Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 07 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Contents of this Issue


Page 27 of 63

Harold Oorsey (W· R}: 4. David Lloyd (W-R);5 . Dan n y Koel sch (H· D); 6. Ro bert Knap p (H · D); 7. Bren t Armb ruster (W-R); ~ . tan Segedy (B · D): 9. Ro n Schr oeder (W-R); 10. An dy Sega lin i (H· D); I I. J ess Roeder (H· D); 12. Pa ul No rma ndi n (H· D). P-A: I. Phi l Pa lmer (Ho n); 2. Jeremy Lucy (H0 ): 3. Mike Butler (W-R): 1. Shaw n McNar y (lion ): 5. Oco rg ie Price (\V-R ); 6. Ch ris Moor e (W-R): 7. David Morgan (W-R); 8. Ed H idden (H- D); 9. j esu s Crawford (W-R); 10. Steve \ \tilson (W-R ); II. P

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