Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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WilleD/YAMAHA/YOKOHAMA NaUonal Cross Country Series WERA Regional C'ship Series Northeast / MidAtlantic Region 711·8 8118·19 8/24 ·26 911·2 9129·30 10/ 13·14 Roclcin;ham. NC Summil Pe WV im, lonV Pond. PA Garr.nmll•• OH Garronm lle. OH Summil Poi .. WV . Southea st Region 7/7-8 7128·29 8/18 -19 8124·26 9/ 15·16 9/ 29·30 Rockingham. NC FauIIMII•• GA Tallad.v.. Al long Pond. PA F.uIIMII • G • A Talladeg.. Al North Central Region 8124·26 911-2 9/2 2·23 long Pond. PA GarrllnsviUe. OH Granan, M1 Mid·Central Region 7121·22 7/ 29 8/ 18· 19 8124-26 9/23 Tallad.g .. Al E St loui•. Il . Al long Pond. PA E SI. lnuis, Il . South Central Region 7121·22 8118·19 8/2 4·26 9115·16 10120·21 Into 803/ 681·WERA Henderson, TX Hall. n. OK long Pond. PA Shreveport. LA Henderson TX , NETRA C'ship Enduro Series 8/1 2 9/ 9 9123 9/30 10/ 14 10128 11/ 4 11118 weare. NH lee. MA Ad a m~ MA W. Gr"n-McIl. RI N.w Boston. MA O xford. MA Staffool CT .". CT NETRA C'ship Hare Scrambles Series Un ion.CT 7/ 8 Windsor. MA 7/ 15 N. Conway. NH 7122 Fis housll. NY 7/ 29 Thomaston. CT 8/5 Cheshire. MA 8/26 N. Petersburg. NY 9/16 FisholBt. NY 1011 SOU1hcentral. MA 10/ 21 tham. MA Wren 11111 Info 203/875 ·5757 NETRA Turkey Run Series 7/8 7129 Adam•• MA 8if'tonsville. VT 8/5 Windsor. MA 9/9 9/16 9/2 3 1011 Swlftwal.r. NH N.w Boston. MA AII.nstown. NH N Conway. NH . 1D121 Wrentham. MA 11/2 5 Plympton. MA ECEA C'ship . Enduro Series 7115 7/ 29 8/ 5 8112 B lain. PA Cr ..torks. PA o Middlebury Center. PA Sp"dsville, N Y 8/2 1 Maurice town NJ . 9/9 Brandonvill•• PA 9/16 Shipp. nsburg. PA 9/30 WestGre.n-Mch. R1 1011 Greenbard. NJ 10128 Be DE ... 11/ 11 Wallin Gruvil. NJ Into 609/B93·7294 NESC C'ship Motocross Series 7/ B Southwicl;, MA 7/ 29 l.ewi>to.. ME 8/5 Southwid. MA 8119 Contral VillaV'. CT 8/2 6 Southwicl;, MA 912·3 lewIston, ME Sou1bWicl;, MA 9/ 9 9/ 16 Middl.bDlll. M A Contral V illag•. CT 9/23 9/30 Southwicl;, MA 1011 M,ddl.b oro. MA 10121 Southwicl;, MA 10128 Middl.b oro. MA 11/ 4 Middl.bobo. MA 11/ 11 M,ddl.boro. MA Int 413/ 772·0685 o CRA Team Hare Scrambles Series 8/5 Canal Fullon. OH 8/ 12 Tippecanoe. OH 9/ 16 S. I.m. OH 9123 M alv.m. OH 10/1 4 M,lpon.O H 11111 Amh .rst OH Into 218/5 38·2220 IDBA Nat'l C'ship Drag Race Series 7113·15 Columbu~ OH 8110-12 R"ding. PA Norwa l~ OH 9/14- 16 10/ 12·14 Commerao. GA Info 205/8 49·7886 AMRA All Harley Drag Race Series 7/1 4-15 Fairmont Il ' 8/4-10 Sturvi ~ SO' 912 Scribn". NE 9/8 -9 Oxfont ME' Kokomo. IN' 9115·16 Cordov.. Il 9/30 10/ 6·7 C1artsville. TN' • Indicates National In 7081250·0838 fo oragbike! USA Nat'l C'ship Drag Race Series 7121-22 Spokane. WA Rising Sun, M O 8/4·5 9/ 8·9 B ako" li. ld. CA 9129·30 Houston.TX 10/6·7 Br d.nton. FL a 10/2 0·21 los Ang . I. ~ CA '11/ 3-4 Pho.nix. AZ 11/ 16·18 Gain.svill•• FL Into 3151135·1661 IHRA Drag Race Series 7121 -22 8/4·5 . 8/ 19·19 9/ 8-9 Info 6091768-2167 Bristol TN SI. luuis. MO Bcchester. NY Ateo. NJ Virginia C'ship Hare Scrambles Series 9/9 ~ds Ct,,~ MO 9/16 Midd l . broo~ VA 9/30 Smith Mtn. lak•• VA 10114 N .wpon N.~ V A 10121 Fon Picka~ VA 11/4 Martinsvill.. V A Info 8041255·4620 or 851·0322 SERA Enduro Series 7/29 8112 8/ 26 9/ 9 Goodman, MS Br " H,n. LA " Cumb.rland Mtn.. Al Gatem l1e, MS 9123 Jemison. At 1011 Forest Hill LA 11/4 M m ll•. Al apl. In 5041748·8693 fo SERA Hare Scrambles Series 7/ 15 Merida n, MS 9116 TBA 10/ 21 Ic pelc. MS 11/11 8'rmingl't m. Al a Into 5041748-8693 AHRMA Nat'! C'ship Vintage MX Series 7/22 Buchanan. MI 9114 Steamboat Springs CO . 10/13 N.w Berlin. NY Inlo 603/ 673-0993 (East.rn oventsl 213/ 490·0012 ( rn E vants) AHRMA Regional Championship Vintage MX Series B/1 2 Southwi c ~ MA 9/ 30 Faml.y. NV 10121 Palmdal•. CA 11/11 Tulare. CA Into 603/673· 0993 (Eastern events) 213/490 ·0012 (W. st. m .v.ntsl AHRMA Nat'l C'ship Vintage Road Race Series 8/5 l"mgton OH 9/ 9 Top.ka K . S 9115 S" mba.. Spnng~ CO Info 3041291·2253 AHRMA Regional C'ship Vintage Road Race Series 7/ 8 7129 8/ 5 loud... NH SlV'MItt. G A Se.1'1 Point. CA Tallad.g.. Al 8/ 19 11/1 Into 304/ 291·2253 Bras elton, GA AHRMA Nat'l C'ship Vintage Trials Series 9/ 13 S"ambo.. S prinv~ CO Into 609/42 6·4387 IEes",n . v.nt.) es"m . v.ntsl 805/83 1·5229 (W MRA Road Race Series 7/2 2 M ain View, to ount 8/ 4·5 Second Cr,, ~ C O 8/1 9 Pu.blo. C O Steambaat Springs. CO 9/ 15·16 9123 Second Ct.a ~ C O Into 30311B9·2429 oCCRA Cross Country Series 9/9 Tulsa. OK 9/23 lawton, OK 11/4 lek. Murray. OK Tuls.. OK 11111 11118 Orap" lake. OK Info 405/ 632·3370 STATE LINE GNCC SHELBY, NC RMEC Enduro Series 7/ 8 7122 7/29 Wald.n. CO Gunnison, CO 0.1Non•• CO 8/S Steamboat Springs. CO 9/3 1 Cloudcroft. NM Info 3071742..,36 Black Jack Enduro Circuit 7/ 29 Goodman. M S 9116 linla RocI;, AR 9/30 SMwat" . OK 10114 TuI. .. OK 10/2 8 O ldahoma Cily. OK Inlo 405/3 40·7478 Entries and InIormalion RACER PROOLJCnONS Rt 7Ilol<59 ~WV26505 PHONE Missouri Hare Scrambles C'ship Series (304) 594·1151 St"lvill •• MO 8/5 S.dalia. MO 8/1 9 tanton. MO 9/ 9 Flat R iver. MO 9/3 0 Petcsi. M O 10121 Belleville. Il 10128 Inlo 314/291·7091 N. Indiana Hare Scrambles Series Ligo nier. IN 7/29 10128 1212 In 219/831·2345 fo Plymouth. IN Plymouth. IN CRA Road Race Series 7/ 7-8 8/ 11· 12 9115·16 9/29 ·30 Inlo6121331·6810 Brainerd. MN Brainerd, MN Brainerd. MN Brainerd. MN ATA Observed Trials C'ship Series 9/ 1B 1017 10128 Cactus Fla CA ts, Corral Canyo.. CA Stoddanl Vall.y. CA 11/ 11 unl. Rod< Canyon. CA 12130·31 UCAN C1assrc Oatman.AZ Info 2131259·6631 USBA Road Race Series 7115 Sah lake City. UT 7129 Salilek. City. UT 8/ 12 Salilak. City.UT 9/9 Salilak. City UT . 10/ 6·7 Sah laka City UT . Into 801/979·9091 ARRA Road Race Series 7114-1 5 WillowSprings. CA 8118·19 Willow Springs. CA 9/ 15·16 Willow Spring•. CA 10120·21 Willow Sprinvs. CA 11/1 7·1B Wiliow Sprinvs. CA 12115·16 Willow Springs. CA Into 805/ 966·5700 AN~~ALCALCUTTA HALF [;] ~~ . STURGIS FAIRGROUNDS MILE .JUL Y 8th • STURGIS, SOUl:H D $2000.00 PURSE CLASSES: 750 - 600 - 500 - 250 - 125 SPECIAL CLASS: 650 Vertical Twin CALCUTTA RIDER AUCTION: 12:00 NOON Gates Open 9:00am DWAYNE BURGE Practice 10:30am INFO: (605) 347-4243 Races Stan 1:30pm (605) 347-5278 r4 :' SOUTHWIC K 125-25 0 M OTOCR OSS NATI ONAL Th e Nation 's Top Motocross Ch am P i On S! . " Sunday, J u ly 22nd .. AL New E ngland' s Number One R a ce Tra ck aPJ£ Southwick, t ts 338 M a ssa chuse ~~;.~ , E~]] ", ~ . RESTRICTIONS : No fires. loud music. fireworks . drugs. or a lcohol ic beve rag e s . If you Genera l Admissio n $15.00 per person inte nd to pa rty or create a disturbance. ple ase $20.00 per person includes: Admi ssion p lus Sat & Sun Overn ight Parking stay at home as we a re tryi ng to cond uct a fam ily sporting eve nt . An y problems and you For more inform ati on call: w ill be asked to lea ve . NO REFUNDS . (413) 569·6635 or 569·6801 AFM Road Race Series 8/4-5 9/3 Into 415/482·3526 . Sonoma. CA Sonoma. CA OMRRA Road Race Series 8/ 5 9/23 10/7 Into 5031221·1487 100% PRO PAYBACK Rilcinlilt LACR ErM)' FrldllY Nlpt MJC Ponland. OR Ponland. O R. Ponland. OR SCORE Int'I Off-Road Series 11/ 8·11 Baja 1000 Ensenad.. 8e. MEX Into 818/889 -9216. Sun, Ju ly 8 MX LA County Raceway Sun. July 15 MX Glen Hele n Sun. July 22 MX Edwar ds A.F.B. S un. July 29 GP LA Co unty Race way Meadow Muffin "Ned V"mU~e RlICe" Sun. June 24 LA County Rac eway •• Open Pnctke" 9am-2p m Eve ry Sat. - LA Cou nty Race way - - - CRC Info 805-272-8889--'" " Jo in and un ders ta n d the l igh t to pro te ct yo ur motorcycling rights : Road and ott-noea MXNW Pacific Coast C'ship 718 WashouVal. WA Inlo 503/ 543·6028 NMA Enduro Series 7/ 22 C ntrali.. WA . 8/18 Bellin vham.WA 9/ 23 M WA t 10/ 28 Bellingham. WA Info 206/ 943·1559 NMA Off-Road Series 8/ 19 B ellinghem. WA 9/ 8 Goldbar WA . 9/ 30 Shah... WA Sheften WA , 11/ 11 8. lIingham. WA I I/t8 Into 206/ 943·1559 WMRRA Road Race Series 8/ 19 10/7 Inlo 206/3 63·3597 Kenl WA Kent WA .. Experience American Motorcyclist Magaz in e every mo nth: Tour ing. Ra c ing. Tec hnical 12 EVENTS · ALL PRO RACING" S ign Up 3:00 p.m. Practice 5:00 p.m . Race Ti me 8 :00 p.m . Ad ult Admi.eion - S12.00 . Chi ldren Un der 12 • Free w ith an Adult For more in forma tio n 804-266 -0076 J oe Kelly Mot orsport s • All ucensea AMA Prof essio nal R,ders ContineatJIlotosport Club Fri July6 Ascot Pert.Rnd. 6 . Sun. July8 GI. n Holen Rnd. 7 Sun. July15 8arona OekJRnd. 8 cewayRnd. 9 Sun. July22 Carlsbad Re Final Round CA (714)261-6116 .. Plus: Insuran ce. Discounts. Trip Routing. Free Rule Books and Law Cha rt s Ca ll toda y to jo in or request informat ion kit.

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