Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 06 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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aIN THE WIND B yPapaW ealey S h a wn M o r an defeated Bill y Hamill, Rick Mill er and Greg Hancock in a four-wa y runoff to win th e Ameri can Speed way Fin al at Long Beach , Ca l ifornia, June 2. The four rid ers will now head to th e Overs eas Final at Coventry, England, June 24, in th e hopes of qualifying for th e World Final at Fjeldst ed , Den mark, August 12. Moran 's brother, Kell y, tied with Ro n nie Correy for fifth place, with Correy winning th e runoff to ea rn th e reserve spo t. Richm ond, Virgin ia, was a board a n Ea ke n s-S po nse ller Raci n g H ond a RS750 a t th e Ma y 27 Sp ring field Mil e, co u rtesy o f Jon Cornwe ll , th e bik e's Ca na d ia n Cornwell co m pe ted in a Ca nad ia n Nat ional road race th e dav th e Ca mel Pro Seri es race was rununing in Ill in o is. Rogers fini shed l -lth in th e National. " R usty is a n ag gressive rid er, " sa id Mike S ponseller. " He's had a tough time gelling co mpetitive eq uip me n t. We're go ing to keep o ur eye o n him." Ro und four of th e AMA Nati onal Championship Enduro Series in Traverse City, Mic higan, June 3, saw defe ndi ng Natio na l Ch am p ion Rand y Hawkins (Suz) to p series poin ts leader Kevin Hines (KT M) by fou r po in ts, 16-21, for the overa ll victo ry. Fin ish in g th ird with 23 points was Jeff Russell (Yam ), wh ile Kurt H ou gh (Ka w) a nd J eff Fred ette (Kaw) ro u nded o ut the top five. H in es has a n II -poim lead in the series over Ha wk ins , 103-92, wh ile Allen G ravi tt (KT M), who fin ish ed sixth in Mich iga n, is third wi th 67 points, Ru ssell fourth with 65, a nd H ou gh fifth wi th 58. . R obert L. Forbe s , p resident o f Forbes FYI, vice pres ide nt of Forb es, Inc., and so n of the lat e Ma lcolm S. Forbes, will jo in entertai ner J ay Len o as a specia l guest a t the gra nd opening of th e Motorc ycle H eritage Mus eum in Westervi lle, O hio, o n . Aug ust 16. For bes has accepted a n in vita ti on to pa rtic i pat e in t h e mu seum openi ng both o n hi s ow n beha lf as a mot orcycle en th usias t and in memory of hi s fa the r, who before hi s u ntimely death had pl anned to a ttend. Forbes reports that a mo ng h is father's pe rso na l effects was a n itin erary he had co mp leted for th e visit to Westervill e, a nd th e you nge r Forbes wi ll foll o w th at itinerary in jo ining Leno a nd a n hon ored participant in the open ing ceremo n y. e R yan Young (Bet) won ro unds fo u r a nd five of the AMA Na tio na l Champ io ns hip O bserved T rial s Series at Fa rrra ndsvi lle, Pen nsylva n ia, May 26/ 28. O n Saturday, You ng too k th e wi n over Steve McNeal (Bet), Mark Cahill (Bet), Ron Commo (Bet) and Bria n Nagengast (Ap r). O n Monday, it was You ng over McNeal , Geoff Aaron (Ap r) , Co mmo a nd Ca hi ll. Series poit:lls leader going in to th e Pen nsylvarua ro u nds , Ma rk Manniko, did not co mpete du e to a spraine d foo t which he inj ured at the U.S. World Cha mpions hip ro u nd in Ari zona , Ap ril 22. T he fifth ro u nd o f the AMA Na tio na l Cha mpionship Cross Country Series at Brow ns vill e, Pen nsylvan ia , June 3, was won by eigh t-time Na tion al Cross Co untry Cha mpion Ed Lojak (Yarn). Gar y Roach (KT M) a nd Tim Shepha rd (Ya rn) fin ish ed sec o nd a nd th ird o vera ll. The Mid-Atlantic Road Racing Club (MAR RC) cond uc ted a raffl e a t th e recent WER A Na tional a t Su m m it Point Racewa y in West Virg inia w ith 75% of th e p roceeds going towards th e Gary Cow an fun d a nd 25% to the wi n ner. Cowa n is the Iri sh road racer who suffered paralyzing injuries a t Da ytona in March. Almost $800 was raised and a check for 600 was sent to th e fu nd . Dirt trac k racer Rusty Rogers of The h all m il e r a c e schedu led for Su nday, J une 17, at th e Logan Co u nty Fairgrou nds in B ellefontaine , Ohio, has cha nged location due to track u navai lab ility. According to promoter E.C. Cowart, th e race wi ll ta ke p lace o n the same date at the H a rt ford Indepe nd ent Fa irgrounds in Croton, Ohio. South Boston Speedway in So u th Boston , Virginia, wi ll host a paved ova l race on the facili ty's th ree-eighth m ile tra ck o n Ju ly 13. T he event has been dubbed th e Joe W eatherly M emorial Classic in hon or o f th e la te Virgi nia rider who won th ree G ra n d Nati ona l C ha mp io ns h ip even ts, one eac h in 1948, '49 a nd '50. Team Kaw asaki riders J eff Ward, J eff Matiasevich, Johnny O'Mara a nd Jeff Emig wi ll sign a u tograp hs o n free po sters for fa ns at Dub li n Kawasaki in Du bl in , Ca lifo rn ia , fro m 6:30 p. m , to 8:30 p.rn. o n J une 15. T he riders w ill be in th e Ba y Area to co m pe te in the Sa n Jose Supercro ss o n June 16. Team Yama ha riders Damon Brads h a w a nd Doug Dubach wi ll be at Yam aha o f Covina in Covi na , Ca lifo rnia, from 5 p.m. to 7 p. m. o n J une 22 to sign a utographs in co nju nc tion Roche wins, James second in MosRort D 2 ucat i's Ra ymond Roche had a perfect day in Mosport, Ca nada, o n June 3, win ning bo th . legs o f .ro u nd .five of the World Ch am pi on ship Superbike Seri es, The sensa tio n o f th e race, how ever, was AMA Superbike Nat ional Cha m pi on Ja mi e J am es (at righ t). The Ducat i-rno un ted Louisian an fin ished seco nd behind Roche in both races and also set a new lap record o n th e 25th la p of the seco nd race. Th ird p lace in th e first leg went to Ital y's Fabrizio P irovano (Ya m ) wit h England's Terry Rymer (Yam) a nd Worl d Ch amp ion Fred Merkel (Hon) rounding o ut th e top five fin ish ers. In th e second leg, Stephane Mertens (Hon) followed the two Duca tis to th e finish lin e a head o f Canad a 's Michel Mercier (Ya m) a nd P iro va no. Merkel , me31nwhile, co uld o nly manage a 10th-p lace fini sh. Roche's wi n g ives h im a 19~mt lead over Mer~el , 168-1'49, as the champ io ns hi p ventures to Brainerd, Min neso ta , for round SIX o n June 10. For co mp lete coverage of bo th North Ameri can ro unds see next week 's issue. Governor aRRoints 0HV commissioner L ee Ch auvet , dep uty director , OHV division o f th e Ca liforn ia Department o f Pa rks a nd Recrea tion , a n no u nced o n Frid ay, June I , th at Governor George Deukmejian ha s a p po in ted Dr. Lorin LUlZ to replace o usted Ed Waldheim as O HV Commissioner. Dr. Lutz is th e execu tive director o f the Soc iety for th e Conversation o f Bighorn Sh eep and is th e pr esid ent of the California Society for th e Care a nd Pro tection of Wild life. Chauvet al so announced that current O HV commisioners Gen e Chappie a nd Betty Morris were reappointed. Chappie is an Eldorado Co unty su pervisor, a nd co -author of the origina l Green Sticker legisla tion , while Morris was the wi fe of th e first p reside nt of th e Ca lifornia Association of Fou r-Whee l Drive Clubs, formed al most 30 years ago. Steve Kuehl , pres ident o f th e Ca liforn ia Off-Road Vehicle Associatio n (CO RVA), said, " While we are certa inly di sappointed a nd a ngered wit h th e go vernor's decision to not reappoint Ed (Wald hei m), we are pleased with Co m m issio ner .C ha p p ie's rea p pointment, Gen e's keen insigh t o n th e issues and his voting record in the pas t is a silver lin ing in a n o the rw ise dar k day fo r the OH V community." Kuehl also sai d th at CO RVA " looks forward to working wi th Dr. Lutz," who has been a "vocal op pone nt" o f th e Ca lifo rni a Desert Clo sure Act (S- I I - HR780). Wa Jdheim , meanwh ile, has jo in ed CO RVA's La nd Access Co m mi ttee, where he wi ll have ulti ma te respo nsibility for a ttendi ng a nd mon itoring Sta te o f Ca liforn ia OHV Commission pr oceedings. with th e Los An geles Supercross the fo llowing day. Team Obsolete will field bik es for Yvon Duhamel, Dave Roper a nd Pat Moroney in th e vintage road races run at Mosport in co nju nction with the Ca na dia n round of th e Worl d Champions hip Superbi ke Series o n June 2-3. Duha mel will be aboard the BSA Rocket III on which Dick Mann wo n th e 1971 Daytona 200, Rope r wi ll ride the AJS 7R o n wh ich he wo n the 350 a nd 500cc class races at Road Atla nta last month, a nd Moroney will ride the H a rley-Davidso n XR7 50 o n which he wo n th e 750cc cla ss a t Road Atlanta. Avo n T ires, Bell H elmets and Accessory Mart sponsor T eam Obsolete' s vintage' road racin g team . The Ju n e 23 AHRMA Eastern Regional Vintage MX Series ro u nd a t Southwick, Massachusetts, has been rescheduled to August 12. T ami Rice ca lled Pa pa to tell him a bo u t the Discover Women' s MX that wi ll ta ke pl ace a t so u the rn Califo rn ia' s Carlsbad Raceway on J une 10. " We 'll ha ve a ra ££le and a ll th e pro ceed s w i ll go to the J u ven i le Di abet es Foundat ion ," said R ice. " We'll be co nd uct ing MX racing for wo me n in co nju nction with the regul ar CMC raci ng that da y. An d we're also going to have fun !" Canadian d irt tracker Steve A seltine, win ner of th e 1989 Dayto na Short Track ro und of th e Ca mel Pro Series , is seeking a ride. " We're wa iting for o ne of t he new H arl ey-D a vidson motors," sa id Aseltin e' s m ana ger , Shawn Do re-Crant, " Bu t we're loo kin g for a ride for Steve , ho pefully one for the rest o f th e seaso n ." An yon e who wo u ld like to put Aselti ne back in the sadd le, should ca ll Dore-G ra nt a t 519/ 632-7802. Metzel er Motorc ycl e Ti re ha s an nou nced th a t it will be the event title sp o nsor of th e Metzeler WERA Grand National Final at R oad Atlanta in Braselto n, Georgia, O ctob er 31 to November 4. T he sponsorshi p is in add it io n to the S238,O O' Meu eler O co n tingency p rogram a lready in pl ace for WERA road racers, a nd is part o f Metzeler 's to tal " $600,000 +" 1990 Road Racin g Co ntingency Program. The program awa rds certifica tes redeem abl e to ward the p urchase of Metzeler tires. There are still a limited n u mber of Intermedia te a nd Expert class entries a vai la b le fo r t he June 28- J u ly I Mammoth Mountain Motocross i n Mamm o th L ak es , Ca l if ornia. Acco rdi ng to race d irecto r Debb ie Cha pman , th e J u nior classes are nearl y fu ll. Riders sho uld bri ng proof of ridi ng classification, either a valid raci ng licen se or current results, to Mammoth in orde r to prevent protests. According to Chapman, H igh Sierra Sports, promoters of the Mammoth MX , has received entries from Ca mel Supercross and 250cc National Ch am pion Jeff Stanton, 125cc Na tiona l cha mp Mike Kiedrowski, 250cc World C ha m p io n Jean-Michel Bayle, Ya ma ha's Doug Dubach and Ka wasa ki's Johnny O 'Mara. Multi-tim e Supercross a nd Na tional cham p Rick Johnson will a lso atte nd the Mammoth MX , but o n ly as a spec ta tor since he'll still be rehab ilita ti ng th e hand h e broke a t the Dayton a Supercross a nd th en re-bro J(e a t the Po ntiac Supercross. According to persona l manager Dave Stevenso n, J ohnson ho pes to ride a few laps d uring p ract ice for th e event, which is held du rin g the week prior to th e races. I Yamaha will be postin g $10,000 in contingencies for Yamaha riders in all classes .a t t he Ma mm o th MX. Yama ha riders fin ish ing firs t in their class are elig ible for $300 in YZ Bucks, redeemab le a t Yama ha dea lers , second p lace gets 200 a nd third 100 in YZ Bucks. Among th e festivi ties at the Mam mot h MX wi ll .be the 2nd Ann ua l moth Queen Conte st. Cas h and prizes will go to the wi n ner selected in a special co m petition on J une 29. Mam- Do yo u remember speedway racer Larry Shaw? Whether yo u do or not, you mi ght be in terested in the fac t tha t Shaw, w ho reti red fro m speedwa y ra cing in 1977 a nd is now a member o f northern Califo rnia ' s Trinity County Sheri ffs Depa rt men t, is promoting, along with th e Wea verville Lions Clu b, a Sportsma n Arena MX in Weavervill e, California, o n June 30. The event wi ll run in conj u nction with th e Weaverville4th o f July Cele bration wh ich is co nd uc ted fro m J une 30 thro ugh J u ly 4 and fea tu res, besides the MX , a rodeo , parade, dem ol ition derb y, fireworks a nd other entertainment. The MX will take place in the Lowden Park Rod eo Are na in th e heart of Weaverville, which is loca ted o n SR299 between Redding a nd Eur eka .

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