Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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v ICES 0 INSIDE Appreciation (rom New Mexico FEATURES 6 ROAD RACE Chandler too hot to handle at Road America Team Suzuki Endurance OK inOklahoma ENDURO No match forHough at ountain Qualifier Trask M 20 10 HALF MILE Parkeron topat Lima MOTOCROSS Ceboers takes om in Italy, Liles isout withbroken leg 24 26 PREVIEW Theone andonly - Unadilla U.S. 250cc ~I X GP 1 6 INTERVIEW _ RickJohnson:The road to recoveryisalmost over 18 DEPARTMENTS LOCAL EVENTS WORKBENCH NEW PRODUCTS CALENDAR WANT ADS RESULTS 28 29 .43,49 44 .50,5 1,62,63 T here 's n othinglike it - U nadi lla ! Once aga in , th e u p state N ew Yo rk tra ck wi ll be th e site o f th e U .S. rou n d o f th e World Champion ship 250cc NIX Seri es. See p age 16 for a U nad illa G P p review . Also , che c k o u t p ag e 18 for a n intervi ew w ith Tea m H ond a 's R ick J ohnson ( 16) . who is th e reigni n g " Ki ng of U nadill a ." P h ot o s by Kin n ey J ones. America's weekly motorcycle newspaper Volume XXVII Mich al'! Kl inger. Publish er Carolin e Ocndrv. Ex ecutive Se cretory to th l! Pu blisher Editorial Jad;. ~'I an~u ~. A ssocia te Publishert Editor Kit Pal mer, A .~'i() c ialt" Ed itor Pau l Carruther s, A ssociat e Ed it or Na il" Rauha . Associate Edi tor Bria n C.a llCT\OIl. Associat e Editor Ken Faught . A ssistan t Edi tor Edw ina ~la ng-u s . Calendar Editor Ad vert ising Terry P ra tt , National Accu urzls .\1arlaga Mark 'r ho me.', II'estrrtJ Sales· Ma,w grr R O il Da vid so n. lVesl t"r71 Sa les I\ f au ag er T ho T11a~ R, (;0 111 ("1', lI'estern Soles Manager :\I;nk ;\1ilrhd I. Eastern A cco utJts At anag t'r Grt"g l\fiu -Iwll. Eas tern Sa les .\faPlagt'r C u r tis Ca mpbe ll. Eas tern Sa il'S Afa nagn J oan Ru ssia n , Il'estn n A d Coordinator Ca rla Borden Allen . Eastern Ad Coord inaun G raph ics and Product io n Ree J ohnson, Prod uct ion Supervi sor Ma ndy Lo o , Productio n Managrr Dennis Gr eene, Lab . T ech, S tacey Guest. Graphic A rt ist Am y Harris. Gra p hic Artist Ca ro lyn Branham, Tvpeseu rr C ircu la tio n Rh eba S mit h. Manager Sa ra h T aylor. AssislaPll Alm a Ang u ia no, A .u ista1lt Herla nc Lewi s, Assistant Ca ro l l\l a gg-i o , A ss istant Deal er Sales Eric- Reece, Atan ager ,"'ant Ads Debbie Well er . Markelin g &: Prom oti on ~tark ThoT11t' lVant Ad Sales Service and Sup port Chris Airc heson. H eadquarters R ecept ion ist Leonard Herr in g , Serv ice and S up port Acco u n ling/ DaLa Pr ocessi ng Don na Brya n , AI U Coordin ator Geneva Rep ass. Auist!lnt U ", Gill. Credi t Na tio n al H eadquar ters Eastern Orrico 220 1 ChC''U)' An'.. l..on l( Beach . C.A 9OM06, P.O , 8u x ·198. Loug Rt·;uh. C A 90801 ·0. FA X 00-1 ) 93'1·3 112 Cycle N('w~ ( lI SPS 1-11 -.3·10) is published wee klv except the last two week a-of rh e- ca len da r ar-h. CA 90806. vea r fur 50.00 per year by Cycle News. Inc.. 2201 Cherry Avenue. Long Be Seco nd class po~ta~t' pa id at Long- Beach . CA , a nd additiona l ma ilin g offi ct's. POST MASTE R; Send add,ess cha nges 10 Cycle Xews. P.O . Box 198. Long S.ach, CA 9O~OI-0 498. To d eterm in e the expiration d ate of yo ur sub scrip tio n, check the (ou r n u m bers o n th e first li ne of yo u r add ress la bel. The: first IwO di gits indica te the last issu e n u mber yo u'lI receive and the last tw o cha rac ters indicat e th e yea r of th e last issu e. Subsr-ription rat es; Ra tes for lhe Un ited Sta tes a nd its possessions (or o ne yea r. (50 iS~ll t's ) , :)0.00 ; two years ( 100 issu es), 595.00; six mo nt h s, (2:) issues]. S26.00; tria l sub ( 15 i~ su(~ ) , 19.00 . Ca n ada a nd Fo reign . o ne year (50 iSMl t'~ ) , 590.00; two yea ts ( 100 iSSUl'S), li:).OO; six mo nt hs (25 issues ). 545.00; tria l sub ( 15 issues ), 3M- OO. Cyr Il' N('ws welcomes u nsol ic-ited edi toria l ma teri a l ilu lud ing ~l orit '~ . ca rtoon .., ph c)(c)" ('Ie, Suc h ma u:rial. if pu hli!\lu-d. becomes lhe ·exd ush ,t, pro r~..rt y of C ycle :" ew, . SUdl . 1( ' . (llll<"d ma lt'ri a l is sub ject 10 f(,\,i!'oion as i ~ TH'c('" a ry in th t' ~(J l e di"'I t'lioTl o f eye It' ='I <,· w,. lJ n!\olirilt't1 1l13tcria l w h k h is not used wi ll he retur ned if ae'com panied by a s('lf addrt'sst'd stamped (·n\'e1 opl·. All u nso licit t'd mat rria l wi ll h(' ha lld lt'd wi lh rt'a, o na b lc ca rt', h o wt'\'r r. C ydt." :\'ews assum es no rt'~ponsibililY for lh(' sa fely. lo s!\ o r da ma~t" 10 sud l m al eri al. R t'p ri nl i n ~ in who le o r- part onl y by (>t'rm is!'lio n of lhe pub lis lwr. Adv t'nisin ~ rail" a nd dU'u latioll in(onn;lli on will be ~e nt u pon rt'ttlu·st. See S.R.n .S. W/Bft'A 'if r, Copyrighl8 Cyclt ~tw,.l n c . As a n a vid fan o f din track racing. I wou ld like LO thank a ll th e race rs who part icipa ted in the June 17 Albuquerque Mile. Even with ver y poor track co nd itio ns, th ey kept u s fans in the sta nds o n o u r feet for th e entire day of racing . H o pefull y, they will o nce aga in have a grea t track to race o n next vear as th ev did in 1989. We a l~o ho pe fo~ a spee dy recovery by Steve Eklu n d . who was sho wingthe yo u ngs ters ho w it's done. He even had th e H a rley fans chee ring him on. O n e qu esti on : Wh ere wa s J a y Sp ri ngsteen ? I sa w h is bi kes in th e pits with hi s tru ck a nd cre w a n d he was a lso pre-ent ered , but no J a y. Vau ghn Lewis Farmington, NM 50 ON THE FRONT PAGE: 4 Letters to the editor AUDITED CIRCU LATION 1996. T radtmark Cyclt Stw, rtgiSltrtd U.S. Palm I Olfitt. All righlS rtStrVtd , As repo rted last wee k, S p rings teen 's stomac}t acted u p and he scratched fro m' th e pro gram . . . Editor. ' Tragi c accid ent T ht· Jun e 17 Albuqu erque l\l i le resu lted in the tragic acc ide n t involving no t o n ly a close frien d bu t a lso a fonn er G ra nd Nati on a l Cha m pion, Steve Ek lu n d. After readi ng,a bout th e arcide n t in Cycle N ews, th ere are so me question s le ft u nans we re d. Aft er co m me nts a bo u t th e co nd it io n o f th e track. wh y was the race even resta rted , especia lly gi ven the appa re nt se rio us ness o f Steve's injuries? Wh ere wa s the res pect for th is former cha m p? Wh at rid ers voted for or agai nst restart in g th e race? And wh y si x la ps ins tead o f five, since it was nearl y 8 p. m. a nd severa l rid ers were a lready being lapped ? If (Steve) Mor eh ead , (Ch ris) Ca rr a nd (T err y) p oovey a ll sta ted th e track wa s i n poo r co nd it ion a nd o bv io us ly deteriorati ng, why cont in ue? Si nce they are th e vetera ns o f th is span . by no w th ey shou ld know wh a t 's sa fe. At th at speed I feel th ere sho u ld he more meas ures tak en to ens u re th eir safety. In Mor eh ead 's own words, " I' m j us t a stupid rider. rhey'r« (the off icia ls) in telf igen t people . . . .. I h a ve lO wo nde r. Nick Nauisi Jr. Morgan Hill , CA /I is th e referee's resp on si bilit y 10 see that a race is com p leted if a l all po ssible. Th e majority of riders w ho were in vo lved uoted for th e restar t and all who were capable of doing so too k pari in the restarted pori ion of the race. T he riders lined up fo r the restart in th e po sitions the» held a l th e com plelion of the 19th lap because du e to the melee in turn four , four riders did not co me arou nd 10 th e li ne 10 receive the red flag . . . Edit or. Less so u n d, more ground The Nat io na l Recrea tio n Trai ls Act represents a trem en do us o pportu ni ty to expa nd OH V access 10 th is nati o n 's ~reat outdoors. A b ill like this wo u ld do much lO raise the stat us of d in b ike riding in America . It a lso rep resents lil t' possib ility of a bad ly needed shot in th e arm for th e mo torcycle ind us try hy increas ing dem an d for d in bikes. It co u ld st im u la te to urism. Imag in e t h.. a p p e-a l of see i ng th .. n atura l wo nde r a nd Iwa u ty o f America o n a d in bik e. via a nati on a l net wo rk of Irai ls, bui lt a nd prope rly ma intained with " fede rJ I" mone v. As I see it, th e m~i n th reat to th is p rog ra m is Ihe issue o f noi se po lluti on in the wilderness. For the ~ood of th e spon, America 's d irt bikers a nd the A:'vIA, a lo ng wi th th e hel p o f the motorcycle med ia , sho u ld dem and tha t a ll din bikes (MX incl uded) so ld in Am eri ca be qu iet. I' m no t ta lk ing a bo u t so me heav y, choked-dow n, ha lfth ro ttle toad, but lig htweig ht, hi g h performa n ce mach in es tha t a re q ui et (83 db)., In a n in dustry th at bristles wi th h igh tech , I don't th in k th at 's too much to ask. U nt il everyone is ridi ng qu iet offroad machines. we will be fig hting ali uphill baule to keep ridi ng a rea s open. Now's the time to show th e na tion th at d in bikers love the ou tdoors a nd are .very co ncerned with preserving its p ristine beauty a nd tranqu il ity. Daniel Douglas Smith \'orba Linda, CA Harassed in Baja Severa l weeks ago I read a bout a group of riders who whil e in Baja were ha ra ssed by Mexican Federa l Pol ice. T h is is n ot a n iso lat ed incident ! Our g ro u p, five riders a nd a cha se Grew , were stopped near Sa n Mat eo recently. U n like th e o the r gro u p, we had our pa perwo rk with us , To m y know ledge , yo u don 't need a visa to go to Sa n Fe lipe , but that 's j u st why we were h assled . We were held a t gu n po int (I' m ta lki ng machine gu ns in th e ha nds o f tee nagers) for severa l hou rs whil e th ey LOre a pa rt every stitc h we had o n look in g for drugs. T hey we re so ho stile tow ard us that we actua ll y feared for our lives! Fi na ll y. wh en th ey co u ld n 't find a ny thi ng, th ey tol d us to fo llow the m back to Sa n Feli pe, It was a lmost da rk by then a nd we tried to exp la in th at o ur bik es had no lig h ts. We finall y real ized tha t this was just a pl o y to ge t us to bribe th em to let us go. We eac h pai d 20 ( 100 tota l) to th e captai n, H e p rom pt ly put the money in h is pock et a nd to ld us we co u ld go. Wh en we arrived in En senada la ter th at ni gh t. th e lo ca l p o l ice just laughed a t o u r sto ry. We ll. th a t's it fo r this g uy. Baj a was a rid er 's pa radi se, Now it 's hell. I hope o ur experience w ill help to ed uca te o thers . Ron Finel y Fallbrook , CA Dear Doug Chandler: Co ng ra t u la t io ns on yo u r recen t Wo rld C ha mpion ship Superbike Ser ies wi n a t Bra in erd In ter n ati o n a l Racewa y. As a resu lt of yo ur effo rts, as well as tho se o f yo u r tea m ma tes SCali R u ssell a n d J ohn Ash mead , Kawasak i aga in has become a respec ted for ce in th e roa d racing world. Super tuner Rob Muzzy a nd Kawa saki USA a re to be co m me nded for their su p port of a nd co m mitment to Kawa sak i 's re tu rn to th e b ig leag ues. Let 's hope tha t the powers-tha t-be at Ka wa sa ki recogn ize yo ur effo rts a nd emba rk o n a fu ll-sca le return to th e World Cha m p io ns h ip C Ps. Ka wasa ki has a lways been the king of speed a nd h igh performance from the legen da ry Z·I to th e phen omen a l ZX- II. It is o n ly filli ng tha i these mot orcycle s become a do mi na n t fo rce o n ra ce tra ck s th roughout the wo rld. From a true Ka wasa ki romantic, co ngra tu la tio ns agai n. Lee Marconi Mountaintop, PA Letters to the editor sh o u ld be sent to: Voices, Cycle News, P.O. Box 498, Long Bea ch, CA 90801-0 498. Published letlers do not necessarily reflect the position of Cycle News, Inc. Letlers sh ou ld not exceed 200 words and all letlers are subject to editing.

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