Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 05 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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an d Classic Motor cycle Show in Ventura, California. At present, the scu lp ture is on public displ ay at The Shop at 6541 Ventura Blvd. in Ventura. It will be insta lled in the foyer of the Motor cycle He ritage Museum in Westervill e, O hio, p rio r to the g rand opening of the museum on August 16. On a recent trip to the Swiss 500cc MX GP , five-tim e 500cc World Cha mpion R oge r D e Cos t e r secured commitments to compete in the August 2526 U.S . 500cc MX G P from Eric Geboers, J eff Leisk, David Thorpe , Kurt Nicoll a nd Billy L iles. T he official title of th e DeCoster-p ro moted event, whi ch will take p lace a t G len Helen OHV Park in San Bernardino , . Californ ia, is the 1 9 9 0 Mot ul 500c c U.S. GP of Motocros s presented b y H o n da, Yamaha and Suzuki. Activities p lanned in conju nct io n with the G P include a Mo to Expo feat uring mo torcycle and prod uct displays, a 125cc Su pport race, an d a n Invi tational Vin tage Iron race. The U.S. G P is the fina l rou nd of the 1990 World Championsh ip 500cc MX Series. Prep aratio ns are begi nn ing for Ame rica's defense of the Un ited Sta tes World Championship title a t the M o tocross d e s Nat ions and the AMA is selling o ffici a l U. S . Motocro s s de s Natio ns T-shirts to help cover the cost of send ing the three-ma n team to th e Sep tember 16 event in Vimmerb y, Sweden . Mad e of 50/50 cotton/polyester, th e full -color florescent shirts sell for $14 with all proceeds going to wards the Mot ocross des Nations fund. Phone orders can be charged to your VISA or MasterCard by calling T rish Mill er at 614/891-2425, or specify q uant ities and size and ma il remi tta nce to AMA Mo tocross des Na tions Team Support, P:O. Box 6114, 33 Co llegeview, Westerville, OH 43081. Road racer Dave S a d owski called Cycle News to tell us tha t I nterna tio nal Motorc ycle R a c e r s A sso ciati o n, I n c . , has officially been forme d. A dedicated ph one li ne is now open to give and receive in forma tion: 404/271-1453. The folks at the Unadilla Valley Sports Center (UVSC) have asked us to pass on the follo wing information regarding p r e s s credentials for th e U.S. 2 5 0 cc MX GP whi ch will take pla ce at their facilit y J u ly 14-15: Press credentials are ava ilable exclusively to professio na l jou rn al ists on assignment to the U .S. G P from accredited publications and broadcastin g groups. Freelance journal ists and pu blic relations personnel may be accommodated onl y if on assignment from one of these orga n izatio ns. Assignment letters must be received by the UVSC credent ia l office no later tha n J une 30. Address a ll in qui ries and corresponde n ce regarding credentials to: Fran k Gerace, Media Director, UVSC, P.O. Box 5119, Edmeston, NY 13355. A restored 193 8 Harley-Davidson, do nated by the jackpine Gypsies, will be auctioned a t the Sturgis Vintage and Classic Mo tor cycle Auction in Sturgis, South Dakota, on August 10. Proceeds from the sale will be donated to the Sturgis Motorcycle Mus eum wh ich will open in Ju ly. The auction will take pl ace at the Sturgis Fairgrounds i n co nj unc tio n wit h the AM R Na tional Indiana Co nvention. For a uc tion in fo rmatio n, co ntact ACS Internatio nal, 2277 West Hig hw ay 36, St. Paul, MN 55113, 6 12/633 -9655. The p ublic hear ing originally schedu led for May 15 by the Santa- Cruz Co unty Supervisors to disc uss a b a n o n off-hig h w a y m otorcycles in sections o f ' Santa Cruz County in Ca lifo rnia has been cha nged to J une -12. T he AMA urges 'co ncerned riders to make th eir views kn own o n the o HV ba n by a ttendi ng the hearing to be held at the Santa Cruz County Supervisors Cha mbers, 701 O cean Stree t, San ta Cruz, Cal ifornia, at 7:30 p .m.. In addition to attendi ng the hearing, the AMA encourages riders to write or call their district supervisors and exp ress opposi tio n to th e ban. Team Green riders "Just Say-_N---:-o'_'_ h ree o f Ka wa sak i's Team <:reen rid ers volu nteered their tim e to put on a motocross racing demonstration for 10,000 youngsters participating in the 5th Ann ua l "J ust Say No" anti-dr ug rally at th e Rose Bowl in Pasad ena , .Cal iforni a. The rall y, hosted by former first lady Na ncy Reagan , was organized by the Mickey Thompson Ente rtainment Group on T hursday, May 3, prior to the foll o win g Satur day night's Off-Road Championship T eam Green 's Ryan Hugh es (7), Mik e Craig G ran Prix. (43) and Jerem y McGrath (6) get hi gh on MX. The th ree riders were 21-year-o ld Mike Craig, po ints leader in the Mickey T ho m pso n 250cc Ultraeross Series, 18year-o ld J eremy McGrat h and 17-year- old Ryan Hugh es, all from Californ ia. Mike Craig £lew in from Toulouse, Fran ce, wh ere he had co m peted in an inte rnatio na l MX, to join the rally. " I' m hap py to have the o ppo rt un ity to do th is," Craig said. " It 's a cha nce to sho w th e kids wh at our sport is all ab out, and to gi ve the m the message that they don 't need drugs to have fu n." T firs t-turn crash a t the May 6 Axton 125/ 250cc Natio nal. " You can imagine h o w b ig It wa s la st wee k ," sa id Dub ach , w ho a lso d is loca ted hi s tail bo ne in the cras h. " I cou ld o nly wear swea tpa nts or th ose loo se, bri ght baggy pants. " Th e Holiday Inn Holidome in O klah o ma City wi ll be th e official headquarters of th e June 6-9 AMA Ama teur Champions h ip Supe rcross Finals tha t will be held at the O klahoma Sta te Fai rgrounds in conjunctio n wi th the June 9 Camel Su pereross Series ro und. For reservations, call 405/942-8511. . T he H ondas of Jean- Michel Bayle, Mi ke Kiedrow sk i and J eff Sta nton fea tured ultra-bri ght red fenders and gas tanks at th e May 19 Mead ow lands Supercross. Accordi ng to race team ma nager Dave Arn ol d , a J apanese Ho nda designer req ues ted the U.S . team use th e b right er pla stic so tha t the mach in es will be more visible on television. No t on ly does the Ca mel Su percross Series appear in the U.S . o n cable n etw ork ESP N, bu t a J ap anese sate llite network beams the races live to Japan. If you 're finding it difficult (im pos sible?) to fin d a ho tel roo m for th e J une 16-17 Loudon Clas sic a t the new New Hamps hi re Internati onal Speedway, try giv ing a call to TravelStar. T he Florida-based race-specia li zing travel age ncy has secured rooms at brand new hotels in Co nco rd an d Laconia. Call 800/541 -1223. The Suzuki M X t eam has been dubbed the Bad News Bears by team ma nager Ron H eben . According to team memb er Denny Step henson , the Mead owl and s 125cc Eas tern Regional ma in event winner, he and hi s teammates were given the name because they come fro m different parts of the co u n try , ma ki ng coordinating th e team more di fficult for He ben . Stephenso n was in charge of wa tchi ng the team masco t, a large stuffed teddy bear, in the Suzuki p its at th e Meado wlan ds. CORRECTION: Contrary to wh at has appeared in o ur calendar sectio n, the Miami , Florida, ro und of th e AMA Na tio na l Champio ns hip Road Race Ser ies and the Suzu ka, J ap an, round of the World Cha mpio nsh ip Endu rance Road Ra ce Series will not be held o n the same dates. The Miam i meet ta kes p lace Ju ly 21-22 , wh ile the Suzu ka 8-Hour is scheduled for July 29. Yamaha motoerosser Doug D ubac h bared his buttocks at the Meadowlands to show off a grapefruit-sized welt on his left side th a t remain ed from his BORN: Mor ga n Faye Bass, da ugh ter of dirt tra cker Kevin Bass an d his wife Laura, o n May 10 in Keslo, Oregon. CORRECTION: Champion Sidecars, not California Sid ecars as we had it in this sectio n last week, was recen tly form ed i n Huntin g ton Bea ch , Ca lifornia. HIRED: Randy Van Dyke and Woody Bramlett as West and East Coast racing services represen ta tives, respectively, of American Yoko Racewear. NAMED: T ed Wiab le's TAW Auto Imports o f Denver , Col o rado , as exclus ive importer of Ita lian-mad e diecast Techno magnesio wh eels. CORRECTION: Contrary to wh at was reported in last week 's coverage of the AMA/ CCS Endurance Cha llenge Road Race Series round fro m Road Atlan ta, Geor gia, Dutchman II 's win there was not the firs t without Dale Quarterley in the saddle. Dutchman II 's Donald J acks and T om Kipp won the fin al race of the 1989 series, a forg etta ble ra in -sho rte ned ' event at Flori da ' s Da yton a Internationa l Speedway. Quarterley elected to sit that race o u t rather than ride in th e rai n . CORRECTION: Fourth-pl ace finis h ers T eam Toome r Too fielded Gl en Barry and Danny Ro berts at Road Atlanta, not Barry and Ma rk Chin as we reported, and as was listed o n the official AMAlCCS entry list. CORRECTION: Brian Walker (Kaw) was ina dverte n tly left o u t of the results in our coverage of th e Ap ri l 28-29 O kla ho ma ISDE Qua lifier, April 2829. Walk er finishe d thi rd pl ace in the 125cc Letter Of Intent class . 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