Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Craig Estell e (5 1) leads the O pe n .Exp ert class a t th e New York St at e TT Champions hi ps a t Sq uare Dea l Raceway. R obert Weiss (10 ) too k the win. Roben Stock bol eshot Sturge ll. Pa u ley. C ary and Dia mo nd. On lap om-, Pau ley took ad van tage of th e ilh ide o f a tu rn as Sturgell W('1lI wide fo r P;IUIc.·y to ta ke o ver M"('Ond . T he next lap sa w SlU q~('1I recapture second a n d beg in to close th e ga p Oil Stock. th e lead er, Stock a n d Slur~dl rod e in u ni son as SUKk open ed th e rluouk- and p ulled aw a y. Again Sturgell pul led besid e Sux k to a ttem p t to pass but Swd.; outmot or ed him . Sturgell mad e numero us at tempts 10 pa ss. S U K·k a s Pauley moved in r lose-r to the Srock /Sturgel l baule. St ur gell fill .lll y passed Swc'k a nd p u lled o u t some \\'('~I dista lln .. T I)(' fina l la p sa w Stu rge ll rid in g co m lo rwh ly in first :I S Pa ul ey pressured Stock fo r st: n md . Pau ley wok th e inside of a turn as Stork swung wide, but Stock held o n to ""und. Pa u ley then p u lled beside Stock as tilt· pair bumped in a turn a nd Pau ley mo ved into second a nd SUKk dropped back . Sturge ll held o n for firM Iollowed b y Pauley, Adam Martin. Dia mon d and th en Stock . In moto Ill" of the 85("(" Mod ified (14-15) Brun rk was agai n the- leade r wi th no co mX"lilio n. Diamond rode [or seco nd as Sturgell inished th ird . Pa uley fourth a nd Stock fifth. MolO two was a repea t or motu one [or the win. as Brunrk d e-drly dominated. Diamond lauded another seco nd with Pa ul ey Laking third and Sturgell fourth. Aga in Bru nrk opted not to ride- in mo to thrt"t" rt"ti rin~ with a I· ) S( ·O Tt". Diam on d. aced mow three for th e win with Pa ul ey, Stoc k, \V( ~ l and Siurge ]] riling by next in lin t". ! I:!!', s r lri. I:.!· n : I. jo....UL;1 sU1'k (H Ull): 2. JU..hU'1 " IU""11 l Heln ): 1. Rr..d Ku..... (..cllIl: I. 81111 M e ... (\" ;IIII I: ;,. "r;llllt~ ·III I SUIIIlL. tUulI ). • - 12!' SO \ ' Mno: I . JI.hll \\'all.,,. , lI mll : 2. J;lIni l' M'ml' 1(; l ~ tl" I: :1 , lloln'l' 'r uflwr (Kol,,') : I. Chad Ru,· IUlIu !: :t. Tt.~ ="i'\. 11\.;' '''1. 'ol"u 2:.0 c: SO \ ' ST ),;,: I. Timnth ~ H.m " 1lL. I II" n ): 2. j "Il 'm~ K; ...h.Ull C ~ w!: 1. Rif'hanl "·;.U1 WI I\ ';ln,, : l. K."in K..I~~ ( Unn ): .fl, TIlII ~- O lvL.n C K..lw l. Ho; M()J) !J· 11; I. (; n-,: R,lIId 1)i,.;.,,·):2. M.11t M.n;. in, ~r l ·\'.ulI l; :1 Kri'lII WIOIII l:"on/) : I.j ;,.,n u MunL. t H' M.I): ;•. T ndd :\I .I ~ " . (SUI}. ti" S~I 'K ' ·11: I. HI' IlL. \f ·ILud.. C lwl: 2. ( ] u i.. ( AM., i.M 1 ";'; · .... IK..."· 1:3. S icIHII \\'l~ eK.I" 'I: I. jaL.,· Mun i.. t K..lw): 5. :\I;IIL. BmL.h.ut l lo:.a ,,'1. _ ... K sni. I I - I ~: I. j uh n KlIIlIfL. (Hml) : 2. R..hh i.· "\111I ", 11 "I l K.u.:l: 1. R' ;1Il P'lIIl,,, 1),;"olw): I. Rul.lIId Oi;lIIlrtS' a m an dass from stan In fini sh a nd wa s n e-ver ch a ll~n ged by seco nd · place fin isher Todd Hunte-r. \ Veiss found th e go ing tougher in th e Open Expert cla ss, in wh ich Craig Estell e g rabbovincing f~ls"h i on, huldmg o ff tht" a g~rf"Ssivt' a dva nct"S of funnel' :\'.Hiona l ChampIOn 51t"\"(" Lu cer o ~lI1 d ("\urel1l Nali ona l cha m p Bobby "Bc:)oga · Ino " S'T, WV.jUSE 16-li Baltimo re. Maryland 's Gl en n Szar~k picked up almost S300 in cash a nd fiv~ wins to dom inat ~ ,h ~ AMA/CCS·sanctioned road races a t Summil Po in t Ra cewa y, which saw th e beautifu l wea the r _d raw just u nder 500 en tries from over 100 racer s, In U n limi,ed Grand P rix. Szarek earned the S250 lin n' s share of th e $ 1000 purse with a ver y con vinci n g: wi r~·to·wire trium ph over fellow fast guy. Da vid Murra y. j eff Atwell . a n d St ev t"n H a rriso n . For a c h a n ge. lhe weather was a n asset as the hot le mperatures a nd scor ch ing su n he-d ied th e lra ck 10 provide the best tfa c,io n of the season. This helped Szar ek to turn the week end 's fast est la ps in ,he low to middle 1:23s. Ru mor ha> it that turns five and six will undergo repairs in lal e july; if so, Szarek would have to be th e favorite 10 es ta blis h a new mo tor cycle lap record. During Saturday's 50-mi le So lo GTO event. Su zuk i GSXR750-m oullled Szarek smo k

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