be report ed with in one w eek of publication to receive any adj ustm en t . Fill in the Vi sa/Master Charge blank or sen d check or mon ey or der to Cycl e News at above addr ess. Signat ure 1986 model. 6.8000 m iles . Telefix , fact ory painted spor t to uring fairing, full Sup ert rapp exhaust. im m aculat a. Mu st see . $21 00/ 0 BO. Call Dr.' Rose n. 12131316-1368. CA (32 6·27) DUCATI SINGLE WANTED . Dead or Alive or part s (126·29) bik e. 17141820-6549. CA Race read y, 8000 m iles. t hree races, street part s, $1 900. Dave, (301 ) 263 ·11 27 leave message. MD . (3 26 -271 24 ·Hr . FAX 1400 mil es. still under wa rranty. New conditi on, neve r ridd en off road . New hou se forces sale . $2960/080 . (2 13) 630-2917. CA. (525 -29) Must sell . pisto n kit , Muz zy head, Megacycle cam s, Keihin carbs, Fox shock. w idened w heel. f resh motor + much more. $34OO/ 0 BO or consi der trade for big stree t bike. (703) 3 61· 904 6. VA (326-27>, 1975 Kawasaki S-3 Triple Cycle New s. P.O . Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 R un my a d in t he f o ll owing s pecial se ct ion : _ _ Help Wanted _ _ BUlin.s. Opportunities (326-27) Comp let e rolling chassis with gold rims , White Power shock . Best offer. (41517 84·0180. CA 1324-2 7) r-------------------------------------------------, WANT AD BLANK . 213/427-7433 79 34 . PA. 1989 RMX 250 Suzuki 400cc st reet / race, 2 50 miles on detai led pro built restorat ion, porte d. cc'd , A kront s, etc . Del ivery possible. $12oo.(505)9B9-71 06 . NM . (325 ·2 7) DU8L1N KAWA SAK I has all sizes. race prepped and ready to go. Dubl in Kawasaki . (415) 82 9·4466 . CA . (22 0/TFN) PARTING 198 9 GSXRl l 00. GSXR750. GSX600. Gr eat condition. all mod s do ne. $28 00/0 80. (325·28) Rand y. (714) 786 -4325. CA. New Non-Current Yams In Stock Tell the world " Once a month is not enough " wi t h the ne w Cycle News baseball cap. Featuri ng the Cycle News logo in wh it e puff -print on red. t his is the hat to be seen in at t he track . Adj ustable/ one size fits all . now available fo r $9 ,95 each, shi ppi ng & hand lin g are free . To order use the Cycle News Products Order Form locat ed below the Advertiser 's Index. GET YOURS TODAY I (5/TFN/ Suzuki Parts Blow-Out HODAKAS. $150/0 BO. (8 18 1 443 ·6056. (326 -27) 2~ Brand new 1990 red 906 Paso & 750 Sport. Last ones availa ble. Call for pr ices & info. (708) 49 5 22 73 . IL. 1 226- 27 ) Top It Off!! ... With A Cycle News Hat ' 1988 CR250 $1600 Vet ow ne d. Pro Circuit porti ng and pipe. ma ny ne w (126-27) part s. (91 6) 894 -5578. CA. 38.8 39.2 39.6 40.0 40.4 41.8 41.2 . Print name. ad dr. s. a nd ad copy cl ear ly , I I I Name I City I Addre ss I I PRINT BOLD HEADLINE HERE (Ls avespeces) I Want Ad m inim u m $ 5 .0 0 • Bold head line s do not count t ow.rd. want ad word co unt . I I I _ _ __ _ _ .:.1.2 -' .4 I 3 I _ _ _ _ _ _-" 8 -"9 10 11 I I I 15 16 17 18 I n 2J 24 25 I I 29 30 31 32 I 36 37 38 39 I I 43 44 45 46 I I 52 53 L Cycle New... not50...spon...... for . . .51 . phone numbers or copy. ~ I . # of iss ue s. Please run my ad in COUNTDOWN ROLL CHA RT HOLDERS. red. wh ite, blue, gre en and yello w . $20 . Deale r inq u iry (2 14 /EOI /P) invit ed. {8 181348· 8 38 1. CA. Harris Suzuki MK II $4595 Bimota Parts & Motorcycle Zip State 1984 Bim ct a SS4 in f abu lou s cond it ion . $ 14,000/ Or Trade. Part s For Sale: Birnot a racin g all oy wh eel s. 40mm for ks & rear swi ngar m . Part s W an ted: S84 ta nk & seat cov er. Int erested in Italian rac!ng bikes. an.y condition. Looki ng for factory ra cIng M ot o M onni . Call (2131379 ·548 7 eves . CA. (325 /29/EOI) Ducati 851 Superbike :5 6 7 12 13 14 I I 26 27 28 I I 33 34 39 I I 40 41 42 I 47 48 49 I I 54 ( 55 I _ Area Code/Phone No. Pho ne " co unt ••• one wor d JI 19 20 21 On e of fifty ori ginal eight valves With full race kit . Bike is brand ne w . Or igi nall y $24 .000. w ill tak e $16.00 0 . Cal l All an Schuster afte r 7 pm or leave (324-27 ) message. (20 3) 651 ·9894. CT. *We Have New Maicos* Call to reser ve your 1990 now l In stoc k two 1990 M aico 32 0 WR ·s. large in ventory of M aico part s (219/TFN ) in stock . (4 08) 44 9 ·7985 . CA '89 & '90 ATK In Stock ATK & Can-A m parts. OEM & Salv age. UPS daily. V isa/ MC . W INNE RS CIRCLE PERFORMANCE. Mankato. MN . 1 8001525 -9 734. (20 9/TFN/EOI ) Wanted: 82-83 KZ1000R Edd ie Lawson Replica (713 ) 97 7-4080 TX. (800) 441 -0182 US. (321 -44 )

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