Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 05 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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v 01CES INSIDE Letters to the editor Same week vs, next week FEATURES SUPERCROSS Bayle masters the Meadowlands . MILE Parker OK at San Jose 6 10' MOTOCROSS Leisk wins French 500ccGP; Tragter tops Dutch 125cc GP .. . . 16,li HARE SCRAMBLES Summers Ilies at Flat To p DIRT TRACK Price, Scott stand out at Rolling Th under Sprint C'ships . ... 22 GRAND PRIX Roeseler dodges the bullet at Virginia City GP showdown .... .24 26 32 WANT ADS ;20 15 LOCAL EVENTS CALENDAR RIDING IMPRESSION Suzuki's barely street legal 1990 DR250, 350 &650SLs Ro bert West North Hollywood, CA So ma ny stories, so lillie tim e. There DEPARTMENTS WORKBENCH 18 Is th ere rea ll y a reason fo r Cycle N ews to hav e next week co vera ge o f the \VERA W ill o w Springs Formula USA ra ce in thei r o wn ba ck ya rd , and sa me week covera ge o f th e AM A Natio nal Championsh ip Road Atla nta race 2200 mi les away? Is Cycle News impa rtia l in th eir report ing? 38 RESULTS 38,39,50,51 ON THE FRONT P AGE: Harley-Davidson's Scott Parker (righ t) ended his winless drought in th e 1990 Grand National Championship Camel Pro Series with a victory at the San Jose Mile. See page 10. Photo by Mitch Friedman. (Bottoin) J ean-Mich el Bayle (m iddle of podium) captured hi s fourth Camel Supercross victor y of th e year at the Meadowlands in New J ersey. See page 6. Photo by Nat e Rauba. are lim itations on w hat we can p roduce foll ow in g a wee kend's slate of races and still m eet our Monday, 5 p .m. deadl ine. We bend over back wards to be impart ial, R obert, and jus t as was th e case for the F-USA m eet at Will ow Springs, scheduli ng of A MA N ational euen ts for n ext w eek coverage is com monp lace; i.e. the A MA National Ch am p ions hi p Har e . S cram b les , Enduro, Endurance R oad Ra ce, Cross Coun lry and 600 Dirt T rack Series all receive next w eek coverage. In ciden tall y, th e reporter w ho covered th e WER A W illo w Springs m eet on April 29 flew to Ph oenix that evening on another assignme n t. Finally, tha nks to today's jetliners th e entire nat ion is our " back yard." . .. Ed itor. St ickie issue Am erica's weekly motorcycle ne wspaper Volu me XXVII Michael Klin ger. Pu bl ish er Caroline Gendry, Ex ecutive Sc.. cretary to th e Pub lish er Editorial J ack Mangus. Associa t~ Pu blishert Ed itor Kit Palmer . Associate Editor Paul Carrut hers. A ssocia te Edi to r Na te Ra uba , Associate Editor Brian Ca tterso n , A ssociate Editor . Ken Fa ugh t. Assistan t Ed itor Edwina Mangus. Calen dar Editor Advertising T erry Prall , Na tional Accou nt s Manager Mark T ho me, Western Sales Ma na ger Ron David son . lVest eTll Sales M an ager T ho mas R Go mer , IVestern Sales Manager : Mark M itch ell, Eastern A ccou nts Manager G reg Mitchell , Eastern Sales Manager C u rt is Cam p bell , Eastern Sales Manager J oan Ru ssia n , lVestern Ad Coordi nato r Carla Borden Allen. Eastern Ad Coordinator Marketing &: Promotion Mark Th ome Accounting/Data Processing Do n na Brva n , A I R Coo rdinator Genev a Repass, Assistant Lisa Gill. Credit Graphics and Production Ree J ohnson, Productio n Su pe rvisor Mandy Loo, Productio n Ma nagn Dennis G reen e, La b. T ech. Stacey Guest. Grap hic A rtist J immie O ' Dell, G rap hi c A rtist Carolyn Branham. T yp eseu er Circu la t io n Rh eba Smith. Mana ger Sara h T ayl or, Assistan t Alm a An guiano , Assistant Her lan e Richmond, Assistant Ca ro l Maggi o , A ssistant Dealer Sales Wanl Ads Debbie Weller. Want Ad Sales Service and Support Ch ris Aitcheso n , Headq uarters R ecept ion ist Leonard Herring. Service and Support Nat ional Headquarters East ern Office 4 190 Fir st Ave., T uc ker . GA . 30084; maili ng address P.O . Box 805. Tucker. G A 30085-0ll05. (4(H) 934-7850. FAX (404) 934- ~ 112 Cycle News (USPS 141-340) is published weekly except the last two weeks of th e ca lendar year for $50.00 per year by Cycle News, Inc., 2201 Cherry Avenue. Long Beach. CA 90806. Seco nd cla ss postage paid at Long Beach. CA , an d add it io na l mail in g o ffices. POSTMASTER:Send addresschanges to Cycle l'iews, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498. To determin e the expiration date of you r su bscri p tion . check the four numbers o n the first line of your a ddress label. The fir st two digits indicate the las t issue n u mber you 'll receive and the last two characte rs indicate th e yea r of th e last issue. Sub scr iptio n ra tes: Ra tes fo r th e U ni ted States a nd its possessions fo r o ne year , (50 issues) . $50.00; two years (100 issues). $95.00; six months. (25 issues), $26.00; trial sub (15 issues), $19.00. Canada and Foreign. one year (50 issues). $90.00; two years (100 issues), $175.00; six months (25 issues), $45.00; trial sub (15 issues). $38.00. Cycle News welcom es un soli cit ed edi tor ia l materia l incl ud ing stor ies, ca rtoon s, p ho tos, etc. Suc h material , if published , becomes th e excl us ive property o f Cycl e New s. Suc h accep ted ma teri al is su bject to revision as is necessar y in th e so le d iscret io n of Cycl e News. Unso licit ed mat erial whi ch is not u sed will be retu rn ed if acco mpa nied by a self add ressed stam ped en velope. All u nsolici ted materi al will be h a ndled with reasonabl e ca re, h ow ever , Cycle News assu me s no responsib ili ty for th e safety, loss o r da mage to such materia l. Reprinting in wh ol e or part onl y by permission of th e publish er. Advert isin g rates a nd circu la tio n in forma tio n will be sen t upon request. See S.R.D.S. W/BD'A V n 4 Skip Ea ken ESP Raci ng Windham,OH P. S. H ey, Kenny! Can yo u get those .W ER A g uys to promote so me d in track ra ces? Doug Stokes Culver City , CA On the o ther han d After rea d ing th e letter from Mi ch ael A. Nowicki in the Ma y 23 issu e, I am co mpelle d to set th e record stra igh t regarding Mr. Nowicki 's receipt of the Ca lifornia Fun Packa ge at the January An aheim Supercross . First , Mr. Nowicki would have had plenty of o p p ortu n ity to thank the sponsors and p eople in vo lved had he a tte nded the forma l presentation of th e Fun Package sch eduled for Tuesday, March 12. H e declined. H e further declined to participate in any media cove ra ge a t the Legal R ights Defenders office, which h e felt wa s an inconvenience. Finall y, a ft er esta b lish in g a mutually acceptable date a n d resch eduling the formal presentation, Mr. Nowick i quietly picked up his T o yo ta tru ck from the d eal ership, th en informed u s in the most profane terms th at he had no intention o f a ttendin g this presentation, eithe r. Yes, th e season ski passes aw arded to Mr. Nowick i wer e a month old ; however , Mr. Nowicki received th em within a week o f m y receipt o f h is offi cial affidavit o f eligibility. Also, since he exp ressed a desire to use th e pas ses ri ght a way , I p erson all y arranged to get th em to him prior to the schedu led formal presentation. An d I per sonally co n tac ted th e Arro whead Hilton to req uest th e weekend gift certificate be extended to May l. Obvi ousl y, sp on sors enter i nto p romotional giveaway s in hopes of garnering posi tive expo sure. R ude, ungracious prize rec ip ien ts are th e bane o f o u r exis tence. Eric Reece, i\la nag er 2'lOI 0",.'1' Ave.. Long Beach. CA90806. P.O. Box498. Long Beach. CA 90801-0198 ( 2 1~) 427ยท 74 ~3; 213/636-8 844. FAX (2 1~ ) 427-6685 I just read th e a rt icle about Kenny Rob erts pulling o u t of AMA racing. I su p pose so m e people w ill say , " Why do it just because o f so me stickers?" But that's the whol e p oint. In a time wh en sponso rs are so difficult to find, Mr. (Ro n) Zimmerman has ch osen to ta ke this ironclad stand o n stickers. H e's told a sponsor, who has chosen to put se vera l hundred thou sand dollars into th e sport, to ta ke a h ik e, ra the r th an give in o n th e a ll im porta nt issu e of AMA sticke rs. Wh a t's next, R on? Little beanies with " AMA - L ove it or leav e it" pa tch es? co ndi tio n a n d physica l/m ental state (ready to get back to now it seems), I think tha t th e p eople at Lag un a Seca wh o decided to sto p th e G P to get a n a m bu la nce in , and the o nes w ho made the decisio n to transport Magee to San J ose (wh ere h e got into the ca re o f the very best sku ll tra u ma doctors only m inutes a fter he wa s hurt) deserv e a co m m en da tion fr om m otorcyclin g ra ther than a co n de m n a ti o n fro m peop le who were no t th er e o r who h ad so me so rt o f pe rso nal a xes to grin d. T ha n ks, Laguna Secal AUDITED CIRCULATION CopyrightS Cycle News, Inc. 1990. Trademark Cycle Sews registered U.S. Patem Office. A righlS reserved, ll We've been th ere T his letter is in response to th e ed i to r 's o p i n io n of a letter th at a p peared in the Ma y 2 issue. At every event th er e are front row sea ts, bu t th ere a re a lso ba cksta ge pas ses. I'm sure Bri an Catter son loves hi s U. S. Grand Prix t-shirt for $ 14, and Keith Code loves SCRA MP. But for $ 1400, m y wife an d I hate li es abo u t "cam p si tes" an d feeling lik e herded sheep a t Manufacturer 's Row. Maybe Brian or Keith never a ttended a ro ad race as a sp ecta to r. I'm no t knoc king the race. I' m just suggesting th at they p u t-on specta to r shoes before voicing thei r o pi n io ns. As th e o ld sa ying goes, " Mo ney talks, sp ecta tors walk." Ralp h Shee n New Cas tle, P A Yo u o bviousl y missed Calterson 's Edito r's Megaphon e in th e April 1I issue. H e rem inisced about h is [irst v isit t o Laguna S eca in 1986: " .. . having an absolute blasl cam ping, partying, bench racing and making new frie nds." . . . Editor. Commend, don't con dem n After reading the la test (grea t) news a bou t Kevin Magee's vastly improved Gary Hoffner Mo to rsp o rts R elations, Inc. Canyon Country, CA Blas t from the past Just a sho rt note co ncernin g the 20th T ra sk Moun ta in Two Da ys Reunio n : All is proceeding well , with close to 300 entrie s a t this poi nt, a n d q uite a number of th e 197 1 ri ders re turning. So far, th e follo wi ng 1971 en trants hav e entered th e 1990 eve nt: Dave Bergeson, Ca rl Berggren, Dick Burleso n , Ed Curran , Donald C utler , Frank Dia z, Fran k Forster , T elm er Kveven , Ed L anphi er . La rs La rr son, Da n e Leimbach , Mike Lewi s, Greg Lyda, T erry McD onald , Dave Mungenast, Orvi s Ol son . J a ck P en ton , J oh n Penton, Tom Penton, Kim Pro cto r, Bob Sch warz, Bill y Toman, J ay Tullis, L eon Wilbanks a n d Leroy Winters. Den n y Bershaw Secretary, Trask Mo untain M.C. McMinnville, O R Letters 10 the editor sho uld be -sent to: Voices, Cyck Neuis, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-04 98. P ublished letters do not necessarily reflect the positio n of Cycle News, Inc. Letters sho uld not exceed 200 words and all letters are subject to editing.

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