Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CYCLE ACTION THEATER presents The Greatest Motorcycle Watch them over and over! (#152) 1990 AxtoaMX Nationals (#19) V.four Victory R the 850cc worksH ide onda Y ·'our on a 37· mile lap 01 the Isleof Man. "Awesome!" "Impressive!" Pour a cuppa lea and enjoythe 1983TT with Joey Dunlop fastest man on the . Island Circuit and the U lster, Ireland GP. 50 minutes by Hatmar Video (#153 ) 1990 Mt. MorrisMX Nationals (#20) Golde. Mountain 1961 Isle of Man IT race featu res Mike Hailwood on the 250 Honda andthe Manx Norton. and again in the 1963 Senior SO cc O IT. Shows howtne sportprogressed in just two years. 52 minutes by Halmar. IIaIDcnIss II1II s.peraess (#BOA) 1990 Japanese IR Grl'" Prix Rainey shows 'em his back in Japan; Schwantz recovers to finish third aher crashing behind Gardner. lawson starts season with crash. By Motovideo. .-.cassettes. 60 "" 90 miMes eacIL By MeloYideo. 1986 . . . .im s.perbowl Starring Rick Johnson and David Baileyin a race-long duel classic. 60 minutes by M otovideo. (#51) Bubba SIIobert: Cklmploa True life storyof one of Americ greatest a's racers. Rare photos. boyhood race films. By De spain Associates. 60 minutes. (~11) (#53) T..chest 1... 1 Eyor W.. Bubba Shobert wins for Honda, then tells you how. Thrilling 6·rider duel to a photo finish. 60 minutes byDespain. (~10) lidlJolIlsOll Pnlfile 01 a CIIa8IpioII 8yJohn Bradley Entertliomenl. 78 minutes all about your favorite "Bad Boy." 511""'" a..-e-- ~,U) 1990 West Gena.. II Gra" Texan Schwantzwalks away from field in first '90 GP win at N urgring Circuit. B urb y Motovideo. (#86) ..... _Craslt . . . . . 1 '1'he Music Videor All new MX crash & burn lootage lealuri g the latest, most outrageouus n over-the-edge mishaps ever set to the mu on sic vi eocassene. G entenainment lor all d reat ages! From Motovideo. 35 minutes. New load lacI.C leleaes (#85A) 1990 AestriaIo II Gr... Pril Tight action as Schwantz wins at Salzburgring by ~ second over R ainey, and Ca dalora leads 5 riders across line within same second. By Motovideo. From Motovideo. 60 minutes each a-xa. (#78) T1Ie Express Areview of the 1988 FIMWorldR R oad aciog ips 500tt Championsh - All 15 racesfrom Japanto Brazil in 60 minutes. Eddie lawson wins Number Onl. but Wayne G ardner. K evin Schwantz and Magee, W, yne Rainey and Randy Mamola made it hardto do. (#67) Best 01s.,orcr_ 1988 h's Motovideo's first hightight videocassene !nlm the '88 SX .. ason. See the greatest racing from 5 supercross seasons on this one 60 minute tape. R Johnso andJeff Ward in id n close combat lor Number One! Aspectacular molocross treasure. 60 minutes. (#94) .... 01• • 1989 AnewKing of the Isla Steve H nd. isloppushes the out·right record to over 121 average speed. sixtimes around the famous 37.7 mile course. See it yourself from all thl best locations and the air! 60 minutl s. (#79) .....I~ II GP Gardner homes in. Freddie Spencer returns. and all the faslest guys on the fastest bike in s the spon. 60 minutes. • (#671)5." u_ ..... '19 Follow Jeff Stanton onthe roadto glory throughout the 1989 AMA Sup ercross series. By Motovideo. (#95) Paris T. DaIlar 1989 For 21 days and 241 bikes. cars andtrucks raced and struggled to complete the formidable transcontinental "raid". See aU the highlights from the ground and the helicopter cameras in this toughest race of all. 60 minutes. Gra. (#10) J _ II Pril 60 minutes. All the action. Cheaper than tickets and no ships. (#76) worW 10 GruiI Prix I . . . . '89 60 minutes. (#81) Uailed Stales Grad Pril From laguna Seca. Glory forWayne, near tragedy. plusthe fantastic sidecars in action. (#77) 1989 Hap boNro From Motovideo. 60 minutes. (#98) ...... 7 Over 170 '1ncidents" - accidents including roadbikes. din bikes, rally cars and sports cars. Real timeand slow motioncommotion as even the best have their off moments. Fun to watch. 60 minutes. More Releases From Motovideo! TlIriIIs, s,l1" aDd (#9) us, Gra PrII 1988 .. Rell Grand Pri road racingforthe World x Championship revivesin America as Steady Eddie lawson and Fast Jimmy Filice beat the best at laguna Seca. See allthe action! "Bener than beingthereI" This is not the NBC version · 6 cameras, more racingaction 60 ! minutes. By Motovideo. You've seen the commertials • now buy the video .. . Great entertainment at parties 30 . minutes lrom Motovideo. .. (#151) 1990 S-_. . IO ........ (#99)H_8 Over 140 crashes captured on film and videotape. but no one gets hurt Some are ! stunts.someare not on purpose. but entenainingwithal. 60 minutes. (#47) T1Ie America. E1per;eace: test " West 1988 lake George R plus Americade R ally ockies, the Coloradorally in twotouring paradises. 90 minutes by D espain. (#48) AJnericade 1987 Sixty minu blowout priced. H tes. ilarious! From De spain Associates. (#49) Best of . . . . . . . Dave Despain "OreamTape." Great moments 's on 2 and 3 wheels from the weekly ESPN show "Molorweek Illustrated." 40 minu tes. (#104) 5tarels '89 The49th annual BlackHills Classic including dirt track. hillclimbs. dragracing and. of course. bikes & bib rs, incl ding Wi llie G. Davidson u and a classic Ma lcolm Forbes. 57 minutes from Progressive De sign. (#831) 1990 ltal~ II Cra'" Pril Team Yamaha Marlboro Robens dominates the day as Americans Rainey and K ocinski win at Misano. By Motovideo. (#65) IIolIIu _ .. NItiGB 1989 America's best motocross championstake on the wo rldin this special 60 minute showlrom Glildorf, WestGormany. Guess who wins! Classic MX actionon vide.. Catch it thro ugh C Action Theatre on Motovideo. yde (#150) 1990 WDrNclIIO (#44) ParhHOakar 1988 like the plot of a Burt R eynolds movie, but it really happened! Triumph and tragedy fro m Motovideo. 60 minu tes. (#821) 1990 SpaIi. . .1 Grand Pri, Gardner ends droughtwith win at Jerel in front of 170,000 people. Kocinski wins "best race I ever had bya whisker over Cadalora. B " y Motovideo. CrasIt " IIoIn The original by Motovideo. 30 minutes. u_ (#43) TT Tribute Featuring M the Bike Hailwood on the illike handling500 H onda·4 dicing with Giacomo Agostini onthe MY in the 1967 Isle of Man TT - Classicraci g at its best 69 minutes from n Motovideo. (#811) 1990 USCP Lap"" Seca R ainey races clear of crash-fest at Laguna. Tremendous banle with Schwantz unliltum 11 seals his late. Excellent 250cc class action with Kocinski, Roth & Zulenburg By . Motovideo. (#12) 1987 0110 Number One Best Selle' in 1988. You want one good videotape? This is it. c.=~.' ClassicRoad Race Favorites (#41) 8ike E,per;eace Race with Wayne Gardner as you crouch over the handlebars of • 200 mph G rand Pri Honda x in actual race conditions! Guaranteed to entertain everybody! 60 minutes. By Motovideo. (#14) ....rica. Cap CUlIewC. 1988 U versus the Worldon Ascot's halt-mile long .S. track. By RAZ (#22) s,eedw1lJ s,;J1. 100 drama crashes. ove' 100 laughs by tic RAZ. (#23) worW T_ ClIp 1988 Be speedway riders in the world on the st world's best track ILong Beach. CAl. 60 minutes by RAZ. (#24) Ice lacI.C Series 1988 Six nigh of speedway bikes on frozen ovals ts for the AMA Champion ship. Nearly 120 minutes. By RAZ. 1_ g;'5) us,lhip s,een1lJ Ibl'I Ispa All the races in the AMA event at O range County Fairgrounds plu interviews with riders s L ucero, Collins, E'molenko, at.a l, B RAZ. 60 y minutes. r~) SpeeftllJ Ice CUaapio""ps Taped with newequipment at the Budweiser Indoor Speedway Ice RacingChampionship in Tucson. AZ in January. this is a good look at the studded tire sport. From RAZ Video. ~) 1989 Callfwai. Sbte pi••llips,eedw., Asell·out crowd in Santa Barbara. CA saw it live. nawyou can enioy it too. from RAZ V ideo. (#13) lidiac . . . . . . - C.... Style! Six-time National MX Champ takesyou to his seerettracks andshows you how to master the art. 60 minutes. By Motovideo. (#54) Y-TwilI.a1ateuace 'Howto keep your E volution H artey humming and looking newand save hundreds of dollars. Joe Minto hosts. By Tech Tapes. n (#101) V-TIri. W1Ieel Laci.C Expen wheel lacerKennie Buchanan demonstrates the crah of wheel spoking. truing. runout correction. Covers American bikes completely. much adaptable to otherwire wheels. 67 minutes from rech Tapes. (#100) IleIl ,.....•• "lIelo.atieI" From John Bradley entertainment Rick's new 70 minute instructional tape comes complete with a pocket·sized handbook that the motocrosser can carry along and referto in the . field. RJ showsyou how to ride bener than you think you can. O rdernowfor imml diate delivery! r-----------------------------------------------------------------~ Order Form (Plea.. fill out Cllmpletelyj Diy. Description Amount Diy. Description Amount ~ 19 Name Address City 5tate _ _ Zip Phone ( o _ ) f =~ 0 Drder Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Esp, Dati _ Signlture Send Cbedl or Money Orde, poyable to: tlCLE IEWSPRODUCTS, P.O. 80s 498, Lo"lllloach. CA 90801·04981Allow 3-4 waeks delivery) All ofthese VHS tapesare available Iree ofshipping and handling chargas. from tlCLE IEWS PRODUCTS Mail to: CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801 -0498 or call (213) 427-7433 during business hours PI_ rusII fh foIlo.i.~ IajIes: Diy. Y ·Four Victory @ 54.95 Golden Mountain @ 54.95 ~ 2 2 Speedway Spills @ 29.95 #23 '88 World Team Cup @ 29.95 cing Series @ 39.95 #24 '88 Ice Ra ", Bike Experience @ 39.95 "3 TT Tribute @ 49.95 #44 '88 Paris·Dakar @ 49.95 ~45 '88 Speedway Nan C' hip @ 39.95 s "7 '88 Americade Ea & West @ 38.95 : st ~48 '8r Americade @ 28.95 "9 Best of MotolWlek @ 39.95 ~51 Bubba Shobert: Champion @ 38.95 ~53 Toughest Race I everWon @ 28.95 ~20 D .escript on i U.S. RR Grand Pri, '88 @ 49.95 ~ 1 0 '86 Anaheim M, @ 19.95 ~ 1 1 Rick Johnson Profile @ 39.95 ~ 1 2 '87 Superbowl M X@ 19.95 ~ 13 MX Glover Style @ 39.95 ~1 4 U vs World Speedway @ 19.95 .S. ~9 Amount ~5 4 ~55 Y ·Twin Maintenance @ 34 95 MX Crash & Bum Spect cula @ 19.95 a r #65 '89 MX DesNations. Germany @ 35.95 ~66 MX C rash & Bum II @ 39.95 ~67 8est of Supereross '88 @ 19.95 ~67A Supereross Review' 89 @ 33.95 '89 WorldMX GP Review @ 69.95 #77 '89 International 6·0ays Enduro @ 49.95 ~ 7 8 American Espress '88 RR R eview @ 49.95 ~7 9 '89 Austrailian RR GP @ 49.95 ~80 '89 Japanese RR GP @ 49.95 ~80A '90 Japanese RR G @ 33.95 P ~76 ~ 81 '89 U GP laguna Seca @ 49.95 .S. '90 USGP laguna Seca @ 33.95 #82A'90 Spanish RR GP @ 33.95 ~ 83A '90 hllian RR GP @ 33.95 ~ 8 4A '90 W. G ermln RR GP @ 33.95 #85A'90 Austrian RR GP @ 33.95 ~ 9 4 '89 Isle of Man @ 49.95 ~9 5 '89 Pl ris-Dlkor @ 49.95 ~98 ' Havoc ~7 @ 49.95 #99 Havoc #8 @ 49.95 ~ l D O Motivat on by Ridl Johnson @ 49.95 i ~ I Dl Y ·Twin Wheel Lacing @ 34.95 ~ I D 2 Sjleedway Ice Championships 1990 @ 29.95 ~ I D 3 '89 Califomia State C'Ship Speedway @ 29.95 ~ I D4 Sturgis '89 @ 27.95 ~8 1 A ~ I D 5 SUp'ere~ss Thrills, (g) 29.95 & Chill 90 s Spills. ~ 1 5 0 '90 Gatorback MX Nans @33.95 ~151 '90 Sacramento MX Nans @ 33.95 #152 '90 Axton MX Nan s @ 33.95 ~ 1 5 3 '90 M MOlTis MX Nan s @ 33.95 I. S.btollJ Cllifor.ia Resideat add 6'1,% Silos TI' (LA County M',% SII.. Ta,) SltitJpi.~ & HMdJi.~ Free T. ... ,------------------------------------------------------------------~

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