Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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PEORIA' TT 'AMA CAMEL PRO NATIONAL .""f "'C ""' OlCl Ij)jl(' .C IS ' U~ '.()lt PP : J. Sha n no n Starbard (He n); 2. KCis Hannan (Hon); 3. Sherri n Bleink enbaker. 80 BEG: I. ki ron Knowl es (Hon l; 2. Jeff Farri s (Ha n ): 3. Brent Chemenccff (Ho n). 80 JIl: I. Kd ~ Gorum (Ka w); 2. Micha el Thorson {/(awl; 3. Steve Rid ge (SUI). _ 80 INT: I. Bradl ey Boehm (,,"wi ; 2. Bret t Boehm (,,"w); 3. Olri. Fillun (Ka w) 80 EX: l. Quis Paterson (H o n). 125 BEG 1).1: I. Eric Wa uoch (Ha n); 2. Jam! Schrammech (Yam): 3. Sha nnon Stat bard (Ho n ], 125 BEG 1).2: I. Dan 1101"" (SUI ); 2. ) 0< Arn ou (Ho n); 3. Kevin R~ (Ho n). 125 )R 1).\: I. Mazk Koeh n (SUlr. 2. Ben Ki epke (,,"w); 3. G reg Swoboda (SUI). 125 I="'T: I. j ason ~I«:Ormick [Hon); 2. Rya n Hullman (lion ); 3. Dan MooR' (SuI) . 125 PR O: I. Chaun MeAlli. lM" (S UI ); 2. R ick Simmer (SUI); 3. lowell Thomson {SUllo 4. Mike Bell (SUI ); 5. Jack Gahd ha u"",, (Yam ). 2SO BEG 0.1 : I. Tnrvi s Tbcrm on (Yam); 2. Ron Ray {Kaw): 3. Curtis Ha rdebeck (Ya m). 250 BEG 1).2: I. Gra y B"", (Hon) ; 2. ) efl Sch uu (Kn f); 3. Grorl!" Cla u sen (SUl). 250J R: I. Erni e Tru lson ( 1-10 0 ): 2. Curies Downi ng (Suz); 3. Kraig Armn (Han). • 250 1~'T: I. Kenny Almquist (Suz ): 2. Brt"11 Bierek (llonr. 3. Dou g Orkn l")' (Yam ). ZO P RO: 1. Da vid n ai J(")' (Ya m ); 2. Cha un McAl ister {Suz); 3. Mike Bell (Stu ); 4. Ralp h Dun lap . 500 BEG : I. Ken Ru shton (Ho n); 2. Ch ris j en sen (Ho n): 3. Shain Sto ner ( Ka w ). . 500 JR: I. Erni e Trulson (Yam ); 2. Crtog Wood y. 3. David Scheda (Han). 500 INT : 1. Brett Bierek (Ho n ): 2. Eri c Pou er (Ho n ): 3. Ron w all ace (H o n]. !)()() PR O: I. T\-fikel Larson (H on]: 2. Tro Holl (Uo n): 3. Ro n W... 'l ake (KT M). ' :ET 1.R: 1. Alan Evans (SIU); 2. Mike Bovee (Yam ); 3. JIm Ri ckel (l io n). VET 11'1: I. Steve Hayward; 2. Kell y Sulliva n (Hon): 3. Mark En nis (Ho n ). VET M STR: I . Ron WallaCt (Ho n]. ' VET PRO: I. Dan Malhi" (S ' Il) ; 2. Don Schneider (SUl); 3. Ri ch HOW d (SUl). al UTH J R: I. Mike Rau ten ber g (S UI ); 2. Dun Schneider (Su r ); 3. Bruce Isaacs (S UI ). • UTH 1ST: l. Scott Koch (SU1); 2. Eric Poner (Ho n); c 3. Doug O rkney (Yarn). I OT JIl: I. r-aul Budai (Han ); 2. Dave Xvblcm (lio n). OT 1:\1 : I. &.UII Koch (Sw); 2. Eric Pc ner (Ho u); 3. Dou g Or kney (Yam ). OT MSTR: l. Wa )'ne Sch uler (Hon ]: 2. Mike PnT)' (SUi ); 3. Dave:Mer kli n (SUl). SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, PMC RACE PARK 1 -474 Exit 3A. 2 m il es W . Route 116 605 Cameron Ln. Gates Open 8:00 a.m. Practice 11:00 a .m. Racing 2:00 p.m. TI CKET IN FORM A T ION Peoria M otorcy cle Clu b, 309/697-4981 or A rea M otorcycle Dealers Advance $10.00 At Gate $12.00. .Ch ildren Under 12 Accom panied by Parent Admitted Free BEER AVAILABLE ON GROUNDS KENWORTHY'S MOTOCROSS PARK SUNDAY GAT E - $13.00 & By Bill Spencer CA. )1":\£ 2:? J im Si~t'mc)fe worked both c uds 01 i lu Il i\'i"ioll O ne ma i n eve nts a t Ca l-Evpo StK't'd \\" a y for tht · First dou b le of the - \t·a l . wi n ning the Scratch main in a Iier ce"d uel lor J o hn Ho u sto n Jr. a nd t'a~i l y do m inati ng the eight-lap H a ndi ca p mai n. H ouston a nd S isemore ~t the stage in trw hea ts wi th II pa ir o f wins (or "pe rfect poi nt to ta ls a nd th e tra n sfer s tu a sepa ra te sem i, w hi ch S isemo re wn n eaai lv wh ile Ho u sto n had to co n tend with th e ':G ra y Fo x" , Pa ul Orlandi . Orl andi hel d the Coca -Co la Ch urnp io n at ba y, worki ng th e cus h io n line ex pt,rt ly , fo r the wi n. " Bad Boy" Bob H ic-ks LOok the Rose Raci n g Specia l to be the fou rth in the Scra tch Iea tur e. O rla ndi a p pea red to ha n' the Sla ts w ired . bUI it was Ho u ston a nd Sisemo re (ha t wor ked a ro u nd Io r th e lead spo t wi th aide -b y-vide b lasts o rr eac h co rne r. Sisem ore go t th e nod an d an a pprecia tive rou nd o r chee r from the assem bled lans. Sisemore set sa il in the Hand ica p mai n , passi ng ( 0 fo u rth pl ace by th e first tum a nd wor k i n g- a ro u nd B ill H e r m a m . Brian P er-or e a~d :\lark Squadri ro, a nd th en o n to a runaway W ill lor the Brown 's, Corn er new th ai then ga ve h im a sta nd ing ova tio n. Stacy Ledou wa s th e pe rfect man for rhe Division Two honors. leadi n g a ll la ps in a crash-fest a nd wi n ni ng o ver Shane Loesberg a nd Ior rner Am erica n Federa tio n of Mot o rcycl ist (AF:\l ) n u rnbe-r o ne Frank M a zu r . J ohn Self to p ped the Divi sion Three gu ys over Vern Booth and Bill Co mbest. lI OCr: 1. Jim ; 2. In .. Ochtla; 3. Bria n P,, -r)f(': ~t.lf l. D:J. Y : ~ , Rill H('TRldnl SCR AT CH : I. J ,im ." r ; 2. Juhn !l uU\lon Jr .: 3. P~1U 1 Orl.Uld i : of. Ruti H lfh, D·2; I. . it'if l l.n1uu ; 2. 'h ~lI", l .. _brr ~: 3. "' M:J./ur; " I. D.m Smi th : !t. D.."r l .r wi... 1).. : I. J uh n ~ U ; 2. \' r .n Run. h: : Rill ClImt-l; -I, J t'rt1 3 t Willi ..; ~. Ru,J .".dmund .... ln. I. Cook, Brown, Cope prevail at Greeley Supercross . By Sh eryl Chew Grrl"ll ', CO. )1':\£ 23 S RAC -~ a nCli()fwd E & M Ente rp rises , in conjullnion with Kaw a saki. p ro vided the 1"',leCl p laygr ound lor the 12.; . 250 an d 500n ' Pro MX rider~ 10 sho w lh eir stfi.'1. T he track , I()('alt'd in lh e Island Grove Are na in Grl'd ey, C ..()lo rado, wa s a de~ ign m a ~terp' i t'n:' th at c ha lle n ged 400 r iders a nd lh nll ed 4000 ~ pc:·( t a to r s,. Thi ~ event was lh e third in a six ran ' C' lorado SUJX'rcro~~ St=r ie~. .o Tht" 2·t riur rs in th e 125('(' Pr o mai n e\-'e llt w('re c hos,e n a ft er lwo qu a lif ie rs an d a co nso la t io n ra ce. The r.irSI qual ifier wa~ r PMC RACE PARK Sisemore doubles at Cal-Expo Speedway S.\CRA~IFSTO. 1990 ~~~ON . " . - - f - - - t - - 70 ___ COL_U_MO_ ::" O /fYfJ'f1 102.9 FM Under 12 - $6.00 Under 6 - FREE FREE Parking FREE Camping QUADS PRESENT THE 1990 TROY, OHIO IIBjjrien ~ s CfJO~ Sat, July 28 Call for classes DUN£DP 125 cc •250 cc P:&~'llAs~ SUNDAY., JULY 29, 1 .990 Saturday, July 28· Amate ur & PRO-AM Races· Practice 8:30 • Races 10:30 Sunday, July 29 • PRO-PRACTICE 8:30 • QUALIFIERS 10:30 • RACES 1:00 For Information Call: 5 13/335-4763 1r;.~'1 ~ ~ ~:0H-DA .-:u.::--

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