Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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LOCAL EVENTS Ge lling all th e tra ction he needed , McBride too k a comfortab le lead a fter o nly o ne ci rcuit and held it to completion. u no)' Mcbride took second. with Lewis th ird a nd Bur ge fo urth after cras h ing exiting turn fou r o n la p o ne. T uff McBride has ta ken victories in three of fo ur Sa- h mai n events this year , H is lone •nc loss ca me a t the hands of h is brother Lenny. The division two Scra tch ma in victory was no tch ed bv Kvle Dixon. Taking the lead from rhe sta rt .' O:xon 's Olmsted ConstructionSpoIlMlTN.1 j a wa was nearly over taken by Tim Mathewson 0 11 lap three . but Dixo n mainra in ed hi s co m po su re and hung on for his fim "hedered f1a!; OIl Champion Spttdway. Results 1I0CP: I. R u ", r" .uwll (j .I" "); 2. Juh n t .Mfl·i~ IWn ): 3. Tum RUl KC l(;d n ): 1. TII H ~h Rrick U oIw l: .lJ. R. mdy SIOIurr ' . (j; I..... )... S(:R,\T£:H 0 ·1 : I. T uff Me Brid, ' (jaw ): 2. 1"'11 M. Brid\<· ( C ;d n ); ~. johu I ,",,·i.. (Wn ); I. T um 8urKt" (Gd n ). 'c:R,nCH 0 -2: I. 1\.)lr' Oi'lll1 (ja",); ~ T im M;llh f'''''If)R ' 1];1" '1;:'1. K,·lIi Mf ~t.hA, OH, j l'XE3 Suzu ki-mou rned Steve Johnson stormed to double-mom wins in the combined I2.S/25(kc Expert class during the fifth round of th e CRAI Wiseco Piston/Gear Racewc:- r/ AXO a sponso red Sp ring M O IOCTO Sl\ Series held a t Ohio II1tt."rnat io nal Racewa\'_Over 300 riders wrrt> on han d to participat~ in this. lhe final rou nd of Ihe series . Jo h nson . sponsored by \Viseco Piston s and Bru nswick SULU ki , Wheeler, Mike Be,!,:!,:ia a nd Ch uck Emery chased johnson ,hrough lap Ih n"t' whe n R ()~-gia rou ted his SUluki ah ead of Wheel... Bogg ia dropped h is rid e a lap la, er, pickin!,: himself up mid-pack. j ohnson n)Otin ucd to po und hi s ride a ro und th t' track wi th whee ler keep in g hi s Honda in seco nd. Serit."s points It."ad t."r Chris G rdsso mo tored hi s KTM into lhird o n ly to dro p back to sixlh o ne turn bdor e th e dle('kered f1 a~ . Johnson look the mot o win. II second s ahea d or Wheeler. Jason Balas, Kei,h Perr y and Barn ey Barn en roundt,d out th e lOp five. Johnson blasted hi s way throu gh turn ont' 10 beg in mo to two, Bo g: l a, Gary Bru ce and g \Vlu'rl t'r rt."mained o n j ohn ~I1 ' s r("""d r wh l"t"l thro ug h lap o ne as Johnson and Bogg ia beg- n d p u ll ing away, bui fdin g up a 16-second lead by mid-mo w . Pt"rry a nd Barn ('l1 dispoM"d of Bru('e as tht." two riders moved in on \Vhed er in a threeawa y banle for thi rd. j ohnson scoroo lh e perfect start~lO~ fi n ish victory. tak ing th e chec kered flag ei~ht secon ds a hea d or Be,g!,:ia. \\'h ('t"ler was a distant third ahead or Barn en. wh o had pa sst"d Pt"rry two la p!!> ~.n l i er , Din Works-backed , KTM· mo unted Neal Davis too k the o vera ll win in the Pl u s 2,'; class , scori ng 2~ 1 mOlo finishes. Thirty-one riders li ned the !i:3le wi,h H onda -mo un ted Art j ackson holeshollin !,: mo ta o ne a head of Rick Boep ple and Davis. j ackson held Ihe lead throu!,:h Iwo-a nd-a-ha lf laps when Boep pl e took over ,he n um b<:r on e spol. As Jackson fad ed to mid -pack, Steve Wil m in !,:to n and Dave Blauman moved in to chall.n!,:e Boepple and Davis for th e lead. Boepple look ,he wi n, four seco nds ahead o r Davts, wi ,h Wilm in!,:lon , Blaumand and Gl enn Zim merma n ro un d in g OU I Ihe lOp rive. In the second outi ng. S"uzuki-mounled Boepple took th e lead o rf the li ne wilh Davis and j ack son chas ing , Boeppl e went dow n. p icki ng hi mse lf up in eiKhlh p lan' a nd ha nd ing th e lead to Davis. Zim merm an and Frank Gall o passed J ackson wil h Zimmt"rman movinK in o n Davi s. Davis and Zimm erm an enR'"o.lged in a hea ted. lir e-w-tir e baili e as Boepple worked hi s wa y to the front of th e pa,'k, Wilh th e whi,e flag o u', Davis pulled away as Gallo roUit'd a ro und Zim merman for 5e(·ond. Boepple took co n tro l of fou rth a head of T on y Boyas wilh \\film ingl on o n the ir r("ar wh ,..Is ,h rough ,h e checkered lIa!': . Davis wenl on to score 1-2 mow fin ishes in ,h e O pen B class ror seco nd overa ll b,'hind Andrrws H on da-m o unted rider Sha ne Sm ith. Sm ilh s('ored 2-1 finis hes 10 take the ovt"rall vic-wry. Smith took lhe lead off tht, Iinl' 10 bt"Kin mOlDo ne with Davis blaslin g pas t in w Ihe lead withi n lhe £ir!!> t half-lap. Da ve Bla uma n held second ahead of Smith , Be,b Ha rri ng ton and Dave Sul ecki . Davis went ! ;.0: l. R l Oi n .... ixutl I"';l m ,: 2. Lin) RII~ l ....n n}; 3. "'In :1 d Rmll (Ya m); I. J uhn RUIU\hi n {l';lI nr. 5. J ,Nnn H ;IJ,,0l (' Ill'. IR :\11:\ 1: L Konl Slutl ( KoI" ' I: :L JUI) a,lhll~I" ( \'; 11111: , . ·R'·'lII hli:-' ll-l.OI'I: 'I. B., B. 'WI'I.lIl I~IW I; r K,,,,,·inT;I)I.OI •. ( H .. n ). ~R :\11:\:1: I. Ad'lln B.·t1Kk·l ( ~ u.... ; 2. 1-1 .. :"i'luLlI ISIIII; :'I. n"'l1 ~ 1-"1 )1" l ~tll ): I. M.III :\l.nt....11 ( ~ n.' t.: :'. \ ' 11111 b ' 'n ll'" ( ~ III1· ' C U R\' : I. l\hL:c- Koll in (H" "I: :!. j ..) .. 1....1", · 1' "1): :t W'.II"I,I.;' (H u ll l: I. R i.L. M,(~U ltl' IHulI ': ;1.Chll' L. :\ · (Yam ,. 12.'l A: I. R.Jtlll, H.oItI"'l1 , 11" 11) 2. Ii. -il h I" "lf) l\ lIl) : ~ . ; . J .I....n ROI L", (H" III: I. Tn" ... Villi ... t lll..II: :1 I.IIL..'l i, . IlIlI n). 125 8 : I. MiL..· I\olli n CH.. n ): 2. ( :lui.. Mill.·. (H Ull); 3. :\I .. n n .. 1 Amuld l li... ....' ); 'I. Ke·ilh 1".-1 ., 1; :. . ) .. hll J"'. «:;'.. H .u in !l:IlJl. (H.lII l. 125 .(; 1).1: I . RieL. Rnn"'l (H n ll l: 2. Mi L..· Rud .....·... l l l " . ': " :t I t!' it! JUIIC'" ( K;I"'}; 1. I ..,· 1);11I .:llI't l) (lI " n l: ;•. Run HII L. J " ,").1) C 0 -2: I. ." e'\ l' (;"I,,·r,," 1UI" ,, ): 2. MiL.,· 12. .1 T .m.I, "', i"') 11-1"11' : I. J ..IIII . \ " '11.. 1 L. ... M IIII ~" (. 11/1: ' I' III); .1. jdr 8 11I"'" ° ( H UII I, :t 2.'",0 ,\: I. S I,·w J Uhll\ol1ll (SUI}: 2, (; u'J.: Wlwd .', C HIII: H MiL.,' B.'~.a.:i;I { S II/) : I. C lui.. G l a "\ol, ( KT~II: S . Ch ili h . ,1lI·r)· c ( tl m l) . 2.'",0 R: I. Rill K.·Ic·un (Ho u ): 2. Mallll.1I '\rnuld ( K;,w) :.1 . T "Il ) B.' ) ;I\ (Hun }: I. 'II'\(' ( ;illallcl ( H u n): .'"1 ,\ 111-11 ~ " II . (V;un) , · 2.)0 c: 0 · 1: I. Mi.hOld Ilcunl ( U u n ); 2."1') M) C ( "1.;1"' 1: 1 'llo .1.MiL:c' \ 'an C:i\ol' (KOIw l: I. ROIl Millllll )' r1' (Sill) : !i. C IIII lttltl Wi ll (H ulI ). z.r.oC n -2: I. Eli , K.I,·ill l KoI", ): :L TII '1I1 R.nlt llnUi ( f1u u): .1. Juh n h ·ul.. (\ 111): I. Ph il ,\ Utlll '''''' l Hun ): ;,. JI..' ) M )"'"I' IK.lw}. P I.l'.' 2.'",: I. SC J); l\·i.. (KT M}: 2. Ri'h Kllc'PIJIc' ( \ 111): 'i,1 3. }o"r;mL. (; a ll" (Sill': 'I. (;1"1)1\ Zimm c'Im.1II (Hun) ; ;1. SIl"'c' W ilmi n J;u tn (K;.lw ). O P"'_:\: R: 1. S)"'UIe' Smi lh C Il); ~, S ";II ()'I\,i .. IKT M); .1. St B.lh H ,minK,nll (Hun ): l. n a n "illl" L:i IHulI ); 5. (l;t\1. BI.ilIan.1ll IH.MI}. SR I: I. T flll)' Rr l)'il~ IH llll): 2. h .mk (; ;lllc I 1'11I 1: ~ . 'J'flln Tim. he, L. IY;II11 ): I. Rill r illinu (V;lm ): 3. hi Kifll e, ' (lI u lIl. SR 2: I. 1);11I :\IUI);)'. j l!:o>E17 Ru ss C•o rne ll, 3 Division Two rider starti ng . fro m th e zero-ya rd li ne, na iled down seco nd and Ihird-p lace finis hes in the Han di cap heat and semi . resp ec t ivel y• . a t C ha mpio n Speed way . Rid in g his T irel an d USA/ Fra nks Body Shop/ K.R. Cycle Sa lva!i:<-sponsored j aw a , Co rne ll , a ,h ird -year rider, held o rf th. cha rges of bac k-yardage rid ers Tom Bur!': , brothers e Tull and Len ny McBride, and J ohn Le wis for ,hree co m plele laps berore being passed by Bur!;e a nd Tuff McBrid e enler ing th e fourth n rcuit. In the meantime. Lenn y McBride had wor ked hi s way past Randy Sta urf. T he n, while a lle m pt in~ to move past Lewi ~. the two tan gl ed. with McBride go ing down co m ing o rf ,h e seco nd turn. T h is prump'ed referl'" Don Hawkin s to halt th e eveill with o nly fo ur laps fin ish ed , ca lli ng it a completed race. Reverting 10 lhe ord er of fin ish on lap three gave Corne ll . h is fir st"ev er victory in a Han dica p main. T he d ivision o ne Scra tch main was a~ in a repea, performa nce by Cycle Pro / East Side Taver n-sponso red T u H McBri de . as h e grabbt"d the lead from the po le pos itio n just a bike length ahead of his :\fario Pi uasponsored brol her Len n)'. u:wis and Bur ge. PORTL\ :o>n. OR, jlll"E10 Soon Hickson may have topped the l25cc Int ermedia te cla ss. but pr omot ers Duane Wylder a nd David Eak in were th e real victors in th e second round of th e Pacifi c Coa st Championsh ip Series held at Portland Int ernational Raceway. Working through the ni ght in a steady downpour. th e track was brought up to raci ng co n d itions a fte r the pr evi ous eveni ng 's Rose Festival races . With several tr icky new sectio ns ad ded fo r th e Sunday even t co mbini ng with th e mu dd y condi tio ns. times were slower a nd fall s mor e Irequent, For many of the competitors. survival was the order of the day . The l25cc Int ermediate class proved 10 be o ne of th e most co mpetitive g rou ps of the da y. DK Performa nce rider Ch ris Din een took th e first mota holeshot , but was soo n pa ssed by Evere tt Hon da rider Scali Hi ckson. On th e seco nd lap. th e trac k got the better of Dineen as he fell , and by the rim e-he was rolli ng agai n he found himself in sixth position. T aking u p th e chase in second was Richard Postma. followed by Town Con ler Yamaha rider Mik e Hamness and leam mate T om Marlin. Half· way Ihrough the moto, Mike's Suzu ki rider Lo u Ca u lki ns pas.ved Marlin to tak e o ver rourth. On th e followin~ lap, Dineen also wo rked his way by Marian a nd th e next lap he slipped under Ca u lkins to take over founh. Hi ckson rem ained un ch all en ged in th e lead with Po slma holdin g down the second pos iti o n, followed by Hamness and Dineen, f('spcrtivel y, Dineen rept.'3led hi s first ·moto hol eshot in lhe second round and was o nce again followed cl os ely by Hickson. Mike Hamness wa s pushing th e two front-runners just as he himself was b<:ing pressed by Caulkins for third. Dineen ' held hi s narrow lead through Ihe !irst ,hree laps, but on lap four he nearly fell in a sharp, lelt -hand corne r. The slip was all H ickson needed get by and Hamness f"lI"wed su it. droppin g Dineen 10 third. It seemed to most observers that Hi ckson would probab fy pull away as he had the first mOlO, but Hamness didn 't see it that way. On the fin al lap, Hamness look over the lead and held o n for ,h e chec kered flag . Hickson followed in seco nd, with Din een , Postma, a nd Caulkins rounding OUI th e top five. Hickson, a recen t co llege gra d uate with a d 8nTy ( Kotw); 3, 1 Bill y Wh ilt"!> 12.) 1ST: I. SHitl Hi f-kwlfI (H u n ): 2. Mi k~ Hamnru ( 1 ~. R kh.ard P' J"IlmOj (KoiWI. 125 PR O : I. Gray'lf m Hdn ( Hun) . 2.'10 REG : I. Way nf' Jflhnrolnn (H()('I):2. j rrr Hubn (Kaw) : ~. Cu rt i:

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