Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eDIRT TRACK e AMA G N rand ationalChampionship/Camel Pro Series: Round 8 witn essed by all in a tte n da nce, Severe storms barel y skirte d th e All en Co u n ty Fa irgro u nds during the p ro gram . a n d eno ug h rain was de posited 01\ th e o va l to delay th e p rogra m for an hour and 5:) m inu u-s, Most o f th e dela y took p lace between th e la st Expe rt heal and th e first o f th e t wo Expe rt sem i-fina l eve n ts. Durin g th e del a y, th e track was res to red to p e rf ecti on b y Charlie Metzger o f Bud 's Ra ce Service a nd a local g ra de r o pe ra to r, The remainder of th e p ro gram was run on a perfect - ru n wh ere yo u want to - tra ck , SIeve Moreh ead fini sh ed third in th e National , a r a ce that was run in record time in fron t o f a pack ed house, For h is win, Parker 'ea rn ed the winner's sha re o f th e $29,500 purse. $4000, Runner -u p Ca rr received $2650 and M(;reh ead pocket ed $ 1725, Parker 's win ena b led the two-tim e Grand Nati on al Champion to ch ip four points o ff Carr's point standings lead, Carr remains o n top with 137 poinrs. foll ow ed by Parker at 124, Dan In gram 's sixth place finish tonight a nd a 151h pl ace fini sh by Ronni e J ones m ows Ingra m into third in th e standin gs . whil e Jones, in fourth , holds a slim lead o ver t hrce-t i m e Grand National Ch ampion .lay Sp ringstee n, Time Trials Scott Parker ( \) and Chris Carr were this close throughout most of the Lima Half Mile National. Parker won. The Harley-Davidson Wrecking Crew: Chris Carr. Kevin Atherton. Jay Springsteen and Scott Parker. Forty-fiv e Experts a n d 48 Juniors had a shot a t Parker 's track record, 24,99'1 secon ds set in 1981. but th e sixyea r o ld record held despite a strong effort by fast qualifier Mo reh ead, T he vetera n racer from n earby Findla y, Ohio, has severed hi s ties with bike p rovider and tuner Men Lawwill a nd fie ld ed hi s ow n H arl ey-D avidson XR 7,~ O , "Ol' Pain t." for th e even t. 01' Pa int had received engine g ro omin g by Hank Scott prior 10 th e even t. The KK Mo to rc ycle Su p p ly / F&S H-DI Bel lvS to rx/'J ohn Dr a go o-spon sored Moreh ead earned th e po le fo r th e fir st hea l wi th a 2.~ ,601 lap. The po le positions for th e rem ain ing th ree hea ts were ea rned by th e' facto ry Ha rley tea m m ember s wi th' Parker seco nd fastest o n the ni ght at' 2:>.Ii6 I, Carr third a t 25.907 and Kevin At he rton fourt h a t 25.919. T he top fou r' were th e o n ly rid ers under the 26.1 seco nd ma rk. Terry Poo vey, Rusty Rogers, J a y S p r in g st ccn , Rouni e J on es , Dou g Davi s a nd Da n In g ram ro u nded o ut r th e to p 10 qualifier s. Heats Parker wins Lima thriller By Bert Shepard LIMA, Oil, JUl\E 30 fter edg ing team mal e Chris Ca rr in a Ih rill in g m ain eve III a t th e Lima H alf Mile, def ending Ca mel Pro Seri es Ch ampi on Sco tt Parker said , "\ said to m yself, ' Wh en am I A 6 go ing to ge t away?' Ch ris wa s a lwa ys th ere! The tr acti on and th e tr ack wer e a wesome , It was o ne hell o f a race track ," Parker strugg led 10 sp eak in th e win ne r's circle and th en struggl ed more 10 give out with o ne o f hi s pat en u-d victory wh oops, The struggl e was part iall y due to th e trem endous duel he had with Carr, bUI main ly du e to th e fan thai he was fighting a sore throat a nd a co ld he had co n trac ted while doin g public rel ati on s work prior to the rac e, " I g uess the in and o u t o f the air conditioning did it," said Parker. The weather in th e Lima a rea was on e of th e main fact ors th at led to th e main even t being one of th e finest ever ... Mor eh ead chose th e in sid e IXlie for th e first heal and a fter g ridd ing in th at spot he and the rest of the field waited for Todd Martin to have the fuel line o n his Harley fixed. Wh en th e gree n lig h t flash ed , Mo rehead squared of[ , turn o ne and took the lead with Jones, Dou g Davis and George Ro eder flyin g along in clos e formati on behind him . • Al th e sian of lap three. two lhin ~ happen ed: J on es rook over th e lead from Moreh ead and th e sk y opened up and ra in brought o u t th e red flag to sto p Ihe race. 4\ fter a few minutes delay, th e sing lefil l' restart ro ok p la ce with Darren Erichsen makin g th e best of the restart to lead lx-fore- fading to founh, o ne spot fro m a direct transfer 10 the National. Morehead and Jones quickl y moved into the lOP two SIXlIS a nd that 's wh ere th ey finished with Moreh ead th e winner, Doug Davi s fini sh ed third to grab th e last adva no -me ru spot. His rid e was a u-srimonv 10 his det ermination as less th an 2,' I;ours before th e eve n t he snffered a CUI index finger o n hi s t hrot t le ha n d rh at required sev en stitc hes. T he fir st heat sa w Roeder a n d New Eng la ndt' r G oeff Cla rk side line d with Iheir bikes low er ends tied up.

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