Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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NEW VIDEO RELEASES Now Available Through Cycle News Action Theater 1990 FIM WQRLD CHAMPIONSHIP ROAD RACE SERIES VIDEOS.... Just released by Mota Video! Stevie Childress won Saturday's l25cc Pro classat the Charleston Supercross, moved into seocnd . Eic ke l lo st hi s lead as h e crashed . in th e whoops, puuing Hand o u t fro nt. C h i ld ress led M us selma n a ro u n d Watkins a nd when H and lost it in a tu rn , Childress had th e lead . Childres. bobbled in whoops a nd Mu ssel m a n had the lea d b y about two bi ke len g ths. Han d no w held th ird and co u ld n 't ga in ori th e lea ders. Wi th two laps to guo Childr ess was try ing to wo rk arou nd Mu sselman a nd o n th e last la p made hi s mov e. A. C h ild ress tri ed to CUI u nd er the KTM rider in a turn , they h u mped , sen d ing bot h riders down. H a nd was qui ckly past th em , a nd Mu sselm an go t go ing in li me to place second. whi le C hildress sa lvaged third. Wal kins Iinis h ed ahead of Knox 's Ka wasa ki f O T F u rth . o Wherea s Fr ida y n igh t's even ts weft' affected by sto rms, Satu rda y featured go-p lu . degree heal. T he tra ck had dried out by race tim e a nd a p p ro x ima tely 5000 fans settled ill. The 250cc Pro class came to the line, Mu ssel man pulled th e h ol csh o t on his KT~t a nd never loo ked back . Ha nd followed, bur lost gr ound whe n Musselman clea red (he fin ish line triples. Ha nd was a b le 10 move up on Musselma n for th e rest o f th e 17Ice, b u t co u ld never ge l close eno ug h to pass. \Vith Mu sselman a n d H a nd out front, the ran' for th ird was between Kaw asaki riders Kno x a nd Todd Sizemore. Watkins had started midpack . but dropped ha ck a fter cras h ing . Ch ild ress sta rted last, bur he had wo rked h is way u p to third before he cras hed. Kno x [in ishcd third , a nd Chi ld ress was a hle to pass SilCIl)OH.' a t the end of the ran' for fo u rth , Retail Price On These Releases incl udes sh ipping . .............................. \ The . bina'ion ·: Y/i....i..9 C:~tchell Wheels: pM ~ra~i~!& an BilletAlur:u:rake syste 13" cornp e " .fJi!, " GR.\lT.\:">. ~ II . )1':">[ 16-l i A1\-IA Championsh ip C u p Seri es roa d racing a rr ived in G ra tta n. Mich igan, wi th ov er $5500 in prizes a nd Yamah a co n n n gemv mon e y a nd on '!" H O riders a rri ved to sha n' in th e cash bo nanza. Loca l favorit e Fritz Kli ng a lmost IOSl h is rha m'e to be O C: I. Kt'n y J'uffinl HIIKf (H u",) 2. Willi ,lIn ('.u ntil! 'l : tSu/ I; ,. J(,£1 lIudllilll ( Y d lll): ,1. Rl iOl Il Kdl y ( K;lw); f'I. adan ('.antM b ury (Stil I. OP EN 8 : I. Sh:.aullSwi!

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