Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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and O pen Production cla sses, while Sutton
took a hard-fo ug ht second behin d Yamahamo u nt ed Sh awn Roberti in 600cc Su per bi ke.
Tim Heal e is is proving to be a forc e to
be reckoned wi th in the 4SOccSuperbike class.
Heal e curren tly holds a 54, poIOI lead over
second- place Ala n Sch wen in the class point
sta nd ings. despi te havin g on ly two years o f
roa d racing expe rience. Heale and his Eastside
Mot or sports-sponsored Yama ha FZR400 ra n
awav with bo th the heat race and the final,
turn'ing quick la p times in th e 1:33·range.
Resu lts
F· tl/I .: I. j OC" Pill ma n (Yam ): 2. Kf'ith Pi n u rafl (S UI) :
5. M.u vi n Bn un (Ya m ); 4. Randy Shnnwrll (Oue); 5. Trny
Tim He al e won the 450cc Su pe rb ike class at the Washington Motorcycle Ro ad
Ra cing Associa tion road races at Seattle International Raceway.
(SUI ).
F·2: I. ~I;.lI ", in Brau n IVa m ): 2. BrU«' Woo (Ya m ); 5. Tro y
RurMyk (Va m): 4. T~ Selick (Ya m); 5. J ohn Hral y (Va m).
F·5: I. Doull:: Du Buq uf' (Vam ); 2. Scott Sop" (Han): 5.
Karl Sl:h("fJk ( ~w ): 4. J ohn M oo nt'Y (lta w); !» Grf'J/: Rt'id
l Hnn ).
ith Pink$t;lU
O PEN PR OD: I. J ()(" Pillman (Sw): 2. Kt"
(S UI) ; 5. Mikt' Ml"Broldy (SUI): 4 . Bruer Lind (Sw ); 5. Mark
H ~kin~ (Sw ).
OPEN BOlT: I. Hazald Gla$ (H on r. 2. Jrif Pech tel (Kaw );
5. Da vid Rookaird (Han ): 1. Andy MoolT (Kaw): 5. Tom
D.. vin (H on).
OPEN SCl.: I. Krvin Mt""1ll::hn (Yam ); 2. Bill Birch" (H on):
3. Mikl' Mt"",1ll::h" (lta w); 4. Jon Lacry (Yam) ; 5. Danny K«I
(Han ).
750 S/BK: I. Krith Pinkslaff (SUI) ; 2. Brian S uucn (Yam);
3. Adam Fa u~1l (SUI); 4. Alan Ed.....ard l (SUI ); 5. Ch ril Ca lla n
750 PROD; I. joe Pittm an (SUI); 2. Shaw n RoMr1i (SUJ);
5. Mikf' McBra dy (Suz); 4. Do n Pep pa n (SU!); 5. Adam Fau~1I
on ano th er Kawasaki wh ile a no t-so-lucky
Johnny Cipollina o n his Suzuki came in third.
For a long wh ile Cipollina looked as th ough
he would gel a seco nd place, bUI he faded
lat e in the final .
Closest of the eveni ng's events was the fina l
for 250cc J un ior·ran ked riders. When th e
chec kers came OUI the man in th e front was
J ason Schehab on his Kawasak i, but he was
hard- pressed 10 keep th e lead from Andrew
Mynau o n hi s Yamaha. Ear ly in th e final it
appeared that Cagiva rider Will iam Jordan
was goi ng to co me up from mid-pack and
do battle with the lead ers; he got as high as
second bUI faded back to th ird late in the event,
ford to la ke the win . Crawfo rd led for most
of the race, bUI j ust befo re Perry go t by his
mach in e wobbled a bit fro m a track irregulari ty and tha t was all the o p portu n ity Lang
needed . Crawford did nOI get ano ther opportunity 10 reta ke the lead and settled for seco nd
pla ce.
Resul ts
P/ W 56: I. D-m irl Adk in~ .< Sw ); 2. Bry..n Crin (Ya m);
5. Rri.1n Munm (Sw ); 4. J;,w:ob H uuro n (H o n); !J T )MJ
l} i ~ (Y.. m ).
5. MOlIn Hawk ( Ka w) .
MINI 60: I. Jril Mil ln (K:.w); 2. J a nOO And.rraw-n (Kaw).
MINI SONOV : I. J nry Wuori (K4I w);2. R ick Ro h rn (Vam);
, . Bmll Wo lbrn-hl (Vam ); 4. Brml Kdl" (Sw ).
DTX 80: l. John Mu rphtft' (K2w); 2. Brioin Sg tM-U:;. (K4I",,);
5. C ..ry Mill" ( l:.oIw ); 4. Brt'nt Volbr«hl (Yam ).
2.\0 NOV : I. C rt'g Mill" (V..m l: 2. Jamn Lukn (;
3. M au Wi1I;,nd (lU w): 4. Anthon y h lmt"r (C A); 5. Johnn )
Johmon (Y.. m ).
.I)()() SOl': l. AII.m McOdbn (Ho n): 2. Ji mm y Will i,
(Y..rn ); 5. Mkh..t"1 POtdil b (Yam ); 4. J ..m n LukrT (l:.oI..... ): 5.
Otmk CorriU (Yam ).
500 ) R: I. Pm)' ung (Ya m ): 2. Lany enwlord (Yam);
3. Po nd Mc();.mid (V.. m ): of. Cary Ritchl t"(Y..m ): 5. Lonnit"
LKy (y,.m ).
600NOV : l. Allan McCklbn (Hnn l; 2. SlnTBon!It'Y(Ho n ):
3. ~\'ill if' SIt'W..U (YOlm ); 4. Ma rk SfMop potrd (YOlm ); 5. Jimm)
\\' l lI i~ (Y ..m ).
600 J R: I. Ca ry Riu-h it' (Ya m ); 2. Adirom Enlickna p (Ya m ).
\'ET: I. Krv in Crowl" '(Rtx): 2. Mikt" Gurualn (Yam) ;
3. j d l Raxlt"r (V.. m ).
600 EX: l. BrU«" j u h n!oCm (V.. m ): 2. n.mny Ril h it" (Va m);
3. n..n Arll::ano (Rtx); 4. Lon ni t' Pa ul l"Y (H o n ); !). "'rank if',.i.. (Rlx).
Johnson jams to Paso Robles
Short Track win
Pinkstaff red hot at
Seattle Road Race
By Mike Vancil
By Step he n L ee
P hoto by Andrew Crain
P/W 60: I. In&t Knchilm ( ~ w); 2. T YSoOn ~ ( ~w):
5. Ambony Richarcbon ('Yam ).
MINI80JR: 1. liKk Murton ( La w); 2. Shotwn Rotp p ( ~w);
5. Johnny Ci po llina (SUI); 4. s,;"ul Smoak. (lui .....); 5. Clad
Hod~ (Kaw).
I . Jnnny liplo n ( K.3w) ; 2.Jknny D;"viJ,(Suz ):
5. Shawn Rni rnona ( Ka w ).
12S J R: I. T roy Citrdd (V..m): 2. OJ,ri, Bacalli (Hon):
5. Pa ul Eplry (h w ); 1. P ill Win u is ( 'Ya m) ; 5. jo h n
CunninJ:ru.m (S UI) .
~ .1R: I. j aM>O Shr (Loaw ); 2. Andrnv Myrultl (Y;un);
5. J(W' Groma (Ho n); ". Will um J ortbn (Cag ); 5. Ala Chdk'U
( Y ",m ).
2!JO INT: I. Mar cu , ChOlrin (JU w) : 2.. SCUll MrCoy ( K;,a w):
Bru ce J ohnson ca me back fro m a d isappoi nting (oUrLh pl ace in the hea t race 10 WIn the
1O·l ap fin al for ~(Jcc Experts in ,h e last of
three sho rt lra ck even ts hosted by R &D
Enterprises a t th e Mid-Stat e Fa irgr ounds.
T he gree n Iighl in th e fin al saw local
fa vo ri te Dann y Rit chi e jump o u t to a n
immedia,e lead and he held ,hts position for
a full six laps befor e relinquish in g it to
Joh nso n. Li ke J ohnson. Rilch ie was mou nted
o n on e of the po pular T.T. model Ya ma ha
our-strok es. New ly expen-ra nked rid er Dan
Arga no was hot o n th e rear wh eels of first
J ohnson a nd then Ritch ie, bu t he could not
M"e11l to adva nce any furt her th an third place
o n hi s R 0l3 X. A penahy lin e sta rt for Frankie
Gar cia on his Ra ta x was a deficit that he was
o n ly partially ab le to mak e up - he advanced
as high as fourth but slip ped back to fifth
a t th e cht"CL:ers .
A bit of spec tacu lar action occu rred in th e
6()()cc Jun ior fin al. Four tim es lhr race wa s
halted a he r first-t urn crahes. and o nce it had
to bt' brought ba ck 10 the !HaTl li ne for a false
st a Tl . So keyed -up a nd jiller y wer e th e
cmn pe tiwrs that ano ther even t was brought
o u( to race so as to g ive the rid ers lim e to
ca lm their nen 'es, a nd to ma ke whatever cras h
rep;lirs were deemed necessary. \Vhen the
gr een ligh t fina lly went o n, and the riders
fin all y mad e it throu ~h the first corner il was
Mark Sh eppard 0 11 hIS Yama ha wit h th e lea.
Sheppa rd had b,-en invo lved in three of ,h e
first -lUrn cr.u hl·s a nd was ball ernJ by a ll the
tumbli ng . Hi s mach ine so unded terri ble and
began to att ract the ane m io n of the officia ls,
hi s exhaust syMem was co m ing adrift and
rd ert't' Gary Vinctlet instructed flagm an Bill
Bak er
bl'lCk· £Ia!; him . T h is allow ed Allan
'Cldlan o n h is Honda to in her it th e lead .
He was ab le to ho ld o ff cha llen!;es by Will ie
Stewart and Steve Bon sey 10 becom e th e
win nl·r.
In 500cc J unior acti o n it was a newlyt"nl h u ~t'd Perr y Lang wh o ca me from midpack to lak e th e 10·l ap linal from Larry
Crawford. Everyon e in tht' fin a l was o n the
hi ghl y·r eg-I rd,'d SOOcc Yamaha IT models,
bu t La ng do ve deeper into the co rne rs and
was able to ~et better (' X its to get by Gary
hif", Pa tn ck ~lcDan i e l a nd Larry Craw-
K E ~T, IVA, JUNE 17
Keith Pinkstan a nd Tim Hea le eac h rode to
co nvincing win s as th e \Vash in gto n Mo tor ~
cycle Road Racing Associat ion 's (WMRRA)
seaso n reached its halfw ay poinl a l Sea tt le
In terna tio nal Racewa y.
Under threat ening bu t clearin g skies, Ihe
clu b experi me n ted wit h o ne· wa ve 5ta rts
durin g the heat races bur revert ed to muh i~
wave sta rts for the fin als .
T he 7SOc Superbike a nd Form ul a Two
classes gridded together as the Ihird heat race
of th e day . Brian SUllon , wh o normall y
co ntests lh e F-2 class, made a las t~ m i n ute
decision to swi tch to 750ec Superbike in the
hopes of increasing his ch an ces at ta ki ng
home some cas h in the mon ey class . Increase
his cha nces he d id , as he too k seco nd place
o n his Yama ha FZR600 agai nst the mu ch
lar ger machi ne of Gary Clark, whose Suzuki
GS X R7S0 ac tually displaces 9SOCC. However ,
Clark mak es il kn own tha t he co ntests this
class for fu n and no t JX>int:).
The race saw 27 bikes on th e gr id, a nd
curre n I points leader Kei th Pinkslarr o n th e
Zlock Racing Suzuki GSX R7S0 pulled oUI an
ear ly lead over SUllon in second pl ace and
Bill y La fon on a Belleme Suzuki-spo nso red
GS XR7S0 in ,hird.
A~ the pack wen t th rou gh turn two to begin
th e second lap. Iwo riders wem down and o ne
rod e off th e tra ck after riding through oi l. As
the riders came around under a yellow Oag
for lhe fin al la p of th e th r ee~ l a p race. it was
Pinks!arr wilh a big lead o ver Ga ry Clar k,
Lafon . SUllo n a nd J ames l\·t orris.
T he 7SOcc Su perbi ke final sta rted wi , h
Morri s ' S u zu ki bein !; bla ck- nagged fo r
leakin g o il. Pinkstall pu lled o UI a 12·second
lead over the ball ie fo r second bt,tw('f"n Sullo n
a nd Clar k, SUllo n used th e superior bra ki ng
abi lities of hi s lighter Yamaha to hol d o n 10
seco nd until Clark used th e hor sepower of his
big Suzu ki to dr aft pa st do wn th e lon g front
str ai g ht at lh e end 01 la p fo ur. Bu , wi, h Cla rk
technicall y ill egal in thi s class, Su lto n took
home the seco nd-place points and mo ney.
Adam Fau ssell posted a third·place fin ish o n
h is Suzu ki.
Pin kstaf f went o n 10 finsh second beh ind
Joe P iu man in bo lh the Form ul a Un limi ted
(SUl ).
650 BOTT: J. Haz.ald Gb.$ (Ho n); 2. Jdf Pecluel (;
5. John Da\lid w n (Hon); 4. David Roo ka ird (Hon); !» Tom
Davin (H o n).
6.>0S/ Bl: I. Sh a wn Robf'rti (Yam ); 2. Brian SUlton (Va m);
5. Bru t't' Li nd (Yam); 4. T im Heale (Yam); 5. Sha w n
McOomld (Vam ).
600 PROD: 1. Bru« lJnd (Yam); 2. Erik Sniard (Yam );
5. J ohn Heaie (Yam); 4. Sha wn McDonald (Ya m ); 5. Soon
McAnhur { H o n ).
450 S/Bl: I. T im Heale (Yam) ; 2. David AddinKt 0n (Yam );
5. Rwhard Mauht'W , (Yam); 4. Knin Ml'all::Mr (Yam ); !»
Will iam Birchn (Hon ).
450 PROD: I. T odd Yout (Yam) : 2. Ktll y Hath (Ya m):
5. Skipp"" Nilwn (Ya m); 4. Brad R.e ynollh (Yam) ; 5. Amnk
H ~II (Vam ).
VI l\"T: I. Randy ShnnWf'lI (Vin); 2. Camnon Kaputa
(BMW ).
DlSO : I. Scotl frn icJu. (Hon): 2. Robm Ca mpbco (SUJ);
5. Randy Grein (SUI); 4. Simon Smit h (Kaw); S. Camnon
NO\' : l. J oh n Radech (Kaw ): Z. Sha wn O;",llon (SUI); 3.
T im PrytK (Ho n): 4. J d f Schu ltz (Yam ); 5. Slr'phon 8t"m on
(Ho n ).
Holcomb aces Millville MX
By Rolfe Otterness
Corey Ho lcomb captured th e o vera ll win in
th e hotly·contesled l25cc A class by na iling
down two molO wins a l the Spring Creek Park
mot ocr oss track. In th e first mo lO H olcomb
pulled a good sta rt and led every lap 10 win
o n his Suzuki. J arrod Fortune and J ay Mercill
scra pped over second, with Fortune rf"ga ining
th e upper hand aft er bri e£ly giving way 10
Mercill 's charge. Bill En gstrom, Mark Borgen
and Todd Lenz d isputed fourth pl ace, with
Bor gen o ver Lenz a t th e chec kered.
Fort une jumped o ut front to lead the fir st
lap of th e seco nd mot o wi th Engs trom , Gr eg
Backes and Holco mb in low. Engstro m it'd
th e next lap wil h Holcomb moving in to lhird.
Ho lcomb soo n too k o ver and led th e resl of
th e wa y for lh e win . Engs tro m and Fortune
fin ish ed clos e behind and just ahead of
rap id ly·dosing ScOll Ru eg g.
Earl y in the week lh e track was in u nda led
by a n ash £I00d, but with many hours of labor
by John Martin a nd friends iI was resto red
to useable condi tio n . Mor e ra in h it o n
Sa turda y n ight Ie-lvin g il slick ea rly in Ihe
da y, bu t imp rovin g th ro ug hout th e afternoon. .
Several bi kes were swa llo wed by m ud holes
near the sa nd wash until th ey were eradica led
wi th the bulldozer.
Ch ris H ugh es added 10 his poi nt lead in
th e 250cc A class sta ndi ngs wi th a 1·1 overa ll.
Chad Win ecke cha rged o ut fronl in the first
molO a nd bu ih a good lead o ver a Hughes!
David Ni emi clas h for second. O n th e fourth
lap he dumped it and recovered in Ih ird .
H ug hes pulled a way for a sa fe wi n over Niemi
while Jay H oenk tailed Win ecke at th e £la g
[or fo urth.
In th e seco nd molO, \\' in ecke made ano the r
da sh into lhe lead an d held o n for two la ps,
on ly 10 yield to H ugh es. Win ecke held o n for
s«ond over Niemi a nd Hoe nk this tim e to
ta ke second overall on hi s Hon da.
Resu lts
MINI P I\\': I. Lan « Cun n ing ha m ; 2. Mikl' Jun n: 5_ Ryan
MINI JR : I. Du",in No hle; 2. s tll'lI y K..nn ; ~. l .-tnCT
Cun ninRha m.
MI~1 S R: I. Mike: AlkiQ!oun: 2. j a mn Puvu lny: ~ . Rubhi!"
125 YTH : 1. Mikr Alki ll\un : 2. Tim Pmpi:loi l; ~ . T ro y
25+: I. Don Bo n nithrn: 2. Brad F.ric'hun : ~ . Kr ll Mal!oCm.
VET C: I. Allt'n Schmi ll : 2. Williarn T urK i ;~ . j al·k Koann.
VET A: I. Gar ry Do kkf'l1 2. Bria n C.ur ury .
SR 40"': I. Larry Nub lr ; 2. j t"rry Bn: kf'r; 3. W .. ltrl Knig ht .
12!» CO-I : I. Wi lliam .:h n"trnrn : 2. Aaro n Rau lidd: 5.
Ltnny H ul bto
125 C D·2 : I . j t»h Har r nll::; 2. Dan Pl'drnun ; ~. Ton y Il a:loh.
125 R: 1. T ro y Kah n..; 2. Bub Gm h "C h ;~ . Chu dl, Cht"rllf'r.
125 A: 1. C.ot!")' Hukllmb: 2. j ar w d FUrlum'; .5. Bill
.:n~l rom .
- 2;,0 C n · 1: I. Pt"lr :-rorwtun : 2. Ch ..,l n H;IKhmd : ~. J ,I"nn
2.)0 C n ·2: I. CJari ~ Hrult'; 2. WiII i.. m T UIKi: 3. D
S uri~ - h .
2. 0 B: I. :\Ii r hik-Il.uom a: 2. Chri ~ R" 'IM"I; 3. Chri ~ Hi n d ~ .
250 A: I. Ch rl:lo HUJ,;ht,,: 2. Ch ad Win" kr ; ! . David S irmi.
O P E~ C: I. Bub Hl'j na: 2. Br("fJ1 HM' n': 3. G rf"K ll:: K..tli ~.
O PE..I,; A: 1. J a )' Hurn k; 2. RUM)' Sf"t"nwon.
Schwartz, Reinert blast
Speedway USA
By M. Sober
\'ICfOR\"ILLE.C\ . JUSE 16
Local high desert resident Tony Beinert
survi ved two restarts to cap ture hi s Iir st
H and icap ma in eve nt win o f th e 1990
Speedway Season.
The Han d icap main bega n with a threerid er pil eup in th e first turn. Ch arl es " Dukie"
Ermo lenko , co mi ng h om th e 40· yard lin e, had
to lay down his mo torcycle to avo id run n ing
o ver short-yardage riders Ryan Evans and
Chris Man ch ester . who both fell while trying
to assume an ea rly lead.
On th e restart , the field o nce aga in could
get no farth er than turn two . as Ermolenko
and fellow 40· yard rider Edd ie Castro a nd SOya rders Mike Faria and Alan Christian went
dow n in what referee Danny H u ll termed
" first-turn bunching".
The thi rd attempt got orr to a much
smoother beginning with Ifi-year -old Chris
Manchester, hom near by Hesperia, Californ ia, clutching an ear ly lead. As Manc hes ter
buil t a sma ll bu t steady lead , th e ba ck-yardage
veteran riders sta rted p ushi ng through th e
pack and pic ki ng th e less-experienced riders'
pockets. Ryan Evans, who sta rted nex t to
Manch ester o n the Hl-yard-Iin e, was the first
to· go as Beiner t worked his fron t wheel u nder
the young rider and bu dged him orr th e
groove, thus allowing th e trai n of Ermolen ko ,
Steve Lucero and Faria to all move u p a
position. Mea nw hi le, Cas tro was tryi ng a n
o utside line, bUImel with only limited success ,'
eventually falling in line behind Faria and
finish ing in th e filth spot. Bein en was
a uempting to reel in Manchester whe n all of
a sudden th e form er Junior Speedway rider
went down en teri ng turn o ne. Manchester' s
depanurne from th e ra ce was all that Beinert
needed - he fini shed the two remaining laps
without a Ilaw to cla im th e victo ry. Errnolenko ma intained h is position, finis hing
second, with lhi rd going 10 Lucero and fourth '
to Faria .
National Champion Bobb y " Booga loo"
Sch wartz won his fifth Scralch main of th e
year at th e high-desen oval. Sch wartz sta rted
th e main from th e number - W pos itio n. with
former Nati onal Champion Alan Christian o n
pol e. In three was Ermolenko with runent
points leader Mike Far ia next to th e crash wall
to four, As th e s!artinl: tapes £lew, Chrislian
bea l Ihe field to th e h rst ,urn , only to have
Schwa rtz d rive p.'lst him comi n~ OUt of th e
second tu rn . Schwa ru and Chnstian Sla ved
side-by-side for anot her revo lut ion with Faria
righl on th eir tail, look in g for a way ar ound
the two leaders. Fari a 's attempt to work Ihe
o u tside cost him h is third-place pash o n as
Ermo lenko wo rked th e blu e g roove to movt'
up behind Chrisli an . Schwa rtz's rclenlless'
pr essu re filiall y paid olf on lap ,h ree, as he
moved up a bike leng th 011 Chnslian a nd was
able to pu ll h is Weslak e do wn to ,he pole,
' cu ll ing off any cha nce Christia n bad (or
SC RATCH : I. Bn b by S