Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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RS L S EU T GuikShop Introduci ng "The POWER CURVES Poster Collection" Motocross Moreland's MX Stanton, MI June 16 1Ill2·I; CoryUssle INTRODUCING NEW MElZELER OFFROAD TIRES K in Wolff " SOC Craig Berens 125jR Aaroo Goforth W S])o D Winiam Harris W illiamSponhautr Doug ","_hy Da,idBo-'eun B rianDensling \I'D 40> S FrankH elms Doug Ililderbranl METZELER introduces tw o new li nes of special terra in ti res to accompany our already popular National Championship w inn ing MOTO/MULTI CROSS A ll Purpose t ires . New SOFT CROSS for Soft Terrain and .New ALL CROSS for Intermediate to Hard Terrain • • • • • RonSagt Redesigned . more durable knob pattern Lighter weight More positive rim /bead area More pos it ive knob contact when cornering Ava ilable in 19 " rea r sizing . , SOFT CROSS ALL CROSS Front SC 90 /90 X 21 Rear SC 1 10 / 90 X 18 SC 120/90 X 18 *SC 12 0/ 80 X 19 *S C 13 0 / 80 X 19 *Available August 1990 Featuring beauti ful ~ Irts on fou r hOt bikes. Each Front AC 90/90 X 21 Rear AC 110/90 X 18 AC 120/90 X 18 * AC 120/80 X 19 *A C 130 / 80 X 19 Hurrica ne 600. Ind ividual poster s ore $4.95 each, 2 1 S 0f' 8.QQ. 3 lor 511.80. or 4 fex 514,00; each additiona l odd 52.00; plus $3.00 pe r order tor ' oostcce & handling CAReside nts odd 6.75't soles tax. Dealer inquirieSwelcome. Send creek or money order to: poster IS a fullc Ol r 22 1l2 Choose from Kawasaki o S-, zx· 7. vcrrchc fZR600. Suz GSXR750. '" Hondo uki SOFT CROSS See your Local Dealer. @ M E TZE LER flM=~ ALL CROSS EN TERPRISES P.o . Box15775 . N. Hollywood. CA 91615 sv« or call 1-800-752-8403 ( outsid e CAl or 1-800{)48-1305 in Ca lifornia. 4520 - 107th St . Everett. W A 9 8204 (206) 348-4000 Allow 4~ ""'96ts lot delltlfNy. Road Tours 18 Days Copper Canyon Photgraphic Atcheo'og~ Tours Baja 1000 Race or Ride Pra ,ncludes Hotels. 1111 Mu.... Blltng ual G. , . .. Fuel . a ll Tolls. Enuance Fees. Insura nell • Suppof1 Vetticl ... Reng l. "'V. '~ .. ~ , - " I 'PI flll .. Perlormance • Reliability • Service • DUCA TI • HUSOVARNA • NORTON UniYeBlty Ed ItIOn S9 Oak LAne. Spring Valley Hunt. Ion WV 25 7CW • TRIUM PH/BSA * YAMAHA * LAVERDA * ROTAXICAN AM * KAWASAKI * MOTDGUZZ' * AER MACCHI NEW BILLET REPLACEMENT CAMS HAROFACEO CAMS AND ROCKER ARMS MANUFACTURED NEEDLE BEA RING CAMS (No bonng needed in most models) Compl ete 1988 catak)g + Deca ls-$3 Cam Data Sheeb-F.... 90 Mllchell Blvd . • San Rafael. CA 94903 (415) 472- 3195 FAX (415) 472 -1497 1463 Acadia St reet, Simi Valley. CA 930 63 • -C Kawasaki (805) 583 -2447 PARTS WAREHOUSE PART ~ & A~ C :S SOR IE S ~ ~ --~ ,""'" :.J ; ; t I _ ~ " ~·· S A V E . C>< * ~~.,.. A ut horzied ATK Deal er C SUZUKIKAWASAKrCOUNTRY • Home of RM350 Ble Bore STRIET& RM's/Quad's/CR's C'MKTIT/tJN We Will Not Be Undersold! Call (714) 623-6451 (518)272-5487 HONDA SUZUKI of POMONA 1485 E. Holt. Pomona. CA 91767 Pavement Performance Spec ialists FAX (51')272·5450 AVtl N The Performance Tire TECH INFO: (206) 771·2257 WHEELSPORTS, INC ~ 0 lEI Husqvarna E..t'. Larc..t Husky Parts Inventor)' UPS Whit. Power & 0hIns Service [.tAlLY Open Tues.-Fri. 10am.7pm. Sal . 10am -4pm 7959 E. Main St.. Reynoldsburg. OH 43068 (614) 864-0010 RM Performance Specialist • Porting • Suspension Mods • Carb Mods • Head Mods • Custom Pipes. Performance Parts Fulllintl of Parts & AcceSJlories UPS Daily · Send For Frtltl Catalog Ask Us About Our Quad Mods Suzuki KawasaklCounby Z057 N. Hammer Ave.• Norco. CA 91760 714-734-0640 or 714·359·8546 Derek David Karl Backlund Dennis BooI1jUe G Williams ary Kurt M h cG"" 85 BEG Gary Colle«. ElhanZriny jason B ishop Ml~l JR jason FRCktr Chris IIerry Robert Burk Scott Russell MI.\lSR Sbane Peck RayDenig G Ra.Uns ary · Brittoo B lair Scon Routte SCHBY Thad Mankin Chad Ingalls Mauhew· Hale B",dF. 125 B B Hawks rett jerenvPrimmer M el h ikeW s Grtg Frye Chad Ingalls 125 C Thomas Rulf Mau G lasgow Mike F oust KX parts 105 Kits I n Stock Complete "Code II" Ported Kit $349 .00 A s S. ~n In November 1989 Sup., Motocross -=---c 12,4e i1Xt) Home of NMA & AMA N at iona l Ch amp ions Thad ~Ian k in Grtg C utright 2jQB Donald Edward s ~like W elsh R Snavely ob jeff W eber 2jQ C RodneyFrecker B radPutnam jeffreyK ellis JohnR eed K ellis irkK OPE ~ B Brian P otts Dublin Kawasaki 415 /829-4466 6044 .D o u g h ert y Rd• • Dublin. C. . 125 EX john Dowd Pal Barton Nikt Treadwell EdMorst Bill Drielak 200> E X john Dowd Pal BanonSu, M Treadwell ik. Ed M orse jimBoschen 25 1 A.\1 Doug Conrad KeithGoy.ue jimThoma 94568 B Hampp rian jerry Cald.·ell Scott Price DougCourcll Kaw Suz Kaw H on H on Kaw K aw H on K aw Ka. · Yam Hon Suz Hon Suz Y am Kao· Knl Y am 250 AM Richard ikllers ~UCRO Send cheek or money order to: KaYo' Iml Hm NESC Srou Chase Scott Mackenzie TomDowd B PamelaThompson y to learn signs and p hrases S3.95 + 1.75 p&h so- ea. add 'i book Hon Kaw Lewiston, ME June 17 Ron jackson Mark Boheoko Motocross American Mtrsprts Vinton Co. Frgrds McArthur,OH June 17 Easy • SUZUKI 125 B Mau W lrigllt het Richard jamgask i P ete8 42 nJ) t SUZ Y am Han Suz Suz Darren O'BoyIe Tim Dalman Dougjon s,," G~(ATMOroRCY CLEADVENT"Rfl "'I " ..., Suz Han Suz Suz Han 250 .~ Non ·Alder s Welcome' . Group Rei.. . Fly .. nettide ",.,lable "A.. Suz K cllyWunger Bm M fiu idon of Srou Tundis CYCLE NEWS . Yu catan Road To urs H o r setai l Falls Suz Doo 1I'6mer THEF'RsT THE BEST Tra il Rides 7 Days DonG"" Dea.. Gtrh" 250 B Rvan W eath" bv jason Bigelow . Ron Sellers Doug Carlton jerem hing yC 251J.()PEN C M O ik. lsen A lanBurneister Derick Zwiep M odges iktH Todd Smith Suz Yam 25PWS Scott W atkins M Trea,y iek Brad W ood B Reiss ill Tim Mw VET Mikt T....r., y Tim M orrow Bill Rtiss ROOney FRCktr • Boy VET Ed Kania [imSimone FrankLajeunesse jim ~Iossman Rom Xa\-arro Sr . VETL\,. M Walsh ik. j.B. H opkins johnBecker Chris K nuth ~Iark W olverton 1 NOV 25 TomV ioleue C hrisD ube Brett ~lel ville A lan51. Pier. -A M rk errow 2jQNOV jeff Hiore JohnB yni Andyllespasquale • james C ormier Sron Labnon PES O NOV K erguson eithF Paul A twood Ron Penn~ M ~'1XUIl< ik. Scott Labnon Suz Y am H iJl Kao· Yam Suz uz Kaw Y am Kaw uz Hon Kaw Kaw H on Suz K aw Kaw Yam Sue Sur Suz Kaw Yam Hon Kaw Kaw Kaw Kaw Suz Y am Kaw KTM KnI Han Kaw KaW Yam Yam H oo Suz KaYo' Y am Ka.. .· K TM Kao· Hon Kaw Suz H on H on H on Kaw K nl H on K HI H OD H on Hon Yam H on Kaw Suz Ka. · H on SUZ Kaw

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