Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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NEW PRODUCTS Road~!!"1 NOW AVAILABLE! :U.A.C~ ISSUES Have you missed a copy of Motorcycle Road Racer Illustrated? Comp lete your collection I Order back issues of Motorcycle Road Racer Illustrated today for $4 .00 per iss ue or $3 .00 per iss ue when you order 5 cop ies or more . All magazines are shi pped first class.rn postage pa id in a flat ma nila envelope . We s hip out of t he cou ntry. too. Canada /Mexico: 1-4 cop ies . $5.00 pe r iss ue; 5 copies or more, $4 .00 pe r iss ue. All ot he r foreign countries : 1-4 cop ies . $8 .00 per iss ue; 5 cop ies or more. $7.00 per iss ue . All foreign prices include post age . Send check. money order or charge to your Visa or Mastert ard ($5.00 minimum order). D o i't 'today I Fill out th e coupon below comp letely and mail your order. along with your payment to : Answer 's A-4 g loves feature a pre-curved cu t to reduce hand fatigu e, sythet ic leather pa lm . coo ling Spandex fin ger g ussets a nd wider hook a nd loo p wr ist stra p. 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Issue 1-July 1988 INAU G ALISSUE UR SOLD OUT TMV frame guards from Wh ite Bros. protect the side of Kawasaki 's KX I25 a nd 250 peri meter fra me rai ls fro m boots a nd allo w the rider's leg to move mor e freely alo ng the frame. Available for both right a nd left sides for mos t late-mod el mot o cross machines. as well as the Kaw asak i KX lineup. Fo r mo re informa tion contact Wh it e Bro s.• Dept, CN . 1424 1 Co mm er ce n-. . Gard en G rove. CA 92643. 714/ 5549442. Vo lume II; Issue 3 -May 1989 · 1989 GP Travel G uide Volume I. Issue 2-September 1988 •R acing - International GP Update •R acing · National RR Road Atlanta ainay • Interview· Wayne R reatest Race" • Barry Sheene • :'My G y • Feature - Mone in Racing • Interview · Kev Schwan" in - " My Gr atest Race" • Eddie lawson e • Race Bike Test · World Champion 125cc Derbi Volume II. 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Issue 2 -March 1989 - Racing - 1988 AMA E ndurance Series Wrap-up • Interview· Sito Pons ace" - Randy Mamola - "My Greatest R re • Featu - Spencerl lawson switchteams · R Bike Tes · Pons Wo C ace t rld hampionship Honda P ingl e En terp rise has reintroduced their heavy-dut y rear mo tor mo unts for l Ia r ley - Da vidvo n Sportste rs a nd XR750s. Each mount is made of su per high ten sil e a lloy . is g usseted o n the top instead o f th e bottom a nd is reinfor ced in all a reas tha t tend to crack un der no rm al stress . Avail a ble fo r 77.00 from Pi ngel Enterprise. Dep t. CN. Ro ute 1 Box 423C. Adams. WI 53910, 608/339- 7999. Volume II. Issue 6 -November 1989 - Racing - Suzuka 8 ho ur - Racing - AMA Round -up • Interview - John Kocinski eoff D uke - "My Greatest Race" - G ------------------------------Road Racer BACK ISSUE ORDER FORM i/1 ".,f,." /t'4' (please print) Name ..:.... _ A ddr ess T he Acerbis Vision headlight is equ ipped wi th a ha loge n HSI bu lb a nd feat ures a retra ctable doo r that can be closed for ex tra protect io n when off-roadi ng or ope n when ligh t is requi red. Avai lable in a vari ety of co lor s for 79.95 at your local deal er. or co ntact Acerbis Plastica USA, Dept, CN. 10911-H Whea tlands Ave., Santee, CA 92071. 619/562- 1440. _ City Sta te Zip _ Phone ( Issues wanted (ind icate nu mber of each issue in appropr iate space) NJA J!LA... Vol u-Issue Val l -Issue 1 J uly 1988 1 Jan 1989 _ _ Valll ·l ssue 4 J uly 1989 _ _ Vol t-Issue 2 Sept 1988 _ _ v ct n-tesue 2 March 1989 _ _ _ Vol I· Issue 3 Nov 198 8 _ _ Vol II-Issue 3 M ay 1989 _ _ v ctu-lesue 6 Nov 1989 Tota l # of issues at $ each = $ _ v ctn-Iseue 5 Sept 1989 total Method of payment: o Check or Money Order / CreditCard# Charge my 0 Visa 0 M astercard Exp. Dat e _ Signature Send to Motorcyde Road Racer Illustrated Att n: Bac k Iss ue Department. P.O. Box 49B . long Beach. CA 90801·049 8 L 24 hour FAX Order Line (213) 427 ·6685 (Charge orders only) ------------------------------- .J .

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